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I found this wonderful site in May of this year when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I have known breast cancer and other cancer most of my life, but you always think that it will pass you by unaffected. My mom had breast cancer at age 29, over 30 yrs ago. That was before all the modern treatments of today we were told. My older sister had breast cancer 3 yrs ago at age 37. I still thought that I would be passed by. This year in April my older sister had a reoccurance, which was not related to the first breast cancer,sure. She had her second masectomy, yet this time instead of the tram-flap like her first surgury, she had her back muscle used in her reconstruction. The friday before my sisters surgery, my cancer was found. On May 8th it was confirmed as breast cancer. On May 31st at age 37 also, I had a double masectomy with reconstruction using the tram-flap. After I learned to walk again, my mom told me that here ovarian cancer which first occured last year and we thought gone completely in December was back. In June of this year, my mom had her third fight with cancer start. As of today, my chemo is over and I am getting on with my life only on tamoxifen for the next five years. My sister was fortunate and didn't need chemo this time. My mom is still taking chemo, which we took some of it together. My younger sister lives in fear now.
I have learned thru all of our cancer to never give up hope, that I am not in charge of my life but a much greater person-GOD is in charge. My mom will not recover this time, and this is very hard for me to deal with sometimes. I am not sure if my dad can take another tragedy, but somehow he has shown me how to manage tragedy and stand up and face fear in the eye. You never have enough time with the people you love and those that mean so much to you. If I can encourage someone to have yearly mammograms or just to enjoy each day you have with each other I have made something useful of my life and cancer. One more bit of advice I would like to say is make a diary. My children age 4 and 8 will have a diary of all of the family cancer that we know so maybe it will be helpful to their oncologist or family physician. Who knows maybe in 30 years, neither of them will have to worry about any cancer. I still dream, the cancer didnt get that. Take care each and everyone of you and never give up hope. Tina
Breast cancer victim I had BC three years ago. Only needed a lumpectomy and radiation treatements (6 weeks of 5 days each week).The Lymph nodes were negative so I didn't have to have the chemo, which scares me more that the radiation treatments. Now, after suffering pain in my left hip, leg and lower back for about a year or so, it has gotten to the point that I have to have a walking stick to get around. I was going to a rhuemagologist for Fibromyalgia and a psychiatrist for depression and anxiety along with being medicated to help my sleep patters for the fb. Well needless to say none of them helped much, I will say the meds for sleeping to help me to sleep deeper, but the rhuemy just treated me as an arthritis patient which I don't have. Well to get to the point, the pain in the left side got so bad I ended up with having a total hysterectory the 5th of Sept. That seems to be ok, but the pain in my left hip area increased dramatically. And I mean two pain pills at a time dramatically. Finally called my Family Doc, he had me come in the very next day, did a good check up listened to my complaints and sent me for blood work and x-rays of the hip and back. Blood work came back ok, BUT the x-rays showed a lesion in the hip consistent with metastisis better know as bone mets. I am going for a bone scan Monday and my oncologist called today and is sending me for his usual followup visit blood work and wants to see me on the 30th. Doesn't sound to promising huh? I have searched the web and can't seem to find any where where it explains what types of treatment I will have to have it is bone mets. Does anyone know? I am a Christian who knows and loves the Lord Jesus more than life it self and won't mind a bit when He takes me home. He has brought me through so many adverse things in my life, I just can't doubt His love and care for my well being. So I am depending on Him and His power. But I am still attached to this earth and this flesh and do suffer being a bit scared and I know He understands. But would like to have some feed back from someone who has been there and knows what to expect. May the Lord Jesus bless each and everyone of you. Sincerely, Nancy http:/home.san.rr.com/srvntntraining Nancy Wakefield <gallher@san.rr.com> San Diego, CA USA - Friday, October 19, 2001 at 17:07:07 (EDT) Thank you so much for such a great website on breast cancer. My friends mother just found out and they have no access to a computer so i went through all the links on day and printed off alot of information for my friend in her mother so they know they are not alone in this battle. Thank you Shannon <shannonb@ns.sympatico.ca> Glace Bay, NS Canada - Friday, October 19, 2001 at 09:12:28 (EDT) 5 years ago my Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. I lost her in March of this year to stomach cancer. My Dad passed away a month and a half later of a high grade brain tumor. They both died in my arms. Almost all of my aunts and uncles have either died of stomach cancer, breast cancer or brain tumors. I am scared to death! I have found 3 different lumps in my breasts this year. They have been fibroids or cysts so far, but this is so consuming. I have an appoinntment with a surgeon next month to have a subcontaneous breast mastectomy with immediated reconstruction. If anyone has had this done I would be very gratefull to hear from you. thanx diana Diana <dianaleach@mail.com> surrey, BC Canada - Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 21:55:27 (EDT) The color power doppler sonogram is an excellent diagnostic tool for the detection of breast cancer. Since I am a male, and had a high PSA, I utilized the technique for detection of possible prostate cancer, instead of a biopsy. I get checked every six months. So far,no active cancer as been detected. Here is the reference URL for Dr. Robert Bard http://www.cancerscan.com/ You don't have to have a mammagram. Check this out. Dr.Bard's office is in Manhattan, NY City. Lee Kronick <leebug1@webtv.net> Far Rockaway, NY USA - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 02:46:07 (EDT) ok here i go was told to day that i have ca. i have no idea what is coming next. it was not what i planned for today Susan Hobson <Myotus@aol.com> redding , ca usa - Wednesday, October 17, 2001 at 00:00:12 (EDT) i woould like to know the best treatment for supraclavicular area lymph leakage following modified left neck dissection. informed answer would be appreciated. James Mcgui <malwag@mindspring.com> visalia, ca usa - Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 21:35:03 (EDT) Fellow breast cancer survivors- I have stage three local advanced breast cancer. I had chemo then left breast masectomy, followed by radiation. Currently on tomoxifen I have a mild ache in my other armpit, aches in the bottom of my feet from time to time, undue fatigue and sleeplessness. Onocologist says "it is not the tamoxifen" but I just don't know if I agree. I have recently gone on a low fat diet and lost 10 lbs. and I believe I am feeling a bit better as far as the fatigue goes but still have the aches. Any comments on this would be appreciated. Also PLEASE HELP - I am schedule to have breast reconstruction next week - tram flap - I am very uncomfortable from radiation and believe that this skin will be removed and will once again be comfortable. Is this op worth all the pain?? what is the worst that can happen. Thanking you in advance for your help Lana Lana Mitchell <michaellana@on.aibn.com> St. Charles, , On Canada - Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 21:33:57 (EDT) Great web site! I am curious as to how many of your guests are aware of the 28 out of 37 studies worldwide that connect abortions with breast cancer as a significant link! Pro "choice" advocates refuse to admit these findings. Women are at least 30% higher risk...details can be found at www.abortionbreastcancer.com. Sure hope this TRUTH gets proclaimed loud and clear to prevent women from getting breast cancer, and even saving some tiny lives. May God bless, strengthen and heal you. In Jesus precious name. Denise a survivor of abortion...so far. Denise Mountenay <dwmountenay@lycos.com> Morinville, AB Canada - Tuesday, October 16, 2001 at 13:50:43 (EDT) Was diagnosed 10-02-01, I had a lumpectomy and the path report was positive. I had my first visit with the breast surgeon 10-11-01 and he wants chemo first, then surgery, then radiation. When the lump was removed they found that it had broke through the margin? Does anyone know what exactly this means? I know it's not good by the expression on his face when he told me. I am really afraid but praying constantly for strength and healing. Would love to hear from others is this struggle. God bless you all. Lynn Lynn <gimme_54@hotmail.com> Lawrenceville, IL USA - Saturday, October 13, 2001 at 09:00:59 (EDT) Thank you for a wonderful website. Being a college teen this website opend my eyes to just how imporant regular exames are as well as what goes on all around the world. I dedicate this to a friends mother who passed away 7 yrs ago from this horrible disease Pam Grossfeld <Pppooh13@aol.com> Sunrise, Fl USA - Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 15:39:45 (EDT) I HAVE THREE SISTERS DISNOCED WITH BREAST CANCER THE FIRST ONE ABOUT EIGHT EEN YEARS AGO.SHE HAS BEN CANCER FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS NOW THE NEXT ONE WAS DISNOCED FOUR YEARS AGO THEY ARE TREATING HER NOW WITH LIVER CANCER NOW WITH KEMOTHERPY HER LAST LIVER SCAN SHOWED A VERY-VERY-VERY SMALE PLACE ON HER LIVER NOW.SHE ATREBITES THIS TO THE LORD.I THINK IF IT HADEN,T BEN FOR HER FAITH SHE WOULDEN,T BE ALIVE TODAY. THE BABY SISTER OF 9 GIRLS WAS DISNOSED WITH INFLAMOTARY BREAST CANCER THREE WEEKS AGO SHE WENT FOR HER FIRST KEMO TREATMENT YESTERDAY SHE DID REAL WELL WITH IT I AM PRAYING SHE DOES AS WELL AS THE OTHER TWO SISTERS HAS. WOULD APRESATE PRAYERS FROM ALL OF THE CHRISTEN PEOPLE OUT THERE.THANK YOU FOR THIS WEB SITE THANK YOU VERY MUCH. MARY FILOWIAT MARY <FILOWIAT@YAHOO.COM> VAV LEAR, KY USA - Thursday, October 11, 2001 at 12:42:06 (EDT) Well I got my results back I am having a Wide Incision. I go in on the 15th Oct. Not long now and I am scared witless. I will be glad when its this time next week. Thanks for support from people who contacted me through this guest book. I am also going to have radiotherpy but I know you stay awake for that so its not so scary, well I hope I will be back to let you all know how it all went in a couple of weeks once Im back out of hospital and feeling chatty again. Thanks for the guestbook it helps to get it out your system without feeling your making someone whos healthy feel guilty. They don't realise how just being there is enough sometimes, so anybody reading who doesnt suffer from breast cancer,but is looking at things to help you understand. Doing this is enough because the person suffering knows you care. Anyway Ill have to go I hope everyone gets on alright with whatever your going through and god bless the guestbook. Yours Barb Barb <babsfrench@hotmail.com> Lincoln, England - Wednesday, October 10, 2001 at 07:04:12 (EDT) I just read through your sight and found that many have the same questions, and fears that I do. I would like to hear some of the answers, how do I go about that? I was diagnosed with grade 3 breast cancer with 6 positive nodes, one being in my neck in January 2001.I have underwent a mastectomy and have frozen shoulder and lymphedema. I am in constant pain and have been for 10 months now. Is this a common thing? sharondee <sharondee@hotmail.com> - Monday, October 08, 2001 at 23:43:38 (EDT) Thank you for your wonderful website. I use it to teach my patients. Dr. Ramin Safakish <rsafa@yahoo.com> Toronto, on Canada - Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 18:11:27 (EDT) I was diagnosed with DCIS 3 weeks ago.Does anyone have any imput to treatments that have been sucessful for them.My doctors are recommending tamoxifin with possible radiation.I have family history.My mother was diagnosed at 56 with invasive breat cancer,had lumpectomy and radiation.It returned and she passed away at 60.I am 39 years old and having a hard time trusting in the treatment recommended.I am afraid to take tamoxifin,although recommended.Sometimes I wonder if I would be better of with a mastectomy,even though this is not recommended.I would appreciate any advice given. diaMichelle Metcalf <kmmetclf51@aol.com> Northbrookfield, ma usa - Sunday, October 07, 2001 at 12:45:27 (EDT) I have just learned myself, today, that I have breast cancer. I have found this site trying to understand my procedure that will be coming up on Oct. 25th, 2001. I have been given mammograms for the past three years with never a question of any problem. This past couple of months, I had noticed a lump together with a tingling sensation that was somewhat painful. The doctor order an ultrasound...again...still negative w/a lump that was the size of a thumpnail. We both agreed to proceed to an untrasound biopsy. Bingo!! todays answer became reality. A right lumpectory w/possible lumphadenectory with sentinal node scan. Alot of medical terms for sure. So I am glad to of found this site. I am a little in shock at this moment. If anyone can put any "light" on this matter; feel free to express yourself. God Bless Us All. Beverly <shebalyn@bellsouth.net> Weston, FL Broward - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 20:47:48 (EDT) I was diagonosed with breast cancer in SEPTEMBER 14, 1994. AND JUST HAD A PHYICIAL,FOUND THE LUND THIS SIZE PF A PIN HEADAFTER MY PHYICIAL MY SELF. MY ADVISE IS TO ALL WOMEN OVER 40 YEARS OF AGE . IS TO GET THE MAMOMMOGRAM ONCE A YEARAND DO SELF EMAMS.AND DON`T BE AFREAD TO TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR VERNETA TOLBERT <neaebverhardt@yahii,com> decatur , ga deka;bI - Friday, October 05, 2001 at 02:05:59 (EDT) I was diagnosis with Breast Cancer October, 1995 I have had a clean bill of health for Five years. I obtain a lot of valuable information from you site. Ann James <annj@candw.ky> Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 20:09:10 (EDT) I am scheduled to go for needle biopsy next week after a six month follow up mammo on a trans flap. I had mascetomy in 1998 for DCIS. Any one have the same situation.......Im stumped. The surgeron keeps asking me if they removed all the breast tissue! Linda <mlcollins@bdo.com> hampton, ga usa - Thursday, October 04, 2001 at 13:09:42 (EDT) Not breast cancer but just stumbled across your site; my husband has just been diagnosed with adinocarcinoma, due to start chemo in abt 2 weeks for a 6 month treatment. He has been suffering from fluid on the pleura for abt 3 months. Does anyone know anything about this cancer? I can't find anything specific about it. Also, can anyone tell me about treatment at Statten Island in New York? We are disillusioned with our NHS in England and desperate to find the best and quickest. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks, Tori. Tori <torim100@hotmail.com> England - Tuesday, October 02, 2001 at 13:59:55 (EDT) tell me all about cancer Anna Johnson <babybreeze75@hotmail.com> - Monday, October 01, 2001 at 21:43:09 (EDT) Jackie <Jackie_m4@hotmail.com> North Bay, ON Canada - Sunday, September 30, 2001 at 23:49:29 (EDT) Today was diagnosed with non-invasive bc. I am to have radiation and have little fear of that but am worried about taking tamoxifen. Having lost 100* pounds and kept it off for 18 years, I am worried about weight gain and mood swings--sounds petty, I know, since I am fortunate enough to have such a good prognosis. Do most woman have bad side effect from the drug? Any answers or suggestions would be appreciated. Jeanette Dardanelle, AR USA - Thursday, September 27, 2001 at 23:52:53 (EDT) After i year on Tamoxifin have been diagnosed with fibroids and ovararian cyst. is there a connection, should i stop the tamoxifin? Would be grateful for advice gezza <gerry@heathsideuk.freeserve.co,uk> England - Monday, September 24, 2001 at 14:01:05 (EDT) Suzanna Baker <susieq@netpluscom.com> Somerset, Ohio usa - Sunday, September 23, 2001 at 20:11:05 (EDT) tony ortiz <antonioortiz1@msn.com> austin, tx travis - Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 23:08:45 (EDT) Third entry, first Mar 16th, second May 08/01. I have localized advanced breast cancer. I have had two surgeries and stared 6 months of chemo at the beginning of May. I have encountred many probless....low hemoglobin, white cells and platlets. I have had to have a blood transfusion and am currently getting daily injections of neuprogin for the low white cells. Because of the low blood counts my chemo treatments keep getting delayed. I find this frustrating and worry that the effectiveness of the treatments will be diminished. Has anyone else experienced these problems during chemo? All be take care and continue to write as I find comfort in this site. Deborah <debutalk@aol.com> St. Catharines, ON - Saturday, September 22, 2001 at 15:48:06 (EDT) I am a breast cancer survivor of 1 yr. I feel wonderful. Positive attitude is the most important part of recovery. Breast Cancer is not a death sentence, It's a new beginning... If you have kids like I do, my attitude had alot to do in how I dealt with my son. He knows "mom" had breast cancer, but has not affected him because I always have as smile on my face. I feel healthier now than I did before my surgery. POSITIVE ATTITUTE............ Renee Lopez <jury01@co.merced.ca.us> merced, ca U.S.A - Thursday, September 20, 2001 at 17:11:11 (EDT) I have fibercystic disease. My grandmother died of breast cancer and all of her brothers and sisters died from a different from of cancer. Juanenna Jones <jonespeaches@hotmail.com> Little Rock, AR U.S.A. - Thursday, September 20, 2001 at 16:17:24 (EDT) I was told I had breast cancer about a week ago. They took a biopsy to see what sort it is and what treatment I needed. I am now waiting for the results I find out next week. The worst thing is telling the kids plus I seem to have gone from the person everyone used to tell their problems too, to being someone to be mollycoddled and I hate it. The thing is I feel really healthy at the mo and know that is not going to last once the treatment starts. It helps finding all these support pages but it makes it all to real too. I hope everybody does well in all they achieve. Yours Barb barb <babsfrench@hotmail.com> Lincoln, United Kingdom - Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 10:28:34 (EDT) My sister was diagnosed last year with cancer in her left breast. She underwent surgery and chemo/radiation and got a clear bill of health. Two days ago she was hospitalized for a cold/pnemonia. After tests she found out that the cancer was in both her lungs, liver and brain....they are giving her radiation and chemotherapy to try to shrink the tumors. I need to know what the success rate of this is so that I can prepare myself for what lies ahead. Her cancer was very aggressive and the tumors are growing quickly. I don't need things sugar coated, I need the truth so I can plan and help her make arrangements. Thank you so much for your help in advance. I am so heartbroken that I can not even bare it. She is so strong and is more worried about us.....she is only 48...... Kristine Lambert <patkris_2000@yahoo.ca> Oxford Mills, ontario Canada - Wednesday, September 19, 2001 at 09:10:13 (EDT) I am 52, at home recovering from left mastectomy done on 8/20. I found lump 11/00. they wanted to watch it for 6 months. 7/01 they finally decided to do bi-op. Found ductal insitu. I have remitting relapsing MS so radiation was out for me. seeing oncology MD 8/25 to decide treatment plan. am having problem with my left arm. I raised my arm suddenly to brush my hair forgetting & it caused terrible pain. I couldn't move it for 2 days. Called Dr. he said use heat. when I try to raise it now there is something that looks & feels like a tendon or ? that is caught & won't let my arm loose to move. I am worried. Also I am having very bad aches in every joint of my body. Cannot sleep, legs are really bad. Please, can anyone help me with this. I am so depressed and scared that I did something to my arm & will need more surgery. I just found this site & hope it works for all of us. Thanks! Judy Hansel <hanselj@cmc.net> Chico, CA USA - Monday, September 17, 2001 at 17:33:50 (EDT) Elaiine Bentley <elaine58b@yahoo.com> - Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 21:46:57 (EDT) I had a lumpectomy in 1996 and am now a 5 year survivor. I was on tamoxefin for 5 years. I also had radiation treatments. I have alot of problems with burning in my mouth -- called by doctors "burning mouth syndrome" I wondered if anyone else out there that has been on tamoxefin has this problem. My mouth burns on one side on my teeth and tongue. I have been to seven doctors and two dentists and no one has any answers. I have also had vocal cord problems and recently had surgery to remove a polyp. I have heard that tamoxefin can affect the vocal cords. Please let me know if you have any problems similar to mind. I have done extensive searching into this situation. Thank you very much! JoAnn Ellis <EllisEllisjoe@aol.com> - Thursday, September 13, 2001 at 20:37:20 (EDT) I'm 27, four years ago I found a lump in my breast. I didn't have it checked right away but a couple of months later I felt pains. The doctor wasn't able to find anything. I knew the lump was there and even before having it removed the doctor asked me to show exactly where the lump was so he'd know where to look. It was not cancer, but I'm glad I was able to find it, nobody knows your body the way you do and if don't, please get to know it. Wendy Estrada Guatemala, Guatemala - Wednesday, September 12, 2001 at 11:35:19 (EDT) |
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