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Cosmetics and Breast Cancer. It is truly tragic that so many women have been and continue to be victimized and devastated by breast cancer. Unknown to most women is the fact that breast cancer is essentially a preventable disease even among those women with a family history of this disease. Because of a gross lack of knowledge or willful blindness, most women appear to be unaware of the fact that many of their daily cosmetics contain a variety of carcinogens. Alcohol is one of the known causes of invasive breast cancer. Alcohol is also the main ingredient in perfumes, fragrances, hair sprays, astringents and many other personal care products. These products are in widespread use by girls and women. When applied to human skin, alcohol and many other cosmetic carcinogens are absorbed into the bloodstream within seconds. In recognition of the fact that alcohol may poses a potential health risk, even the cosmetic, fragrance and toiletry industries have placed the use of alcohol in their products under a self-imposed review. A study showed that chemical contaminants, including ingredients from perfumes, are present in breast milk. Some of these contaminants are carcinogenic in humans. Breast-feeding mothers pass on these carcinogens to their babies.
In what appears to be a clear conflict of interest because of a profit motive, many cancer treatment facilities in many parts of world routinely distribute or facilitate the distribution of cosmetics to breast cancer patients. Reportedly, some of the breast cancer patients accept and consume these gifts in defiance of the age-old axiom, "there are no free lunches." Women should take control of their lives and stop leaving the primary prevention of breast cancer to profiteering breast health advocates. NOTE: The medical information summarized herein was taken from mainstream medical journals that are in the public domain or the Web site of the cosmetic industry.
Hello my name is jenna, and i'm 12 years old. I'm doing a major research proj on breast cancer... and i need help. I've been looking around your site and i got all i need. You've helped me get what i needed, and a .... A+! Thanx sooooooo much i luv you guyz... it really helped!!!! thanx again , bye :-p Jenna Maylons <doggy_girl2000@yahoo.com> san francisco, ca usa - Thursday, May 10, 2001 at 22:27:48 (EDT) Hello, to everyone I will keep you in my prayers. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer years ago and has been in remission ofr 4 years, but her doctir fears that the breast cancer has come back in her lung. We are going to the hospital this Friday and she will have a needle biopsy taken to see determine if her thyriod or breast cancer has retuned. Please keep her in your prayers, I am 27 and very scared, my mom is trying to be strong and positive! If anyone has information on the treatment options of reoccurence of breast cancer could you please write back, my mom and our family need information! godbless, Sandy Sandra DiPierto <SKo2455417@aol.com> Agawam, MA - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 10:02:37 (EDT) Elizabeth Ann Sweeney <esweet4@aol.com> Massena, NY USA - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 08:14:34 (EDT) it was all good melissa hope <www.69stylegoodstuff.com> goldcoast, qld australia - Wednesday, May 09, 2001 at 01:17:49 (EDT) This is the second time I have made an entry...first mar 16th just prior to my surgery. As it turned out I had to had a second surgery as no cancer was found in the lump or nodes removed, but my surgeon found a flat cancerous mass growing in my left rib cage and a tumor deep in the axillia. After much testing finally concluded advanced localized breast cancer. I started my chemo CEF last Friday and am finding it difficult to be courageous. I hate the tiredness and nausea and what if it doesn't work? I do find comfort in this site and thank everyone for sharing their stories. Deborah <debutalk@aol.com> - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 21:13:14 (EDT) I am 43 and have just started with pain and lumps in my left breast. At the age of 15 I fell off a bike and landed on my left breast, I think this may have caused my current problem. I am scheduled for a mammogram and ultrasound tomorrow (Wed, 5/9/01) and I am scared to death. I am about to read your website and I hope it resolves some of my fear. Mary Humphreys <thechosenchild57@aol.com> Elsmere, DE USA - Tuesday, May 08, 2001 at 18:07:56 (EDT) To my mother, Debbie Weldon, I LOVE YOU... IN MEMORY DEBBIE WELDON 1951-2001 My mother died of Breast Cancer...we thought she was in remission for the past 2 years. We soon found out that it went to her liver. She only lived one week later. Lets find a cure for cancer. Prayers with all of you and your families. Please remember your family during this time too, they are hurting and scared just like you. Heather Harmon <LadyHarmon1@aol.com> Prattville, AL USA - Monday, May 07, 2001 at 21:52:59 (EDT) My grandmother (age 75) was diagnosed w/BC in early April 2001. She had a masectomy on the left side w/complete removal of lymph nodes on that side approx three weeks ago. Six of about 16 lymph nodes contained cancer cells. She began treatment w/Tamoxifen three days ago..and is doing well, so far so good. She was told last week that she requires radiation therapy as well...which will last 3 weeks. Although she has bounced back quite remarkably after the surgery, I am concerned about the side effects of the Tamoxifen as well as radiation for someone her age? Prior to the surgery she was in excellent health -- vegan diet, swam seven days a week....i'm wondering if anyone can provide information about the possibilities of recurrence, spread--and what the long term outcome of someone with BC like hers be? The bone scan prior to the surgery revealed the cancer was not mestastatic.I appreciate your feedback. Prayers you all. SKG <sharonk.gill@ccra-adrc.gc.ca> Vancouver, BC Canada - Monday, May 07, 2001 at 16:33:25 (EDT) C. Kilby <charlpaul@qwest.net> Tucson, AZ Pima - Monday, May 07, 2001 at 12:07:45 (EDT) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent breast removal. She will be taking tamoxifen and as my parents are on fixed incomes (both in their 70s) the cost is prohibitive. Does anyone have information on how to purchase this drug from Canada, where I believe the cost is substantially less? Thank you for any info. kay shelnutt <shel3812@sou.students.edu> - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 18:58:03 (EDT) My sister has been fighting metatastic breast cancer since early 1998. At one year after she finished chemo, she was diagnosed with liver cancer. Last week she was diagnosed with multiple brain tumors. The drs. say she has 6mos. to 1 year with radiation treatment, 3-4months without it. We have to tell her this, so she can make sure her affairs are in order, but - I would also like to be able to give her some hope so she doesn't just give up. Can anyone email me similar situations where the patient has survived past the 1 year mark? Thank you, and god bless you all. I pray not only for my sister, but for everyone who has to deal with this monster-cancer. Ginnie <Ginnielb@aol.com> Nashville, TN USA - Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 14:42:04 (EDT) Glad to find a friendly place to puruse while I await my surgery on Monday, May 14. I see a lot of courageous gals out there!!! Am praying for you all. Thanks for this site! Barbara Gilmore <TheBarbg@yahoo.com> Olathe, KS US - Friday, May 04, 2001 at 12:03:34 (EDT) Hi, I am a 37 year female, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer in 1993, and adenoma in 1998, and now I have a lump the size of a walnut on my left breast. I went for a mammogram and was told my breast are full of cysts (the woman that did the test scared me, she kept saying I am so young)I had an ultrasound done and now am scheduled to see the surgeon may 18, 2001. I am scared for I have 3 daughters. My family and friends have been very supportive and I love them for this. I have found this site quite encouraging and I have hope that I will beat this. I stress to everyone to check their breasts routinely. I never did. I now live my life day by day and thank god for each and everyday I am here. When I was first diagnosed with cervical cancer I asked god to let me live long enough to see my girls grow up, my youngest was a 1 year old then, she is going on 9 now. I again ask god for that. We all need to be strong. I fought cancer before and I know that I can do it again. Thank you for all the information that I have found in this site, all the treatments and survival rates are quite comforting. I now stress to friends, family and stangers to have their breasts checked. Anastasia Papadopoulos <papadopoulos9677@yahoo.com> oshawa, ont canada - Friday, May 04, 2001 at 08:11:15 (EDT) My name is Diana, I am only 30 years old and was just told I have DCIS. Ductal carcenoma in situ. The scary thing is my OB/Gyn said it is nothing to worry about for it was a big lump for years. I was going to have my saline breast implants redone, and asked my plastic surgeon to take the lump out "just to be safe". It turned out to be cancer! I am very upset with the healthcare I have gotten for if it werent for elective surgery, I would have never found it. Now Im told masectomy is the safest way to go. I am devistated. Diana Cluett <Islandcat24@yahoo.com> Fairfield, CT USA - Friday, May 04, 2001 at 00:26:36 (EDT) This month I celebrate 11 years of being cancer free. I had lobular carcinoma with one positive node. I had a lumpectomy. I went on a clinical test study consisting of 4 extra strong chemo's (adriomycin and cyclo) followed by 25 radiation. I took the tea Taheebo/Lapacho all of the time (helps boost you immune system). I declined to take tamoxafin - not convinced about it's so called benefits. To all of you out there who just been diagnosed - there is hope! Cancer is only a wake up call. Sue <swalters@st-albert.net> St. Albert, AB Canada - Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 19:28:30 (EDT) I dont have breast cnacer but i am know informed on the disease Thank you nick <n/a> orlando, fl usa - Thursday, May 03, 2001 at 12:01:51 (EDT) This is a very big blessing thsz this is a big blessing thank you all for sharing it gives me hope!!!!! joan lindl livingston, nj us - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 21:05:40 (EDT) I am sorry for all the people who has CANCER.... Danielle Collins <120puppylove@msn.com> Bayville, NJ United States - Wednesday, May 02, 2001 at 15:26:42 (EDT) Thank you for your help with understanding breast cancer. A relative was diagnosed this week and its easier to understand now. thanks again slappay oceanside, ny usa - Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 22:37:15 (EDT) Sorry it should read... No Evidence Of Maignancy. Neli neli - Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 13:43:19 (EDT) I had a needle localiztion, and biopsy done on april23. I got the result from the doctor and he said that I have a rare case called...RADIAL SCARS. Anyone heard of it and could tell me more about it. He told me that it is malignancy, I want to beleive it..Trust me I do.. but it being a rare thing kind of worries me.Thank-you for your help in trying to understand what kind of rare disease it it. Love to hear from anyone, with any insight to this.Neli Neli <Neli.b.b@home.com> - Tuesday, May 01, 2001 at 13:40:42 (EDT) I enjoyed visiting your web site. I have recently had a breast cancer scare, and in 2 weeks I have to get checked, before I saw this site I was petrified, and this made it alot easier. Thank You. Jamie Patterson <lilfatgirl143247@yahoo.com> Edgewater, FL United States - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 23:29:38 (EDT) just been diagnosed with BC, said, it is in the very early stages. 2 choices-lumpectomy or complete masectomy. i have til may 7 to decide what i want to do. any suggestions and/or info would be greatly appreciated. we are all in Gods loving embrace. Judy Ruttman <heyjude0591@aol.com> stilwell, ks usa - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 22:19:47 (EDT) I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer July of 1999. Been through every treatment: 6 CAF chemos, a mastectomy, stem cell rescue and finally 5 weeks of radiation. And I am happy to say that 1 year after end of all that, I AM cancer FREE! Since this is such a rare breast cancer there is not much out there. Would like to hear from any one with this type. To all of you who are survivers and those who are going to survive, my thoughts and best wishes Chari <FYCfighter@aol.com> MI - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 18:51:11 (EDT) We thank you for your site. I know that my friends and I have learned a lot. We are having to do a project on breast cancer. Such as finding things that you have to do to help and eating...that type of thing. Well thank you .... 11th grade Heather P. <Bballergurl12@aol.com> Hickory, NC Unitied States - Monday, April 30, 2001 at 11:59:32 (EDT) It should be of interest to both breast cancer survivors and cancer free women that the Cancer Research Center of America, Inc. now has the scientific evidence to document that the carcinogens in cosmetics and other everyday carcinogens are one or more of the major causes of breast cancer and fatal breast cancer. Our studies would save hundreds of thousands of women worldwide from the ravages of this disease. These studies are the best scientific approach to eradicate this dreadful disease within the shortest time possible. Dr. James Coleman <Dr.Coleman@CancerResearchAmerica.org> Louisville, KY USA - Sunday, April 29, 2001 at 00:39:21 (EDT) hi mr.judson. even if i fail the test... i was here... IIIB <???> - Saturday, April 28, 2001 at 23:11:12 (EDT) Yes, this is a great site! I didn't realize it until I was looking for something. I too, am a cancer survivor! I had surgery breast surgery on the right side 3x! Ending with a mastectomy, just last Aug.2000, I had the left breast removed. There is no more chemo I can take, no radiation because there's nothing to radiate> I just lost my husband last March, he had prostate ca, but he was in remission. It was his heart and other things, like kidney failure, etc. I count my blessing everyday for being here. The Lord has allowed me to see another day! I keep a positive attitude, I keep doing the things I like to do, but unfortunately, I can't do any more hard labor, like working in my yard, and it's just hard to find someone (honest) to do things for you, they want to charge you and arm & leg and then, half do the job. I am thankful for a couple at church who does odd jobs for me and don't even charge me for it, I am on a fixed income and have a 3-yr.old adopted son, my adopted daughter is now 25 yrs. old. There is still a few things I'd like to do yet, and that's to someday (with some help from an organization) is to get new windows for my home, get the breeze-way fixed (leaking roof, when it rains hard)Hopefully, as long as my health will allow me, To continue my college education at the Univeristy of St. Francis here in Ft. Wayne, IN. Truly, the Lord has been good to me, I have real nice friends, that I can depend on for help when I get where I can't do something for myself. I take Femera 2.5 mg each day, I've been seen also by a dr. at the University of IU medicine. I have been through many hurdles, and seem to bounce back to myself. I do not plan to let this form of illness get me down. Yes, I am slower at times, but my health has prevented me from doing certain things, and now I take heed to that! Continue to lift my name up in prayer. I have no parents either, they have since passed away. I have been off from work now, for 4 yrs. DON'T GIVE UP! God still has something in store for me. And I know one day, I'll get those windows somehow. I only can do so much! Medicine is high! Everything else is going up, what is a poor person to do? Thanks for taking the time to listen to me. God Bless you! -Aloha, Cindy cynthia wilkins <cynthiawilkins@msn.com> Fort Wayne, In allen - Saturday, April 28, 2001 at 10:34:58 (EDT) I have just had a breast removed (modified radical). cancer very small(.9c). no treatment recommeded. though I'm delighted..am also scared. seems like I should do something.. anyone else? mandy greenville, nc pitt - Friday, April 27, 2001 at 11:38:49 (EDT) Thanks for a great site, I learned a lot that I needed to know befor I saw the surgeon. I am very lucky, both of the lumps, 1 in each side,were benign. But from reading all the postings I knew what questions to ask and that helped and it also made it easy to decide to have the lumps removed, one by needle biopsy the other by excisional surgery. Thank you , to all of the women who tell their stories, so others may learn and find a way to cope when their news isn't as good as mine. My prayers are with all of you in your fight against BC. Pam <p825r@aol.com> USA - Thursday, April 26, 2001 at 20:11:38 (EDT) I think that this is a pretty informative sight for anyone that is searching for information regarding BC and cancer recurance as a result of having had breast cancer. There should be more on the symtoms of cancer recurance from having previously having breast cancer though. Atleast that is what I have been looking for. I have an identical twin that was diagnosed and treated with chemotherapy four three years ago. She has done fine until lately. She now just recently has had bruising and a swollen or enlarged spleen and very low platelets. I am wondering if this could mean the my sister is coming out of remission? Thankyou Olive. Olive McCann <donald.hughes2@sympatico.ca> Ontario, ON Canada - Wednesday, April 25, 2001 at 08:58:43 (EDT) Liette Levesque <liette.levesque@sympatico.ca> Peterborough, o - Monday, April 23, 2001 at 19:43:17 (EDT) I had a masectomy in November and began taking tamoxifen today. Although everything is going rather well, I am only 32 and I am wondering what to expect side effect wise while taking this drug. If anyone has any input, please email me. Thanks and good luck to all of you. Lynette Owings <lbowings@aol.com> Independence, KY usa - Monday, April 23, 2001 at 16:11:30 (EDT) i'm 55 years old and had breast cancer last summer. i had a complete mastecomy even thou it was contained. my daughter and her friend who also had breast cancer years ago, informed me get rid of it. I haven't been sorry, i have a little swelling under my arm yet, but it hasn't been a year. None of my lymp nodes were affected, and it was caused by estrogen. I took birth control pills for many years, and also hormone therapy which i don't take anymore and wish i never had. i'm on tamorfin so far everything is good. God bless every one that has been thur this nightmare in their life. Hang in there research is making progress every day. i'm open for questions, or just visiting. I just became a grandma this october, and i want to see that special baby grow up wanda a durain <magic@rrv.net> grand forks, nd usa - Sunday, April 22, 2001 at 16:07:27 (EDT) This message is for Cathy and everyone else who is fighting!! I'm proud of you! Always be strong and God Bless You! Laura Toronto, Canada - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 23:14:50 (EDT) Hi thank you for this wonderful site!!! My mom was DX'd with breast cancer a little over a year ago. She had a 1cm tumor, est +, and Two of 13 lymph nodes that were removed were involved...the first sentinal node had cancer cells in the fatty tissue around the node as well. She had A/C chemo and lots of radiation. She is doing well now on tamoxifin and we feel (hope to the universe...god..anyone and everyone) that she is cured. However, she has LYMPHEDEMIA in her arm now and we are having trouble getting any results with her dr's or anyone. She had a brief stint of therapy with a physical therapist which barely helped. I cant find any info on the net about LYMPHEDEMIA. If anyone has any info on lymphodemia please email us. We need to find a way to get the swelling down. The bandages and massage are not workoing and she is getting depressed. Thanks Angela email venus@efn.org Angela <venus@efn.org> OR USA - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 22:15:25 (EDT) I have just been diagnost with breast canser and like all of you,I am afraid of the unknown. One of my lumps ( I have two) is a lymph node. I've heard this is fatil. Is it? I'm afraid to ask the Dr. My husband has been my rock. He wants me to ask as many questions as I can think of before my surgary. He doesn't want me to go in with any question unanswered.I'M SO SCARED.My surgary is to be scheduled first week in May.I have appointments to talk with a Radialigest and the Cemotherapist next week.I hope thay can answer alot of my questions. The surgeon did tell me that I was lucky in that I was given the choice of taking only the lumps or the breast and the lumps. He says about 40% of his patients don't get that choice. I hope I've made the right choice . I've chosen to keep my breast. My life is in Gods hand.THANK YOU FOR LISENING. CATHY Cathy Herrera <nachocathy@cs.com> Placentia, Ca. U.S.A. - Saturday, April 21, 2001 at 04:25:47 (EDT) I am 38 years old and I was diagnosed with BC on 6/15/99. I had a lumpectomy and an axillary node dissection. My tumor was 3.5 cm ,grade 3 and stage 2b and estrogen negative. One out of 19 lymph nodes were effected. After four rounds of AC and 35 radiation treatments I am currently taking tamoxifen for the next five years.Things seem to be doing well now. The chemo had thrown me into menopause and then I developed masses on my ovaries and cell changes within my uterus. They did a complete hysterectomy on November 3 2000. Since then my CA 27-29 begins to fall after continuously raising.If there is anyones' story similar to mine please write me back.My thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you that has been touched with this disease. Donna McKenzie Crum <moonray37@aol.com> Frederick, Md usa - Friday, April 20, 2001 at 23:42:12 (EDT) This sit is great. I have learned so much about Breast Cancer then a million books could teach me. My nanny died if Breast Cancer when my mother was 16 so I never got to see her. Thank you for having information about this open to the people of this world. Joanne Hussey <tiger86@catlover.com> Brampton, On Canada - Thursday, April 12, 2001 at 13:36:24 (EDT) To all of you: Fight fight fight! This is my mother's philosophy that is keeping her strong! God Bless you all Laura Toronto, On Canada - Wednesday, April 11, 2001 at 23:11:30 (EDT) SARAH JUBENVILLE <MJUBENVILLEN@HOME.COM> WINDSOR, ONT CANADA - Monday, April 09, 2001 at 23:01:22 (EDT) My mom was diagnoised with breast cancer April 6 of 2001..Both are to be removed..She will be 75 the 21st and is going to spend it at home..Date for surgery is still unknown..Just wanted to say keep a positive attitude..It helped me with my treatment thru hepatitis c..now i am responding..and she will do great too Denise - Monday, April 09, 2001 at 15:10:27 (EDT) Hello, I was wondering if i had breast cancer. I am 14 years old, not that tall. My right nipple is bigger than my left one and hurts when i touch it. It feels like there is something there. I don't know if this is anything but I was wondering. Please respond about this. thank you and God bless. Bye. Dave <dmv12@juno.com> Maryville, TN 37803 - Monday, April 09, 2001 at 02:51:07 (EDT) God bless you all. I came to get some information on Tamoxifem for my mother in law, she is really suffering with the medication, and only has one kidney, and all your strength brought tears to my eyes. God bless you all in your times of need. My prayers are with you. Terry Erwiin <tlc2277@pernet.net> Groves, Tx USA - Thursday, April 05, 2001 at 13:14:40 (EDT) deane garant <scttweb@aol.com> calgary, alberta - Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 15:45:11 (EDT) I would like to communicate with survivors of breast cancer and cancer-free women about finding the causes of this ravaging disease. I am about teaching women how to prevent a recurrence or a first occurrence of this disease. Never in medical history has a disease ever been eradicated without finding the causes first. Please e-mail me. Dr. James Coleman <Dr.Coleman@CancerResearchAmerica.org> Louisville, KY USA - Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 00:44:05 (EDT) Dr.Andrea Patzelt <a.patzelt@dkfz-heidelberg.de> Heidelberg, Germany - Tuesday, April 03, 2001 at 08:27:34 (EDT) It was a year Feb 23/01 from my diagnosis. After 4 rounds of AC, 5 weeks of radiation and 4 rounds of taxol--here I am ready to help others. This weekend I am speaking at a convention on breast cancer awareness--my first speaking engagement so I'm tracking down all lines of info to pass on these people. Anyone with a story they would like passed on in the next couple of days please e-mail me or if it's just to talk about this, please feel free to e-mail me. Karen Saunders <s_a_c_k2000@yahoo.ca> Sandringham, NF Canada - Monday, April 02, 2001 at 20:27:30 (EDT) Streagth in numbers....... thoughts prove powerful for all of us....... Angel J. Scalia <daclark@iowatelecom.net> Creston, IA United States - Monday, April 02, 2001 at 02:04:10 (EDT) WOULD LIKE ALL INFO OM BREAST TOUMERS. THANKS W. HIGGINS <AUNTIEBILL@AOL.COM> BELLINGHAM, WA USA - Monday, April 02, 2001 at 01:51:16 (EDT) Shawna <SDSD6870@AOL.com> - Sunday, April 01, 2001 at 14:42:09 (EDT) Hi everyone I wrote on Oct 10 after just being diagnosed with BC. Since then, I've had the tumor removed and there was no nodes involved. I had 33 treatments of radiation and I'm now on tomoxifin. Recently I had a complication because of swelling and tenderness in the treated breast. Another mammogram showed nothing and I'm now on drugs to reduce the swelling and to fight the infection. After one day of meds I feel better. To everyone who is affected by BC: hang in there. We all need each other to lean on to beat this disease.The support group in my area is terrific. I also plan to work at and get others to support the Relay for Life, a 24 hour event fundraiser for cancer. Check out your community to see if you can also be involved. There are luminaries for survivors and for those who have died from this disease. Last year I had two, one for my dad and another for my brother-in-law. There were so many candles lit, I couldn't find either of them. This year I will have one for me, a survivor of cancer. Roberta <RoGowing> Cheshire, CT USA - Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 20:13:13 (EST) farideh <jacksonhewitt@juno.com> williamsville, ny 14221 - Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 17:13:26 (EST) I have breast cancer and wanted to wish everyone well. wish I could do more.....Coral Coral Diana Finch <coralfinch@hotmailcom> London, England - Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 09:19:04 (EST) I had a tram flap 5 years ago and am having problems with the muscle in the stomach (lots of pain) and my back going out. Any one out there with tram flap problems? Gail <bigstone@uslink.net> Cohasset, MN USA - Saturday, March 31, 2001 at 08:11:57 (EST) I wrote back in September,,I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer,,,,,BUT,,,tonight I write for a friend in Texas,,,I started writing her after reading her entry in the guestbook,,,and now we also talk on the phone,,,,I write tonight asking all survivors and anyone reading to PLEASE pray for her,,,,I am also looking for women who have had breast cancer spreading to the brain,,,my friend in Texas needs info ,,,,you can write me,,,she has just been told that a tumor is back in her brain,,,,the visual area,,,Doctors in Texas say this would be a dangerous surgery and difficult to even find someone to do it,,,,I know that we all have our own worries and our days are very busy,,,but,,,as I wrote before,,,,we must all unite and help each other ,,,May God Bless ,,,,and I wish everyone a beautiful tomorrow,,,, Stacey Petrosino <Stacey37777@webtv.net> Auburn, NY - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 20:04:51 (EST) I have breast cancer have survived four years but now it is in my bones . Can Iscadore help me, as I saw Suzane Summers is using it to fight her breast cancer? Vera Kuczynski <zuki@ewol.com> Rotonda West, Fl Charlotte - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 19:41:13 (EST) 11/00. Swollen lymph node in my armpit. I am 41 years old, and silly me I thought "I wonder what sort of infection I have in my body that I'm not aware of?" I had just had my annual pevic and breast exam 3 months earlier. Everything was fine. I had not had my first mammogram yet, so I had one scheduled. It was to be in December. 2 weeks of swollen painful node, and I'm off to the doctor/internist. He did a thorough exam of my breasts, and scheduled me to see a surgeon the very next day. The consesus was, that DEFINITELY has to come out. The hospital was able to move my mammogram up a week. I viewed the films. What an amazing sight! The lymph node looked like an enormous shrimp of the sea. Biopsy/surgery came 2 days later on Dec. 6th. "You have an extremely aggressive cancer, and I was not able to remove the entire tumor. We think you should have a mastectomy and axial lymph node dissection. TOMORROW. No problem! Just take the danged thing off and get the cancer OUT of there! Pathology report isn't good. 8 centimeter tumor, 19 cancerous lymph nodes, estrogen negative. grade 4, stage 3b. I began to read about this. My GOD! The numbers were terrifying. I realise each person is different, but....the unknown is faced with equanimity at times, and absolute terror at other times. I began 4 cycles of AC just before Christmas, which I have completed. (I suffered no complications after the mastectomy) I just started 4 rounds with Taxol, and after that will have 5 weeks of radiation therapy. I read everything I can get my hands on. I see so few testemonials of no recurrences, even from people whose cancer was not as bad as mine! I am so hungry for success stories from stage 3 cancer survivors. My cancer was as close to be mestatic without crossing over that line as one could get. My future fills like a blank wall. That is a WEIRD feeling. These are the feelings and emotions I'm dealing with, and I'm sure as are all of you. Please feel free to write to me, as I am always open to communicating with new friends. I went to my first cancer support group a couple of weeks ago, and when my 9 yr. old daughter heard I was going she said, "Oh GREAT. I can tell that after Mom gets back from the meeting, we'll have FIFTEEN new friends in this family!" *laughing* My husband said, "Boy you sure know your mama, don't you?" Unfortunately the group was very small, and nobody in a similar situation as mine. Hang in there, hang in there, hang IN there! Janet dougs@mcn.org Janet <dougs@mcn.org> Fort Bragg, CA USA - Friday, March 30, 2001 at 14:15:16 (EST) |