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got a suspicious report on mammigram. Concerned I just found out that I have Breast Cancer and its the pits. I have Luekmia which has been in remission for about 3 years. My husband died 2 and a half years ago. My two youngest children are in their teens. I beat the odds once before, I hope I can do it again. Good luck to all of you Ladies. God be with you Brenda Medrano <skeeterbug56@yahoo.com> Redlands, CA SBDO - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 21:28:25 (EST) I found a lump in my left side, going through ultrasound 11/7. Scared but trying to be brave. Amy Wilcox <wilcoxamye@netscape.net> Twin Falls, ID USA - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 15:20:18 (EST) To my partners in the ordeal. Patience, love, understanding and faith, never these words had that much meaning in my ordeal. My husband and my familiy were always with me. Your web page is very informative ann real but in a very special tender way. My congratulations. Hilda Arrarte <freddy@interlog.com> Mississauga, ON Canada - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 13:24:47 (EST) Vicki Rice <vickirice@hotmail.com> Botwood, NF Canada - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 11:42:43 (EST) Vicki Rice <vickirice@hotmail.com> - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 11:42:12 (EST) Dear readers I had breast cancer 4 years ago [with a mastektomy] and want to have a breast reconstruction operation. Can anyone provide me with information on the PROBLEMS concerning reconstruction? Thank you and good luck to all. René Johannesburg, South Africa - Monday, November 06, 2000 at 10:31:09 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 monthes ago and will be having her left breast removed. I wpuld appreciate any pictures+information on masectomy. you can e-mail me at angel_kathy@hotmail.com. kathy <angel_kathy@hotmail.com> winnipeg, mb canada - Saturday, November 04, 2000 at 23:26:32 (EST) This message is for Kylee. I feel sorry for you! You must have a lot of anger inside of you to write something so mean. Possibly a cancer diagnosis for yourself or someone you love? Everyone has anger. It is used to disguise fear. I hope you work through your problems. God Bless. Laura Toronto, - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 23:05:14 (EST) You never really think about things like this until they happen to you or someone you know. Then you wish you had paid more attention when you weren't directly affected. I just found out 5 minutes ago that my Mom has breast cancer. We dont really know much yet, but the doctor told her to tell all her family...that has to tell you somethin. I was trying to be real strong for her, but it was hard. We've been through alot of stuff and i was always the one to hold things together, but now, it seems real hard to be strong when its something that i can't control. Me and my Mom never really said our feelings out loud, we always just knew but tonight i had to tell her that i loved her. So for everyone that is reading this, just remember to keep all the faith and hope in the world becasue thats all that some people have, and every now and then, say I Love You. Best Regards and Good Luck To All, "Mama's Boy" Dan Jackman <jackman_dan@hotmail.com> Guelph, ON Canada - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 21:25:39 (EST) Just got a not so good call from my doctor today after going through many test on my breast. Have been pacing the floor and thinking.Thinking t now is all I seen to be doing. Was hoping that I would be the lucky one out of the family, lost grandmother and mother and aunt to cancer all in there 40`s. Thanks for this web site, makes me know that i am not the only one out there and have the same hopes and fears as others do.Best of Luck to all of you out there and many blessings your way. Denni <RavenChavvi@AOL.com> - Friday, November 03, 2000 at 02:52:21 (EST) I am really amazed at the women who are currently dealing with breast cancer. I was about 15 years old when I found a lump in my breast, but I was told by my physician that it is just a non-cancerous cist. I had more tests done and Thank God that is all it is! I am currently in college and I am in a public speaking class where my persuasive speech is going to be on the importance of having regular breast exams to detect early signs of breast cancer. Wish me luck. I will continue to keep all women in my prayers. Lula Johnson <lula_j@hotmail.com> USA - Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 00:03:33 (EST) This Thanksgiving will mark 3 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer!! I had Hodgkins Disease Stage II in 1983. I would love to hear from other survivors of Breast cancer following Hodgkin's. Michele Anthony <manthony@contourmed.com> Little Rock, AR USA - Wednesday, November 01, 2000 at 14:02:19 (EST) I had ductal carcinoma in my left breast 22 months ago. I went through six months of chemo and am taking tamoxifen. Now during a recent mammogram and ultrasound they found a suspicious lump in my right breast. I am scheduled to see the surgeon this week. I can only hope that the outcome will be as good as it was before. I am interested in hearing from other survivors who have had recurrences. Maeve Mockus <maevemockus@aol.com> Hopatcong, NJ USA - Tuesday, October 31, 2000 at 04:48:46 (EST) angela cox <acox47@hotmail.com> Port Colborne, ont Canada - Monday, October 30, 2000 at 13:15:21 (EST) I'm 32 yrs. old and just had a left breast biopsy done, one week after mother was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I've also had a sister w/ invasive lobular carcinoma. This site has helped me accept what could possibly be in store for me. Thanks. ula <uclark@loganrec.com> middleburg, oh usa - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 12:13:58 (EST) I have had black nipple discharge for 3 months and have found 2 lumps also. The mammo and us were normal. I am scheduled for a duct excision and biopsy on monday at my insistance since the surgeon said it wasnt necessary and will be benign anyway. Should I be worried. I also found a swollen node under my arm Please help darcia ellis <rellis@advertisnet.com> Camdenton, mo - Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 00:02:00 (EDT) A friend and I, both RNs, are trying to open a boutique catering to cancer patients, in general, and to breast cancer patients, in particular. We plan to do a lot more than sell cancer products--we want to provide our place of business as a meeting place for cancer support groups, and to periodically offer free seminars. We also plan to do a lot of patient education in our community, by speaking at church groups, etc. I MUST have a breakdown of cancer patients in surrounding counties, by year, for breast and other cancer, caucasian or African, etc. I cannot tell you how many agencies I have contacted-from the state and national levels of the ACS, State Cancer Registry, USA Data, and the list goes on, and I keep hitting a stone wall. I know the numbers are out there, but obviously I'm not asking the right people. I cannot do a business plan without numbers, and I can't request capital start-up without a business plan. Does ANYONE out there know where I can get these numbers for South Carolina? Thanks! Jeannie McFaddin <mjmcfaddin@yahoo.com> Manning, SC USA - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 19:11:32 (EDT) Three years ago i was diagnosed with ductal breast cancer with invasion vascular pockets and treated with chemo radium and estrogen blocks as well as having a mastectomy on my left breast. Six months ago I was diagnosed with lobular invasive cancer to my right breast and had a lumpectomy. While test were being done they found that the first cancer had spread to the breast bone and they are treating this with PAMIDRONATE but are not using any treatment on the lobular cancer. Has anyone else been in this situation and what treatment if any have you had. Julie Dailly <mikedailly1@quista.net> Little Sutton, Cheshire England - Friday, October 27, 2000 at 16:10:08 (EDT) I think it is very interesting to be able to look up the information on Breast Cancer on this site. I admire everyone that input on this matter with some of the knowledge they have. May God Bless everyone of you. Andrea Rodriguez <burrusrod3911@mediaone.net> Methuen, MA Essex - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 19:32:22 (EDT) kelly <dadslitlmarine@aol.com> warrington, pa use - Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 19:09:04 (EDT) Jessica Hahn Horicon, WI United States - Wednesday, October 25, 2000 at 17:02:24 (EDT) I think women who deal with breast cancer I really look up to them for the struggles they went through to have a normal life and wishing they can do alot of things they can't do so I really want to think you. Kimberly Halback Columbia, SC Richland - Tuesday, October 24, 2000 at 18:34:19 (EDT) your website helped me ina great way, for I'am doing a report on breast cancer, and I found a great deal of information that helped. keep up the good work!! sincerly; tina danis tina <tinadd_ya@yahoo.ca> picton, on canada - Monday, October 23, 2000 at 12:10:22 (EDT) In May of 1998, I was found to have Paget's extra-mammary carcinoma. To make a long story short, in October of that year, I had a vulvectomy - left vulva "only." When they were diagnosing me, and going through the tests, it was cancer. Now that the surgery is over and I am healed, it suddenly is not cancer. Am I unreasonably bitter? I feel jerked around by the medical profession. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad, if this weren't the second time I got similar "treatment." In 1976, I was "diagnosed" with early pre-cancerous cervical dysplasia? That also was a big hullabalou, with utmost, fear-instilling comments made by doctors that I must have a hysterectomy immediately or die in two or three years. Now, I find something which looks as though it might be a recurrance of the Paget's that resulted in the vulvectomy, except that it is in my left armpit. Matastisis? I would put it down to being razor burn, or irritation, except that: 1)it has been a good six weeks, no razor burn lasts that long; 2)the other armpit is perfectly normal. I haven't told anyone. Not my husband, not my daughter; and only just tonight, told my friend and sponsor. I go back to the wonderful doctor who saved my life by deciding the "rash" on my vulva did not look right and sent me to the ob/gyn who diagnosed the Paget's. That it took from May to October to get surgery performed, never be a poor woman without medical insurance. "They" will let you die. If this is indeed a metastisis from that site, I will be absolutely insane. Thanks, I just needed to write all this out to other women. I hope you can just read it and feel, know that I am not a complainer, that I don't expect anything from anyone. Just to be listened to. D. Irene D. Irene Ramirez <redtailhawk932@netzero.net> San Diego, CA America - Saturday, October 21, 2000 at 03:29:45 (EDT) i think that it was a good site but it needs more information maria <none> centralis, wa - Friday, October 20, 2000 at 15:27:59 (EDT) dipti <dipti07306@yahoo.com> jersey city, nj - Thursday, October 19, 2000 at 19:54:43 (EDT) THINKS I JUST NEEDED SOME GOOD INFO. THANKS I FOUND WHAT I WANT. somebody <boekeith2003@yahoo.com> st. louis, mo us - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 11:28:46 (EDT) This is a really great site. It help my company get prepared for our Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar. Kissyfur <Kissyfur@e247.com> Fayetteville, NC US - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 09:55:56 (EDT) To Kylee: You can really hurt someone with your Your site is Gay comment. My mother has breast cancer and this site has helped me understand it a whole lot. I pray to God that no one you know will get breast cancer, but if that happens I bet you'll be sorry you ever wrote that! Julie <-------@------.com> Richmond, KY U.S.A - Wednesday, October 18, 2000 at 09:00:58 (EDT) Hi I was assigned brest cancer for my science report an dthis website really helped me alot thanx. i think this is a great site You people are grat to thanx and good luck Rhiannon Roberts <RhiRhi06@aol.com> Arlington,, Tx USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 22:20:51 (EDT) I was using this site to find information for a report that was assighned to me in an english class. I had a hard time finding the right kind of info, (deaths, genetics) I found alot on treatment but I couldn`t find enough statistics. Also my sister was just seen by a doctor and they found a tumor in her breast. The doctors don`t know if its cancerous or not yet. She is only 16 years old. Is this normal? My mom`s doctor also found a lump in her breast.and told my mom to get a mammagram but my mom cancled the appointment because she didn`t have enough money. Do they have funding for people in our case? Is cancer herretitary(sp?)? Amanda <dgermann@thurston.com> tenion, WA United States - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 19:10:29 (EDT) Just wanted some good information Thanks !!!! Denise Kahpeaysewat <denwat01@.nwrc.ca.sk> North Battleford, Sk Canada - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 12:38:57 (EDT) To: Kylee I just read your entry .The site is Gay and your quote "your ass is gona die". I guess you never had someone close too you have a terminal illness or you would have never wrote such a crude e-mail on such a helpfull site. I feel sorry for you and I hope, I'm wrong about you .Just hope you think again before you do something so thoughtless." Liz - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 11:24:12 (EDT) your site is GAY!!!!! kylee <yourassisgonnadiefosure> manhattan, KS riley - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 09:38:06 (EDT) I THINK IT IS GREAT WHAT YOU ARE DOING TO EDUCATE OTHER PEOPLE THAT DON'T REALLY KNOW ABOUT THIS DISASE. COLENE FLAMMANG <colon2882@yahoo.com> Savanna, IL USA - Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 00:55:22 (EDT) DEBBIE <POOH922@HOTMAIL.COM> RIVERDALE, GA US - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 21:53:54 (EDT) barb blake <angelsonnie@yahoo.com> - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 15:25:55 (EDT) Hi every body ! i would also like to share my experience with all. My mother was discovered with CA breast in 1995 and she was operated upon at that time.Then she stayed on Timoxofin for about 5 years.She now again has developed it.Now she is on XELODA. I would also like to know any other person using this medicine. Thank you all Usman <usman777@usa.net> Islamabad, Punjab Pakistan - Monday, October 16, 2000 at 14:40:26 (EDT) i am over my chemo but im having alot of joint pain due to the med treatments,is that normal no one told me after effects of chemo plus im so tired all the time will Iget over that how long does chemo stay in your system and allthe joint pain what causes that. TERESA COFFELL <tcoffell@bellsouth.net> N. BILOXI, MS JACKON - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 19:36:29 (EDT) Don't let the cancer take over your body. My mother is a SURVIVOR and having B.C. has made her a stronger person (both physically and emotionally!) She is my inspiration and her fight continues. She will beat this! So will all of you!! God Bless Laura Toronto, On Canada - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 16:56:15 (EDT) Thank You so much for all the info at this wed site it has helped me, in so many ways. I'm 18 years old and I am so thankful that I was told about breast cancer before, it was to late. Grace Freilich <gracefreilich@hotmail.com> San Luis Obispo, CA USA - Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 00:43:02 (EDT) I was diagnosed with BC at 34. After a lumpectomy, radio therapy and still taking the tomoxifen 5 years on, I`m still feeling positive. Elaine Lawrence <andrew.lawrence@which.net> Surrey, England - Friday, October 13, 2000 at 16:25:31 (EDT) I found your site very informative.....I will have more tests tomorrow and I needed to know what I may have to deal with. I will be returning to your site from time to time for guidence. Thank you sooo very much for being here for us. Janet Cline <newgrammy@hotmail.com> Lakebay, WA USA - Thursday, October 12, 2000 at 13:40:47 (EDT) April Thomas <Workin2Heal@AOL.com> USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 14:38:40 (EDT) I would just like to say to anyone newly diagnosed with breast cancer that there will be a time in the future when your cancer will not be the main focus of your life. One year ago I was diagnosed,underwent a mastectomy.six months of chemo,six weeks of radiation,and I take 20mg.of Tomoxifen daily. I am a 42 year old wife and mother of five. I've gone back to work and I am feeling great. After treatment is finished it is much easier to get back to your life and put your illness into a new perspective. I personally don"t have time to be sick and with the support of a wonderful husband and a great bunch of kids I am once again an upbeat happy person. The road to recovery is long and sometimes very lonely but like any journey there is a beginning and an end. My prayers are with you all. Remember no matter what,LIFE IS GRAND!!!! Mary Zeimer <mazeimer@webtv.net> Wibaux, Mt U.S.A. - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 14:29:47 (EDT) K. Dreesman-I tried to send you an e-mail in regard to your post. It was returned to me with addressee unknown. Please contact if you still need further information. Mary Lilly <mlilly@belaw.com> Fort Worth, TX USA - Wednesday, October 11, 2000 at 11:09:18 (EDT) Hey....my good friend John just lost his mother to breast cancer yesterday morning....please send me information on where I can donate money or when the walks for the cure are because I want to make sure no one has to go through what John is going through now ever again Rachel <FetishXOX@aol.com> Paxton, MA USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 21:58:34 (EDT) Hi, I've just been diagnosed with BC after a lump was removed. I have another appointment with the radiologist tomorrow and I'm scared of what he will tell me. Can anyone be a buddy chat for me? Roberta Roberta <RoGowing@aol.com> Cheshire, CT USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 19:26:19 (EDT) Hi! I am a certified lymphedema therapist and wanted to view your website to see if any of your viewers c/o lymphedema (swelling in the arm or torso). Would be interested in any related comments. Best of luck to all. Linda Linda Husar <nprt@hotmail.com> Valencia, CA USA - Tuesday, October 10, 2000 at 09:22:55 (EDT) My dear mother, whom I am so close to has breast cancer. BREAST cancer is EXTREMELY high in my family. I would just like to tell everyone out there to hang in there. I know at times you just want to give up. But you need to stay strong, and kep God in mind. He'll help you through it if you just ask! Sincerely, Bridget Bridget Jeffer, - Monday, October 09, 2000 at 20:57:45 (EDT) my anut had breast cancer three years ago and had one removed and now has lung cancer along with lymoh node cancer donna coble <djc4448@aol.com> elizabethtown, pa usa - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 21:21:18 (EDT) Thanks for your web page. I was diag. with B>C> in Dec. of '96. Had mast. in Jan of 97. Had Tram flap reconstruction. Would seriously advise anyone doing this to think about it. It is a serious surgery to have and then go into chemo. I had 6 positive nodes, so had chem and radiation. Had been going very well on tamaxofin until last month. Had recurrence in the liver. Very positive tho. DR. ses no reason why we can't get into remission. Start with Taxol on the 11 of Oct. Am in a clinical trial with one half using Gemcidibine and taxol and my group is just receiving the taxol. Be willing to discuss anything with anyone. cathy Osborne <cathyosborne@mindspring.com> plano, tx - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 19:48:25 (EDT) HI MY SIGNIFICANT OTHER WAS DIAGNOSED WITH DIFFUSE LOBULAR METASTATIC DISEASE CONFINED TO THE BONE MARROW.ER STATUS AND HER2 STATUS UNKNOW AT THIS TIME DOES ANYONE HAVE A TREATMENT PROTOCOL AND EXPERIENCE WITH THIS THANKS FOR A GREAT SITE ROBERT <ROBBI52@AOL.COM> BELLMORE, NY USA - Sunday, October 08, 2000 at 06:37:58 (EDT) I was going through some web sites when i found this one.I'm 21yrs diagnosed with bc august00.I will be having my surgery Nov.3.I will be having a tram flap for reconstruction.I was just hoping someone could give me some advise about this.(how much pain were you in?) Thanks J.H Jamie <mjj2333@aol.com> Lowell, In usa - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 17:04:18 (EDT) Hi, I just found a rather large lump that was not there last month, almost large marble sized. i go in in 3 days for it to be looked at and I'm scared. Praying it's nothing, but who knows. never realized what a fear this could be til now. Stephania <Oceankayak@aol.com> Hayward, Ca United States - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 15:12:11 (EDT) diagnosed dec. 98 surgery jan. 99 double mast invasive lobulary carsinoma 4 chemo treatments am on tomoxifin for 5 years can not get over how many women in this town have had breast cancer or have just been diagnoised cancer is also prevailent in men in this town we are a farming area with rice and bean mills also know of several people men and women that have no insurance and cannot pay for treatments so are not taking any glad to see legislation concerning women with breast cancer diagnosis and no insurance may soon be able to get free treatment GOD bless everyone with great faith s s podbielski <arksales@cpomail.net> stuttgart, ar usa - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 13:05:46 (EDT) my daughter has a lump on her breast, she is 14. they say its a one in a million chance that it is cancer. i'm really worried. cancer took my best friend at an early age. cdouglas <u2cnscd@aol.com> baltimore, md - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 08:28:53 (EDT) My grandmother(age 83) was diagnosed with breast cancer in August, 2000. She had a lumpectomy and when she went for follow-up, they said they didn't get it all so she had another one 3 weeks later. Now they want her to take tomoxofin(sp?) and she is worried about side affects and I am trying to find information. Any infor would be greatly appreciated. Sarah Prince <sprince11@yahoo.com> Knoxville, Tn 37932 - Saturday, October 07, 2000 at 07:14:07 (EDT) |