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I lost my Dad to colon cancer in 1999. My Mom has breast cancer for the second time. She was breast cancer free for 12 years. She has had 6 radiation treatments, on IV Chemotherapy, and also taking tamoxifen. This has all happen in the last week. She has a positive outlook and hopes to go home by June. This web page has given me alot of information that I needed, thank-you. Please pray for her. Thanks I was looking around the web trying to find out more information on breast cancer. I am 27 and my mom was 30 years old when she had breast cancer and then on to a masectomy. Now i went yesterday for my mammogram that i had put off a few years and now i have a lump near my chest wall. So i am scared to death . they called my ob/gyn asap and he called me this morning and told me to see a suregon he was going to call. So now i am on for 5-8-00. I am going crazy. I am so scared i was just checking out your site and trying to get some more information. Thank you....... Dana Dana <cmdruss@aol.com> taylorsville , nc US - Friday, April 28, 2000 at 13:03:33 (EDT) I am 44 years old. I am scheduled for a mag view next week. My mammogram revealed a small cluster of calcifications in my left breast. All of the research indicates that the calcifications would only be benign if they were scattered throughout my breast. Can anyone confirm this? My breast surgeon says it might just be "pre-cancer". I've been researching DCIS. Need more info. My mother and her sister both died from breast cancer. My Aunt was only 41 when she was diagnosed. Three aunts on my Dad's side also have breast cancer. I am a participant in the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial and just stopped taking Tamoxifin about a year ago. This "cluster" was not present in my mammogram last year. If anyone can give me more info on pre-cancer I would appreciate it. My doctor says I have a 50/50 chance of it being malignant. Should I assume that this cluster is either non-invasive or invasive cancer? Or, is there still a chance that it is benign? Jackie G. <jagjry@aol.com> Media, PA USA - Friday, April 28, 2000 at 10:57:47 (EDT) Peggy Stahle - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 15:45:56 (EDT) Just diagnosed with DCIS, I have no female relative (mom, sister, aunt) who has not had breast cancer, and my mother died of ovarian cancer after 2 breast cancers. My sister is still alive after diagnosis and treatment for inflammatory breast cancer. I am doing bilateral masectomies with implant reconstruction. Life is more important than having a body part likely to kill me. Why isn't more research done on causes??? Sandra Lepper <slepper@evcc.ctc.edu> Bow, WA USA - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 10:54:44 (EDT) Audrey Goodrich <buck@bancom.net> Bancrotf , Ont. canada - Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 09:57:02 (EDT) I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BC IN JANUARY,2000 STAGE 1,DUCTAL CARCINOMIA, HAD LUMPECTOMY JAN. 31. ALL MARGINS CLEAR ALL LYMPHNODES CLEAR, JUST FINISHED 28 RADIATION TREATMENTS. WILL BE ON TAMOXIFIN FOR 5 YEARS, I WOULD LIKE FEED BACK ON TAMOXIFIN, WHAT TO EXPECT AND ETC. WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM ANY ONE . GOD BLESS ANY ONE GOING THROUGH THIS. LINDA HOGAN <LHogan@triad.rr.com> LEXINGTON, NC USA - Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 22:29:57 (EDT) Tomorrow I am taking my mom in for results of her biopsy done on Monday. After surgery, the surgeon came out & said he was quite certain it was cancer....I am here reading others stories....thanks for taking that time....it puts me a little bit at ease. I am here looking for information in helps of preparing myself for questions and to help my mom cope and deal with this. barb <barbmich34@aol.com> chesterfield, mi usa - Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 22:02:51 (EDT) I AM 40 YRS OLD AND WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER IN FEB OF 2000. THE TYPE OF CANCER I WAS DX WITH WAS MEDUALLRY.WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM SOMEOTHERS WITH WITH TYPE. OTHA ARAUJO-BRONER <ARAUJO@ICNT.NET> RIVERSIDE, CA - Wednesday, April 26, 2000 at 14:07:54 (EDT) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in March of this year. we are interested in a holistic approach. She is very scared of chemotherapy. If anyone could help us with this, please Email me. Thank you. traci <tlbh1@aol.com> ft worth, tx usa - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 23:27:58 (EDT) I am 19 years old, and recently discovered a tumor in my breast. I had it removed and the biopsy revealed that it was a fibroid adenoma tumour. It was benign, thank god, but I still am scared that I had a tumour. I have no family history, and am only an A or B cup. Your web site is full of comforting and informative facts on breast cancer. Kelly CA USA - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 21:53:26 (EDT) grandmother and mother have breast cancer, please say a prayer for them amy <amyjonorm@aol.com> columbia, sc - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 21:09:46 (EDT) Both my mother and grandmother were informed that they had breast cancer in Nov 99. Grandmother had lumpectomy and radiation and is doing well. Mother had cancer in both breast. She had double mastectomy on 4/17/00 and a hysterectomy this past Friday (precancerous cells). She was told that she also has cancer in the lymph nodes and was informed that radiation should take care of this. Please say a prayer for me and my family. amy <amyjonormbia@aol.com> columbia, sc - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 21:07:29 (EDT) Stacy - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 18:58:07 (EDT) Kathy - Tuesday, April 25, 2000 at 10:20:22 (EDT) Linda Hogan <LHogan@triad.rr.com> Lexington, NC USA - Monday, April 24, 2000 at 17:11:16 (EDT) I don't have breast cancer or anything but quite frankly the subject scares me. I only have one question does under wire bras cause it?? Heather - Sunday, April 23, 2000 at 11:39:25 (EDT) glad you have a website. Have a suspicious mass, no insurance. keeping an eye on it. I know I am luckier than some. keep up the good work you do for all and yourself! sandra <naturegirl_436@yahoo.com> - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 23:54:39 (EDT) I found out I had breast cancer in December and was operated on one week later -was 4 centimeters and one centermeter went out -am taking taxmixifin and am having reations - not bad but still reactions - nausea is the main one - is anyone else experiencing this - am seeing my oncologist for thefirst time next friday - - that's another question - how often does everyone see their oncologist for followups- i have not seen or heard from mine since he said he wanted me to to chemo and then taxmixifin. Really could use some help because I need to talk to him on Friday aboutthis. diane kolodziejski <chriskolodziejski@compuserve.com> farmington, ny usa - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 20:12:25 (EDT) I just want everyone to know that my mother had severe breast cancer. It was so bad that they removed all of her lymph nodes, went through chemo and radiation and she has fully recovered. She is in her third year of remission. I just want to tell all women who recieve breast cancer have a lot of faith and always have a positive outlook on life. The doctors tell my mom that she would have been worse, but her happiness and positive attitude helped her to become the healthiest woman ever. Please just have faith and my prayers are with everyone who recieves breast cancer. Ashley <aygriffi24@aol.com> Roswell, GA USA - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 19:10:32 (EDT) my mother found 3 lumps in her breast. we dont know for shur that it is breast cancer,but i need to know more about breast cancer.so i can be there to suport her.Please send me what information you can. thank you for your time trixie manning <trixie33@gvct..com> sattler, tx comal - Saturday, April 22, 2000 at 12:31:28 (EDT) Just found your site. It is nice to find others who are in my "club"...I was diagnosed Jan,1999..mast. in Feb, 99..found in 3 of 28 lymph nodes..8 chemos, 33 rad. treatments, Tamoxifin 5 years..so far so good.. Alyce Bagshaw <ahbagshaw@yahoo.com> NC USA - Friday, April 21, 2000 at 19:39:11 (EDT) Iam doing a report for college on breast cancer, my mother has it and I think it is so important to inform as many people as you can about this disease. I have learned so many new things by doing research for this paper to all of you who have Breast Cancer my prayers are with you. And to the Famlies going threw watching a loved one with cancer my heart goes out to you. I can honestly say I know what your going threw. God Bless Beverly <Dbevie@aol.com> Vernon, ct - Friday, April 21, 2000 at 17:20:52 (EDT) I do not have breast cancer myself, however my very good friend has just had a lumpectomy with gland removal. Her glands were clear, but she needs to go right back in and have more tissue removed. After that she will have the six weeks of radiation. Has anyone ever had to go right back in to surgery to have more tissue removed? If so please email me with your results. Also, I am interested in knowing if the Tamoxifin has helped. God Bless all of you survivors and also those of you who have lost a loved one to Breast Cancer. Laurie <Hvnishom4u@aol.com> Salem, OR USA - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 23:51:01 (EDT) I had a teacher that really touched my life a couple years ago in high school, and she died in Febuary of this year. Her name was, and for ever will be, the late, great, Jan Tinder. I was always love her for the incredible educator, and woman that she was. She will be missed. My heart goes out ot all of the families of the women who's lives' have been claimed by this terrible disease. God bless you all. Nathan Rivera <rivermannate@hotmail.com> Indianola, IA U. S. - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 21:15:41 (EDT) Eileen McClellan <EMC7229@aol.com> Boston, MA US - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 19:21:32 (EDT) Hi, I am a 34 year old women who had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy,last year. Thankfully to websides like yours and others I was quickly updated about various issues concerning breast cancer. I can highly recommend support groups which , at least for me, are a necessity to attend. However, to begin with I was a false negative and only my persistence to remove my lump (5mm) saved my live. Unfortunately , my doctor didn't share the same opinion, at the beginning. I would like to know whether other women perceived the same difficulties of getting heard. Wishing you all the best Christiane Christiane Zelenyanszki <ChrissyZelenyanszki@hotmail.com> London, Great Britain - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 20:07:56 (EDT) I would like to know more about tamoxifin as I see many others do too. I'm struggling as to whether or not to stay on it. I went on it 2 years after my lumpectomy and my diagnosis was excellent. I've only been on it about 18 months but I don't know if I really should be I am experiencing a lot of hair loss on top and other places. Can anyone give me any information about this drug that would ease my mind? I am also tired of going in for a yearly ultra-sound and sonogram to check for uterun cancer that the tamoxifin could cause. So why do we take this stuff? Vicki <llarsen1@uswest.net> scottsdale, Az U.S. - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 13:59:35 (EDT) I am 24 years old and a 3 year survivor of breast cancer. I had a malignant lump removed in April 1997 & I'm doing great thanks to all of the support and information from people/sites like yours. Thank you! Jennifer Whitfield <jwhitfie@clements.com> Davidsonville, MD USA - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 13:35:12 (EDT) Cindy Hurst Mishawaka, IN - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 17:16:52 (EDT) I am a sixteen year old girl who is studying for my G.C.S.E.s. For my assesment I have to produce and peform a play on Breast Cancer. Doing this has taught me how lucky I am, I worry about myself being lopsided when you have all suffered a lot worse. You all will think I know nothing about your situations but I do hope and pray for you and my friends mothers who suffer from this disease every day. Take care of you! Alice Smith <dont know it> london, england - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 14:43:56 (EDT) On week ago i had a partial mastectomy of my right breast. I have been home recouperating, and have been over whelmed by the cards, and out pouring of love and support i have received. Thank goodness for all the information i have found on the internet from sites like this. Janet Armstrong <cksaccja@ciaccess.com> Chatham, ON Canada - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 08:08:30 (EDT) I had the right breast removed approx. 3 weeks ago and now am experiencing alot of tenderness above the surgical area. Any hints on how to help it? It is very annoying since my clothes rub over the area. Thanks Irma E. Money <cussbox@aol.com> El Paso, Tx USA - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 22:35:28 (EDT) Irma E. Money <cussbox@aol.com> El Paso, Tx USA - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 22:32:12 (EDT) Doctors just discoved a "shadow" os my mamogram. Will have a biopsy this week.Thanks for existing a site like yours, there's not much information about breast cancer in my country. God bless all. carla coser <carla_coser@hotmail.com> vittoria, es brazil - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 18:20:22 (EDT) I was diagosed with breast cancer last year two weeks before my 40th birthday (God has a way of making our milestones feel insignificant). As the mother of two young boys, imagine the fear I felt of leaving them motherless. I lived through this experience because of excellent medical care, support of friends and family, prayer and old fashioned luck. Best experience of my life, although I wouldn't wish it on a soul. Lumpectomy, chemo, radiation, Tamoxifen, monthly shots of Zoladex. ..And I keep on living, day to day. Jan <casadecorona@airmail.net> Dallas, TX Dallas - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 00:41:40 (EDT) I am a senior at the high school and I am doing intensive research on the topic. I have constructed my own breast self examination and had a pretty good turn out. I am doing this project because I once had a lump in my right side breast. My mother also had pre-cancerous cells at one time. This topic has helped me greatly and I thank you all out there for your help. I had six speakers at my seminar and two were real actual breast cancer survivors. I have learned too much which is only good. I have so many pamphlets and shower breasts I will never forget my monthly chech up. Thanks you guys, Breena Breena M. Torres Alice, Tx U.S. - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 15:31:00 (EDT) Kay A.Leyman <kay@dsl.abel.co.uk> United Kingdom - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 11:04:43 (EDT) I found out I had breast cancer on my 34th birthday. What a present! I am a seven year survivor. I had a mastectomy and went through chemotherapy. Lately, I have been experiencing swelling in my upper arm. I am wondering if I can still get lymphedema. The thought of going throught this again is horrified. Thanks for listening. Patricia McGahee <pmcgahee@apserv2.k12.ar.us> Holly Grove, Ar USA - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 10:30:24 (EDT) breast ca survivor since dx of infiltrating ductal ca in 1982 at the age of 33. erica <gwgjails@chorus.net> cross plains, wi usa - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 21:04:51 (EDT) My mother who is 72, was recently diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer and is now recovering from a masectomy. The cancer apparently did not spread to the lymph nodes. Her doctor has told her to take Tamoxefin. She is interested in hearing what other people's experiences have been taking it. A. Addison <andra.addison@spl.org> Seattle, WA - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 21:04:47 (EDT) JUST FOUND YOUR WEB SITE. I HAVE HAD A LUMP IN MY RIGHT BREAST FOR A FEW YEARS. LAST YRAR I WAS SENT TO HAVE IT CHECKED. DR. JUST DRAINED IT AND SAID NOTHING TO WORRY ABOUT. NOW THIS YEAR I WAS SENT TO HAVE A ULTER SOUND. I HAVE AN APPOINTMENT NEXT WEEK TO SEE THE SAM DR. AND HAVE IT CHECKED AGAIN. EVERY ONE PLEASE PRAY THAT I AM OK. CAROLYN NORTHRUP <DIDDLE@HEMC.NET> CORNELIA, GA. USA - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 19:27:28 (EDT) carleme Riley <Driley4178@cs.com> oceanside, ca - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 19:42:28 (EDT) My sister died from breast cancer in 1977. It was in nine of ten lymph nodes. She was 33 years old. My mom was diagnosed today. She is 73. I want to find the lastest treatment. Sylvia L. Crippen <crippen@penn.com> Youngsville, Pa. USA - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 17:49:37 (EDT) Hi I am a 45 yr old, who in 1999 was told I had caner in the right breast. I had a section removed and underwent 6 wks. of radiation. It has been less than 7 months and another mammogram showed 3 more spots. Last Thurs. 3/27/00 I ended up having my entire right breast removed. There was 5cm found the 2nd time. It is non invasive and I'm doing fine. The kicker to all this is that my mother at age 64 had a massectomy because of invasive cancer and my aunt (her sister) at age 45 had the same as I do. They are both 5yrs clean. My point to all of this is that you have to talk with each other and support each other to get to the healing point. We have become very close and we're learning more about it and each other every day. To all who are undergoing any breastcancer stress now My prayers are with you. Thanks for listening, Pat Pat Taylor <patt453@aol.com> Lowell, Ma USA - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 19:42:16 (EDT) pamela lim singapore, singapore - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 03:04:15 (EDT) After watching my wife of 30 years endure a mastectomy, chemotherapy, bone scans etc a few years ago, thanks to your website I have a better insight of how it feels " from the other side ", and a greater understanding of her behaviour change during that time. As a loving husband, I was determined to be with her throughout, and give her all the support available. I am very pleased to say that as of this date, every subsequent test has come back with very positive results ! In closing, I would like to direct a comment towards the Husbands, Boyfriends, and Significant Others of the ladies stricken with this malady. Take the time to be with your partner during this period, and give all you have to making her comfortable. Consider it an investment in your future together. It will probably be the best thing you have ever done. Russ Smith <toolbox@idirect.com> Inglewood, Ont Canada - Tuesday, April 04, 2000 at 17:02:38 (EDT) I have not yet visited you site but hope to learn from it. My sister-in-law has breast cancer. She thought she was cured but now it is in her bones. I hope to learn more about it through your site. Julie <stressedeagle@aol.com> North Olmsted, OH USA - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 19:36:48 (EDT) I am only 17 years old and i am currently having being watched for my second BC scare. There is no history of it in my family, yet for some unfortunate reason i was forced to face the cruelty of life as a fourteen year old and again at 17. It is imperative that people know it affects more that women over forty and it is important to examine yourself at all ages. Age does not exclude you nor family history... please examine yourself regularly.!!! Pamela <pamela0713@hotmail.com> USA - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 17:53:10 (EDT) Lumpectomy Aug.1995-Neg lymph nodes 25 treatments of radiation. Tomoxifen since that time. Two benign lumps since that time. I am 60 years old. Visit oncologist q6months. Just found your sight today Great to be able to talk to others and not feel alone. Thanks! Marg Anderson <jranderson@gfpx.com> Elora, ON Canada - Monday, April 03, 2000 at 10:54:04 (EDT) I WAS WANTING TO KNOW HOW GET THIS AND HOW IS THIS DONE.BECAUSE I HAVE LIKE STUFF COMING OUTOF MY BREAST AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. COULD YOU PLEASE HELP ME SINCERLY SARAH ANGULO FORM SAN JOSE,CA SARAH ANGULO <SeXyTHiNg696579@aol.com> san jose, ca UNTIED STATES - Sunday, April 02, 2000 at 17:22:37 (EDT) Karen Windorff <windy2@newnorth.net> Rhinelander, WI US - Sunday, April 02, 2000 at 09:13:39 (EDT) I was diagnosed in Feb., had a lumpectomy, then last week I had a mastectomy when the cancer was discovered to be all through my breast and in all the lymph nodes. Cat scan and bone scans I had were clear except for a shadow on my liver. I had an ultra sound done for that which came back clear. Today I had another cat scan done to make sure my liver is clear. I'm still waiting for those results. Would like to be in touch with someone with similiar situation, which has been the scariest of my life. Thanks!! Pat Picarello <PPicarello@compuserve.com> Branchville, NJ US - Friday, March 31, 2000 at 22:27:34 (EST) In loving memory of my mother, Ide Daryl Israel Perlmutter, who died of premenopausal breast cancer on July 26, 1981. Eleanor Simpson <idedaryl@aol.com> St. Louis, MO USA - Friday, March 31, 2000 at 00:14:20 (EST) I have just found out that my mom has breast cancer and that she will be operated next month. I'm interested in knowing more about people who went through the same. Melanie <mdiaz@lcc.ca> Montreal, QC Canada - Thursday, March 30, 2000 at 16:54:50 (EST) Your site has helped me alot in my research on breast cancer. I haven't been diagnosed yet, but I have all the symptoms and is on my second biopsy in five months. Thanks alot. Bridget Todd-Butler <btodd@nab.com> Washington, DC - Thursday, March 30, 2000 at 12:02:01 (EST) My step-mom died of breast cancer last year and my mother has had it and it is just good to know there is a place you can go for help and advice. Alisa Blankenship <AlisaBlankenship@netscape.net> Adolphus, KY Allen - Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 23:04:52 (EST) does anyone have any suggestions of a site where i can get some information on water exercises for post surgerical recovery? mary <mtinberg@excite.com> appleton, wi usa - Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 17:25:29 (EST) Amy Brassfield <amy@foothill.net> Auburn, CA - Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 18:50:22 (EST) Have branched microcalcification. Waiting for biopsy results. eujeanne angus <eujeanneangus@excite.com> lima, oh usa - Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 21:52:17 (EST) In August I will be a 7 year survivor of breast cancer. I just finished taking Tamoxifen for 5 years. I was wondering if anyone has had any side effects after coming off? I seem to have more cyclical breast tenderness and pain and am wondering if the two are related. Thank You....Laura Laura <Laura523@juno.com> Amherst, Ma - Saturday, March 25, 2000 at 20:17:27 (EST) none JOETTA LAWSON <ettajoe66@yahoo,com> middlrtown, OH USA - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 21:24:49 (EST) Thank you for such a wonderful web site. It has truly helped me during my educational jouney through life. Continue to keep up the good working at helping others learn more and more about breast cancer. This site is well needed to help educate women in today's society. Carolyn Dorsey <carly_99_us@yahoo.com> Shaw, MS N. America - Thursday, March 23, 2000 at 20:40:45 (EST) carrie white <carrie_white@gstworld.net> laporte, tx usa - Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 17:33:26 (EST) I woul like to chat with others who hve had cancer of both breast. sheryl Daniels <mizpigy@webtv.net > alvadore, or - Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 14:13:40 (EST) I am hoping to find someone who has had the DIEP flap breast reconstruction. Any information would be greatly appreciated! I am a 7 year survivor and very thankful for the early detection. I was 46 and had been having yearly mammograms - that saved my life! I had a second mastecotmy (elective) in 1995 and saline implant reconstruction with very poor results. I am going to have to have those implants taken out and am considering the DIEP flap. This is a wonderful site - God bless us all! Patricia Vincent <ptvincent@gci.net> Kenai, AK USA - Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 21:55:36 (EST) As a 16yr breast Ca survivor I'm always interested in heking others. Helen Hanchey <Nurse 405> Nokomis, fl Sarasota - Sunday, March 19, 2000 at 19:15:23 (EST) I'm 37 y/o. I had a maternal aunt diagnosed with BC when she was 37. I've had two biopsies and recently found another lump. After a mammogram, the (general) surgeon said everything looked o.k. and that because I also have a family history of Fibrocystic Breast disease that I will probably just have to live with lumpy, bumpy breasts the rest of my life. I don't agree! Just two days ago my 41 y/o sister was diagnosed with (contained cells?) breast cancer. She has a million and three questions. Me too!! She demanded and made me promise to call my GYN on Monday. After looking around your site, I will. I'm sending her your site address as well. Thanks for being here for those of us who need educated about these issues that we felt "that will never happen to me". Jen McGough <m12308@netzero.net> Plain City, OH USA - Sunday, March 19, 2000 at 10:13:11 (EST) I had a stereotactic biopsy done in November 99 for calcifactions that appeared on a mammogram done 11/8/99. When I went for a re-check mammogram 3/8/00, the radiologist was concerned to find that all the calcification sites were still there, but fortunatley unchanged. He led me to believe that the biopsy was useless. The surgeon maintains that he took a sampling of the calcification, which showed no cancer and there is nothing to be concerned about. Of course, I do not want to have surgery, but I am wondering if I should have the calcifications removed entirely. Should I seek a second opinion? Can anyone give me the name of a breast specialist in the Syracuse NY area? Cynthia Sgroi <dogma53@dreamscape.com> Oneida, NY USA - Saturday, March 18, 2000 at 15:12:54 (EST) We have a very high breast cancer incidence in our family and we are told the genetic are definely positive not coincidental. I would like more information so I can inform my sisters and cousins. Mary Leinon <orchid_ML@hotmail.com> Gile, Wis. - Friday, March 17, 2000 at 11:46:04 (EST) I had my third mammogram last week. It really made my breast sore and they are still sore. Is this usual. Today my doctor called and said that they want to do another mammogram of my right breast. I as trying not to panic. carol <bromby@pathcom.com> palgrave, ont canada - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 21:50:13 (EST) my,daughter was just,told she needs to have here brest removed. this was a shock too all of use here in syracuse.she lives in florida.just one of here brest.id like to know what is invasive (infiltrating)ductal carcinoma ethel brown <alfredcp> syracuse, ny usa - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 18:27:54 (EST) Hi, Haven't looked at your web page yet but, will have a good look when I get back home. Was diagnosed in Oct/99 and am interested in info. Thanks. Ann Ann Cluney <cluneya@crrstv.net> Labrador City, NF CA - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 09:33:26 (EST) QUESTION : Iwas said to have breast in oct, 1999 i had sugery ,and was foud to have , one lempnodes out of 13 , i was given radition . now they said to have chemo, i have both breast, my faith build on jesus i know this is not what you all asked , i need some answer alene fife <saved@powernet.ORG> CENTRE, AL CHEROKEE - Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 01:32:31 (EST) |