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my significant other was recently diagnosed with recurrent metastatic disease confinded to the bone marrow would appreciated direction to find any available research articles thanks robert <robbi52@aol.com> bellmore, ny usa - Friday, October 06, 2000 at 07:10:49 (EDT) Hello, Bon jour. I was just writing to discuss bras and the human breast. I have said that a women who owns six bras and replaces two every year spends on average $500 every ten years on bras. The average smoker spends $500 a year on cigarettes. If I said smoking tobacco increases your risk of cancer by 70%, you would expect that the tobacco companies would hardly be thrilled to have this said about their product. In fact you might even expect them to wish to suppress this fact in their own interests, as you have recently witnessed. Now, if I were to say to you that wearing a bra increases your chance of breast cancer by 80%, would you expect the undergarment industry, which makes millions of dollars annually, to be any more enthusiastic to have this said about their product? I wouldn't think so. You might even expect them to want to suppress this fact in a similar response to that of the cigarette manufacturers. What I would like to know is, that since the wearing of 'bikini?' underwear by men increases the chance of testicular cancer because the scrotum is held too close to the body, wouldn't the wearing of braziers, which hold the breast close to the body, have the same effect? Sperm are organisms which need to be kept at a specified temperature. The dawn of civilization created social mores that ignored physical and biological realities. And since the breast produces milk, and we know that milk 'must' be kept cool lest is spoil, wouldn't a confined and restricted breast essentially cause the mammary's physiology to become corrupted and thus lead to cancerous consequences? If areas of skin, the scrotum, which are designed to hang loose and away from the body, can become cancerous (spoiled, rotten), then cannot the same be said of the female breast which is designed to hang loose and away from the body and which can become cancerous? Cancer being the equivalent of what happens to a banana when left for too long. It spoils. Spoilage coming the same as cancering. Meat spoils if it is not kept cool. Milk spoils if it is not cool. The nature of our life, which generates huge amounts of body heat, would cook sperm and overheat breasts if these areas were not allowed to breath. Of course this would lead to breast cancer and testicular cancer. The human body is a fragile thing. I am surprised medical cancer hasn't come out against bras. Social attitudes are killing people. It is legal for women to go topless if they so choose, in Ontario. They have known about testicular cancer and close fitting underwear for almost thirty years. Why hasn't someone considered the same cause and effect with the brazier? Ottawa. P.S. Do societies were the men and women wear very little, if any, clothing have any incidences of testicular or breast cancer? BRENDA BOURNE <b.bourne@sympatico.ca> VANIER, ON CANADA - Wednesday, October 04, 2000 at 16:45:26 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer Feb 2000 , went through 8 treaments of chemo and is now starting 6 weeks of radiation. My Dr. told me that I should think about taking the drug tomoxifen, but I don't want to take it. I am afraid...Please help me.someone Tina Tina Williams <medistar@snet.net> New Haven, Ct USA - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 23:02:09 (EDT) I am 46 and was diagnosed with BC 3 1/2 years ago, I had a chemo (started on my sons 8th birthday) to try to reduce the tumor, a masectomy, 3 lymph nodes effected and additional chemo and radiation. I am taking tamoxafin twice a day. Tramflap reconstruction and followup surgery 1 year later. During my treatments family and friends were crucial in the successes. I did tons of alternative treatments in addition to all the traditionals. They helped so much. Accupunture, Angel Healing Massages, Visualization, Nutritional evaluations and supplements, Shiatsu massage, Pure Synergy (super green food, daily), and much much more... My oncologist said I was the healthiest sick person she had ever seen. That was a huge compliment because I wasn't always sure of what i was doing. And if it was right. My biggest fears... the whole thing!! not being there for my eight year old son as he grew up, watching my parents and husband and family in such pain as they watched their child, wife, sister and friend go through this whole nightmare, loosing my hair, (shaved it and had my hairdresser style my wig before I lost it all).My son was embarressed to have his young friends see me as my hair took on a troll like look, he didn't want to hurt my feelings so when I shaved my head he was so relieved and even complimented me on the new style. I wore the wig for work, bald woman in businss stand out and accually made some of my clients uncomfortable, Igot tired of the wig (it was uncomfortable) and had a henna tatto painted all over my head for the breast cancer Relay for Life, I ran in during my treatment. Everyone loved it. something unique to look at besides the reminder that the bald head was of my cancer, everytime I looked in the mirror it was in my face, even when I felt great. Just keep trying everything and never, ever, ever give up. You owe it to yourself and your family. If you try... this can become a huge turning point in your life that ends up a wonderful experience you learn from and will change your life forever for the good. Be well all! Melissa McDill <melissa@mcdill.com> Soquel, CA USA - Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 11:59:40 (EDT) I was diag. 1st wk. jan. 99 had lumpeectomy and lymph nodes removed 25 Jan. 99 very quick! stage 1 grade 1 infiltrating ductal carcinoma. size 9 mm. no lymph involved. had i9 radiation treatments but was told thatIdid't need chemo because of my estrogen receptors. at the time that I was getting radiaion they discovered calficications in my other breast i was monitored when treatment ended april99 they saw more in other side had 2 core biopsies the the fine wire and surgery in oct99. neg, but i have a typical hyperplasia. 2 wks ago had routine mammos. in my left breast where i was already treated for cancer they found a 3.58mm lump not in the same area though.. next day last fri. they had me in for special mammos and ultrasound. the ultrasound tech. said she couldn't see any thing but it did showw in mammos. my oncologist was to call me today but didn't. she knows how afraid I am and on thurs. last week said she'd get me in asap so we would get the results within 24 hours this was all done at the cancer agency and they are really quick. may i add that the worst is going in my head and i am not recieving one bit of emotional support from my boyfriend all he has said was that i'm negative and that i caused it myself. i would love to get so feed back, if its back does that mean i'm going to die? my sister died almost 7 years ago from the same she was 33 yrs old please e-mail me at fast0584@home.com Brenda F. <fast0584@home.com> Richmond, B.C. Canada - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 21:53:25 (EDT) Hi i have a medium risk factor and i'm doing a report on this suject. i need as much info. as possible.the reason why i'm doing a report on breast cancer is because i'm worried about the possiblities!!!! So if you can give me any information please e-mail me at smartie_30@hotmail.com barbie abbott <smartie_30@hotmail.com> Qu'Appelle, Sask Canada - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 20:41:15 (EDT) I just found your site. My heart goes out to each and every one of you dealing with breast cancer. May God truely bless and keep you. Never give up the faith. I am always willing to listen. Aprile Flaugher <kendell@zoomnet.net> Grayson, Ky - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 18:28:51 (EDT) Aprile Flaugher - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 18:26:02 (EDT) God Bless each and every one of your. Praying for a cure asap. Judy Y. Trapanese <Judytrap1@aol.com> Antioch , CA Contra Costa - Monday, October 02, 2000 at 02:12:06 (EDT) Searching for anyone with Li-Fraumeni syndrome breast cancer. Pat Holm <pat.holm@usa.net> Newport, NC Carteret - Sunday, October 01, 2000 at 19:28:18 (EDT) I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer after a lumpectomy. will receive their recommended treatment on 10/3/00. I am praying so hard and would appreciate if anyone knows of alternative treatment! God bless all of you. This is a true test. diane sarkisian <hye007@acninc.net> Ambler, PA usa - Saturday, September 30, 2000 at 22:37:29 (EDT) What a wonderful site! I too was diagnosed with BC Nov. 99 has left mastectomy Jan/00and awaiting for reconstructive surgery followed by a reduction! I have always supported the Cdn BC ASsociation, but more so now. MY prayers to everyone with Breast Cancer! Anne <rdiaker@hotmail.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 20:57:45 (EDT) whoa, ur site is very helpful, after i read some articles on breast cancer i got really concerned (and i'm only 14) and ur site really helped me do reasearch and instructions on how to protect my health. thx nanting <anime_fan_@hotmail.com> - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 20:57:10 (EDT) I was looking through this web page trying to gather info for my speech class, but I have a aunt diagnosed with cancer and I just wanted to say how strong you have to be to deal with this type of illness I wish better health to all. precious taylor <versacehoti2k@AOL.COM> BRONX, NY U.S - Thursday, September 28, 2000 at 12:51:43 (EDT) This has helped me understand breast cancer better, and it also helped me with a project. Brandy <bratinpa@hotmail.com> Newville, PA US - Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 20:24:24 (EDT) Eunice Mitsue Tanaka <etanaka@uol.com.br> Sao Paulo, S.P Brazil - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 22:12:55 (EDT) I'm just visiting this page in behalf of my sis-in-law. She has breast cancer and is stil fighting it. The very sad thing about it is we found it out after her marriage and husband left for the States to look for greener pasture for them. It was such a pity for my sis coz of the stress she's undergoing- feeling alone, and my brod-in-law - his helplesness of not able to be by his wife's side. You could just imagine that they are just trying to start a family and suddenly the world falls on them. I hope that we could learn more and educate ourselves especially the women so as to prevent it from happening, if possible. dennis mejia <dennis912@yahoo.com> Quezon City, NCR Philippines - Monday, September 25, 2000 at 09:21:57 (EDT) I was diagnosed with B.C.in Sept 2000. Have surgery for lump removel and node removel,getting pretty scared about the chemo and radiation so it was nice to find something done by women who have already been where I'm about to go. Thanks so much. Beverly Garr <garrbars@yahoo.com> Arlington, Wa USA - Saturday, September 23, 2000 at 16:44:37 (EDT) sue dunbar <booboo2924@yahoo.com> ronceverte, wva united states - Friday, September 22, 2000 at 23:52:59 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer Nov of 1999. After having a radical lumpectomy and 13 lymph nodes removed they found it to have spread to one node. I underwent 8 chemo treatments and a series of 6 weeks of radiation. I am just now regaining my strength and my oncologist wants me to go on the drug tomoxifin. I am very apprehensive about going on the drug. I just heard that it is proven to cause liver cancer. Would appreciate any info on this drug. Nancy <jnbornem@chaffee.net> Nathrop, Co Chaffee - Thursday, September 21, 2000 at 00:07:07 (EDT) I have A HISTORY OF BREAST CANCER MY GARNDMA DIED FROM IT. ALSO MY AUNT AND THEY BOTH SUFFERED A WHOLE LOT. Kenyana Brown <Hotgirl@Yahoo.com> Ellisville, Ms United States - Wednesday, September 20, 2000 at 11:10:58 (EDT) Hi! It really hits hard reading these stories. It has only been 1 year and four months since my mother past away. She had one breast removed, didn't require any chemo, radia., or drug therapy. she was fine. then approx. 4 years later it came back. chemo for 1 yr, then she was fine. almost 1 yr. later it came back. She went through another yr of chemo. and tamox. and one other drug i can't think right now. It did not work, by then the cancer spread through her whole body. They gave her 1 blood trans., it work only for a few days. She had to be taken in to pallative care. They asked her if she would like another blood trans., she declined it saying that there are poeple who need that blood more than her. HOW BRAVE!! She felt she lived a good life and other people needed more than her. HOW BRAVE AND UNSELFESS. She past away three days after that, she was 66 years old. I miss her very much ! christine mb canada - Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 23:14:49 (EDT) I WOULD JUST LIKE SOME INFORMATION ON THE SYMPTOMS OF BREAST CANCER. IF YOU COULD HELP, I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATED IT. RITZ COPPING <PITRE@FL.FREE!.NET> SUNRISE, FL US - Monday, September 18, 2000 at 23:11:08 (EDT) I had breast cancer when I was 34yrs old, I had to have my R breast removed, 2 nodes positive out of 12. followed by 6 mos of chem.I had an implant put in a yr later but got a massive infection in my blood stream after 3 days, the implant had to be removed. The infection destroyed the muscle in my surgery site. So if I went in for an implant the muscle would need repair first. My only opion at this point the tummey tuck method as to where they use my own body tissue. Is there any hope of getting my breast back? I am now 46 Patsy R. Wheeler <wheel481111@yahoo.com> Belleville, Mi USA - Monday, September 18, 2000 at 01:24:20 (EDT) I have a long family history of bc in my family.My mother died at age 46,my grandmother and greatgrandmother had it has well.My Aunt from my fathers side died last year of bc also.I would like to get a prophylactic subcutaneus mastectomy folowed saline breast implant reconstructive surgury.If anyone could tell anything they know about this,or their experience with the surgury please e-mail me and let me know. F. Dreesmann <Kdreesman@gateway.net> Redding, ca - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 11:49:02 (EDT) I HAVE BEEN A CANCER SURVIVOR FOR 4 YEARS NOW, CANNOT TAKE TAMOXAFIN, AND AM INTERESTED IN ALTERNATIVES. CANCER WAS IN BREAST AND LYMPH NODES. I HAVE HAD CHEMO, RADIATION, AND GONE TO MEXICO FOR TREATMENTS. WHAT NEW DRUGS ARE OUT THERE? THANKS. d myers <glmdem@southwind.net> hillsboro, ks usa - Saturday, September 16, 2000 at 09:37:26 (EDT) I'm having a lump removed on 9-19. My family has a big history of Breast Cancer. I found mine early and I'm very hopeful that I will be ok. I found your information helpful. God Bless. linda grubb <grubbgrubbie@cs.com> Columbus, Oh - Friday, September 15, 2000 at 20:20:10 (EDT) hillary Skillman - Thursday, September 14, 2000 at 13:19:13 (EDT) Your information so helpfull. Thank you for release this homepage. Dr. Surjadi Rimbun <surjadi_r@yahoo.com> Medan, Indonesia - Wednesday, September 13, 2000 at 03:11:46 (EDT) I AM ONLY 26 YRS OLD AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I AM UP AGAINST THANKS FOR ALL THE INFORMATION. TOTI TOTI THAMMAVONG <TOTI THAMMAVONG@DREAMEMAIL.COM> GUELPH, ON CANADA - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 21:40:58 (EDT) This site is so wonderful for women everywhere,I just returned from my pre-op appt.-will have lump removed on the 21st and I have alot breast cancer in my family.I am prepared for both good and bad.I work with families in crisis everyday and even with a negative result,I will remain positive. I have seen chrildren abandoned by mother"s and families with little food,I have seen women beat and chrildren too,I thank God for what I have and for what -- ever days are ahead with Cancer if I have it. Women we must unite and be glad for tomorrow,because life is what WE make it..Please write,I will share my strength with you,that I have learned from watching the less fortunate...xxoo Stacey Petrosino <Stacey37777@webtv.net> Auburn, US New York - Tuesday, September 12, 2000 at 15:05:41 (EDT) My thoughts and prayers are with all these courageous women, and men, who suffer from breast cancer. I was diagnosed 2.5 years ago and with a positive outlook and the support of family and friends, I have made it this far. If anyone wishes to read my story, it can be found at: www.execulink.com/~habs1 Keep smiling! Catherine Catherine Dunn <habs1@execulink.com> St. Thomas,, ON Canada - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 17:53:33 (EDT) On Sept. 9, 2000 I was diagnosed with malignant breast cancer -- stage 2, lobular type, in my left breast. Needless to say I am still numb and terribly afraid. Sometime within the next 2 weeks I will undergo surgery (removal of the breast and some lymph nodes) and then chemo. This couldn't have come at a worst time for several reasons. I took my 3 granddaughters on a great trip back east on July 15th, then on the 29th (the day before our return to Texas) I ended up in the emergency room at Wake Med hospital in Raleigh, NC. One the 30th I had 4 hours of surgery for a nearly ruptured gall bladder, several gall stones, jaundice and an elevated white blood count. The surgery was severly complicated because of previous massive trauma to the whole inside of my body from a horrible accident 10 years ago (where I died on the operating table and was brought back to life). I spent 8 days in the hospital and was finally allowed to fly back to Texas on Aug. 20th. On Aug. 22nd, I was tested for the cancer. The other reason this was a really bad time to find out I have malignant cancer (besides this recent surgery) is that I am a 61 year old single parent of a 35 year old Downs Syndrome daughter who lives at home with me. She also has seizure disorder and 4 years ago was diagnosed with Dementia. As her Dementia is getting worse for her and making her much more difficult and time consuming for me to handle, I need what little free time I have to care for her. She is a large "child" and occasionally gets violent. So you can see that my plate is full enough and I really don't need the extra burden of cancer for me. I don't know what the future holds for me within the next few weeks but I sure hope God will see fit to spare my life again. Not only my handicapped child but also my other children and grandchildren need me here. And I still have way too many things I want to do (like get my book on my handicapped child published, finish my other books, continue selling my artwork throughout the US, etc.) before I leave this life. Please keep me in your prayers. I need them like I've never needed them before in my life. Thanks from the bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul. R. < > Euless, TX USA - Sunday, September 10, 2000 at 08:20:16 (EDT) Sheila Reid <bjsareid@hotmial.com> bloomington, Mn usa - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 23:39:55 (EDT) I am a registered nurse for an HMO and my role is to assist members with a diagnosis of breast cancer and would appreciate any info I can obtain from those who can help me help my members as much as I can. Thanks! Tami Wescott <wescott1999@cs.com> springfield, il usa - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 09:32:36 (EDT) Today My father E-mailed me to let me know that my mother is going in for surgery. She is 55 and this is a real shock to me. I was always worried about my father being he is 65. I figured my mother would live to be in her 80's. I have 3 grand parents left and I figured I was one of the lucky people to have such good genes. Well I am a little scared to call my mother but I know I have to. I am not sure what surgery means other than the removal of her Breast I guess.. I am so sorry to read all of the pain people are going threw keep the faith. Stephen Varnado <StephenVarnado@hotmail.com> Ft. Walton Beach, FL USA - Wednesday, September 06, 2000 at 09:27:30 (EDT) My sister was diagnosed with BC in 1990, had a left mastectomy with lymph node involvement, six months of chemotherapy, and on we went. My mother was diagnosed in 1991, left mastectomy, no node involvement, and on we went. This year two months short of her 10th anniversary of her mastectomy, my sister was diagnosed with bone cancer that is a metastasis from her original BC. I am so upset that I don't know how to handle it. I am really, really angry. Finding this site and reading how others react to their loved ones, or their own recurrance of cancer make me realize we are not alone. Mary Lilly <mmccarthy@belaw.com> Fort Worth, TX USA - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 17:21:24 (EDT) Hello I really enjoyed looking through your site. It gave me some much needed and comforting information. RShea Rosemary <RShea16@aol.com> Warren, MI US - Tuesday, September 05, 2000 at 00:25:42 (EDT) Tears. Tears. :]Rolling down my face as I read all those letters.Pause..... I,m a 35yr male. My mother is like 54 55.Sorry. She has A very advanced breast cancer for the third time.Herceptin,Tamoxifen,Raloxifen,and experimental Chemotherapies. A friend heard about a new thing in Toronto STI-something. If anyone can fill in the something please e-mail me.I pray for my mom and now will pray for ALL Cancer VICTIMS. Sorry about the spelling,Tears. ps The good don,t die. They Continue. pss On my mothers head stone it will say. The year she was born.Then. TO BE CONTINUED. Todd Maltais <hippie911@mailcity.com> Edmonton, Ab Canada - Monday, September 04, 2000 at 20:46:18 (EDT) my sister has had surgery & has terrible swollen arm & hand, wish someone had news or help with this. Kathy Ellingson <donegan@bigplanet.com> Glenwood Springs, CO u.s. - Monday, September 04, 2000 at 04:24:33 (EDT) KYMBER GRANGER, - Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 23:48:49 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Dec., 1999, and have since had a lumpectomy on the left breast. I completed chemo (adriamycin, cytoxan, 5FU), and 7 weeks of radiation. Since that time I have experienced an awful numbness and burning in my arms and hands. I would like to know whether anyone else completing basically the same treatment has experienced these symptons. Thank you for your help. Barbara Bledsoe (61) Tweetygolfer11@aol.com developed an awful numbness and burning in my arms and hands. My doctors say they are puzzled about this condition and say they have never heard of this happening before. I would like to know whether anyone else going through basically the same treatment has experienced this. Please contact me if possible. Barbara Bledsoe d(age 61) Tweetygolfer11@aol.com Thanks so much for your help. Barbara Bledsoe <Tweetygolfer11@aol.com> McAllen, Tx USA - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 17:26:22 (EDT) TAMOXIFEN .......I have been taking Tamoxifen for over a year now. Will have to continue for a total of fvie years. I have gained weight and have horrible hot flashes. I recently was given an RX of Efexor that I take daily and it has relieved some of the hot flashes. I also have a constant rash on my neck and face. I would like to hear from anyone that has experienced this rash. I know it's conected to the Tamoxifen. Carole Ann Stone <carole@our-town.com> Stephenville, Tx USA - Friday, September 01, 2000 at 12:59:32 (EDT) My aunt has been diagnosed with Breast cancer...it might be progressive, she is having a biopsy done next week. I am trying to find out information on Bone Scans. The fact that it using radiation is cause for concern. Could someone let me know if there is a website regarding alternative care, especially some written information regarding bone scans/Chemo/Radiation. Thank you Rebecca Coburn <rcoburn@partners.org> Boston, ma usa - Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 13:47:06 (EDT) I have been diagnosed with b c had the surgery but its in my lymph nodes (bugger) start my chemo tomorrow bit scared but trying so hard to be positive!! coral finch <coralfinch@hotmail.com> london, england - Thursday, August 31, 2000 at 06:01:48 (EDT) FIRST AND FORMOST: If you or a loved one have received a diagnosis that you feel may be wrong.....PLEASE get another opinion. Trust your gut feeling. I had no insurance and was unemployed at the time and felt I had no choices but to believe the reports I received at a free clinic. As you read on you will understand what I mean. Just read through your website. Really enjoyed it and want to thank you for all the time you must put into it. I am a Breast Cancer Survivor. I was diagnosed in Nov 98. I found a lump the size of a walnut in March 98. I was told for six months that it was a benign breast mass. Six months later and a new Dr. I was told that It had grown to the size of a handball, approx 4 inches around. By the size alone, I was told it was stage 4 and given a 40% survival chance. Needless to say I was scared to death. No one in my family has ever had Breast Cancer. I had to have a mastectomy in Nov 98 and three months of chemo in early 99. I have since had six other surgeries related to reconstruction. I am currently cancer free and I have been taking Tamoxifen for a little over a year now. I do have side effects from it but I manage them. Anyone , please feel free to write me if I can help in anyway. Your faith is so important, and especially in a time like this. Pray often and believe that the Lord will be there for you. God Bless You All. CAS Carole Ann Stone <carole@our-town.com> Stephenville, Tx USA - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 19:19:58 (EDT) I am a 35 year old mother of five. My mother had breast cancer when she was 30 years old. Last year when I had my yearly mammogram a density was found on the left breast. I was told to repeat it in six months. My husband insisted on a second opinion. I went to a breast diagnostic center where I had an ultrasound. I was told, "I don't see anything and I don't feel anything. They are being overly cautious. Just continue having a mammogram yearly. This past week I once again had a yearly mammogram. I was told the original density has not changed, but there was an additional spot of 1 cm. I had an ultrasound today and the technicians were unable to locate it. Why was it seen on the mammogram and not on the ultrasound? Can someone please give me some answers and advice? mommy5 mommy5 <mommy5@mailandnews.com> WI - Wednesday, August 30, 2000 at 17:33:27 (EDT) My father has been diagnosed with breast cancer and his father and one of his sisters has had breast cancer. Dad is not doing so well with the chemo, he has had hiccups for 22days with only 7 days without. They come every 3 seconds and sometimes 7 at a time. Has anyone ever had problems with hiccups? They have him on seizure medicine (depacote) and it seems to be doing the trick. He also had the genetics testing done and we will find out the results in the next couple of weeks. I am trying to decide if I want to have it done....I am 40 years old and have had 2 begnin tumors removed. Men are not immune from BC so please have them do the BSE regularly. Laurie Laurie Alvey <laulow@aol.com> Nashville, TN USA - Sunday, August 27, 2000 at 22:32:25 (EDT) Just got diagnosed yesterday with "lobular carcinoma." The surgeon who did the biopsy told me about lumpectomy/mastectomy/radiation/chemotherapy. Is anyone out there doing any alternative or complementary treatments for this? Also, I live in a rural area in Idaho but am willing to go to Seattle to see a specialist or for more options. Anyone know any good breast cancer specialists in the Seattle area? I'm so grateful for this site..I found it listed in "Best Web Sites on Breast Cancer" and I agree! Cindy Carlson <carlsonc@potlatch.com> Harvard, ID USA - Saturday, August 26, 2000 at 19:53:17 (EDT) hi i was diagnosed with breast cancer Sept. of 98 when calcifacations proved to be cancerous. had a lumpectomy and 5 weeks of radiation plus now i'm on tamoxafin almost a year now.last sept. calcifacations in three areas showed up on the left breast, biopsy showed they were okay. i am now 55 years old and have a complete differant outlook on life that's for sure. isabella anstey <banstey@mediaone.net> billerica, ma middlesex - Saturday, August 26, 2000 at 11:49:43 (EDT) |