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My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer a couple of years ago and had a mastectomy. She is doing well now and has been on tamoxifin for two years. A few of her teeth have been turning black. Could this be a result of the tamoxifin? I am writing a term paper for my masters level class and found you web site to be very helpfull. Thanks for getting the word out. Andrea Brown <awdavi01@yahoo.com> Lexington, KY USA - Saturday, November 17, 2001 at 14:44:40 (EST) Rosalie Hartman <rose7633@aol.com> Pasadena, MD USA - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 13:44:53 (EST) Have learned some amazing facts. Great site keep up the good work Verna Parkin <d.v.parkin@sympatico.ca> Kanata, on Can - Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 22:45:07 (EST) My sister-in-law just found out she has stage 4 cancer.Please have her in your paryers. Thank you Kim Krouse <krousemkrouse@aol.com> Tampa, fl hillsobrough - Tuesday, November 13, 2001 at 08:14:26 (EST) Can someone please describe their side effects from taking Tamoxfen???? Have to make a decision. Linda <mlcollins@bdo.com> Hampton, GA - Monday, November 12, 2001 at 09:00:32 (EST) i am a mother of a daugther that i just found out that she have breast canser in it third stade ,and I would like any suport and infotmation that i can get please write me back. Sheila Leslie <ssybil1225@aol.com> Indianapolis, In Marion - Saturday, November 10, 2001 at 12:38:20 (EST) I have a lump in my right breast.... had a mammogram and ultrasound, and two consultants have tried to aspirate the "cyst". (Trust me to be awkward.) They no longer believe this is a cyst but cytology testing not yet convincing either way. I hope I have the courage and dignity to deal with this in the way I have seen from others. I have two daughters who lost their Dad when they were 15 and 12 as a result of cancer. They are 20 and 23 now.I am determined to be around for them for a long, long time. Maybe I am fine and will simply have a benign lump taken away. Maybe not. God bless you all and may He give us all strength and a positive will to deal with all that we may be faced with. Christine Hines <chrissie@chrissiem.demon.co.uk> Manchester, UK - Friday, November 09, 2001 at 19:38:57 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last year. She had a radical mastectomy in March. The cancer is gone, she caught it early. I am very thankful. I'm in college now. I'm doing research on breast cancer treatment options. Any insight would be appreciated. You all are so brave. Your strength in an encouragement to me. My mother is a survivor. Our family is stronger now because of this trial. I will pray for you and your loved ones. Kristen <sepikmeri828@aol.com> JAckson, TN USA - Friday, November 09, 2001 at 14:55:42 (EST) Hi!! My name is Marcie and I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996 at the age of 35. I was in remission util last Friday when I went for my routine mammogram and blood work. The radiologist found a lump in my other breast (which the oncologist and breast surgeon seem to think is nothing). Unfortunately, my blood work showed extremely elevated cancer markers and I was sent for CAT and Bone scans. The CAT scan showed breast cancer metastisis to my liver (12 spots) and possibly my spine. Prognosis is not good, but I am far from giving up!!! I have a 5 year old son to raise!!! I would love to hear from anyone who has had metastisis of breast cancer to the liver. Thank you! Marcie <Mhinkel618@aol.com> Baltimore, MD USA - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 19:37:12 (EST) Aloha! On November 1, 2001, I just found out that I have breast cancer. I am a single mother with 4 children (3 boys and 1 girl). I just made 35 years old on November 6, 2001. I removed my lump in my left breast on October 26 and wasnt expecting my test results to come back cancerous. I was devastated by the news that I have received about my lump being cancerous. I will be going through another surgery to remove my lymph nodes to see if the cancer has affected this area. I have visited a oncologist and I will be seeing a chemotherapists. I have decided to keep my breast and go through radiation and chemotheraphy. I would appreciate any support, comments, and prayers to get me through. I am very emotional at right now but know that with my trust in the Lord, I will survive. Mahalo Nui Loa! Kaleo Clark <kaleo_c@leoki.uhh.hawaii.edu> Waianae, HI - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 17:03:48 (EST) I was diagnosed with grade 3 ductal carcinoma in situ two weeks ago. I will be having a lumpectomy the 15th of Nov. If all goes well, I will have radiation treatment daily for 5 or 6 wks. Is it realistic to think I will be able to work during this time (I work for a website call center and type on the computer all day long)? I'm 58 years old and the only breast cancer on my mother's side of the family was in two of my grandmothers half sisters. My father's family, however, has been hit hard by cancers of all kinds through the generations. I've not been terribly frightened because I realize I have work to do fighting this disease. Fortunately, my younger daughter and her family live nearby and we are close. I'm really glad for that. Even though I know the "facts" as far as they are known at this point, I actually have no idea what I'm getting into but I'm anxious to get moving on this thing. Thanks for giving me a place to go for support and information. Rochelle Stephens <chellest@bellsouth.net> Pace, fflFL US - Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 01:25:10 (EST) Sharon O'Brien <slobrien> Kenosha, WI USA - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 20:05:41 (EST) Cool Site. Wish there were more like this one on the Net. Ron Reisebericht - Wednesday, November 07, 2001 at 13:42:11 (EST) I think that this web site is great! I am in the program look good feel better it helps woman deal with having cancer and the loss of there hair and how to apply makeup and to feel better about themselves. My teacher is great and has taught me alot she is dealing with cancer and so every day we learn more and more about this disease. So it is good to hear that there is other people trying to help. Thanks alot! Shannon Maxon <Tmaxon@bright.net.com> Sidney , Ohio United States - Tuesday, November 06, 2001 at 18:19:12 (EST) Ive just been reading the site Ive had pain in my arm and some in my breast at times so I am still after the doctors so I hope its nothing... veronica pugliesi - Monday, November 05, 2001 at 19:53:53 (EST) FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO NEED A PICK ME UP, THIS IS FOR YOU. AS OF NOVEMBER 11, 2001, I WILL BE A 3 YEAR BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR. IN NOVEMBER 1998 (29 YEARS OLD) I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER IN THE LEFT BREAST, WITH NO OPTION OTHER THAN MASTECTOMY. I THOUGHT MY LIFE WAS OVER AND I HAD A 1 YEAR OLD SON. ALL I COULD THINK ABOUT WAS HOW HE WAS GOING TO GROW UP WITHOUT A MOTHER, I WOULD NEVER SEE HIM GO TO SCHOOL, GRADUATE, GET A JOB OR GET MARRIED. BUT, BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND PRAYERS FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS, I AM A SURVIVOR, AND YOU CAN BE TOO. NOW, OTHER THAN OCCASSIONAL SIDE EFFECTS OF TAMOXIFIN, I AM DOING WELL. I'VE RESUMED ALL MY PRE-CANCER ACTIVITIES AND AM ENJOYING LIFE IN THE PRESENT. SO, PLEASE, WHATEVER YOU ARE GOING THROUGH, PLEASE KNOW THAT YOU CAN BEAT THIS DISEASE, JUST KEEP A POSITIVE ATTITUDE, FREQUENTLY VISIT YOUR DOCTOR FOR FOLLOW UPS, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, THANK GOD FOR HIS HELP IN GETTING YOU THROUGH. GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Stephanie Withrow <bowlingal@pngusa.net> Corbin, KY USA - Monday, November 05, 2001 at 10:14:27 (EST) my mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer. it's been a month and a few weeks she found the lump. only a week since we found out it was cancer and now on mon.nov.05,2001 she is scheduled for surgery. marie - Sunday, November 04, 2001 at 16:20:16 (EST) Back in July 2001, I signed the guestbook. I have been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I have had a double mastectomy. The path results still show the cancer on the chest wall on the left side. Further testing has shown I have liver mets now. There are 30 of them. The doctor has me on Tamoxofin. No chemo or radiation. Is there anyone out there with liver mets. I am trying to find out what is in store for me. My family Doctor has told me to take that trip that I have always wanted to NOW he used the phrase "it's over". My Oncologyst says the tamox will control it(stop it from getting worse)and possibly shrink them. They will always be there though. I don't know which doctor to believe. I am not in any pain. I have gone back to work and everything. Sharon <ricksha@sympatico.ca> Orillia, ON Canada - Friday, November 02, 2001 at 18:53:21 (EST) We are doing a science fair project, and we were wondering if any one of you would like to share your stories. We are doing a sciece poject on breast implants and how it is linked to breast cancer. Thank you. If you have anything to say, post it on here and well check it! Laura and Emily - Friday, November 02, 2001 at 10:08:09 (EST) I am 19 years old and I hope I dont have breast cancer. Chantal States <chantal_20012000@yahoo.com> Lincoln, NE USA - Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 20:53:40 (EST) Although I haven't written much , I have stayed with it by reading other entries. I think of all of you often. I feel strong enough to write today. I'm a 44 yr old married mother of 2 boys( 16 +21 yrs) Dx with DCIS by Abbi - then back for clear margins. Went to another hosp/MD for opinion (something told me to) and they suggested to re-mammo and low and behold another suspicious spot, back to the OR -- that G-d it was neg for CA - however, they did find LCIS. SO........... the plan is radiation, Tamoxafin and follow-up. I really hate this .......... I feel so out of control. No bc history in my family. However, my mother had brain ca, sister lymphoma and brother bladder and mets. All are gone. My girlfriends have been great. Couldn't do it without them. shelly <shellyruga@yahoo.com> PA - Wednesday, October 31, 2001 at 12:36:42 (EST) I am currently a nursing student in BC. Our assignment involves research into an important community resource. Info Breast Cancer is a wonderful resource for all of us. Just what I was looking for. Thanks so much. Grats! Trish Ford Trish Ford <trishford@telus.net> Enderby, BC Canada - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 15:24:54 (EST) Sidney Stewart <ebonywms@hotmail.com> St. Francisville, LA U.S.A. - Tuesday, October 30, 2001 at 13:16:41 (EST) Tia Kennedy <Tia_2001_2001@yahoo.com> Walkertown, NC USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 21:59:27 (EST) this information was really helpful, after watching Strong Medicine last night I wanted to learn just a little more about breast cancer and i did, thanks so much! tylisha <tylishac@hotmail.com> little rock, ar USA - Monday, October 29, 2001 at 17:13:21 (EST) Monica was diagnosed with Brast Cancer in Oct. 2000. RAy & Monica Klocek <rayk@qwestinternet.net> Mead, CO USA - Sunday, October 28, 2001 at 21:30:50 (EST) My wife has breast cancer and has just undergone a mastectomy of her right breast. We have not yet received the pathology report on the lymp nodes they removed. We are researching treatment options. Robert Milligan <rmilligan13@aol.com> Oklahoma City, Ok U S A - Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 16:35:39 (EDT) Looking through so much information on breast cancer, I came across this site. My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999 and underwent a mastectomy of her right breast. During that time she suffered so much. The chemotherapy was exhausting and she began to become depressed. I watched her pull out her hair just so that she could get over it and cry because she never understood why it was happening to her. Fortunately, a year later she became stronger and decided to have a reconstructive surgery. Although she constantly regretted not going for a second opinion for the mastectomy, she still wanted the reconstructive surgery. She was in a bit of pain for a while, but after that she felt better with herself. But as time went by a lump kept increasing on the same breast. Often times we thought it was just because of the surgery. But because it was now significantly big, she had many tests done. Come to find out it was a recurrence. This time it was worse and needed immediate attention. My mother and I were devastated, she began feeling great pain and was admitted into the hospital many times. Until finally her last and final stay was the worst. She received chemo and radiation, but now the cancer was below her spinal cord and was rapidly reproducing. She no longer could feel her legs and was simply in the hospital for comfort. I knew that soon she would lose the battle, but she struggled so much that I know she needed to be at peace. On August 17, 2001, I saw my mom give her last breath in the hospital. My whole life has dramatically been changed and know I miss her dearly. But what comforts me is that she is no longer suffering and is at peace. And although I miss my mother, I thank God that he blessed me with such a mother whose life was a struggling, yet loving one. Thank you for letting me write out because they are emotions that I needed to let go, Jessica Guevara 18 years old Jessica Guevara <guevara@rider.edu> Passaic, NJ USA - Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 15:04:16 (EDT) my sister just found out today we would like some info if pos. send to my address asap please she just went through this with overn now her left breast so help mary jean rochon <32 northview dr.antigoish ns> antigoish ns, n.s canada - Saturday, October 27, 2001 at 01:41:49 (EDT) Received a lot of information last night when I viewed this site. A lot I knew already but it was good to confirm it. I was diagosed last year. I found the lump myself and opted for a complete mastectomy, it was not in the lymph nodes, Thank the Lord!! I had 4 treatments of Chemo and I also decided to have Radiation to make sure that it was all gone. I am feeling really great now!! Christine Loney <christine.loney@sympatico.ca> Pickering, On Canada - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 22:55:19 (EDT) I am a first year associate degree nursing student and I am writing a teaching plan on the importance of self breast examinations and how to perform. I found your site very interesting and educational. Women really do not understand the importance of early detection. Ruthie Perry <ruthie_perry@hotmail.com> Beauty, Ky. USA - Friday, October 26, 2001 at 20:05:00 (EDT) I was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer on July 18,2000. I went under 4 rounds of chemo ,a modif mastc.,4more rounds of chemo , and 5 weeks of radiation. I had 19 lymph nodes involved and I am now taking tamoxiphen. I was 29 years old with three kids. Well I am 30 and It's a year later and they say I'm doing well. this is really a nice site and I feel great. Positive thinking and faith in God is what really pulled me through . I believe God will continue to take care of me no matter what happens . God bless all of you! Nicole Mcdougald <MSNIKKIMAC@AOL>COM> North Versailles, Pa USA - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 22:48:22 (EDT) Thank you for all the informations, I am trying to help a friend. eleanor martires <vemarti@aol.com> Torrance, CA 90501 - Thursday, October 25, 2001 at 16:51:35 (EDT) Hi.My name is Ashley and i am a 16 year old student at North Park Collegiate.In one of my classes we were developing a medical family tree.I discovered that many women in my family were diagnosed with breast cancer.This concerned so me so I decided to look up information to see what I could do if I was too.I found a lot of helpful information, and I am happy to know that women across the world are helping others with this disease.Thank you for presenting those with this site, it helped me to understand how fortunate I am to not have diganosed.Thanx again. Ashey Gambacort <rich_lips75@hotmail.com> Brantford, Ont Canada - Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 09:54:43 (EDT) WHEN MY MOTHER WAS JUST 39 SHE WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER.MY SISTER AND I WATCHED MY MOTHER SUFFER HORRIBLE PAIN. THE MOST DEVASTATING MOMENT FOR ME WAS THE DAY I WAS BRUSHING MY MOM'S HAIR AND LOOKED AT THE BRUSH FULL OF HER HAIR,IT WAS FALLING OUT DUE TO THE CHEMO.MY MOM LOOKED UP AT ME AND SAID "DON'T CRY, IT'S GOING TO BE ALLRIGHT".SHE DIED ABOUT A YEAR AFTER THAT.I WAS ONLY 18 YEARS OLD.FIVE YEARS AFTER MY MOM DIED MY GRANDMOTHER WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER. SHE DIED IN MY UNCLE CESAR'S ARMS.SHORTLY AFTER HER, TWO OF MY MOTHERS SISTERS,CLARA AND AGENTINA, WERE DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER.SHORTLY AFTER ARGENTINA WAS FOUND TO ALSO HAVE OVARIAN CANCER.THEY DIED. MY AUNT MAGALY WAS NEXT ,THANKFULLY SHE IS STILL WITH US,AND DOING WELL.THEN ABOUT TWO YEARS AFTER MAGALY'S DIAGNOSIS ,MY UNCLE CESAR HAD DEVELOPED THIS DAM DISEASE.MY SISTER NARDA MADE THE DICISION TO HAVE A PROPHALACTIC MASECTOMY, SHE FELT THAT SHE WAS NEXT. I AM 35 YEARS OLD NOW AND HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH FIBROCYCTIC BREAST DISEASE.I LIVE WITH PAIN IN MY RIGHT BREAST AND ARM,MY BREAST SURGEON TELLS ME PAIN IS NOT AN INDICATION OF BREAST CANCER,BUT I LIVE IN FEAR.I DON'T KNOW WHICH ROAD TO TAKE.I'VE DECIDED TO AT LEAST HAVE THE GENETIC TESTING, AFTER THAT I'M NOT SURE.I MISS MY MOM. MARA <TOROMARA@CS.COM> LYNN, MA US - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 02:08:08 (EDT) In March of 1999 I found 2 lumps under my left arm. They were about the size of small eggs. Had several doctor visits,was treated with different kinds of antibiotics, nothing was working. I was sent to a surgent, he decided to remove one lump . That same day I found out it was cancer. My world was turned around. From that day on the fight began, I was going to win this war. I saw a breast surgent in another town. She recommended I sart chemo & than a mastectomy. I went throug 4 rounds of chemo followed by surgery. My surgery went well except for the defistating news following my surgery. I had 31 lymph nodes removed and all 31 were cancer. After surgery I went through 4 more rounds of chemo, followed by 6 weeks of radiation. I stayed in rem, for 14 months. Further testing was involved, findin a lump in my right breast, which was also cancer. I went through a second mastectomy in Sept. of 2000. I had about 11 nodes removed with 5 being positive. Went through more chemo and radiation. It is now a year since my last reaccurance.. I have test and blood work periodically and things seem to be O.K. I just can't express how grateful I am to still be here today. I would have never made it through all of this with out my wounderful!!! friends and family & most of all the most important person in my life "GOD". He has been with me every single day of this . I have 2 beautiful sons, and a spouse who have been throug alot with all of this also.. Never give up your faith and hope,just look at my case for instance. I myself have never heard of any other breast cancer being so advance as mine was. I would love to hear from anyone who would like to share or question anything pretaining to breast cancer. HANG IN THERE!!!! GOD BLESS Luv Tina Tina Constant <tconstant_99@yahoo.com> Thibodaux, LA USA - Tuesday, October 23, 2001 at 00:23:18 (EDT) MY PRAYERS TO ALL. JO STAFFORD <EMMA93@MEDIAONE.NET> WOBURN, MA USA - Monday, October 22, 2001 at 19:58:53 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Oct 11/01..not here at home but staying at a hotel in Ottawa. We do not have a mammogram machine in Nunavut so we have to fly to Ottawa for diagnosis. Have a great Doctor and feeling very positive. I have Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma in my right breast. I will be having a segmental mastectomy(lumpectomy) with axillary dissection (lymph nodes) on Nov 8/01. I will also receive radiation treatments, which I cannot get here. To try and make this more comfortable for us (my husbands in this with me..lucky me)we will be trying to get treatments in Nova Scotia where we have a small farm that makes us feel very happy. What is most difficult for us is that our whole life is changing..not just cancer treatment but, leaving home and our lives just to get help. I cannot imagine going through treatments and living in a hotel...life is a little scary right now but, I have the faith that we will get through this together..last night I started to worry about my sisters out there without a supportive partner in their lives..please write, I am lucky to have such wonderful support from my partner, my children, my family and my friends...best of luck to everyone. Denise Denise Doyle <greg.doyle@nv.sympatico.ca> Iqaluit, NU Canada - Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 12:07:39 (EDT) Excellent site. Thanks Cat Pictures Chastity USA - Sunday, October 21, 2001 at 06:27:00 (EDT) |
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