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my mom has breast cancer which had spread to her bones.in pain often, countless chemo treatment 5years later, they have given her 6 months. my heart goes to all those who have cancer, their families, friends caregivers.God Bless You All! I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in February,'97 - I was 46 years old, I had had mammagrams for 12 years due to fibrocystic disease. I had had 3 biopsies - my first at age 21. I found the latest lump & knew it was cancerous. I opted for a modified radical mastectomy. One lymph node was affected so I had chemotherapy. In December of the same year, I had a simple mastectomy of the right breast, by choice, as I had alot of calcification in this breast also. At least now I don't have to sit around waiting for mammography results. I am totally happy with my decision. To top everything off, I was involved in a car accident 3 days after my first mastectomy. I had 10 breaks in my ribs on the same side as my surgery!!! I attended physiotherapy 4-5 days a week whilst going through my chemo. Luckily, I only had a fuzzy head after my treatments, & this cleared up after a good nights sleep. I returned to work which requires physical strength, a month after my second mastectomy. I continue to work out at the 'Y' 3-4 times a week, & swim once a week. I am going for a check-up next Monday. A friend of mine is also going through Breast Cancer at this time - & coping well. One has to be positive to get through it. By the way, I did not go for reconstruction, or wear a wig - I just wore a ball cap. May God Bless us all & keep us in his care. Valerie Barcroft <barcroft@ebtech.net> Bright's Grove, on Canada - Monday, November 08, 1999 at 21:15:50 (EST) Diagnosed on August 3rd 1999. Mastectomy on Sept3rd 1999. Currently taking chemo. Just finished my first cycle and have five more to go, so far feeling fairly good, except right after treatment. Maureen <mmcphee@sk.sympatico.ca> Ceylon, sk Canada - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 23:47:33 (EST) Need info on lymphedema treatments that have helped. Also tamoxifen and joint/muscle side effects--any advice on how this can be decreased would be appreciated also. Thank you and God Bless! A.Torres <anit@goodnet.com> Phoenix, AZ USA - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 12:03:45 (EST) Wendy Snowball <paulsnowball@snowballp.freeserve.co.uk> Durham - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 11:11:04 (EST) Your site has been very informative. Does anyone have any information on Inflamatory Breast Cancer. Also, can someone explain what metastatic Carcinoma is. I have a mass on my breast but the Dr.'s say don't worry about it, see you in 3 months. I am thinking about going back and demanding a biopsy, so I would appreciate any info. ahead of time. Joanne R. <pmzest@home.com> - Sunday, November 07, 1999 at 00:20:56 (EST) I finally found a terrifice site. If anyone has any information on Inflamatory Breast Cancer, I would really appreciate it. I was told I just had a breast infection and not to worry.....I would like to know what other people's symptoms were/are and what the next step is. Many thanks Joanne Rooke <pmzest@home.com> Mississauga, ON Canada - Saturday, November 06, 1999 at 20:33:13 (EST) Looking for information regarding Tamoxifen for women with history high risk for breast cancer (Mother). I am presently taking Premarin. connie kowat <abuelamimi@gtemail.net> San Antonio, TX United States - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 21:00:49 (EST) MY FRIEND WAS JUST DIAGNOSE WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA NSITU CANCER. PLEASE SEND ANY INFORMATION. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE FOR ANY INFORMATION SENT. HONEY <LSIBLEY@INTOP.NET> INVERNESS, MS UNITED STATES - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 20:15:53 (EST) MY FRIEND WAS JUST DIAGNOSE WITH DUCTAL CARCINOMA NSITU BREAST CANCER PLEASE SEND ANY INFORMATION IF POSSIBLE. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE. MARTHA MARTHA SIBLEY <LSIBLEY@INTOP.NET> INVERNESS, MMS UNITED STATES - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 20:06:39 (EST) Thank you for this web page. My dear friend was diagnosed last week with breast cancer and had a lumpectomy Tuesday. Her thirteen year-old son is doing his science project project on breast cancer and we are using your web site for part of his resource material. He is very frightened for his mom and the changes that may or may not occur in his life. Hopefully this project will reassure him in some way. Thank you! Connie Rodgers <cbrodgers@aol.com> San Rafael, CA USA - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 19:42:55 (EST) I am doing a research paper on breast cancer and the posters you have are wonderful and informative. It is nice to know that so many women are aware of the dangers of breast cancer. Amber Nichole Bullard <anbullar@uncg.edu> Burlington, NC USA - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 16:32:43 (EST) I just turned 33 and on Sept.3rd I had a double masectomy. I have tissue expanders in my chest right now and have another surgery in December for the implants. It has been very hard for my family. I have 4 children ages range from 11 to 2. My mom has had the hardest time dealing with it because she had a masectomy 10 years ago and I think she is reliving it through me. Im real lucky and do believe in the power of prayer. Also having a very supportive husband has made all the difference. Donna Carson <scottc@bayou.com> La USA - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 12:51:33 (EST) I would like to hear from anyone that is taking Tamoxifen. Would like to know if anyone is having the same side effects that I am having. God Bless all of us that have lived through this nightmare and are trying now to get back to our lives as we knew it before. Jacqueline Thompson <dmtjlt@mi-web.com> - Friday, November 05, 1999 at 12:49:57 (EST) God bless all who are suffering, lost their lives or knows someone with any type of cancer. Dana Hamilton <ham95@earthlink.net> Austin, TX - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 09:20:48 (EST) Elaine Grabner <rancho@Powwwer.net> - Thursday, November 04, 1999 at 01:10:14 (EST) Excellent site. Just diagnosed. November 2. have meeting with surgeon on Friday to decide type of surgery. Growth is 3 cm. & my option at this time is lumpectomy & radiotherapy Marie Greeniaus <dgreeniaus@escape.ca> Brandon, MB Canada - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 22:30:24 (EST) Just diagnosed today, plan lumpectomy and radiation. Vicki Bradshaw <vicki4ou@aol.com> Oklahoma City, OK Cleveland - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 22:01:47 (EST) Vi <rossman2@ott.net> Princeton, Ks USA - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 20:12:41 (EST) Louann Fitch <lfitch01@shepherd.wvnet.edu> Hedgesville, wv usa - Wednesday, November 03, 1999 at 14:40:03 (EST) I have taken Tamoxifen for 5 years as indicated in breast cancer and had relatively little side effects. If you are put on it and get depression ..treat it!!! This site is a good one. Anyone needing info about stem cell transplant..email me...jwheath@netusa1.net Jean Jean Heath <jwheath@netusa1.net> LaFontaine, IN USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 22:22:00 (EST) I ama fitter in Pendleton Oregon at St. Anthony Hospital. JUDI ROSS <SUAYCHI@ INNW.NET> pENDLETON, OR U.S.A. - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 22:04:57 (EST) Renee Romero <rnlmt86@aol.com> miami, fl - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 21:36:52 (EST) Thanks for a user friendly site. DX 5/99 Tx Surgery, Chemo (AC) Radiation and possibly Taxol for 6 mo. Anyone else with similar Treatment plan. What about Taxol? Any help would be appreicated. Suz <Suzaroz@aol.com> Chicago, IL US - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 21:14:41 (EST) I had to get information for a term paper about dieases and I picked breast cancer. Thank you for all your help. Tara Schmidt <Kuulgirl@aol.com> Eldridge, IA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 20:16:09 (EST) This is a really great web-site. My Grandmother and Aunt have passed away from Breat Cancer. I am 20yrs old and I am very worried about my mother having breast cancer. My mother has gone to the doctors and has has Mammograms and everything is o.k. (I hope it stays that way:). Be strong. My prayers are with you. Susanna Tejeda <stejeda@oanservices.com > Northridge , CA USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 19:36:49 (EST) I JUST NEED IMFORMATION ABOUT BREST CANCER BECAUSE ONE OF MY TEACHER HAVE IT MONICA LANDERVEEK ROCHESTER, NY MONROE - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 12:56:06 (EST) Two week before my daughter's wedding in 11/98, I found a lump in my left breast the size of a grape. I had a mammogram and sonogram two days after the wedding. The films showed nothing. I have very fibrous breasts & was told to return to my gen. MD. in 3 mos. I did & she sent me for more films. Tumor now the size of a walnut. It showed nothing. They said "keep an eye on it." My Gen. MD sent me to a breast surgeon who ordered yet another mammo/sono - nothing. Tumor now 5 x 8 cm. Before doing a biopsy, the surgeon ordered an MRI. Showed only calcifications. A biopsy was done, 4 slides from the breast & 2 lymph nodes. All 4 breast tissue slides were cancerous & one node. Diagnosis date: 6/28/99. I switched surgeons & started treatment early August, 4 rounds of chemo, surgery planned for 12/2/99, then 4 more chemo treatments, radiation, and tamoxifen for 5 yrs. I am having reconstructive surgery; TRAM flap, but am concerned about loss of abdominal strength. Have to decide between two surgeons - one uses one ab muscle, the other two. I have learned of a new procedure called the DIEP flap which uses the blood supply, fat, skin from the abdominal cavity but doesn't take the muscle. Does anyone out there have any advice for which way I should go. I live in Pittsburgh, and would have to travel to Baltimore or Long Island for the DIEP flap. I don't know how that works with HMO insurance. My attitude is really good most of the time but I am really stressing trying to decide on the reconstruction options. HELP if you can. Gail Herlinger <gjhhvh@netscape.net> Harmony, PA USA - Tuesday, November 02, 1999 at 04:55:34 (EST) Amy Leonard <amyred24@aol.com> culpeper, VA USA - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 19:16:31 (EST) I WOULD JUST LIKE TO SAY THNK YOU FOR OPPERATING THIS SITE BECAUSE IT HAS BEEN VERY USEFUL TO A DEAR FRIEND WHO IS SUFFERING FROM THE DISEASE. IT HAS ALSO BEEN A VERY BIG HELP FOR ME SINCE I HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO REPORT A SPEECH ON THE SUBJECT. THANKS AGAIN! SARAH OSLIN <TOMMYGIRL517@YAHOO.COM> CENTRAL POINT, OR USA - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 16:44:02 (EST) Has anyone out there experienced thinning and hair loss to the point of having a receeding hairline from the result of tomoxifen? It is very distressing and I don't know if it will grow back or if it is permanent.Also the scalp is so itchy I want to tear it apart with my scratching.Please email me if you have. Much appreciated. Dorothy Simons at dsimons@trebnet.com Dorothy Simons <dsimons@trebnet.com> Oakville, Ont Canada - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 14:08:43 (EST) I would like to be able to just type in the particular type of breast cancer (e.g., inflamatory breast cancer) and get an immediate response instead of having to go through many channels. Thanks! Barbara B. Ivey <bbi700@eastern.dss.state.va.us> Newport News, VA USA - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 12:31:03 (EST) This site is great! its given me a lot of info for a college GNVQ element! Thanks!! Sarah Gibbons <sara699999@aol.com> Taunton, Somerset Great Britain - Monday, November 01, 1999 at 07:46:39 (EST) I had an Insitu Carcinoma, of the right breast in 1993. I thank God everyday that i'm still doing fine. I go every six months for my check up. Dolly Tyler <ftyler@prodigy.net> Saugerties, ny usa - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 23:11:00 (EST) Thank you for all the hope and support that I have seen here. My mom was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in February '99. She had a masectomy of her left breast. Due to her concern and to ease her mind I had a mammogram done. I am 27 years old and thankfully everything was fine. My mom is 46 now and hopefully I will have her around for a very long time. She is my hero! I love you mom! Samantha Letoile <sletoile@sympatico.ca> Barrie, ON Canada - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 22:50:38 (EST) AGE 42 DX 6/99 LUMPECTOMY RADIATION cheryl crouse <sheryl1083@aol.com> shrewsbury, ma USA - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 19:59:08 (EST) I had a breast removed last year because of cancer. I am scheduled for a mammogram in three weeks and I am a little worried that I may have it again. Karen Sroka <karbear@localnet.com> Union Springs, N.Y. United States - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 18:14:10 (EST) I would appreciate any information you may have on Resoya. I believe it is a new medication for use in Breast cancer which is of hormonal derivation. This is my problem and I currently have a very high eostrogen count and am faced with the propect of the removal of my remaining ovary. Your help would be appreciated. Donna Pearson <jrmiller@powerup.com.au> Australia - Sunday, October 31, 1999 at 02:04:57 (EST) What a wonderful website! My grandmother died of ovarian cancer in 1975 at age 46. She had 3 daughters. 2 of them were diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer within the last 3 years. Neither had any node involvement, both had multiple, large, aggressive tumors and negative receptors. Both had double mastectomies and later received implants. My mother (one of the 2 daughters) was diagnosed in April of 1998 at age 39. She took half the recommended dose of chemo, believing that too much could do more harm than good. She is currently being seen for severe pain in her ovaries and thin stool which has grooves in it (apparently a sign of rectal cancer.) She is now 41. My aunt was diagnosed at age 41 and opted for herbal healing instead of chemo. Yesterday we learned that a very large tumor (approx 2" x 4") located directly behind her rib cage is malignant. Her cancer has metasticised, and we are terrified. The tumor is touching her heart and lung, but has not yet invaded these organs. Her oncologist says the tumor is inoperable because it has 'tentacles', and they could never get a 'clean margin'. Her only option now is radiation. Within the last 5 years, I have lost two cousins to breast cancer, one age 36 and the other roughly 40. I am 24 years old, and worried to death about my aunt, my mother, myself, and my two daughters. I would love to hear from anyone with a similar story or large family history of cancer in general. I am especially interested in stories that involve cancer that has metasticised. I wish all of you peace and hope. Paula <thezfam5@aol.com> ohio - Saturday, October 30, 1999 at 02:03:23 (EDT) Diagnosed with LCIS in Dec.'98. Bi-lateral mastectomy in March. Saline implants in then out due to infection. In again, out again. Waiting until '00 or '01 to try again. At age 52 my docs want me on hormones. Since I don't have breasts they wondered if I could be on prempro. Went to oncologist and I am now on 20 mg per day of tamoxifin. Is this the same dose used for BC? Also...would like to hear from women who have had problems with implant infections and how they solved them. My plastic surgeon is tops. I know many, many women who have had great results with him. Please contact me. Thank you. Polly Harbaugh <harbaupo@webster.edu> St. Louis, MO USA - Friday, October 29, 1999 at 17:30:11 (EDT) I had a double msstectomy at Mayo Clinic in Rochester,Minnesota in August of l998. Went there with all of my mammogram records for a second opinion on latest one that showed problems. Saw five doctors in a short time had surgery in two days. Took ouf 40 nodes and 1 was positive, did not find it at surgery time but later on in frozen sections. Had reconstruction surgery started two days after surgery with tissue expanders put in place. Had saline injections, 50-75cc for ten weeks. Was on three months of chemotherapy and lost all my hair. Tested positive for estrogen receptors and am on tamoxifen for five years. Do not have any real side effects, minimal hot flashes that are not really bothersome. Had deflation of tissue expanders in April of l999 and waited until fall to have final reconstruction surgery because I wanted to have daughter's wedding out of the way before procedure and that was plastic surgeon's wish, too. On Oct. llth I had final reconstruction at Mayo and had permanent saline implants and nipple construction. Nipples made from my chest tissue. Can't play golf for five weeks and can't lift anything heavy and must sleep on my back for five weeks. After that I can do anything I want. Return to Mayo in four months to have tatooing done around nipple to darken area to look natural. I am extremely pleased with my surgery and had no pain. Had a bottle of pain pills to take home and never needed to use them. I thank God for my wonderful family and breast surgeon and plastic surgeon and oncologist at Mayo Clinic. I feel wonderful. My hair grew back better than ever and people comment about how lovely it is. if they only knew how I got my pretty locks! It has been a long road to get where I am. Was told that it would take a while , but I was going to get put back together again, and they were right. There is help and a lot of hope out there. Get the best medical care and follow all instructions. I am proof that you can get thru this "ordeal" and get on with your life better than ever. Carol Carol <elaprade@niia.net> In - Friday, October 29, 1999 at 10:47:04 (EDT) i need info on breast cancer for a project kimberly horton <KHKimber> boiling springs, sc us - Friday, October 29, 1999 at 10:07:49 (EDT) My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1995. I am an adult student at Catawba College in Salisbury, NC and use breast cancer awareness as my topic for every report and class presentation I have to make. This allows me to keep up to date on all new treatments, theories, and research while sharing information with others. This web site has provided much useful information. Susan Brotherton <sbrother@conninc.com> Statesville, NC USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 19:50:52 (EDT) I am doing research on breast cancer for a 1/2 show I host in Seattle on PAX TV. I have visited tons of sites about cancer. By far, this site struck me as the most personal. I am moved by what you have done for those who are dealing with breast cancer. Erin Michael Seattle, WA USA - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 18:59:27 (EDT) I was diagnoised with breast cancer in 1994. My cancer was in my ducts. I had a mammagram done in July and at that time I only had a lump the size of a small grape. By the time we found a doctor we wanted to do the surgery the cancer had grown to 2/3 of my breast. This was in September. I had a very aggessive tumor. My surgeon said she had not seen so large a tumor before.She also removed a few lump nodes to be surre they were alright, and they were. We were told we had time to find a doctor we were comfortable with, but I do not think that the doctors knew the tumor was so agressive. The doctor done a mastectomy and followed with radiation. She thought I was cured. In 1998 of april I found another lump right up above the radiation sight. They removed it and it was the cancer again. It was also found in my spine in the bone marrow. I had radiation there and it reduced the size of the tumor. My pain was alot better there. They also done radiation where the lump was and done a estergone receptor positive test on the tumor and it was positive and I was put on tamoxefin the next month. I took it for about a year and 4 months and it seemed to be keeping it under control until this August. I was coughing and the doctor did not know why, she ordered a ct scan to be done and it showed a spot on my left lung or a collapsed lung, they are not sure. It also showed I have fluid around my heart in the sac around it. I have been seeing doctors since August. I when to a heart specialist and a lung specialist. I'm on medicine for the cough and inhalers and have alot of trouble breathing. The medicines help. I was taken off of the Tamoxefin and put on another harome therapy called Zalodex, every 28 days. For anyone taking tamoxfin I did not have any problems, just the side effects, like hot flashes and a little nausea. Please let me know if anyone is on Zalodex. Good luck to ya'll! The doctors think that all of these problems I'm having right now are caused by the cancer, But we have know positive answers. They have all decided to see if this medicine will decrease the fluid and help the lung because they donot want to do any other bioposies because of the risks involved. Thank for the info. Jackie Rodgers <jrodgersm@AOL .com> St. Francisville , LA United States - Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 10:56:14 (EDT) Gwen M.Holland <BooMack17@aol.com> - Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at 14:23:36 (EDT) hello everyone i would like to find anyone who has been on herceptin i have been on it for 10 months want to know how people are doing please email me at deedeeh@rcn.com thanks Dee Dee <deedeeh@rcn.com> marlborough, ct usa - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 23:52:13 (EDT) Hello Beautiful Ladies; I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April 1989. 16 Lymph nodes were invaded - had Surgery, Chemo and Radiation. In 1993, the breast cancer had mestastasized to the ovary - surgery. Have been on Tamoxifen for 4 years, then after '93 surgery, was on Magace, and now am on Cytadren. A year after my first surgery, I had an infection in my arm (side of mastectomy)and now have lymphodema in that arm. Also, that same year I started to have seizures of an obscure type - was on anti-seizure drug. In 1996 was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and at that time was told that I had had a 5% rate of survival due to the cancer. All I can say, dear ladies, is hang in there, trust in our Lord,and take one day at a time, and count our blessings. God be with each and every one of you. Sharon - a survivor of 10 years. Sharon Ogle <Mikkiana57@aol.com> Leaf River, IL USA - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 20:48:54 (EDT) i like your web page it helped me with my school project Greg Johnston <st. andrews> victoria, bc canada - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 14:37:55 (EDT) My mother had a large lump removed from her breast yesterday. We are expected the diagnosis to be cancer. I am looking for any info. on the subject, such as treatments, support groups alternative medicine. If anyone has any information please send my an email. Thank you. Amy Fouche` <fouche@hotmail.com> Wilmington, NC United States - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 11:56:21 (EDT) hi i am a 11th garder and am doing a term paper for chemistry. my grandmother also has breast cancer, so i thought i would find info. to understand what she went through. jessica - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 09:44:55 (EDT) I went for a mammogram two weeks ago. Got a call from the Doctor last night, apparently they found something. Have to go today and get the results. I admit I am a little scared inside. Never occurred to me that I would ever have to worry about breast cancer. It could be nothing, but still the call has me concerned. I will be glad when 3:45 pm today rolls around. I like to know, no matter what. Thanks for listening to me. Beverley McAleese <butler@mail.connection.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, October 26, 1999 at 08:58:47 (EDT) I have asked if anyone has been on a drug called Arimidex, that is the Canadian name for it. In the U.S. it is called Anastrozole.I am interested in knowing if anyone has used it and what were the results. My doctor has taken me off tamoxifen because of depression.Could this drug have worst side effects? Dorothy Simons <dsimons@trebnet.com> Oakville, OOnt Canada - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 23:04:35 (EDT) In November, 1998 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Had a lumpectomy and nodes removed from my right side in December. There were two nodes that were positive. Received 6 months CEF chemo treatments and then 7 weeks of radiation. Because I am hormone receptive positive, I'm now on Tamoxefin for the next five years. I find that being on Tamoxefin gives me a lot of joint/muscle pain. Would like to hear from anyone who has gone through the same diagnosis/treatment/symptoms. Monica Manteiga <monica.manteiga@fourseasons.com> Toronto, Ont Canada - Monday, October 25, 1999 at 22:42:49 (EDT) I am so glad I have found this website,and now I know I am not the only one suffering depression from tomoxifen. My oncologist is putting me on a new drug in a month called Arimidex. Has anyone been on this drug and if so what were the results.Please let me know God go with everyone. Dorothy Simons Dorothy Simons <dsimons@trebnet.com> Oakville , Ont Canada - Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 20:07:59 (EDT) My mother passed away 11 years ago of breast cancer, and I had a lump removed from my right breast three years ago, I am only 28. I am so tired of hearing that it is not necessary to get a mamogram until you are at least 40. I have a friend who is only 35 and has gone through three types of cancer in the last 2 years. She has just gone through the new cell treatments that they are still calling test treatments. Her cancer supposedly went away and is now back just after three months of these new treatments. Do you have any information on these cell treatments that I could read about? Thanks your site is wonderful for those dealing with cancer directly or indirectly. Nicole Nedbalek <mattnnic@magiclink.com> Twin Falls, ID USA - Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 15:40:53 (EDT) I think that if we all try hard to prevent and stop cancer in this world there would be a little less depresion and alot more crearyness. So donate money and all that you can. Colton Redding <CrRules08@aol.com> Richardson, TX USA - Sunday, October 24, 1999 at 13:32:10 (EDT) bwest - Saturday, October 23, 1999 at 19:32:12 (EDT) God Bless All Of You. Marlene Priske <harmar@escape.ca> Ashern, , MB Canada - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 22:29:04 (EDT) Joyce Shaw <js.wtt@wspan.com> Olney, il us - Friday, October 22, 1999 at 16:36:57 (EDT) I feel that your web site on breast cancer was very helpful and informative. LaToya Sample <lgt.mrs.woods.com> rowlett, tx us - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 12:19:50 (EDT) I enjoyed surfing your website. You give a lot of information and connect to many resources. I was diagnozed with breast cancer in July 1998 and am in remission now. God bless you for your excellent work. Judy Glass <juglass@hotmail.com> Montreal, oQqqu Canada - Thursday, October 21, 1999 at 11:39:12 (EDT) I'm praying for all of you,stay strong ,your WOMAN!! Rev.T Welsh <welshh@aol.com> phila, pa - Wednesday, October 20, 1999 at 12:24:37 (EDT) All info is necessary for healing and empowerment. Thanks joan <gjdarsa> syosset, ny usa - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 23:00:52 (EDT) My mother-in-law was diagnosed 2 weeks ago. She's 74 and feels she is too old for surgery and treatment -- that she's lived a good life. How can we convince her to try?? Sharon Lucus <slucus@fairfieldi.com> Lancaster, OH USA - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 14:36:20 (EDT) Thank you for operating this website. I go to the doctor's tomorrow for a six-month follow-up mammogram for calcifications. Have had 7 biopsies, have fibrocystic breast disease and more people in the family with cancer than without. The doctor is strongly recommending that I go on Tamoxifen as a preventative. If I have a bad mammogram tomorrow, I suppose it will be a mute point, but assuming I get lucky again, I will have to make the decision of whether or not to go on this powerful drug as a preventative. I would be grateful for any feedback from anyone on Tamoxifen as to the side effects. Thanks very much for any information you can offer, and God be with all of you. BSP Barbara Petranek <BaylaKavi@aol.com> Chappaqua, Ny U.S.A - Tuesday, October 19, 1999 at 12:16:56 (EDT) Naoma Floyd <naomaf@hotmail.com> Florence, SC USA - Monday, October 18, 1999 at 11:38:45 (EDT) |