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I am 22 and on may 20th birthday (May 6, 1998) my mother was diagnoised with invasive stage II breast cancer. A week later a she had a right breast masectomy along with a tan-flap reconstruction. 3 positive lymphnodes found. She endured 6 round of chemotherapy and then received a t-cell transplant where she was her own donar. She had a month off before start 6weeks of radiation. Through all the pain, tears, anxiety, and icking feeling days GOD is still God and he never left our family's side. It is difficult sometimes to comphrend WHY, but we won't always know how he will work it for good, so just trust him and he will see you through. A week before Christmas my mother's tumor markers went up. We have endured an positive CAt showing a spot in her liver, a neg. liver biopsy, and then an positive PET scan showing now two spots now on her liver. I am learning that even if the test results are what we paryed for or what we feared, GOD is still there to lean on. I am so scared that she will never see me get married or live to see her first grandchild,but our faith will carry us through. Your prays are much needed! I am a surviver. Idrank Pepsi for many years, alot of it. A Korean acupuncturist just told me that was the cause of my cancer. It was reg., not diet. Just wanted to know if anyone else drank alot of Coke or Pepsi. I have no family history of breast cancer in my family. Ann O'Brien <aerody@hotmail.com> Williamsville, N.Y. usa - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 14:35:27 (EST) I am a survivor since l997. I battled for 4 years. Every day is my birthday! I have been on arimidex for three years, but have gotten lesions. my doctor put me on tomoxifen to heal them. can someone tell me about the side affects of tomoxifen. thank you. charlotte <chardeaus@aol.com> - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 17:38:53 (EST) I will pray for all those in pain and hope that god will ease the pain. Samantha Santiago Fort Worth, TX - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 15:11:51 (EST) Crystal Nixon <Crty8@aol.com> Wilkes-Barre, PA - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 11:04:26 (EST) Lensey Cullins <lensey_00@hotmail.com> Plains, TX USA - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 09:55:08 (EST) I was diagnosed with breast cancer (DCIS)in November 2000. I am 31 and elected to have a bi-lateral mastectomy and immedicate reconstruction due to a large family history on my "fathers" side - but I was told that it only came down your mother's side. Not true - I have found. I am looking for anyone who has elected a bi-lateral as a preventative measure and if there has been any recurrance. All lymph nodes were negative and my DCIS was therefore determined Non-invasive. Still a little nervous at aches and pains that I have been experiencing. Any similar stories? I do believe that God has a plan for each of us with breast cancer. I know it does not make sense often - but God will provide the strength for His will in our lives. Pray for that healing and a peace that passes all understanding. Kristina Weir <kristina.d.weir@us.arthurandersen.com> Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 18:50:40 (EST) Jackie <jamoore@stewart.com> Houston, TX USA - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 13:09:53 (EST) I am 36 years old and found a lump in my breast 8mths ago. I have had 2 mammograms which showed nothing. Two weeks ago something was found which was .75cm. Two radiologists deduced it was a lymph node which rose to the top of my breast. A surgeon and two radiologist think I should wait 6mths and see if it changes in size. I am currently searching for a surgeon who will take it out as a biopsy is not an option based on its size and location. I wish I could find an experienced and willing surgeon. Thanks Hope <gushope@bitstorm.net> orange city, fl volusia - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 21:17:15 (EST) I had a lump in right breast and result of X-ray is not sure. The family physician made an appointment with the expert but will be in around an month later. Could somewhere be earlier? It is painful when in period. Is it possible cancer? Queenie Lee <fourdc@funcow.com> Toronto, Ont Canada - Saturday, January 20, 2001 at 10:11:59 (EST) Recently my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have a breast removed. I don't understand the difference between a masectomy and a mastectomy. Can you tell me? The doctor told her that her type of cancer carcinoma-IN-SITU is not the spreading kind. And that she should probably not have radiation or chemo. I thought that all cancer patients had one or both of these to prevent to cancer from coming back. What do I tell my mom on this line? Also, I would like to know if anyone can help me to help her through this time of trauma. please reply to luckyluk46@hotmail.com Lorean <luckyluk46@hotmail.com> - Friday, January 19, 2001 at 17:19:58 (EST) I just found out that I have Ductal Carcinoma Nsitu in the left breast, and I am scared. I,m trying to deal with it the best I can. i would like to know more about this condition. Any information would be helpful. Pray for me, PLEASE! Mona Jones <ilmona2@yahoo.com> Conway, AR USA - Friday, January 19, 2001 at 15:38:02 (EST) I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive intraductal carcinoma in march of 1997 at 33 yrs of age. I had a modified radical mastectomy followed by chemotherapy (cmf). I am entering my fourth year after bc with no recurence yet. I have already lost two friends to this monster. My sister in law Lisa (age 40) is now fighting her third metastic recurence. She has as strong a spirt as I have ever seen. Life is for the living and we are and we will live it till our last breath is gone jackie schoon <longmaysherun@yahoo.com> sioux falls, sd usa - Friday, January 19, 2001 at 10:15:12 (EST) Hi; I need help. I do not know what to do. Finished treatments 10 years ago and now The general doctor had an x-ray for me because the cough and voice problem kept hanging on.Showed spots so had a cat-scan and it did too. Doctor told us yesterday that it is canser. Now what if it is in more places than lungs because I have other problems in other places so please help me. Rachel Rachel Reeves <memipop@centurytel.net> Selmer, Tenn. U.S.A. - Thursday, January 18, 2001 at 14:11:38 (EST) After reading your stories, I have so much respect for you and my mother who continue to fight this disease. Keep the faith! Stay strong! You will win! Laura Laura - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 22:31:12 (EST) I believe my breast cancer has metastasized to the bones (will have a bone scan and results next week). Because the US is very cautious about medicines I am wondering whether anyone knows whether there is a clinic in London, England, that might offer Herceptin. I believe it is used only in clinical trials in the US. This is an interesting and touching web site. Kirby Dow <kirbydow@mediaone.net> Concord, NH USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 21:47:31 (EST) Kelly E. Ohnesorgen <bluemonkeyz@yahoo.com> Temecula, CA USA - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 21:40:35 (EST) Lynda Frink - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 18:55:41 (EST) Hi! I was diagnosed over 2 years ago and somehow I am still here to tell about it! I have Inflammatory breast cancer, stage 4 and spreading fast! I was stage 4 when diagnosed. I have great days and some real real bad ones! I have been through what I think is HELL and back but I know there are soooo many others out there who are worse off then me, that's how I stay strong, if they can fight so can I! Would love to hear from anyone who wants to chat or others with Inflammatory cancer. Lisa <Lthaw6865@aol.com> - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 12:25:24 (EST) I'm a 28 year old mother of 4 who just 3 days ago found a lump in my right breast. I am set to have a mamogram in a week and am very affraid. Deanna Aiko <little_ms_dee@yahoo.com> Ewa Beach, Hi - Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 02:52:33 (EST) I've just been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. The turmor was 1.2 cm and their classifying it as stage 1...I will be having surgery in the nest 2 weeks and was wondering if there is anyone else who has had this type and what treatment they chose.. I see its the most common but it also seems to have the poorest prognosis from what I read..is this true and how long is the survial rate. The more I read the more scared I get.. Thanks Robin Robin Paugh <nightowlworker@yahoo.com> Hephzibah, Ga usa - Monday, January 15, 2001 at 02:12:23 (EST) Aug.2000, found lump (3.5cm) in rt.breast. Had immediate lumpectomy with 8 lymph nodes removed. Nodes were all negative as was tissue surrounding lump. Completed 4 chemo.(A/C) treatments in Dec.2000, but ended up in hospital due to contracting cellulitis infection when immune system down. 11 days of IV antibiotics later, home for Christmas and all well. Have to go for planning session next week, prior to beginning 5 weeks of radiation. Would love to hear from others who have been node-negative, tissue-negative, and all else negative but underwent chemo. and radiation regardless. Seems like overkill to me, but EVERYONE tells me to go through with it. I have 10yr.old and 4yr.old at home, so am basically doing it for them, but wonder how much of this is REALLY necessary. First 2 chemos were fine, last 2 made me REALLY sick - everyday, all day for a full week after treatments. Other than when receiving treatments, I FEEL GREAT! Am I wrong to want to 'leave sleeping dogs lying'? Lynne Boldt <laboldt@sympatico.ca> Fenelon Falls, ON Canada - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 14:52:35 (EST) Diagnosed w/breast cancer June 2000 Raoma Demel <wildgordwoman@aol.comm> Levelland, TX USA - Sunday, January 14, 2001 at 02:25:35 (EST) I just saw this site for the first time. I was looking for information on tamoxifin (sp?). I had a 1" tumor removed the day after Christmas 2000 and only 1 lymph node. Apparently the lymph node was clear of cancer cells and the margin surrounding the tumor was clear as well. My doctor said that along with 7 weeks of radiation I will be taking tamoxifin. All this was good news, of course, because I was a bit skiddish about undergoing chemotherapy. Does anyone have any information on tamoxifin (along with the correct spelling of the word)? Iris Messina <wildirisbo@yahoo.com> Eugene, OR USA - Friday, January 12, 2001 at 13:58:32 (EST) I don"t know how I found this website, but it is wonderful, and I will pass on the info to my dr's office. I live in one of the largest cancer hotspots of the country...eastern l.i., and yet trying to get info and where to turn resoures is really hard., especially if you do not have health insurance.. I was diagniosed with very early stage in November, and had two surgeries since then, I am just starting my treatment consults next week.. I feel fine emotionally, but the tamoxifen is making me sick, and financially we are being wiped out. I consider myself luck y to have had an excellent breast cancer surgeon who really didn't like the looks of what the radiologists were calling a classic cyst. Laura Wall-Moore <maxmoore00@yahoo.com> Cutchogue, NY USA - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 13:34:17 (EST) alison fuhro <anjn@mb.sympatico.ca> winnipeg, mb canada - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 11:13:55 (EST) I was diagnosed with stage 3 Oct. 98'. I had 12 weeks of a/c, then a mod. rad. mastectomy Feb. 99'. I then went on Taxol for 12 weeks. Then radiation for 7 weeks. So far so good,but, I need to lose weight, Does anyone know if Metabolife is safe while on tamoxefin? Ann O'Brien <aerody@hotmail.com> williamsville, NY us - Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 10:26:31 (EST) I will be having a stereotatic needle biopsy on Jan. 15th due to clustered microcalcifications in my right breast. I am told it is very small, and it would take about 4 years of doing nothing for this to grow to a size which could be felt. Everything I read on the web says this is the earliest stage of cancer, but the radiologist and surgeon both say that 90% of these are benign. All the sites I am reading are very informative, but they are scarey at the same time. It stands to reason that they would talk about those cases that are cancerous, or there would be nothing to say. However, it would sure ease my mind to hear some POSITIVE comments about any of you who have had this procedure done and had it be NOT Cancerous! Did any of your Dr.'s prescribe "antianxiety" meds prior to this procedure? I'm trying to stay strong...I am 52 and have a lot going for me,and lots of friends and family who care, which helps a lot (except when I don't want to think about it and they bring it up!) It's really a life changer to have to address this matter....I wish you all well and have courage! Kris Sloane <ksloane@mindspring.com> Daytona Beach, FL USA - Tuesday, January 09, 2001 at 00:21:29 (EST) I am doing a project on Breast Cancer. I am concentrating on Ductile, Medullary, and Lobular types. I wanted to talk about their diagnostics and treatments of breast cancer. I needed some information to get started. There is also a type of breast cancer I was very interested in talking about. The Adeno Carcinoma breast cancer. Please send me any information on any of these types of breast cancers as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your help! M <mks_md@hotmail.com> Glens Falls, NY USA - Sunday, January 07, 2001 at 20:41:48 (EST) Sonia <Aurora1877@aol.com> Dobbs Ferry , NY Westchester - Saturday, January 06, 2001 at 21:26:40 (EST) I had a partial lumpectomy in January of 2000, followed by radiation treatment. I returned to work (Nurse0 in July of the same year, however in November I had, what I would call a "melt down" at work, crying spells and unable to function properly. My family doctor put me off work due to "depression" although I did not, after the fact, feel depresed. I am still off work on LTD (Long Term Disability) and although am feeling better have still periods where I feel I am about to " loose it". LTD provider has stipulated that depression is not an acceptable excuse for being off work and have advised me that all benefits will be cancelled as of February 02, 2000, even although my doctor says that I am infit for work. LTD presented me to a psychologist who advised them that I was not depressed even ignoring the cancer. LTD is now in threatening condition and to be honest I cannot afford to be out of work or unable to receive any income. Has anyone else had a similar experience and if so what they did about it. Any input would be appreciated Sandra Sandra Dorrem <dorrenc@nbnet.nb.ca> Beresford, NB Canada - Friday, January 05, 2001 at 14:14:29 (EST) I was 31 years old when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. After a lumpectomy, 6 chemo treatments and 6 1/2 weeks of radiation, I am fast approaching the 5 year mark. I still attend a breast cancer support group called "Bosom Buddies", participate in events sponsored through the American Cancer Society and volunteer in a program called "Reach to Recovery" where I have the opportunity to help other women facing the same diagnosis. The stories I've read on your website are an inspiration! I only wish I had found it sooner. GOD BLESS YOU! Alison Akins <alakins@yahoo.com> Birmingham, AL Jefferson - Thursday, January 04, 2001 at 10:27:40 (EST) I am 35yrs old have painful lump in left breast am going for mamograph and xray jan5/2001 very afraid of results but reading about the many survivers and my faith in God I am doing all right. Frances Perrin <franp5@hotmail.com> ottawa, ont canada - Tuesday, January 02, 2001 at 20:17:58 (EST) Thank you for information. I had a Mamatome on 12/21/00 and will have a lumpectomy 1/4/01. There is interductal cancer with some cells outside the duct. Will follow with 30 radiation tx. Sue Claflin <dcsc1937@newnorth.net> Tomahawk, WI - Monday, January 01, 2001 at 17:47:53 (EST) In September of 1999 I was diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time. First time was April 1993. The second time was not a recurrance, it was a second cancer on it's own and in the opposite breast of the first one. I had a mastectomy and underwnt reconstruction. Because I had had radiation the first time around on the left breast, that side did not accept an implant without problems. My mastectomy was on the right side only. I am still experiencing difficulties and plan to have implants on both sides removed. This is a personal decision and I am not suggesting a woman should not go through reconstruction. It just hasn't worked for me. Overall, I feel healthy and strong but will always fear every ache or pain I feel anywhere in my body. I will always wonder when the cancer will be back. I have a strong faith in God and trust he will give be the strength to carry on and deal with this disease. I put it in his hands and just live each day in His grace. My prayers are with all of you who have or are experiencing breast cancer. Stay strong and stay positive. J Rainwater <jrainh2o@hotmail.com> St. Petersburg, FL US - Monday, January 01, 2001 at 17:32:05 (EST) I'm 41 years old and have been dx'ed with an agressive form of breast cancer in my right breast. I believe it is bilaterl lobular carcenoma. I've been told by at least 3 physicans(women) that the safest form of treatment is a double mastectomy. I would love to chat with women who have gone through this proceedure and have opted for reconstruction. Both silicone, saline and muscular reconstrution. Thanks for this wonderful networking oppo Robin Hankins <binowits@aol.com> St. Petersburg, FL USA - Monday, January 01, 2001 at 14:08:19 (EST) My sister was dx. with stage II breast cancer in July 99. She is 43 years old. Her course of treatment was 6 months of adriamiscin with cytoxin and taxotere for three. After taxotere she had 6 months of radiation. Unfortunately, we have found out she has had a reoccurence and the cancer has moved to her lungs. I'd like to speak to someone that has had similar dx. and the course of treatment received. This week she made her first visit to a faith healer and plans to attend weekly meetings. Thanks, Sheila SheilaOlivier <SheilaOlivier@Yahoo.com> Sherborn, Ma USA - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 23:00:28 (EST) Diagnosed with infaltrating ductal carcinoma two weeks bfore Christmas. I am 30 years old and the mother to a 3 year old and 6 month old. I found a golf ball size lump in my right breast after I stopped breast feeding my baby, unfortunately it was not deemedserious because of my age. I have surgery scheduled for Jan.4, have elected to have a bilateral mastectomy to avoid going through this again. I am also facing 6 months chemo and radiation as well. I need any info on everything, and encouragement from everyone. It's good to know I'm not alone, but I sure wish it was something else bringing us together. God bless. Kathie G <katalguer@yahoo.com> AZ - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 21:37:28 (EST) Victoria Deming <Angelbaby1039481@aol.com> Berlin Hgts, OH 44814 - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 21:36:28 (EST) I have been seeking more information on the subject of breast cancer. I thought that your information could be of some help to me. thank you. Angela Peters <adsw012345> London, Ont. Canada - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 18:37:42 (EST) *** BREAST CANCER - MATS TO BRAIN *** I AM A 37 YEARS OLD, MOTHER OF A THREE YEAR OLD GIRL AND HAVE A WONDERFULLY SUPPORTIVE HUSBAND WHO I COULD NOT DO WITH OUT. TWO MONTH AFTER HAVING OUR FIRST CHILD I .FOUND A LUMP IN MY RB. NEGATIVE NEEDLE BIOPSIE PERFORMED (DR. NEVER GOT INTO TUMOR). IN NEXT TWO MONTHS TUMOR GREW TO THE SIZE OF MY HAND. NEW DOCTOR, CUT BIOPSIE, CANCER !!! CHOSE TO HAVE A BILATERAL MASTECTOMIE, ALL WENT WELL. SIX MONTHS OF CHEMO ENDED JAN 99, NODES L & R NEGATIVE. SEPT 1999 DIAGNOSED WITH TWO LARGE, DEEP TUMORS IN MY BRAIN, WHOLE BRAIN RADIATION, 10 SESSIONS GIVEN. TOLD 6MONTHS TO A YEAR FOR SURVIVAL. WAS ON DEXAMETHAZONE AND REACTED BADLY TO IT & PUT ON 100 LBS. DR.S FOUND A SMALL STUDY THAT SHOWED THAT IN SOME CASES LIKE MINE IF MORE CHEMO WAS GIVEN THE BRAIN BARRIER WOULD OPEN UP AND THE CHEMO COULD GET THROUGH. REMARKABLE RESULTS- LARGEST TUMOR WENT FROM 4CM TO 1.5 AND OTHER TUMOR NOT DISTINGUISABLE ON MRI. ALSO USED A HEAD INJURY MED CALLED MANITOL TO HELP CONTROL EDEMA AND ALLOW ME TO GET OFF STEROID. IN TWO WEEKS LOST 20 LBS. NOW SIX WEEKS OFF DRUG, CHEMO STILL BEING USED, SURGERY NOW POSSIBLE, BIG DISCISSION!! MY PHILOSOPHY - USE LOTS OF HUMOUR, THINK POSITIVELY, AND NEVER GIVE UP!!!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL Tina <t.jflowers@sympatico.ca> cambridge, ont canada - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 16:49:48 (EST) sixyears goodforhavingonlysixmonths carrielanier <pclanier@peakonline.com> enid, ok usa - Sunday, December 31, 2000 at 07:07:43 (EST) Ilost my sister to cancer last April 2000. She was 55. For 5 years she fought it. First she had a breast removed and then chemo.The cancer came back in different places and finnally she lost the battle. I miss her very much and don't understand why or how it can move around from place to place. She was so brave and courages that it inspires me to accept other hurdles in life easier. Thanks for this web site. MARY PENNER <kpenner1135@1135yahoo.ca> - Saturday, December 30, 2000 at 10:51:01 (EST) DENISE ADAMS - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 16:57:03 (EST) Yesterday, my mother had a masectomy and a reduction on the other breast. ( to match ) She had a trans flap proceedure using muscle from her back. Please send me any exercises or advice that may help her. She is in a lot of pain and I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING! Any advice would be appreciated. Julie jdunnaway <jdunnaway1@hotmail.com> lawrence, ks douglass - Friday, December 29, 2000 at 11:06:43 (EST) My sister was dx. with breast cancer July 1999. She is 43 years old. She had chemo. for six months followed by radiation. I should mention it was in four of her lymph nodes. The cancer has returned and is in her lungs. I wish to talk with people that have had similar dx. and what treatments they had received. Thank you. SheilaOlivier <SheilaOlivier@Yahoo.com> Sherborn, Ma USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 20:58:12 (EST) I am trying to learn as much as possible about breast cancer. My baby sister recently found a lump in her breast and is having surgery in the next couple of days. Can someone help me to understand or inform me on breast cancer. I never push to learn about this medical condition because to be honest it wasn't happening to me. Lolita Smith <lsmith@turner-group.com> Detroit, MI USA - Thursday, December 28, 2000 at 08:48:08 (EST) I received a phone call from my mother-in-law on friday. She told me tht she found 2 lumps in her breats. One is considerably large and then other is significant enough to be found. Any advice??? Nicole <the-hamptons@home.com> pg, bc canada - Saturday, December 23, 2000 at 20:57:00 (EST) I'm doing a project in school and I learned so much now i know what my nanny is going through Chantal Turtle <brokenb14@yahoo.com> ottawa, ont Canada - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 14:14:14 (EST) Thanks, Love this web site and all of you who contribute!! I am going to have needle biopsie's of left breast. Does anyone know much about this procedure? Jackie Gibson <jgibson@linkline.com> - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 12:30:11 (EST) i think that it is wonderfull that your educating people about breast cancer my grandmother was dignosed over the summmer and is recovering very well thanx for all the info. edith v.s. <edivan2@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, December 19, 2000 at 09:37:37 (EST) |