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Please forgive me if it seem like I'am rambling.My wife,in 1994 had her breast remove and bone marrow transplant'the whole nine yards. On 08/15/00,my wife and I were told that they had found a nugle on her lung and it was leaking flouid. From 08/15/00 too 03/28/01 my wife and I thought it was lung cancer, we found out today that it is breast cancer spreaded to her lung.We are seeking information, traditional medicine, or alternative. Any input will be gratly appreciated. Thank you so very very very much for this forum. I was diagnosed two years ago with Pagets Disease, and underwent a partial mastectomy, along with the Pagets is DCIS, and now the cancer is back, both the pagets and DCIS in two different areas of the breast. I underwent radiation at the beginning, travelling far from home. I am now looking at a mastectomy, node dissection and reconstruction. I would like to hear from any other women out there with Pagets, DCIS and if it recurred, and if they had a mastectomy. I am also being investigated for Pheochromocytoma, cancer of the adrenal gland. I am 42 years old, and a mother of seven children, four sons and three daughters. I have been so blessed with these wonderful children, I know now why God gave me all these babies, they are here to cheer me on and take care of me. It has been a rough road, but ladies, it's not the bumps in the road it's how we handle the bumps in the road. If anyone is reading this who does not know what Pagets Disease is...please be aware of any rash on your nipple, don't ignore it, it looks similar to ecsema, is itchy, and does not go away with any type of cream. Go to your doctor right away, and ask for a mammogram. Early detection is the key...All the best to everyone out there, and send an e-mail if in anyway your situation is similar to mine. I would also be interested in hearing from someone who has gone through a reconstrucion. Thanks, Donna Donna <jdgarland@sprint.ca> New Hamburg, ON Canada - Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 18:32:33 (EST) 2 year survivor very interesting and helpful information val Hammond <valhammond@eznet.net> Penn Yan, NY Yates - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 21:29:23 (EST) Hi, we are doing a functional design project for school, and were hoping to design a good postmastecomy bra. Problem is we have no one to contact, and were hoping someone out there would like to help. We noticed that there are numerous companies online that provide such bras, however, we would like to hear of any suggestions that may be needed to improve these bras. If any one can help, please feel free to email me as soon as possible as our project is due April 10, 2001. Kirsta and Sherri <kfwillis@ualberta.ca> Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 17:47:03 (EST) Would like to know of anyone on Tamoxifin and some side effects you've experienced on it. Want to compare notes. Besides having had breast cancer opr., radiation; and arthiritis and fibromyalgia I am trying to figure out some of the female related side effects I'm getting on this Med. Joan <jcfrog@baldcom.net> NY USA - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 23:11:53 (EST) A routine mamogram 11/00 showed 2 areas with cell diferentiation in my left breast..resulting in mod. mastectomy and plastic surgery for replacement. Had chemo, but no radiation. Now my left arm is swelling and is tight and uncomfortable. I'm trying exercise and elevation, hoping the lymphedemia will lessen. Aline Coover <apdaly@lucent.com> Warren, NJ USA - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 13:36:19 (EST) I was diagnosed with in situ and invasive ductal carcinoma on 19 Mar 2001. I found the lump in my left breast on 18 Feb 2001. I am 40 years old with no history of breast cancer in my family other than an aunt on my fathers side. I am scheduled for another lumpectomy and sentinal lympyh node removal on 29 Mar 2001. Lynn <jlsmartt@aol.com> Converse , TX USA - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 22:55:59 (EST) I was just diagnosed with breast cancer too, having my second surgery Tues. Will be back to this sight often Betty Betty Horton <bhorton45@aol.com> Haddon Hts, NJ USA - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 20:14:20 (EST) Am looking for any information on links between chromium picolinate and breast cancer. I am a 2 1/2 year survivor of inflammatory breast cancer (have my fingers crossed!) and remember seeing something about it when I was first diagnosed, but now can't find any info. Thanks! Annie Thorpe <anniet@sbtravel.com> Santa Barbara , CA USA - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 18:26:16 (EST) sorry. hit the wrong key. i was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma in feb. had rt breast lumpectomy 02mar. further surgery - sentinal node biopsy and auxilary node disection 16mar. i have questions about the pathology report if anyone can help. i'm wondering whether i had the proper surgery or if a mastectomy should have been done. Histologic type:Infiltrating duct carcinoma; distribution:unifocal; Grade:2/3(score6/9: nuclear grade 2, tubule formation score 3, mitotic score1), there was also an in situ component DCIS, cribriform, solid, nuclear grade 2; calcification present in benign breast tissue, DCIS and invasive tumor, extensive fibrocystic disease. Estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor positive, HER2/neu overexpression negative. It sounds like I have 2 primary tumors and I'm concerned about recurrence. Has anyone any advice. thanks lys <beakir@hotmail.com> thunder bay, - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 15:41:57 (EST) I've enjoyed the site. many different stories. i was lys <beakir@hotmail.com> thunder bay, on canada - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 15:26:45 (EST) I need yto Knowb so much about Breast Canser now for a speach adout death because my personal experience is only the death of my Aunty Judy who lived next door to me. Chris Irwin <NONE> Sydney, NSW Australia - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 18:49:53 (EST) I need to know the death tolls of breast canser for November 1997 now. My aunty Judy died back then. And now I need to do a speach about it. Chris Irwin <none > NSW, Australia - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 18:37:47 (EST) ON FRIDAY MAR 16/01 DEBORAH FROM ST. CATHERINES ON. SIGNED THE GUEST BOOK . DEBORAH I WAS DIAGNOISED IN AUG SURGERY IN SEPT. AND AM STILL GOING THROUGH TRATMENTS IF YOU WOULD LIKE SOMEONE TO TALK TO COMTACT ME AT pheath@warp.nfld.net HAVE FOUND ANOTHER PERSON ON THIS SITE THAT I TALK TO AND BELIEVE ME TALKING TO SOMEONE WHO IS GOING THROUGH THE SAME THINGS THAT YOU ARE REALLY HELPS. GOD BLESS YOU AND ALL THE BEST WITH YOUR SURGERY. A FRIEND PATRICIA PATRICIA <pheath@warp.nfld.net> st. john's, nf cnada - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 12:51:23 (EST) my mother was misdiagnosed,3 years ago after a biopsy, now she is a t4a case,has had breast removed,radiation and kemo.looking for imformation on malpractice lawers cases documented ,anything would help email me thanx martin <mdant@nb.sympatico.ca> grand falls, nb canada - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 21:37:51 (EST) March 99 I had breast cancer with lumpectomy negative nodes. I started cmf treatments 6 rounds and radiation 30 and July 00 the cancer had spread to my mediatium in my chest lymph nodes. I had chemo and it was taxotere and adriamyacin four treatments. In February 01 my head hurt from headaches and the cancer has spread to my brain.I could not take chemo it was not recommended so radiation was done 10 times. Most of the treatment I tolerated pretty well. Doctors said 3 months without radiation treatment or 6 months or maybe years with the treatment. I am now considering a clinical trial with the biotherapies in Ann Arbor of which they use a protein called mammastatin. Is there anyone out there who has had this that it has metastasized to the brain and if you have do you have any suggestions or has anyone done this mammastatin trial and if so how did it come out. I am presently taking decadron but it seems when I try to wean off I get the real bad headache again. One doctor said don't see much treatment options and another says there is. Please e-mail me with any information that may be of help. I am 52 years old and have never been sick in my life until now. As a matter of fact I have been exceptionally physically fit all my life. Thank You Denise Combs e-mail at bonny@triton.net Denise Combs <bonny@triton.net> Irons, MI USA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 20:58:29 (EST) I had a suspicious discharge that was pinkish in color and was sent to have a mamo. My result where a suspicious thickening just behind my right nipple. My doctor said watch and wait. He told me I definatelty had to have another mamo in a years time but in the meantime we had to watch. He was so good and told me if there where any changes to or felt a lump to come in immediately. He also said if I had a hard time doing a BSE I could come in and he would do it. He did say that this thickening was not the usual type that comes with age etc. he said that that kind is see through but they don't know what this is, I'm a little scared I have two children. Thanks for listening to me, it makes me feel better. = ) Cordine <joanofarc@idmail.com> Abbotsford, BC Canada - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 18:49:11 (EST) I am doing research for school I am in grade 7 en we have to do a project about deseases,and my grandma had breast cancer and I tought I want to know more about it so I can pick that one and then I found this great website. This is a verry good website because you can find everything you want. I sertainly will come back to visit this website again. Laisa <laisag@hotmail.com> Denfield, On Canada - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 17:55:50 (EST) Our 72 year old mother has been on Tamoxifen for over three years now and she has experienced increasing memory loss. I have found some anecdotal stories about this but nothing official about memory loss as a side-effect. We are very worried about her - and would like to know whether it is in fact the tamoxifen causing the memory loss and if so what else she might take as an alternative. Any help or suggestions would be so appreciated! Alex <xirwin@hotmail.com> New York, NY USA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 12:51:00 (EST) I'm only 18 and I have a bump on my left brest, and I don't know what to do. Yasmin ekonomo <aekonomo@yahoo.com> los angeles, us california - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 00:43:41 (EST) I am trying to find as much information on her2/neu as possible. I 1cm tumour was 100% positive. I finished A/ C chemo five weeks ago and began radiation March 15. I would like to speak with other her2/neu positive women. Also, I am still experiencing problem from chemo such as taste. Is that common after 5 weeks of completion of chemo? Linda Mulock <lmulock@home.com> Richmond Hill, Ont Canada - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 17:21:45 (EST) Joy Blackmore <jblackmore_keyin@hotmail.com> - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 13:14:04 (EST) I was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer stage 3B in May, 99. I completed 4 months of conventional chemo, stem cell rescue, mastactomy, 36 radiation treatments and reconstruction with Tram flap. I had major problems with the Tram flap, I have had more surgery to try to correct the first . I will be having more reconstruction surgery in a few months. I will probably have to have an implant added. I beleive that most of my problems have been with the fact that I had to have radiation before I could have the reconstruction and the radiated skin had a problem "marrying" with the other skin. I am taking tamoxifin for 5 years. Good luck and God bless to all. Joyce <reejrm@aol.com> SC USA - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 17:17:17 (EST) I was diagnosed last week with unfiltratring lobular carcinoma. My surgery is scheduled for March 3oth and I will have a lumpectomy and nodes removed. I am very afraid and can barely imagine all that might be ahead of me. I never thought this could happen to me, esp at 46 yrs of age. All of my if onlys are haunting me...if only I had increased my longterm diability, if only I had more life insurance for my children, if only I had critical illness or life on my mortgage...if only I didn't have cancer. Deborah St catharines, On Canada - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 18:04:05 (EST) great site! am concerned about my sister with stage III BC. She has not been encouraged to have a mastecomy despite multiple nodes and an extremely aggressive invasive cancer. Any thoughts? rebecca abel <molting98@aol.com> Mill Valley, CA USA - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 17:09:24 (EST) KRISTY SEABOURN <BAKS@BELLSOUTH.NET> GLENCOE, AL 35905 - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 19:01:07 (EST) thank you for allowing people like me to be heard. reading about what other people have gone through makes me feel that i will not go through this alone. thank you! diagnosed Feb.16, 2001, right MRM, 4 nodes positive invasive ductal carcinoma. Susan <susan@samson.edu.ph> Philippines - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 09:46:46 (EST) AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! I'm so sad Fat-but-beautiful <Babe56@yahoo.com> - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 13:05:47 (EST) I am 35 and received my path report which stated I have all this compact guk: A typical ductal hyperplasia, scattered tiny foci within extensive adenosis, florid proliferative fibrocystic changes with papillomatosis, and ductal carcinoma in situ (low grade). The tissue removed was in my lower mostly left quadrant of my right breast. I started having a constant couph/dry and throat sensitivity, I also get little bumps which I bite inside my mouth and cheeks and wondering if it is caused by the focal papillomatosis-and am also wondering if there are any connections. Basically the doctor said I have this bizarre compact clump/s of this kind of stuff. I am wondering if there are any other woman with same and what did they do. E mail me at Almy_1999@yahoo.com ally <almy_1999@yahoo.com> San Francisco, Ca US - Friday, March 09, 2001 at 22:06:34 (EST) al - Friday, March 09, 2001 at 21:57:56 (EST) Hi. I had a biopsy done on a lump in my left breast. Negative for cancer. Now about a week after the biopsy (fine needle) the area just above my breast right in front of the under arm, is some swelling. Not real noticable and not a lump but it is larger than the other area on my right side. Should I be concerened or is this normal swelling from a needle biopsy? Thank you and God bless to all of you. Kim <mountain@jps.net> Ca - Friday, March 09, 2001 at 13:18:38 (EST) Good luck to everyone. I recieved this from my niece. I thought I would share it with all. Neli - Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 09:12:40 (EST) A little inspiration for everyone. Today, when I awoke, I suddenly realized that this is the best day of my life, ever! There were times when I wondered if I would make it to today; but I did! And because I did I'm going to celebrate! Today, I'm going to celebrate what an unbelievable life I have had so far: the accomplishments, the many blessings, and, yes, even the hardships because they have served to make me stronger. I will go through this day with my head held high, and a happy heart. I will marvel at life's seemingly simple gifts: the morning dew, the sun, the clouds, the trees, the flowers, the birds. Today, none of these miraculous creations will escape my notice. Today, I will share my excitement for life with other people. I'll make someone smile. I'll go out of my way to perform an unexpected act of kindness for someone I don't even know. Today, I'll give a sincere compliment to someone who seems down. I'll tell a child how special he is, and I'll tell someone I love just how deeply I care for them and how much they mean to me. Today is the day I quit worrying about what I don't have and start being grateful for all the wonderful things I have already received. I'll remember that to worry is just a waste of time because my faith ensures everything will be just fine. And tonight, before I go to bed, I'll go outside and raise my eyes to the heavens. I will stand in awe at the beauty of the stars and the moon. As the day ends and I lay my head down on my pillow, I will be thankful for the best day of my life. And I will sleep the sleep of a contented child, excited with expectation because I know tomorrow is going to be the best day of my life, ever! Neli - Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 09:10:58 (EST) Hi, I am a 4 year BC survivor. I try to read this site every day and offer encouragement to women who are experiencing BC. Today I read one from "susan Gloria <lifts@kc.net> Camden, MO USA - Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 05:52:37 (EST) I WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER SEPT 99. ELEVEN DAYS LATER I HAD A 7 X 8CM LUMPECTOMY AND LEVEL 2 LYMPH NODE REMOVAL. I WAS INFORMED SIX WEEKS LATER THAT I WOULD NEED TO GO BACK INTO HOSPITAL FOR ANOTHER OP AND MAYBE A THIRD FOR A MASTECTOMY AS THERE WERE SEVERAL SITU CANCERS ON THE EDGE OF THE SECTION THAT WAS REMOVED. TWO DAYS LATER I WAS INFORMED BY TELEPHONE THAT I NOW DID NOT NEED THE OPERATIONS, WHEN I VISITED THE HOSPITAL 4 DAYS LATER I WAS TOLD THAT THE TISSUE THAT HAD BEEN REMOVED WAS TREATED WITH TAMOXIFEN AND IT RESPONDED, I NOW HAVE TO TAKE TAMOXIFEN FOR FIVE YEARS. 18 MONTHS ON EVERYTHING IS FINE, I STILL GET THE HOT FLUSHES AND FIND A CEILING FAN IN MY BEDROOM MOST HELPFUL. CHRIS DAVIES UK - Thursday, March 08, 2001 at 02:22:35 (EST) I want to thank-you for providing so much information.My mother-inlaw is going in for surgery on friday and she has to choose if she should have a mastectomy or a lumpectomy.... i went searching for more info and this web site really helped...... thanks.. Mckmkof5 <Mckmkof5@aol.com> beaumont, ab canada - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 23:41:25 (EST) i have just recently been told that i have breast cancer for the second time in just slightly over four years. i am so unsure of my feelings. i thought for sure once was enough! wego tomarrow to find out the report on the tissue the surgeon took on monday. this time it came under the arm and in a node. i felt it six months ago and had it checked and thought removed. after some complications of swelling i found that it was still there. so i thought what the doctor did take was clear that i was just acting crazy. so i let it go for a few months-3months i prayed to god that if it was something that i needed to attend to to keepgiving me a sign. sure enough pain came and heavyness in the arm and aches in the shoulder. so we went back and surgery again. my husband said as soon as he saw the doctor he knew. the doctor said the tissues color was not normal and sure enough, in minutes they knew for sure. i am trying to find out information about 2nd time survivors. how did you do it again, i have known 3 women who have had it twice and two of them once detected, lived less than a year. the other lady has battled this curse 3 times and is not doing very well. i have god and i believe in him and i will fight this time too. i am grateful that i have the husband that truely loves me and children that will support me and friends that will always keep me smiling. any one with info please contact me..... susan <sah1157> jacksonville, fl. usa - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 21:36:05 (EST) I am doing a research on breast cancer spicifically for double mastectomy patients. I want to persuade those patients not to get breast reconstructions such as getting saline implantations. If you are a survivor of breast cancer and did not get breast reconstructions, I would like you to share your story with me. For those who did decide to get breast reconstructions, please feel free to tell me your side of the story, too. Thank you so very much for your help. ta yang <ktayhang@aol.com> mounds view, mn usa - Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 18:02:02 (EST) i wrote in here several months back unsure about a lot of things,mainly my cancer. today i am feeling great i have finished all of my chemo and radiation, my hair has finally returned and im feeling great. i know i have a long road to travel but im very positive that i will travel it for a long time.my children are my life line and my family my mother and my friends that i keep in touch with. i want to say to every one stay strong keep your faith and thank god everyday for your loved ones ilove you lindsey and jordy my children. once again keep the faith rethagail <rethagail@htcomp.net> cleburne tx, - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 13:19:16 (EST) I have had a lump in my left breast for the past 8 years. In the beginning I was told it was nothing just a pulled muscle or tissue. I had an ultrasound in December of 1999 and then a mamogram. Nothing really showed up and I was told that everything was fine. In July of 2000 I noticed that the lump was actually visible. I went to the doctors and she said that it was because I had lost some fat across the top of my chest. In December of 2000 I went for my yearly physical. The Dr. decided that is was getting bigger so off I went for another mammo. It still really didn't show up so off I go for another Ultrasound. The radiologist doing the ultrasound said it had changed a bit but not alot. I went to see a surgeon in January 2001. I was scheduled for a biopsy because a needle biopsy was not advised because of the size of the lump. The biopsy was done and to everybodies surprise especially the surgeons I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ. Within 10 days I was scheduled for a masectomy. The size of the tumour was 6.5 cm. I had my left breast removed and have gotten the results from pahtology that they got it all and around the tumour for 3 cm is cancer free. This was a big shock to myself and my family. After having this thing for 8 years and being told it was nothing to worry about really sends you into a tail spin. I have now had my surgery and do not need chemo or radiation. I have received my prosthesis and I am getting used to it. All I can say it that thank goodness for the surgeon that did my surgery, she was excellent and very caring. She was actually speechless after the biopsy. She of all people was not expecting it to be cancer. With the love and support of my husband, family and fiends I have come through this exceptionally well. Please do your BSE and anything you detect go and get it checked out. If you are still in doubt get a second opinion. Kim Demings <nuggey@wildmail.com> Oshawa, ON Canada - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 11:22:29 (EST) S - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 10:33:18 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer last week and already she has to have surgery, I'm extremly overwhelmed and have the slightest idea what the disease is . I'm cancer illeterate and I need as much info as possible soon as possible. Things I would like to know are what are the chances in surgery whats the chances of it reooccuring and what are the diffrent sstages of cancer because my mom is in the second going into the third and she has the slightest idea and the already want to cut her breast off. Everything is moving so fadt her surgery is tomorrow (3-7-01) and I'm horrified of the outcome,please emil me at once .thanks Lakeeshin Brown <lakeeshin2yahoo.com> Urbana, IL 61802 - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 10:04:43 (EST) Dear Readers: Just diagnosed with breast cancer. Surgery March 19th. I am interested(like Toni) in any one who has chosen an alternative approach to curing their cancer. Thank you very much for your response. Cheers to; love, humour and compassion! Suzanne Suzanne <smoshrefzadeh@hotmail.com> Ladysmith, BC CANADA - Tuesday, March 06, 2001 at 01:03:09 (EST) I have learned alot from all of your up to date information and personal stories of cancer patients. This information will help in my future career as a breast care specialist. Thank-you. Cynthia Harris <charris@midmaine.com> New Sharon, ME USA - Monday, March 05, 2001 at 21:05:39 (EST) I tested 100% positive for Her2/neu. I just finished chemo and will begin radiation Mar 15 for 30 sessions. My lymph nodes were negative. Does anyone know how Her2/neu affects the prognosis? I have not been prescribed Nerceptin... Linda <lmulock@home.com> Toronto, Ont Canada - Monday, March 05, 2001 at 16:20:35 (EST) My name is Sylvia and I'm 58 years old with a family history of breast cancer. My mother died of breast cancer at the age of 56. In January of '98 I had a negitive mamagram. March of '98 my doctor increased my estrogene intake. In April my breast increased about one cup size. I got off all hormons. When the swelling started to go away I felt a large lump in my left breast I went in to see my Dr. He sent me in for an ultra sound, that he claimed was negitive, and told me to come back in three months. That evening he went out of the country on vactation. One week later I recieved a letter from radiolgy department stating due to their findings that I needed further evaluation in order to make a more accurate diagnosed. I called my doctors office and had to speak to a pardner. I told him of my fears and concerns that my Dr.said everything was okay and then I get this letter. This Dr. told me that the radiology department was just covering their a--. I just could not believe my ears. I picked up my records from his office and consulted another Dr. This Dr. sent me to a surgeon. This surgeon sent me to get another mamagram and an ultra sound. Again I was told it was negitive. Still the lump was there and this Dr. did not think I needed a biopsy he felt the lump was nothing to be concerned about, but said in July if the lump was still there he would biopsy (this was June). In July the lump was still there but still insisted it was nothing. He put me back on hormones and told to come back in three months. In Sept. the lump was still there when I went in to see him. He still said it was nothing come back in 6 months. But I insisted on a biopsy. So in November the biopsy was done. That same day about seven o'clock in the evening he called me, never asking if someone was home with me, he told me that yes I had cancer. Well, I was home alone at the time. My husband came in shortly after the call. I can't even begin to tell you how I felt, but yes, I suppose you do know how I felt. We went to another city close by with a good cancer center and I'm doing okay. The cancer has metastize to liver and bone. But seem as though my Dr. has it under control although not in remission. The reason I am writing this is to ask all women to take control of your own body. Some of these Dr. play God. Get on that computer and do your own research, don't be afraid to ask your Dr. questions. If he's ready to leave the room and you are not through you tell him you are not finished with him. When you are in that room he is on your time you are paying that tab. These Dr. are so busy that you are but a protocal. So please don't just sit back like I did and listen to what I wanted to hear from the Dr. I wanted to hear it was okay. But that was not reality. I should have insisted in April of '98 that they do a biopsy. Although I will never know if 7 months would have made a differance. Please don't make the same mistake I made. Always remeber a mamagram can not always show what the Dr. needs to see. Insist on all the test that are available to you. Just don't be afraid to ASK! Sylvia Kimble <hkimble@cajunnet.com> Houma, La USA - Monday, March 05, 2001 at 03:09:52 (EST) I am currently gathering data on persons that have experienced miraculous cures. If you know of anyone or if you have personal information please email me. Joan Herndon <theonecure@excite.com> Atoka, TN U.S.A. - Sunday, March 04, 2001 at 18:01:46 (EST) |