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Wish to form a cancer information task force to educate
my county and surrounding counties. Is there grant money available to assist me with this projest? If so,
could you please send me the information necessary to go about applying for them. Thanks! this is a great site. i have learned a lot about breast cancer from the information and the people who have signed your guestbook, i am surly going to get an a on my report, thankyou. Gabby Smith <n/a> - Saturday, March 03, 2001 at 18:17:08 (EST) lab reprts are in and I have a sarsonoma of the right breast. lump and surrounding tissue was emoved last week..have to see the doctor on Monday...totally freakin out...I'm 46 years old and this is the first for my family..no previous history,,just knocked me over...glad to have found this site...Ill touch base later, love deb Debra Laino <dacl1217@aol.com> Lynbrook, NY USA - Saturday, March 03, 2001 at 07:29:10 (EST) My Mom had a radical masectomy 1 1/2 years ago. She opted for only Tomaxafin (sp) treatments for her own personal reasons. However, she is very weak and tired most of the time. This is caused by the medication. Her doctor told her to start taking a combination of natural vitamins that come in packets taken 3 times daily. The vitamins are too numerous to list but the price is tremendous! She pays $27.00 for a 5 day supply! Instead of 3 times a day, she takes only 1/3 dosage a day to stretch them to 15 days. Of course, this is not enough to do her much good. She is becoming very depressed because of the cost involved and sometimes feels it would have been best to just "pass on". Does anyone out there know of another "natural" treatment that will help her build up her strength and give her some energy without costing her all of what she receives from Social Security? Thank you! Chris Stanton <stanton@iosa.com> Arkadelphia, AR USA - Thursday, March 01, 2001 at 19:15:39 (EST) sharon <benotto@sympatico.ca> - Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 18:30:46 (EST) I had an older sister who died from Inflamitory Breast cancer at the age of 46.In June of 99 i had a lump removed from my right breast,it was not cancer thank god .i have found other lumps since then but the Dr.says everything is fine.i think all you ladies who are fighting and surviving this monster are THE BEST and i hope you keep up the fight . Rita <ralf@fox.nstn.ca> Berwick, N.S. Canada - Wednesday, February 28, 2001 at 02:52:34 (EST) ON SEPTEMBER 13, 2000 I HAD A MASTECOMY AND MY LYMP NODES REMOVED . TWO OF THE NODES WERE POSITIVE. SO FAR I HAVE HAD 5 OF MY 8 TREATMENTS. 4 WERE EITH ADRIAMYCIN AND CYTOXIN AND THE REMAINING 4 ARE WITH TAXOL. I HAVE EXPERIENCED THE MOST COMMON SIDE EFFECTS LOSS OF HAIR, AND TIREDNESS BUT THANK GOD I HAVE NOT BEEN SICK AT ALL. THE ONLY OTHER SIDE EFFECT I HAVE FOUND SINCE I STARTED THE TAXOL IS THAT THE TIPS OF MY FINGERS HAVE FELT NUMB. I HAVE GREAT SUPPORT FROM MY FAMILY, FRIENDS AND CO-WORKERS. MY DAUGHTER HAS BEEN MY SPECIAL SUPPORT THROUGH ALL OF THIS. EVERYONE TELLS ME I HAVE A GREAT OUTLLOK AND SENSE OF HUMOR CONSIDERING WHAT I AM GOING THROUGH AND I HAVE NO INTENSION AND WITH GODS HELP LETTING THIS GET THE BETTER OF ME. I STILL HAVE TO MANY THINGS THAT I STILL WANT TO DO. I HAVE A 1YEAR OLD GRAND DAUGHTER THAT I PLAN ON SPENDING A LOT OF TIME WITH AND AN LOOKING FORWARD TO THE TIME THAT I CAN RETURN TO WORK. I AM GLAD THAT I FOUND YOUR WEB SITE BECAUSE IT ALWAYS HELPS TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE NOT ALONE . YOU CAN TALK TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS BUT IT IS NOT THE SAME AS TALKING TO SOMEONE WHO IS EXPERIENCING THE SAME THINGS AS YOU ARE. IF YOU FEEL LIKE YOU JUST NEED A BUDDY TO TALK TO CONTACT ME. PATRICIA <PHEATH@WARP.NFLD.NET> ST. JOHN'S, NF CANADA - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 23:03:29 (EST) This is the first time I've visited your site. Kudos, for putting it together. A few months ago I was diagnosed with DCIS & LCIS. Following a partial masectomy & radiation I'm doing pretty good. However, the tamoxifin has me feeling terrible. Do the side effects improve? I feel like I'm walking around in a fog. Michele Michele Campbell Evans <michied281@aol.com> Washington, DC USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 16:18:56 (EST) BC 11/2//01 3 1/2 cm. surgery lumpectomy chemo 6mo. then 28 radi. 1 treatment of chemo found in ducts What can I expect? tumor was called an apple core. Can't take tamaxifem. Shirley Marshall Calcutta, Oh USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 14:11:52 (EST) BC 11/2//01 3 1/2 cm. surgery lumpectomy chemo 6mo. then 28 radi. 1 treatment of chemo found in ducts What can I expect? tumor was called an apple core. Shirley Marshall Calcutta, Oh USA - Tuesday, February 27, 2001 at 14:10:28 (EST) Thanks to all that helped me try to deal with this sickness that no-one thinks that it could be them. I am one of the people, the other was my sister. Now I know that it is possible get anything. But be prepared to do something about it. That is what I am trying to do. Again thanks to all that wrote.All the best to the other that have and had the same problem. God Bless each and every one of us. Neli neli Canada - Monday, February 26, 2001 at 00:02:23 (EST) I've enjoyed reading the different comments, was looking for a support group in the Marietta, GA area for breast reconstruction due to mastectomies. Joyce Stringer <joycestringer@mindspring.com> Dallas, ga usa - Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 20:53:11 (EST) Hi, I am a 39 year old woman. I have a question to ask of any one here? I had a mammagram done, it came back negative.Later my doctor phones me and tells me that he spotted a lump in my right breast. He scheduled a biopsy for me in 2 week.How could the mammagram miss that? I am worried because my sister just died on the 11 of Feb.01 of breast cancer.I find that the right side is a bit bigger that is was before. It is bigger that the left side is that normal?I appreciate all the help and advise that I could get from you people in this group. My husband think that my doctor just wants to be a hero.Should I get a second opinion or go ahead with the biopsy? I think it could be serious because it took him no time to get me in. neli <neli.b.b@home.com> Canada - Saturday, February 24, 2001 at 23:59:40 (EST) My mammogram showed two calcifications in my right breast my Doctor informed my that 15% malignent tumors. He also drained a lump in my left breast. I am 44 years old and not sure what to think at this point. Catherine Quinones <catherineq@staff.wemedia.com> Brooklyn, NY USA - Friday, February 23, 2001 at 14:14:02 (EST) It is 6 weeks today that I had a lumpectomy to remove a small tubular cancer tumour. The lymph nodes were clean and so I am taking Tamoxifen for 5 years and start radiotherapy next week for 6 weeks. I seem to have been very lucky with the type of cancer I have, but that does not make it any easier. I have had a very positive outlook and that has supported my family and friends who in turn have been able to support me. Thee is so much information on the Web and in literature written and supplied by charity groups set up to support cancer victims. Take the time to read as much as you want to read, and talk to as many friends as you can because you will not be surprised to hear that most families have had someone affected by cancer or breast cancer. Chin up, take heart. Lynn Hilditch <c-hilditch@cwcom.net> Cirencester, UK - Thursday, February 22, 2001 at 16:03:10 (EST) I am currently taking tamoxafin. I underwent a radical mastectomy, 4 months of chemo,and 7 weeks of radiation. I had Type II invasive duct carinoma with two positive lymp nodes. linda kelly norwood, nc stanly - Wednesday, February 21, 2001 at 22:51:15 (EST) I am a student nurse. This has been very helpful. All women should do self breast exams....starting at a young age. Susan Jimenez Chelsea, Ma - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 21:42:33 (EST) MY MOM WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER WHEN I WAS IN THE 4TH GRADE. I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHAT BREAST CANCER WAS. ALTHOUGH I DID KNOW THAT ITT WAS BAD. A LOT OF BAD THOUGHTS SHOT THROUGH MY HEAD WHEN MY PARENTS TOLD ME. SHE DISCOVERED A LUMP ON HER BREAST WHEN OUR FAMILY WAS ON VACATION. I HAD NO CLUE THAT SOMETHING WAS GOING ON BUT I DID NOTICE SHE WAS ACTING A LITTLE WEIRD. THIS WAS ALL BEFORE SHE TOLD ME THAT SHE HAD BREAST CANCER. SHE UNDERWENT SURGERY AT THE BEGINNING OF 1998. I WAS STILL IN 4TH GRADE. IT WAS A LONG RECOVERY BUT SHE TURNED OUT FINE. WHEN I WAS 6TH GRADE THE CANCER WAS BACK. I WAS OLDER SO I NEW A LITTLE BIT MORE INFORMATION THAN I DID. SHE AD SURGERY BUT SHE ENDED UP FINE. NOW I AM 13 YEARS OLD AND I'M IN THE 7TH GRADE. SHE IS DOING GREAT. SHE FOUND A NEW JOB AT A HOSPITAL WORKING WITH PYSCH PATIENTS. I AM DOING A HEALTH PROJECT AT SCHOOL AND WE GOT TO PICK OUR TOPIC. I PICKED BREAST CANCER SO I CAN FIND A LOT OF INFORMATION BECAUSE I AM MOST LIKELY TO GET IT WHEN I AM OLDER. HAVE A GREAT DAY!!!!! Carrie Lockwood <cas0403@aol.com> Indianapolis, In U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 17:01:44 (EST) Hey, Carrie Lockwood Indpls, In America - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 16:48:28 (EST) Hey, Carrie Lockwood Indpls, In America - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 16:48:27 (EST) I'm a two time cancer survivor researching a book on cancer etiquette. I'd like to hear from anyone who would like to share a story or anecdote dealing with appropriate or inappropriate comments by friends, family, medical personnel when dealing with your cancer. Thanks. Rosanne Rosanne Kalick <Rklibrary@earthlink.net> - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 11:36:11 (EST) Linda Coleman <lcoleman@hpcc2099001.com> Colonial Heights, VA USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 09:09:24 (EST) After having a radical nephrectomy for renal cell ca, I have now been dx'd with breast cancer. I heard there was a treatment that prevents hair loss during chemo, Does anyone know what it is? I remember it came from a california university study, but can't remember which one. thx for any insight. f. r. Fran Rowell <franrow@shreve.net> Bossier City, La. USA - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 07:33:24 (EST) I had a modified radical masectomy in 1994, with 6 months of chemotherapy. all has been well since, praise God. I resently am experiencing pain in my under arm where lympth nodes were removed. Has anyone else experienced this, and what it could possably be. Any input would be greatly appreciated. thank you. Also God Bless this site. It is a place to go, and feel like you are with others who have been where you have. patsy <patsyjo@lakeozark.net> Eldon, Mo. united states - Tuesday, February 20, 2001 at 00:13:25 (EST) I thought this site was very helpful for my research on breast cancer and I enjoyed the stories that others have sent in. I am not a breast cancer survivor but I dont think you can ever know too much about this issue. Michelle Mckay South Brook, NF Canada - Monday, February 19, 2001 at 12:11:35 (EST) I am from a family of eleven, nine girls, two boys. Two of my sisters have breast cancer. My oldest sister was diagnosed in 1992 at 44 yrs. old with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma, 5 lymph nodes out of 15 positive and estrogen negative. She is a 9 yr. survivor. My fourth youngest sister 41 yrs old was diagnosed with Invasive Duct Carcinoma, three of three lymph nodes negative, Er & Pr Positive on December 14th,2000, three days after our mothers funeral. We are a very close family and see each other on a regular basis. This has been very hard for us as we had just lost our mother, she had been there for all of us when anything happened and now we could not rely on her to help us deal with my sisters breast cancer, my oldest sister has taken this very hard I think because she knows what my younger sister will go through in these next months. I will be going for gene testing on Thurs., Feb.,22nd and so will another sister, we have asked the rest of our sisters to also have it done because I also feel it could be a good research tool for breast cancer to test 9 sisters from the same family, 2 with breast cancer and also another sister that was diagnosed with ovarion cancer at age 41. I truly am happy to have found this web site. It has helped me, talking about cancer with other people. Thank you. cindy hayes <jim_cindyhayes@sympatico.com> Toronto, ont canada - Saturday, February 17, 2001 at 00:11:13 (EST) There is a web site for women who have fibrocystic disease with a message board. http://www.jps.net/mountain/cyst.htm Thank you and good luck to all Kim Turnboo <mountain@jps.net> Pollock Pines, CA Gool ol USA - Friday, February 16, 2001 at 20:32:06 (EST) I truly have the up most respect for all you women out there, My mother, who is also my best friend and hero has breast cancer. She just turned 50, and it is so hard seeing a strong women hurt but she is not defeated nor will she go without a fight. And I will be by her side every step of the way like I have been. Lori Anne Larocque <longlegsnmbr9@yahoo.com> Hay River, NT, Canada - Friday, February 16, 2001 at 12:24:10 (EST) Seven years ago I had a lump removed from the right breast, with was malignant. Six months of chemo, and 25 sessions of radiation later, I was symptom free for almost 4 years. Then a lump appeared on the sternum. I have gone through the gamut..tamoxifen, arimidea, cyclophosmid, 5FU, methotrexate, navelbine, and taxotere. The only thing left for me to try (that I know about at this time) is Xeloda. This cancer has metatised to the bone now in most of my body. Any one out there who has tried something else that I might mention to the doctors? Would appreciate hearing from anyone....I'm down to my last "card up the sleeve". Thanks. Bev Henderson <bhenderson@golden.net> Fergus, Ontario, Canada - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 17:53:38 (EST) I am 18 years old & I just did self breast exam & I am scared. What does a lump feel like? I am high risk for breast cancer because it runs strongly in my family. I have been trying not to get worried about this, but all the web sites & places I go don't tell what a lump feels like. Please I am asking each one of you that views this guest book to help me. I am a little scared & I would rather it be nothing, but I need to know. Thank you & God bless you all. Deanna <deannab@arches.uga.edu> - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 17:08:54 (EST) I am 40 years old with an 8 and 3 year old at home. I was diagnosed a on 1/13/01 with aggresive introductal carsanoma. I had a radical masectamy. I will have to have 8 chemo teatments and five years of tomoxifin which I am already taking during my chemo treatments. I had my firt treatment two weeks ago and got so sick I was hospitalized. I am so scared of my next treatment. My doctor is going to bring me in a day early and premedicate me. Hoping to control the violent sickness. However the zofran and adavan, given at the hosptial didn't seem to help. I kept throwing up every 15 minutes for 8 hours. Any words of wisdom??? My family, friends and the Lord almighty have been more than wonderful! Patricia O. Warren <adadance@earthlink.net> Goldsboro, NC USA - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 14:24:59 (EST) I have a friend that was just diagnosed with Inflamatory Breast Cancer, stage IV. Could you please send me any information pertaining to this kind of cancer and the most up to date treatments recommended. I would also like to know the usual prognosis for this type and stage of the disease. My friend lives in Florida, so I would also like some information on the The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville. Thank you, Doris Doris McCravey <timbers@ronan.net> Ronan, MT USA - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 12:35:45 (EST) I come to this site almost everyday and have done so for 4 years now. Feb. 13, 1997, was the day that I was diagnosed with cancer; 1.9 cm tumor, lumpectomy and lymph node removal, chemo, radiation therapy, hair loss, the whole 9 yards. Though I don't want it to happen it again, I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. I've gotten to know so many other wonderful people who have gone through the same thing. I feel the fear and confusion of those who post that they've just found out they have cancer. And I can also share a hope in Jesus Christ who gives us peace we cannot understand. Remember, God has a plan for your life; you're not junk; and God is in control. God bless each and everyone. Each day brings new hope in cancer treatment, so hang in there! In Christ. Gloria Gloria <lifts@kc.net> MO - Thursday, February 15, 2001 at 00:59:39 (EST) JANET COX <JANETKCOX1@PRODIGY.NET> PHILO, OH USA - Wednesday, February 14, 2001 at 20:28:56 (EST) Thanks for a very informative website. Would like anyone to comment on breast expanders. I presently have one, and find it very uncomfortable. Are implants more comfortable than the expanders. I would appreciate any comments on this. Thank you. Valerie Vassel <vvassel@stratos.net> Chagrin Falls, OH U.S.A. - Tuesday, February 13, 2001 at 19:02:55 (EST) 1997 After a routine mamagram I was diagnosed with cancer,had the cancer removed as well as several lymph nodes. I am still haveing pain under my arm and in my ribs. Has anyone had this to happen? I am not swollen but just in pain. carlene walker <walkerc@tarrant.k12.al.us> Tarrant, AL Jefferson - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 14:23:25 (EST) I have written on this page before - Siting my story - age 31 - DCIS (no lymph node involvement) - elected bi-lateral mastectomy with reconstruction via - expanders. Since, I have removed all breast tissue, my oncologist did not see any reason to put me on Tamoxifin. IS anyone on it? However, with all these recurrances (bone and otherwise) dicussed on the web site - I am curious as to "if anyone has elected a bi-lateral mastectomy with DCIS and had a recurrance. Husband and I have no children yet,and I want to be cautious - but also live my life to the fullest. I do believe that God has a plan - even though it makes no sense a lot of the time. My prayers are with those who are hurting and struggling through this process. Seek God.... He does provide peace. Thank you for sharing... Kristina S. Weir <kristina.d.weir@us.arthurandersen.com> Birmingham, AL USA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 14:02:22 (EST) I have been on tamoxifen for about two months. About a month into it, I started experiencing severe joint pain in my hands and feet. My oncologist says its not possible that these pains are related to tamoxifen. Is anyone else experiencing these kinds of pains on this drug? Roxanne <mjlasa@aol.com> Boston, MA - Monday, February 12, 2001 at 13:07:05 (EST) I am a 6 year cancer survivor. I am now considering reconstrutive surgery. I am considering the TRAM flap and was wondering if anyone out there has had this surgery and the out come. Wishing you all good luck. Kristine Kristine Donaldson <kayceesam@home.com> walled lake, mi usa - Sunday, February 11, 2001 at 09:30:51 (EST) found the questions very interesting. had mastectomy july 2000,chemo 4mths now tamoxefin for 5 yrs. mother a survivor of 12 yrs. vicki boatwood <kevinboatwood@bigpond.com> melbourne, vic australia - Saturday, February 10, 2001 at 06:50:47 (EST) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec1999 Had right breast removed They found nothing in the lymph nodes Thank God what a relief Im still worried about reoccurance but am very fortunate to have not faced chemo and radiation I thank my lucky stars that all i have to take is the tamoxifen . I pray for all those who have to go through this and hopefully not alone. MARTY YOUNG <marty1946@earthlink.net> Baltimore, OH USA - Friday, February 09, 2001 at 21:48:11 (EST) i had breast cancer in the right breast. had it removed no cancer in the lymph nodes thank god am still wondering about reoccurance though dr reassures you but it still scares me marty young <marty1946@earthlink.net> baltimore, oh usa - Friday, February 09, 2001 at 21:36:17 (EST) I just found out today that I have breast cancer. I do not know that much about it as of yet, will see the doctor tomorrow. Vikki Robertson <stykbow@wtp.net> forest grove, mt USA - Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 20:06:23 (EST) very interesting web sight.I was diagnosed with stage 1 lobular breast cancer May 2000.I have found so much information on the internet. tess boots <taurus@12thirteen.com> mississauga, ont canada - Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 15:45:52 (EST) Had lumpdectemy Nov.23/OO.Waiting to start chemo since Janl7.Unable to start treatments due to a low platelets count. Going for bone marrow test on Feb.8.I have stage l cancer with no lymphnode involvement.My count is l09,000 which is low normal,but they are afraid the chemo will send it lower.I am getting really depressed.I just want my treatment to start so I can get it over with.Anyone else out there with that problem?Am scared of the bone marrow test. betty <bettylfry@hotmail.com> Saint John, NB Canada - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 19:30:03 (EST) Nice site, I had benign lumps removed @ the age of 16. so it's good to encourage young people (girls) especially to have breast exams. Good Luck to everyone and I was accessing your site, becasue I have a research paper due on breast cancer and families. Keep fighting the fight and stay strong, thanks for listening. Martinique Greer <Mgreer@dmc.org> - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 11:58:12 (EST) NANCY STREB <JESNOS@FIDNET.COM> - Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 02:35:04 (EST) Nice site, good luck to everyone. My wife has been battling breast cancer with mets to bone, brain, lung and liver. We've had our ups and downs but she's had some success with low dose chemo. She details her treatment at http://www.geocities.com/lowdosechemo. I post updates at http://www.geocities.com/mdonath/sybil She is just about to try low molecular weight Heparin, so we are interested in hearing about people's experiences with this. Best wishes to all, Matt Matt Donath <mdonath@yahoo.com> Chicago, IL USA - Monday, February 05, 2001 at 11:29:29 (EST) Had lumpectomy two weeks ago - 2 lymphnodes clear - but have low blood flow to the area with precancerous tissue there. Radiologist reluctant to treat me. Considering bilateral rather than do multiple surgeries. Any suggest mary murphy <barny33@aol.com> Jacksonville, Fl U.S.A. - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 19:00:13 (EST) Five years ago a mammogram found a lump in my left breast. Had a biopsy, cancer, ductal, invasive,insitu, Had masectomy. Age 52. Six months later found lump in other breast while in the shower. Fine needle biopsy showed negative. Surgical biopsy showed cancer. Had second massectomy. It was not a spread from the other breast. Was not in the lymph nodes either time. Had no chemo or radiation. Have taken tomoxifin for five years because my cancer was hormone related.Hope this info helps someone else. Faith helps, also humor. I survived so can you. Also the fear lessons as time go's on. Kay <jkbrifnek@webtv.net> springlake, usa Mi - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 09:54:54 (EST) Just interested to hear from anyone that has found lumps under the arm pitts......Have not yet seen a doctor so am curious.... jackie <rjsimpson@sk.sympatico.ca> regina, sk canada - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:06:08 (EST) In August 1998 I found a small lump in my rb. I went to my family doctor two days later and was booked for an immediate mammogram. After this I had a needle biopsy, this was inconclusive. Next came the surgical biopsy - cancer. Not what I expect to hear at 35 years old and trying for a second child. I then had a lumpectomy, the lump was 2.5cm and 3 of my lymph node were affected. This was followed by the removal of additional tissue, then finally a mastectomy. My biggest fear is not seeing my daughter grow up. She was just 6 when all this happened. With the support of a wonderful husband and family, I am doing great and have faith in the future. I was the first with breast cancer in my family, and I pray I am the last. Please keep the faith. Humor helps. Shirley <elbanrab@hotmail.com> Calvert, NF Canada - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 18:18:22 (EST) My 30 year old daughter found a lump in her right breast around the 1st of this year, had a mammogram on Jan 4th, an immediate biopsy, was diagnosed with breast cancer. She chose a masectomy over a lumpectomy with reconstructive surgery. The cancer is invasive, fast growing, stage II due to 2 positive lymph nodes, though the tumor was only a little over 1 centimeter. She will begin chemotherapy next Thursday, Adriamycin and Cytoxin for 4 treatments, then Taxol for 4 treatments. She has a 6 year old son, just remarried last August. Would like information from anyone else who has similiar cancer and survival rate. She has a very positive attitude and trusts that God will heal her with no recurrance. Wish Mom's attitude was this positive. Please pray for her - Christy Savell. Lynda Frink <Frink50@yahoo.com> Decatur, MS - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 22:18:18 (EST) Discovered a lump the size of a small kidney bean in my left breast went to Dr. He says come back in 6 weeks. Had a mammogram in October. I am looking for more positive action. It hopefully is nothing but I have to know. Esther MacDonald <emacdo@direct.ca> Kamloops, BC Canada - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 13:21:47 (EST) I am looking for information from other women who have cured their breast cancer with alternative holistic therapy. I have refused surgery because I feel the problem in my body that caused the cancer needs to be fixed, not just the symptoms. I would appreciate any help or information by a survivor that did no use conventional medical methods. Toni Fuhrman <kentonif@one-eleven.net> Cowden, IL USA - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 04:05:45 (EST) i am a 21 year breast cancer survior. i am into my 4th reacurrence. i am now on chemo again atill fighting and will continue to do so i do not intend to let this thing have an easy time with me. ann beck gray <agray@charter.net> alexander city, al coosa - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 15:36:44 (EST) What a wonderful web site. Thank you. It has been very helpful in my research. Claudia Claudia Seiler <cblackshadow@yahoo.com> - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 11:11:21 (EST) |