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I was diagnosed with breast cancer in November of '95. It was discovered through a routine mammogram. I had a lumpectomy, 1 positive node, estrogen positive tumor about 3 centimeters. I had chemo, followed by radiation, and am now on tamoxifen. I never stop thinking about my cancer experience, but I believe that attitude is more than half of the battle. My sister died of breast cancer 10 years ago at the age of 40. I'll be 40 in 2 weeks. My mom died of ovarian cancer 25 years ago, her mother, breast cancer 30 years ago. I'm a "yearly" check person, however, scared to death. Just this Friday I think I have found a lump of some sort in the pit of my arm. I will call the doctor 1st thing Monday. Do lumps start there too? I remember my mother complained of having 1. This is too hard....I can't even touch myself for fear I'll find something... Terri Martinelli <Termarti@AOL.com> Dumfries, VA USA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 15:23:56 (EDT) Hello! I was taking a shower the other night and I found a lump the size of a pea in my right breast. I'm realy scared. I go to the doctors on monday. God Bless all of you for your strength and courage. Thank you Lori Lori <lori3191@yahoo.com> PA - Sunday, October 17, 1999 at 03:24:07 (EDT) Diagnosed with lobular invasive cancer in March of 99, had bilateral mastectomy without reconstruction, 14 nodes clean and chemo therapy and I am now on tamoxifen. Would like to hear from someone in same situation. Ann Gilbert <ronald.barkley@pei.sympatico.ca> Charlottetown, PE Canada - Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 19:13:09 (EDT) I was diagnosed with metastatic adenocarcinoma invasive ductal carcinoma of the breast.I had bilateral mastectomys done with 7 of the 31 lymph glads infected, classified with stage 3 cancer. I was entered into a study program and given large doses of chemo. 3 rounds of adramysin,3 rounds of taxol, 3 rounds of cytoxan over 4 months. I also had 7 weeks of radiation and then put on tomoxifin. I am a two year servior. May God continue to strenghen us all. Marlene D. <mdsdca@aol.com> Lake Elsinore, CA - Saturday, October 16, 1999 at 02:11:41 (EDT) Odette Langlois <pmcclang@total.net> Montreal, PQ Canada - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 16:07:43 (EDT) CAR'IN L SUGGS <jay2225@gateway.net> denver, co denver - Friday, October 15, 1999 at 12:15:32 (EDT) It's great to see such support! CamilleCrawford <pididdle16@hotmail.com> Marshfield, MA USA - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 16:05:59 (EDT) Dx 6/14/99 with 2.1 cm agressive invasive ductal CA, ER -, Her +. Had sentinal node biopsy and lumpectomy 7/16/99. Node neg. and clear margins. Also had a DCIS. Oncologist says radiation and tamoxifin will clear up the DCIS, but I worry. I have completed 4 A/C chemo and will start radiation in Nov. It is so scary! Jan Jones <Dancer 6760@aol.com> Pacific Jct., IA USA - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 14:09:39 (EDT) I was diagnosed about 15 years ago with fibrocystic breast disease and every time I find a new cyst I panic. There is a history of cancer in my family I had a son die of a medulla blastoma, my sister was diagnosed several months ago with lung cancer which has spread to her liver among other places and now has bone cancer, and the list goes on. Is there any correlation between FBD and breast cancer? Janie <2jburns@home.com> Brantford, On Canada - Thursday, October 14, 1999 at 10:08:22 (EDT) Does anyone know anything about bad mammograms? my friend is going for a needle procedure next week..and i am worried? debbi <dchesney@flash.net> san antonio, tx usa - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 21:11:23 (EDT) I am a 37 year old mother of two boys 4 and 8 who was recently diagnosed with DCIS and infultrating lobular carcinoma in my left breast. No node involvement , 6 rounds of CMF no radiation, tamoxifin for 5 years. I had a tram reconstruction with beautiful results. Would love to move on in my life and not lie sleepless with worry that I wont be here to raise my boys. Some days it barely occurs to me others it overwhelms me. I now worry about my increased risk for ovarian and other hormone related cancers. I will investigate those when the time comes. For now one more round of CMF alittle detail plastic surgery (wow a nipple) and then to try out tamoxifin. Would love to hear from others with similar experiences, familiar with tamox. and what to expect. Thanks for this forum to share and hear from others Tricia Upton <UPTON32S@prodigy.net> Groton, MA USA - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 21:09:49 (EDT) Diagnosed with bc 7/23/99. Had mastectomy 8/13/99. Started tamoxifen on 9/13/99. Suffering from depression. Has anyone had to deal with depression as a side affect of tamoxifen? Lisa Lawson <pdl1948@hotmail.com> Little Rock, AR USA - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 14:38:05 (EDT) My mother died of breast cancer five years ago. She had post-metapauseal cancer and found it five years before she died. She only admitted it three years after a lump was found, she could be alive if she didn't ignore it. Please don't be afraid to face it if you discover a lump, what is the famous saying "the only worse thing in finding breast cancer, is NOT finding it", or ignoring it. I miss my mother very much and check my breasts regularly as well as yearly physical's. Laura SD <judgeld@hotmail.com> Waterloo, on Canada - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 13:58:52 (EDT) Just saw an advertisement for your website and decided to check it out. I have two sisters and my daughter who breaths life into me. I cannot imagine not being here for them or myself. I have heard one in three women develop breast cancer. It is almost a case of which one of us will be chosen. Scary thought. Caring for all who suffer such a fate at the present time. Rita Calgary, AB Canada - Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at 12:04:43 (EDT) As a 4-year survivor, I just want to salute all the brave, courageous and positive-thinking women out there. I also want to thank all the wonderful husbands and families who have helped us through this frightening experience - without them we would find it even more difficult. God Bless! Sandy Thibodeau <micthibo@netrover.com> Brossard, QC Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 21:54:15 (EDT) I was diagnosed in October of 1997 and had the lump removed, then a partial mastectomy, then a full mastectomy because the margins weren't clean. In July of 1999 I had reconstructive surgery "Tram Flap". I would like more information on long term side effects of this surgery. I would also like to view the movie of this procedure - someone told me it is available but I don't know where. Reading comments from other survivors is a comforting yet highly emotional experience. Christel Schwientek <Christell@homd.com> Kelowna, BC Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 20:56:04 (EDT) Dawne Skoleski St. Adolphe, MB Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 20:25:57 (EDT) I am in need of information about the history of breast cancer detection for Girl Scouts. Please write if you can help. Beth <belam1@juno.com> - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 20:09:52 (EDT) You have a very interesting site, Thank-you for all the info. Andrea <Sleepingbeauty47@hotmail.com> Pitt Meadows, BC Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 18:15:03 (EDT) Jenna <jennabug85@hotmail.com> Union City, TN USA - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 18:10:45 (EDT) Karen Ann Smith, RN <kasmith1@home.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 17:27:34 (EDT) Molly ponath <mollyy1404@ao.com> st.cloud, mn usa - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 13:52:08 (EDT) Where can I find information on hyperplasia cells in the breast. Thank you for creating this website! Karen Hanna <krhanna@home.com> West Vancouver, BC Canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 11:33:55 (EDT) Your ideas are great. However, in the interests of providing a total picture of this disease, some material by the scientist, Dr. Samuel Epstein would round out your information. He has books to recommend, also,eg."So This Is Farming" on the subject of technologies in farming increasing our risk of breast cancer. Some material from Seventh Day Adventist Groups would be helpful, also. They have only 60% of the total cancer rate(at least the vegetarians) of the rest of us. mona <monalisa1940@hotmail> kingston, ont canada - Tuesday, October 12, 1999 at 07:00:29 (EDT) Chuck Thomas <crt@mtco.com> Pekin, il usa - Monday, October 11, 1999 at 20:15:55 (EDT) I would like to hear from anyone who has been on Tamoxifen for 5 years and is now considering whether to stay on it, try another drug, or take nothing. Charlotte Lynch <LynchChuck@aol.com> Andover, MA USA - Monday, October 11, 1999 at 13:01:40 (EDT) I was diagnosed with invasive Lobular Carcinoma in 1997, two years after my first mammography when they told me it was a benign cyst. A fine needle aspiration biopsy in 97 told me otherwise. A modified radical mastectomy in 1997, followed by a prophylactic mastectomy with immediate reconstruction in 1998. I am a two year survivor. God bless you all! Kirsti Ottem Langeland <kirstio@yahoo.com> Trondheim, Norway - Sunday, October 10, 1999 at 15:10:43 (EDT) My aunt was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 years ago. I am proud to say that she has had a full recovery. I visited this website because I am doing a report on my aunts battle with breast cancer.I think that this is an excellent website for women. Stacy <shortyq@bellsouth.net> Palm Beach, Fl. US - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 21:13:12 (EDT) I am 44 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb 99. In March I had a lumpectomy with 19 nodes removed. All were clear. After doing chemo with A/C & Taxol, I thought I was in the clear. I had just started radiation when I discovered another lump. The cancer kept growing while I was doing chemo. It has now spread to my lungs. Today I start chemo with Xeloda. Has anyone used this drug and if you have, what was your experience like? Pat <pallen@klondyke.net> Port Huron, MI USA - Saturday, October 09, 1999 at 05:59:41 (EDT) I was diagnosed with stage II on 6\19\99, my birthday. Vicki Sadler <vsadler@sault.com> sault Sau, MI usa - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 22:36:40 (EDT) Just looking for some info to help a friend who is in need of someone to help her to deal with all the emotional things that go with this disease. J. <burner@pacifier.com> camas, wa - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 18:41:40 (EDT) I'm in remission of Vulva Cancer.I'm having some other problems.Please add me to your guestbook. Debra West <dwestdlw@netscape.net> Nacogdoches, Tx USA - Friday, October 08, 1999 at 00:46:19 (EDT) My wife Penny diagnosed this week. HELP Pat Coy <patcot@aspects.net> Colchester, United Kingdom - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 20:07:39 (EDT) This website has been most helpful. I was diagnosed with breast cancer, Stage 1 in July. My first surgery was a simple duct removal. That biopsy turned up a malignant tumor. I went in fot a lumpectomy only to find out that I still had the cancer. Went in for a re-excision and this time it was a success. I meet with my oncologist next week. I am supposed to get radiation treatment. Can anyone share their experiences on this. Also, I might be put on tamoxifin, however, everything I have read about it, I do not like. Can anyone share their experiences on this also. Remember, attitude is everything and prayer is extremely powerful. Let God be your strength! Cele Ludig <cele.l.ludig@intel.com> Phoenix, AZ USA - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 10:34:21 (EDT) I found the lump in my breast early August of 1999. I thought nothing of it. I didn't even think of breast cancer. Just out of chance I had a doctors appt and ask her to do a breast exam. She must have known right away, because the next 3 weeks I had a mamogram/ultra sound, biospy and lumpectomy. I am 32 years old. I will be starting chemo treatment right around my 33rd birthday in November. The doctors say I need 6 months of chemo, followed by radiation. I want to tell women who find lumps, don't let it go, no matter how old you are. Time is not on your side if the lump is cancer. I thank GOD everyday (and my wonderful doctor) for saving my life, and yes even though I'm just starting treatments, I will be a survivor of this disease. Mary Koenig <mack2004@hotmail.com> Arnold,, MO Jefferson - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 10:28:22 (EDT) Im a 2 yr survivor. I was 34 when I was diagnosed. I was 1st told that what I felt was only a cyst and not to worry. About a yr later I returned to my doctor about the same lump only now it was getting painful. He told me again it was only a cyst but sent me to a surgeon for a second opinion. The sugreon said he thought it was a cyst too but sent me for a mamm and ultrasound. The ultrasound tech called the surgeon while I was still there then came and told me they wanted to do a biopsy. My surgeon called me a few days later and told me that the biopsy came back as cancer and I would have to have surgery, probably chemo and maybe rad. I had all 3 and am now a 2 yr survivor. Vee <veedub64@hotmail.com> BC Canada - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 02:23:46 (EDT) I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in May of 1997. That same week my sister who is 16 years younger than me was also diagnosed with cancer that has no known primary. I had a lumpectomy and a week later the Doctor call me to say they didn't get it all. I then had a masectomy of the left breast. No lymph node invovment so I did not have to have chemo or radiation. I do however take Tamoxifen. I have found that even though I didn't have the chemo or radiation I still have all the same feelings as those that do. I alway wonder if the doctors really know that they got all of the cancer. I can never be sure. I also am very lucky to have a very understanding husband. I don't think I could have made it without him. This a great site thanks for being here. RUTH MCKENZIE <dmck@mcn.net> WORDEN, MT USA - Thursday, October 07, 1999 at 01:50:45 (EDT) cernallion mojolk <jec\fennx@poll> toronto, on canada - Wednesday, October 06, 1999 at 17:42:27 (EDT) I saw an article in the Star of the past week and appreciate the information from there. I will be visiting your site frequently as I embark on this new and unexpected event in my life as I'll need all the information that I can get. Gail Pahwa <gpahwa@sympatico.ca> Toronto, Onon Canada - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 02:20:51 (EDT) I visit this site in loving memory of a very special relative. Your body died, but your love lives forever. Lisa - Tuesday, October 05, 1999 at 01:17:00 (EDT) Holly Snyder <Holly211@aol> dallas, tx USA - Monday, October 04, 1999 at 17:02:12 (EDT) Roger Williams - Monday, October 04, 1999 at 13:26:39 (EDT) I got a warm"fuzzy" feeling reading parts of your web site. Thank You. Debbie Alderton <debbiealderton@hotmail.com> Simi Valley, CA USA - Monday, October 04, 1999 at 03:09:15 (EDT) my mummy has bc im sad tanya <tanyasssre@hotmail.com> - Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 20:18:45 (EDT) I am the daughter, grandaugther and niece of breast cancer survivors. It is no wonder that even at the age of 21 I ponder having a mastectomy just to be on the safe side. I attend UNC-Chapel Hill and am the Vice-President of the Theta Pi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority,Incorporated. This Week (Oct4-8) we are sponsoring Breast Cancer Awareness Week. I am looking for information to include in our service projects educating the campus on this disease. My prayers are with you all. Tene A Osahar <tosahar@email.unc.edu> Chapel Hill, NC US - Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 14:19:16 (EDT) I am a 3 year survivor. In August, 1996 during a regular mammogram the radiologist saw a tiny "line". He siad it bore "watching" and another mommo in 6 month. But my Gyn was doing another procedure, so she said we should get a biopsy while I was there. Teh tiny line turned out to be 13 malignant intraductual tumors-3 different kinds of cancer-one comedo(sp? I've sinse had a massectomy and reconstruction. My tumors were small enough that this wasn't neccessary, but due to the number of tumors and the severity of the cancer, I chose to take the step to give me the best chance of recovery. Today I have a 100% cure. Jeanne Esmond <esmondj@aol.com> herndon, VA USA - Sunday, October 03, 1999 at 11:10:24 (EDT) I found my lump and did what I thought was the right thing. I had a clinical exam and was told it was nothing. One year later (4-16-98) I felt it again and went to my gynecologist. He agreed we should evaluate.. it. I was diagnosed with invasive,intraductal stage 2. Treatment= ultrasound,biopsy,lumpectomy,chemotherapy and radiation I have found it pays to be well informed. I am so thankful for the support group and family and friends that helped me. God help and strengthen anyone who has to go throught this. Vangie kennedy - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 19:43:19 (EDT) Stage 1-1986- Mascetomy; 1988-reconstruction. 1989 Masectomy-lump not cancer. Woke with IV in the 1st arm Cellulitis 10days later. Have had continuous infections since-9 in 98 and 5 so far this year. JUDY GIBSON <GIBSON1404@AOL.COM> VINTON, LA USA - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 19:12:13 (EDT) JUDY GIBSON - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 19:06:23 (EDT) Susan Fawcett - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 13:43:50 (EDT) R.C.Shah - Saturday, October 02, 1999 at 12:45:59 (EDT) I am looking for information on a cancer called Licoma, hopefully I am spelling it right. My mother was just diagnosed. Carolyn J Case <Analeut@aol.com> - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 22:28:40 (EDT) I'm a one year survivor. I consider myself one of the lucky ones. It had not spread anywhere. My only problem since I finished my radiation as been an ongoing problem with the breast that received radiation. It is still slightly swollen, a little pink and as my oncologist refers to, "orange peel skin". It also has a tendency to be rather hard. Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how have you coped? It generally doesn't bother me, but there are times .... Lynne <lmulherron@cds.ca> Toronto, Ontario Canada - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 14:51:19 (EDT) I am 41 years old and was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on 11/13/99, had a lumpectomy and 15 lymphnodes removed, clean, on 11/25/99. I went on to 9 treatments of (CMF) Chemotherapy, and 37 radiation treatments, and now am on Tamoxofin. It was a long 9 months, but I did it, my husband calls me his hero. We have to think positive and of what we have to live for, I have 2 children and plan to be around to see my grandchildren. Much Love and Prayers to all. Jo Ann Perry <jperry@hartz.com> Kearny, NJ US - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 09:32:31 (EDT) My Mom is going through chemo right now after having a biospy, breast conservation lumpectomy and then a radical mast. having 3 out of 19 lymph nodes positive. She has completed her first 4 chemo. treatment and will begin Taxol for her next 4 on Monday if she doesn't quit all together. Cathy <Cathy3925> L.V., NV USA - Friday, October 01, 1999 at 02:52:09 (EDT) I had extended lumpectomy w/removal of 11 lymph nodes Aug.12,1999.Have had "PJ"drainage tube in since that time.Still draining up to 90ML per 24 hour period.My doctor will not start radiation until this drainage stops.Has anyone else had a PJ tube & it still draining for 7 weeks(today)? Please let me know as I am getting a little bit uneasy about this. I have excellent doctors, but still am confused as to why drainage lasting so long. God Bless all of you. Will keep you in my prayers. Barbara Adams <twa36bja@cs.com> lakeland, fl USA - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 19:59:07 (EDT) I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer when I was 29 years old. I am now 34. I find it very difficult to find women of my age to talk to. I am currently looking for someone to come and be a "Guest Speaker" on Breast Cancer Awareness. That is how I came to this site today. <Pumpins714@aol.com> - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 15:04:25 (EDT) Barb McCaffrey - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 14:38:37 (EDT) I work for Biotherapies Inc. where I have had the honor to work with and for many amazing women who are fighting Stage IV breast cancer. Currently, Biotherapies Inc. is conducting Phase I/II Clinical Trials at MD Anderson in Houston, Texas. There are spaces open in this trial for Stage IV breast cancer patients interested in a non-toxic therapy. The name of the therapy is Mammastatin. If you would like further information, please contact me. Monica Jiddou <mjiddou@biotherapiesinc.com> Ann Arbor, MI USA - Thursday, September 30, 1999 at 11:31:13 (EDT) At 28 years old, I am a three year breast cancer survivor. I visited your site while researching statistics for a presentation that I am giving to my sorority at my alma mater in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Breast cancer can, and does, occur in younger women. Knowledge is power and I hope my story serves as a wake up call to those women who think it simply won't happen to them. Thank you for a wonderful site. Tracey Adams <taglc@aol.com> Burlington, KY USA - Wednesday, September 29, 1999 at 00:49:10 (EDT) I am a 5 year survivor of breast cancer. I had a mastectomy and reconstruction surgery. I also had chemo and have been on tamoxifen for 4 years plus. Barbara Helms <babs67@hotmail.com> Whitmore, CA USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 19:41:07 (EDT) I was diagnosised with breast cancer on Sept 16 1996. I had my left breast removed. Had a six month rround of chemo. January 99 was diagnoised with reacurrence in my liver and my spine. I am currently on Tamoxifen once a week. I had taken Taxitere but it made me deathly ill. The Tamoxifen has shrank the tumors but it slow going. The last report in August showed no change from May and I am really scared about it not working any more. Is anyone else on their 9 month treatment. May God bless everyone who is going through this and make you well soon. . Pam <pambe@takeavacation.com > Lubboci, Tx USA - Tuesday, September 28, 1999 at 12:28:22 (EDT) 9/23 lumpectomy, 11/20bilateral mastectomy, followed by reconstruction with expanders. 4 round A/c, 4 rounds of taxol. In addition, I had 10 rounds of neupegen therapy. 8/20 silicone implants, 11/10 I will have nipple reconstruciton. Presently, on tamoxifen. I have flu like discomfort, as well as upper back tightenss, achiness, and pain. Can anyone identify with these symptoms. Thanks God Bless Kathy Kathy Gleason <g3Chris@home.com> Columbia, MD U.S. - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 21:27:29 (EDT) I CAME TO THIS SITE LOOKING FOR INFORMATION ON A COLLEGE REPORT. MY GRANDMA DIED OF BREAST CANCER IN '91 THAT IS WHY I CHOSE TO WRITE ABOUT IT. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU!! JENNY BANKS <starbright56@hotmail.com> LAFAYETTE, IN USA - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 21:17:59 (EDT) I was diagnosed on Sept. 8, 1999. The tumor was very tiny with clear margins. On Sept. 30, I am having a wide resection with lymph nodes removed. My oncologist feels that if the lymph nodes are clear, I will only need six weeks of radiation and 5 years of Tamoxofen. I am very apprehensive about this drug and possible side-effects. Karen Gregory <kgluv4@aol.com> Bethpage, NY USA - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 21:00:40 (EDT) It good idea many woman make this test. Grecia Hernandez New York, NY USA - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 18:27:03 (EDT) My mother had breast cancer twice while I was growing up. And now that I am an adult It scares me to think that I might have to go through what she did. She is a strong lady and one heck of a survivor. If I ever do have a lump I hope I can have the courage she has and live my life as full as she has. Thank you for your information it helps to know that people support the fight against this disease. And MOM if you are reading this I love you and you are the most couragious person I know, I will always look up to you for your strength. Cathy <josephwelsh@msn.comm> - Monday, September 27, 1999 at 18:12:55 (EDT) |