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My brest cancer came as a real blow to me i still have a hard time excpting what happened to me ; but it;s been 3yrs for me now. and i hope to be around for a long time......... I was diagnosed in May with Lobular Carcinoma Insitu. Later in June I had another bioposy done; it it showed abnomal cells in the gland. My three options were: regular check ups each year, bi-lateral mysectomy or start taking Trimoxifin. Breast cancer runs in my family: mother at age 42 and grandmother at 53. I am sceduled for surgery to remove both breast on Sept. 6 with reconstruction immediately following. I just hope I have selected the right option. This has been a very painful decision for me. I keep wondering if I made the right decision. If anyone has any words of wisdom for me, please write. I keep praying and hoping this decision is the right one. Please respond if you can help. Thank you for your time in reading this entry. Julie <althaver@foxberry.net> Monroe, MI USA - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 21:40:42 (EDT) I was diagnosed at age 45 (Jan,'97)with nodal carcinoma of the right breast. We had been watching 2 small lumps on the left side for 3 years with 6 month mammograms and caught this nonpalpable tumor on the right side. I lost my mother to breast cancer in 1988. I opted for bilateral mastectomies and then 6 mo. of chemo. Path report showed early stage 2 and lobular cancer cells as well as nodal. I was glad I did bilateral. Oncologist and surgeon convinced me to wait on reconstruction so I could start chemo sooner. I wish now I would have done it differently! Breast reconstruction has been difficult. Many problems, 6 surgeries and I still do not look close to normal. I have been searching the "pics" of implant patients but don't see any that appear to be post mastectomy patients like me! They all seem to have normal nipples. I'm not sure what step to take next to fix my abnormal appearance. Pat McGee <pmcgee533@cs.com> Tucson, AZ USA - Thursday, August 24, 2000 at 09:38:15 (EDT) I have been diagnosed with atypical hyperplasia and at high risk for breast cancer. It has been recommended that I take tamoxifen as a prevention for breast cancer. I also have two first degree relatives who have had breast cancer. I would love to hear from other women in my situation. I'm 47 years old. Thanks! Linda Scarpa <scarfall@sdcoe.k12.ca.us> San Diego, Ca USA - Wednesday, August 23, 2000 at 22:15:48 (EDT) I have just undergone a lumpectomy and centinal node biopsy for invasive ductal carcinoma. The frozen and permanent centinal node biopsy is negative but I am now waiting for the IHC which takes a little longer. I am 47 years old. I am about to learn about radiation and chemo. Any insight from women who have gone through this would be helpful. This INFO Breast Cancer sight is helpful and very much appreciated. Anne Jaques <jaques1@home.com> Wilton, CT USA - Tuesday, August 22, 2000 at 13:39:56 (EDT) Cancer has taken both parents. In past four years, both have died, (Mom in Dec.)I was originally diagonised with "non-invasive" breast cancer which turns out was very wrong. I lost a breast, underwent massive chemo. and radiation followed with tamixofen. Mom's oldest sister (70 years) has lost both breasts, and both her daughters have been diagnoised with "non-invasive" breast cancer. I am in remission but an having joint pain and this past week, bruises have been appearing on my legs - no apparent reason. I truly believe cancer is like the school yard bully, show a weakness and it will get you. Have faith in God and follow your heart when it comes to treatment. Susan Carpenter <susancarpenter@usa.net> Miramichi, nb ca - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 13:41:31 (EDT) This last year five women I knew were diagnosed with breast cancer including my mom and my best friend's mom. I was just wondering what the chances are of the cancer coming back, and whether the cancer would be worse or not. Also, even though I'm only 13 right now I was wondering if my mom having cancer increases my chances of getting it. It really scares me. I'd really appreciate any input or information, THANKS! Heather <mueller_heather@hotmail.com> Elkhorn, WI United States - Sunday, August 20, 2000 at 02:23:58 (EDT) My best friend who is 17 years old just recently lost her mother to breast cancer,Kathy Fields. I recently lost a very good friend to cancer, Susan Beach. But no matter what dont give up, because once in your mind, when you feel that you just have to give up, it really happens, Sue wanted to give up, she couldnt take it anymore, but now may she rest in peace in the hands of God with all the love in the world. This year has been a hard year for the people of my town, Many people have passed away or have been diagnosed with Cancer, but we have not given up hope, and never will. IN MEMORY OF KATHY FIELDS AND SUSAN BEACH, WHO WERE WONDERFUL FRIENDS THAT WERE SEPERATED AND NOW ARE BACK TOGERGER, MAY THEY REST IN PEACE IN GODS HANDS! -------HEATHER, 16, NY Heather <paris_11@hotmail.com> NY - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 23:50:52 (EDT) I am aninternist & need advice on management of a lady with haemorrhagic nipple discharge,normal mammogram &normal; cytology. sandeep saluja <drsaluja@hotmail.com> new delhi, india - Saturday, August 19, 2000 at 21:46:57 (EDT) Nice to hear other women share their stories. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov. 1999 at the age of 34. I had chemo and radiation and am now in remission. Worrying about back pain I am experiencing. MRI didn't find anything. Keep thinking positive and believe in the power and grace of God. Sherry Hamilton <pshamilton@fuse.net> Goshen, OH USA - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 22:26:07 (EDT) To ANYONE who has a lump and the doctors say "Don't Worry... we'll watch it." DON'T SETTLE FOR THAT. BE SURE TO GET A BIOPSY. ASSUME IT'S CANCER AND ACT AS IF THE BIOPSY WILL DISPROVE IT. DON'T WAIT. MY DOCTOR WAITED AND WATCHED A "CYST" DEVELOP INTO "INVASIVE CANCER". I LOST MY BREAST. DON'T LOSE YOURS. CAROL ROMMEL <cro845@airmail.net> Dallas, Tx USA - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 12:06:40 (EDT) If anyone has any information on Tomoxifen I would be extremely grateful. My mother recently had a lumpectomy and 9 lymph glands removed. She is due to start 6 months chemotherapy on the 1st September and then 6 weeks daily radiotherapy. At some point she also has to start taking tomoxifen for the next 5 years and I would like to get as much information as possible on this. I can't seem to find anything at all on the Internet. Please help if you can. Nancy <nancy.finch@hess.com> London, England - Friday, August 18, 2000 at 10:35:52 (EDT) I had a lumpectomy and 10 lymph nodes removes, they were all clean. I am starting 6 weeks of radiation and on Tamoxifen. Would appreciate all info regarding side effects, etc. pattyr <russopn@e-machines.com> Watsonville, CA USA - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 23:41:21 (EDT) I sent an email a couple of weeks ago telling of my experience with breast cancer. My letter has never been posted in the guest book. I would like to hear from someone. Thanks RH R H Harkema <rharkema@azalea.net> Muskogee, ok us - Thursday, August 17, 2000 at 14:01:47 (EDT) Diagnosed w/breast cancer May 4, 2000 (my 52nd birthday), had a lumpectomy; am currently on 19th of 25 rounds of radiation in McAlester, Ok, and also started Tamoxafin. I changed the way I eat. I eat very little meat, mostly fish a couple times a week. Other than that I eat mostly from the bottom half of the food pyramid. I stay away from refined foods. I feel great. I have lost 30 pounds, but eat a great deal of food. I walk 15-20 miles per week. I am a Christian and feel I couldn't survive this "THING" without God or my brothers and sisters in Christ. Prayer works. Shirley Morrow Wister, OK LeFlore - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 12:12:38 (EDT) My friend, Pam, had a lumpetomy last month. The lump was totally removed. She was told she needed a masectomy, but refused. She had breast cancer 17 years ago, had a lumpetomy and the lymphnoids removed followed by radiation. Now, the doctors are REFUSING to do radiation again. CAN ANYONE HELP? We live in the Phoenix, Arizona area. Margret <billbond123@uswest.net> Tempe, AZ 85282 - Tuesday, August 15, 2000 at 00:05:18 (EDT) I am 53 years old, and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer. Such a shock, as there is none in my family. I found the lump myself, and went for a mammogram, scan and needle tests, plus a core biopsy. It was found that the lump was 2cm. I had a lumpectomy on 1st August this year, and all the lymph nodes were removed. The cancer had gone into just one of them. On Wednesday 16th August, I start 3 months chemo, plus tamoxifan, (is that spelt right????) and then a month of radio therapy and then a further 3 months chemo and tablets. I am scared out of my mind I have to admit! I have the support of my husband and my children, (all grown now) but it is still a worry. I have been helped by reading all the entries in this guest book, and my prayers are with you all. God bless you all, and keep you strong through your trials, as I hope He will do for me. Thank you for this opportunity to share my thoughts and worries. Pat <lollipop@merseymail.com> England - Monday, August 14, 2000 at 20:16:53 (EDT) I had breast cancer 8 yrs ago and 3yrs ago it went into the bones have had chemo lots of radiothraphy and now I am on pamidranate and at the moment feeling well so there is hope but you have to fightit dont give up Norma Philpott <nordivic@btinternet.com> Birmingham, England - Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 15:26:00 (EDT) I am 39 and found a lump in my breast 4 months ago, after mammography and ultrasounds it was determined to be a complex cyst (cyst with a mass inside). I was scheduled to have a core biopsy. In the couple of weeks before the core appnt. the cyst began shrinking and was no longer palpable. At my scheduled core appnt, an ultrasound revealed that the fluid is gone but the solid mass is still present (only 8mm). The mammographers did not do the core biopsy because they want to talk to my surgeon first because of the change. Has anyone ever had this happen? What does it mean? dede loops <loops@email.unc.edu> pittsboro, nc usa - Sunday, August 13, 2000 at 11:13:02 (EDT) Dear: all the women that has to suffer through bc Hi my name is Bethany and I'm 16 years old and a couple of years ago I got really sick all of a sudden and they found three tumors in my stomach and I was scedualed to have surgery to remove them then they were to be sent off to see if they were cancerous or not and THANKFULLY they weren't but I know how much worrying you all have to go through so I just want to say"never lose hope and always keep smilling!" Bethany Gallant - Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 19:26:56 (EDT) 2 more chemo treatments to go. Lost all my hair otherwise I feel ok. I'll also have to have 3 treatments of Taxol. Anybody know about that? Ursula <alusrum@yahoo.com> Ile Bizard, Que Canada - Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 17:24:21 (EDT) I am a surgical oncologist dedicated all my life to the treatment of the breast cancer. My congratulations for your labor. I have a center for Breast cancer prevention in Lima called "Protección Oncológica" Y wait some adviced and colaborations in the fight again breast cancer. Manuel Cotrina M.D. <mcotrina@infoweb.com.pe> Lima, Peru - Saturday, August 12, 2000 at 13:48:19 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the stomach a year ago. I'mlooking for someone else who has had it there! Kay <kays@westco.net> Morgantown, WV - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 22:44:08 (EDT) Think positive and trust in Almighty God, Jehovah. Be strong in the LORD and in the power of His might. Keep busy doing your usual routines and remember to visit your doctor(s) on schedule. Pat <pajenks@yahoo.com> Decatur, GA United States - Tuesday, August 08, 2000 at 01:33:15 (EDT) Hi all, my name is Lisa, I am 35 and I have been fighting breast cancer for almost 2 years now. I was stage 4 when diagnosed and have been doing weekly chemo since. I have a very positive attitude which I bekieve has kept me going. I am eagerly, not so patiently, waiting for a remission. Lisa <lthaw6865@aol.com> NJ - Monday, August 07, 2000 at 12:33:16 (EDT) I'D LIKE TO TALK TO ANYONE WHO HAD A SUCCESSFUL PREGNANCY FOLLOWING BREAST CANCER TREATMENT. I'M 31 YRS OLD WITH A 3YR OLD, AND I'LL BE TWO YEARS CANCER FREE IN NOV 2000. MY HUSBAND AND I DESPERATELY WANT MORE CHILDREN AND WOULD WELCOME ANY INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT. THANK YOU. LAURIE L. foster <jandlfoster@msuspartans.com> OH USA - Sunday, August 06, 2000 at 15:06:37 (EDT) Am interested in new treatment protocols for stage IIIb metastatic breast cancer. My mom has this and is on palliative treatment only (5 courses of radiation), and is actively using alternative methods ( vitamin therapy, Q-10 etc.) At present is in great shape both mentally and emotionally,no discernable mets. BUT I don't trust this miserable disease. Any suggestions? Mike Beath <mikebeath@home.com> Langley, B.C. Canada - Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 00:49:47 (EDT) My mom in Feb of 1997 had her breast removed with 17 positive nymph nodes removed, she is now fighting bone cancer, time left we do not know, Dr said with bone cancer its hard to tell, she has already lost her appitite, no matter what we fix or buy that she wants it never taste good, she is very depressed, nothing will lift her spirit, I fear that she is giving up, with this web page I have found some source of strengh and comfort, May God Bless each and every one of you for having the courage to fight and keep fighting, I will fight with my momma as long as I can though I know some day the battle will be won when the Lord takes her home, Thank you for allowing me to express my self. If there is one word of advice I can help someone with feel free to write and let me know, God Bless each and everyone of you out there, keep fighting not only for yourself but love ones also. Debbie Debbie <mommiesbabies> Louisville, Ky usa - Saturday, August 05, 2000 at 00:15:15 (EDT) nice to read all your stories. Yesterday I recieved a news from my doctor that my result in my mammography was abnormal and I had an appoinment with the surgeon next week. I'm keeping my faith to God that everything be under HIS care.Anyone who wants to share is welcome. Have trust in God. hazel <h3jmolina@yahoo.com> san diego, ca usa - Friday, August 04, 2000 at 16:29:07 (EDT) Remain Positive!!! That's the key to beating this awful disease. I am cancer-free for 2.5 years now. If you care to read my story, check it out at www.execulink.com/~habs1 - pass it on to your friends. Hats off to all these brave women..... Cath D. <habs1@execulink.com> Canada - Friday, August 04, 2000 at 10:36:52 (EDT) I have been diagnosed with a 99% chance of having breast cancer. This is a puzzle to me as there is none in my family - and I nursed five children - which is supposed to be a good cancer preventative. My problem is that I didn't like the doctor who diagnosed me. He was so clinical and cold - offered me little hope of the lumps possibly being scar tissue or benign tumors etc. I am looking for a surgeon with a heart. Hope to find one in the Atlanta, Chattanooga or North Georgia Mountain area. Please, anyone, can you help me. Thanks so much, Betty Lou Smith Betty Lou Smith <path1@ellijay.com> Ellijay, GA USA - Friday, August 04, 2000 at 07:36:46 (EDT) Faydra Hamner <Faydrah@hotmail.com> San Antonio, TX Bexar - Tuesday, August 01, 2000 at 23:06:36 (EDT) samy osman <samyosman@hotmail.com> cleveland, oh usa - Tuesday, August 01, 2000 at 16:18:46 (EDT) I TOO SIT IN GREAT DISTRESS. I HAD MY FIRST MAMOGRAM AUGUST 20,1999 WHICH DETECTED A LUMP IN THE LEFT BREAST I HAD A BIOPSY WHICH SAID IT WAS BENIGN. I SAID MY FINAL GOODBYE'S TO MOM AUGUST 22,1999 DUE TO BREAST CANCER. I ALSO LOST TWO AUNTS ON MOM'S SIDE AND THREE ON DAD'S,SO I GUESS YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHY I AM SO SCARED. NOW MY CONCERN IS I AM IN GREAT PAIN ALL THE TIME IN BOTH BREASTS SOMETIMES WHEN I WAKE UP MY ENTIRE RIGHT ARM IS SORTA NUMB. MY DOCTOR SEEMS TO BE OF NO GREAT CONCERN;ALTHOUGH SHE DID GIVE ME AN APPOINTMENT TO HAVE ANOTHER MAMMOGRAM MONDAY7/31/2000 MAYBE IT IS JUST ME,BUT THEY DON'T SEEM TO BE OF GREAT CONCERN AS I AM!! AM I GOING OVERBOARD? HER DIAGNOSIS IS POSSIBLE FIBRO CYSTS IF SO CAN THEY BE REMOVED TO ALLEVIATE THE PAIN? ARE THEY CANCERIOUS? PLEASE FORWARD TO: LAHANGEL@YAHOO.COM LAURA A.HIGGS <LAHANGEL@YAHOO.COM> DUNDALK, MD - Sunday, July 30, 2000 at 22:31:33 (EDT) Great Site. My wife was diagnosed on 30 June. Lumpectomy 2 weeks ago this past Wednesday. 2.1 CM and clear margin. All lymph nodes were negative and tumor is ER/PR positive. Only bad news so far is tumor is dividing faster than we first thought. She starts first cycle of chemo tomorrow. 1 of 4 cycles. Then radiation, then tamoxofin. Any positive thoughts would be helpful. I'm scared as hell. More than being in Viet Nam twice. Could sure use some re-assurance. rch101 <rlholton@ix.netcom.com> Kenosha, WI USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 20:44:50 (EDT) Mamo in May found 8mm leision. I had lumpectomy last week and lymphnodes where negative. I'm seeing my uncologist soon to see what course of treatment I'll need. Has anyone had a reacurrance with this small of a leision? My doctor is very optomistic and I'm trying to be but I'm still very scared. Please share your experience. Lyn Rossa <megr48@cs.com> Newburgh, NY USA - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 12:27:19 (EDT) easier access would be helpful anonymous - Thursday, July 27, 2000 at 03:29:48 (EDT) couldnt find what i was looking for. thanks, pam pamela <roxsredhead@hotmail.com> olympia, wa usa - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 22:32:05 (EDT) Sandy Goostree <sandy.goostree@duboislegal.com> Columbia, TN USA - Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 13:47:47 (EDT) My mother is 74 and just had her left breast removed (July 2000) as well as lymph nodes. We have been researching on internet-but won't know details such as exact tumor size and whether nodes were cancerous or not until tomorrow. Cancer is rampant in my family (only 1 of mother's 8 siblings hasn't had it yet). Because of this I am considering Tamoxifin and voluntary mastectomy as a preventative measure. I am 32. Any similar people out there with advice about tamoxifin or voluntary mastectomy? Diana <daveanddiana@earthlink.net> Fountain Valley, Ca USa - Tuesday, July 25, 2000 at 02:24:24 (EDT) I wrote last month concerning a lump found in my left breast via mammography. I had the core biopsy on 18 July and the results were NEGATIVE for cancer! I have to go back in 6 months for another mammogram, but that's all! Several very nice ladies contacted me from this site and gave me encouragement and offered their prayers. That helped me greatly and really helped dispel a lot of my fear. I am grateful to them and to all who reach out through this website for support, encouragement and information. My biopsy was no more uncomfortable than a wasp sting so if you are facing this procedure, don't worry! I experienced almost no discomfort afterward. For those of you facing a more serious set of circumstances, I am available for any love and encouragement I can give. After this experience, I know how it is to live each day with a lump in my throat and my heart goes out to all of you facing this crisis of breast cancer. Love and prayers, Pat Pat Petro <PPetro7556@AOL.com> Montgomery, AL USA - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 20:54:46 (EDT) I would just like to say that I am a 44 year old woman, mother of 2 boys who just finished radiation treatments for ductual carcinoma. I would like to say hang in there, do not give up hope. If anyone is interested in writing to me, please feel free to do so, I would love to hear your story. Thanks, and God Bless. Denise Godwin <www.john godwin.com> Barrie, Ontario, Canada - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 20:30:13 (EDT) I just got the results of my needle biopsy... Grade 1 - whatever that means! - and less than 1 cm in size. Have an appt with a surgeon tomorrow to discuss diagnosis and options. Any info you would like to share would be great! k Kay Shepherd <kayshepherd@prodigy.net> Nederland, CO USA - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 17:43:45 (EDT) I had a lumpectomy in Feb 98 followed by chemo and radiation and tamoxifin Local recurrance in May 99 and another lumpectomy. now another recurrence and they want to do a masectomy. Has anyone had this experience? Thanks Patricia Patricia Kunz <Sweeneyrd@AOL.COM> San Francisco, CA USA - Monday, July 24, 2000 at 00:52:06 (EDT) I am 45 years of age, I was first diagnosed with right breast cancer in 5/99. I have not had radiation, nor surgery, basically chemo now for a whole year. I three weeks ago decided to hold off of the chemo since it was so draining to me. I have two young children that I must care for myself. Is there anyone out there that would like to talk with me about this? Loved1 <Ksarar@aol.com> - Monday, July 17, 2000 at 23:03:31 (EDT) |