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I'm doing research on cancer and thought it was wonderful of you both to create this sight for the sufferors and survivors. Great website. I found people with cases so similar to mine. Carol Soncrant <CSonc@aol.com> Redford Twp, MI USA - Sunday, July 16, 2000 at 09:41:08 (EDT) I am being treated with radiation(33) treatments and tomoxifen-Had rt breast removed 3/31/00 along with 26 lymph nodes also cancerous. Had 8 r's so far feeling good;no r sickness. Like to hear from someone to get advise. I am 77 yrs old but feel much younger. catherine montague <milltown@earthlink.net> edmonds, wa usa - Saturday, July 15, 2000 at 18:54:11 (EDT) I have been using Tomaxifin for a little over a month with virtually no side effects. I have suffered a little nausea (like morning sickness during pregnancy), but other than that feel great. It's too early to tell if this is going to be the answer for me, but I am quite optimistic. Sue <elfspock@aol.com> Everett, WA USA - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 19:31:35 (EDT) I was diagnosed in 1998 with breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy, chemo, and radiation. I had a wonderful support staff of family and friends. I can't believe I came through it as well as I did!!! I did gain a lot of weight, and have been trying to get those extra pounds off. I am 2 1/2 years into my Tamoxifen. And recently had a Bone Density Test. I do have signs of early Osteoporosis. I have been told treatment will be a bit difficult due to the Tamoxifen. My Mother was just diagnosed with Osteoporosis recently also. I am 46 and she is 73. She has never had breast cancer and the treatment for her will be no problem. I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem. I cannot take any Estrogen, due to the fact that my tumor was Estrogen receptive. Somedays I do feel like "it is always something"! Then I sit down and count my blessings. Would love to hear from any of you. Karen Windorff <windy2@newnorth.net> Rhinelander, WI USA - Friday, July 14, 2000 at 10:31:46 (EDT) Nine years and still waiting. Please God break through soon. Joanne Page <Jpage@roadrunner.> St.John's, NF Canada - Wednesday, July 12, 2000 at 21:41:52 (EDT) I had my first mammogram In june 2000 The doctor found a lump and had me go back for second mammogram. After looking at the second set at a closer view, the doctor want me back for added mammogram in dec. Is this the norm. how can an mammogram by it's self tell me it,s ok. Cynthia Castleman <c_castleman@hotmail.com> Nashville, TN Davidson - Tuesday, July 11, 2000 at 19:13:59 (EDT) I have a consultation with my surgen tomorrow. They had me scheduled for a sterotatic biopsy but upon further evaluation they felt this was not the way to go. The want to do an open biopsy. What can I expect. I am scared for the results. Ruth Padget <okaykelly@aol.com> Springfield, IL USA - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 22:42:21 (EDT) I discovered a cherry sized lump in my left breast right under the nipple on June 9, 2000. The doctor saw me on June 12,2000 and thought it was a cyst and use a needle to try and remove it. No luck. She then immediately set up an appointment with a surgeon who tried the same procedure. No luck. I am scheduled for surgury on July 20,2000 for a biopsy. The breast feels hot and very sore all the time. Has anyone else had this feel and what about the surgury. Should they not do ultrasound, etc first. Barbara <stiffwoody1@excite.com> Winnipeg, MBmb Canada - Monday, July 10, 2000 at 00:14:32 (EDT) Hi, I am a 40 yr old woman, I found a lump 3 wks ago.. I saw my Dr, who made appt for me with breast surgeon, I go this Tues, July 11th.. He confirmed a lump, what he cld 7 o'clock and a smaller one 6 o'clock.. The past 3 wks have been hell for me, fearing the worst.. Can anyone tell me what happens next, I know I am having a mammogram, but what about needle biopsy's ect.. Do they do it right away, does it hurt, how long does it take to get results.. I would love to hear from anyone, as I sure could use talking to someone who has been there.. All I can think is cancer, what else could it be???? brandie <brandie4g@yahoo.ca> - Sunday, July 09, 2000 at 04:03:55 (EDT) i have been through a really trying time i have had a masectomy on my left breast. chemo, more chemo,and radiation to come. my mother is here for me my two children lindsey 11, jordy 6, and my husband. i have had a very positve attitude during this time.i will continue to be this way and i will beat this. i have too much to live for. retha gail whitlock <rethagail@htcomp.net> cleburne , tx - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 18:02:12 (EDT) I was diagnosed with invasive adenocarcinoma about 2.5-3.0cc in size. It took 2 biopspies to diagnose for sure even though radiologist diagnosed it as maglinant at time of mammogram. I am schueled for consultation at Kirklin Center @ UAB in Birmingham,Al on Wed. to set date for surgery and reconstruction, I am probably looking at total masectomy. If anyone has any info that might help please email me. Good luck to everyone,thanks for this site Kathy Cash <cashcats@cableone.net> Columbus, Ms US - Saturday, July 08, 2000 at 10:26:21 (EDT) Hello girlfriends ! (& partners/family) I am 30 yrs. old and have had a mastectomy with recontruction at the same time in March 2000, after undergoing pre-op Chemo treatments. I have done a lot of research on natural remedies and nutrional supplements to prevent the recurrence of breast cancer. (Either instead of, or in addition to, Tamoxifen/Raloxifene) If anyone would like to chat I would love to share my experience with you! Michelle Brown <mishbrown@home.com> Calgary, Ab Canada - Friday, July 07, 2000 at 14:41:23 (EDT) Im 14 years old and I have Fibrocystic Breast Diease. You wouldnt think that someone my age would get such thing until you were older. But I did. Angie - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 19:53:36 (EDT) After receiving my yearly mamo, and getting a letter saying I needed to come back in 6 months for a mag view, I started researching. The report from the radiologist stated that there were new calcifications clustered. I finally got my biopsy and was diagnoised 12/14/00 with DCIS comedo, 2x3cm. I had to have a reexcision for clean margins and did 33 treatments of radiation. I did the research on the calcifications and pushed for a biopsy, I'm glad I did, if I hadn't, the tumor would have been invasive by then and I would have had to do more treatments. My heart and soul would not let me let this go untill I knew (plus my angels). Joni <jonis@gci.net> Sitka, AK - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 13:56:04 (EDT) Kinuko Sakai <a0016@st.kobe-ccn.ac.jp> Kobe, Hyogo Japan - Thursday, July 06, 2000 at 02:10:26 (EDT) Does a tumor or cyst show up on an chest exray as a white spot or a dark spot? Can anyone email me this information? On a lighter note check out our web at www.zonarecords.com Let us know what you think. Zona <Zona1@mindspring.com> TN - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 12:03:41 (EDT) Sushama Mishall <marathev@bom6.vsnl.net.in> - Wednesday, July 05, 2000 at 06:27:22 (EDT) My wife had a simple mastectomy due to a duct carcinoma. Although it was a grade 1 tumor doctors want her to go through chemotherapy. She is very worried. I showed her your website which gave excellent information. Thank You. V Vajirapani <vaji@sri.lanka.net> Colombo, Sri Lanka - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 12:26:49 (EDT) I am 39 years old and have just been diagnosed with infiltrating ductual adeenocarcinoma. Ductual carcinoma in-ssitu, comedo type. (Grade II) I am scared, I go to my surgeon tomorrow and find out what thee next step is. I would appreciate any feed back available. Thank you, Monique Ainsworth <Omique@netdoor.com> Crystal Springs, MS usa - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 08:40:20 (EDT) There is still controversy in the medical field about having mammograms under age 50. I went to a new internist (a woman) for an annual check-up. She insisted that I have a mammogram since I was over 40 (age 41). I really liked the doctor, so I said "OK". The end result is that I have DCIS, but luckily it was caught very early and I have several treatment options. Please tell your "young" friends to get their mammograms! Also, I would like to correspond with you. Fonda Suzanne Giacoia <GIACOIA@EMAIL.MSN.COM> Rockville, MD USA - Tuesday, July 04, 2000 at 06:32:22 (EDT) My Aunt Dotty is 85 years old and doing well after a radical masectomy. She calls herself "a tough old bird" and that is a fair chracterization. If anyone feels they could get some comfort by reading the story of Saint Agatha, who is invoked to help fight against the ravages of cancer (especially breast cancer), I will gladly send the story to you if you will send me a stamp that I can use to mail it to you. My website listed above offers serenity stories and medals. I will also send a Saint Agatha prayer card to you at no charge. May God Bless you all. Thanks to Matt Wright for providing this web site that I am sure has comforted many. I hope www.saintsforsinners.com can follow Matt's lead... rob clemenz <rock504@aol.com> new orleans, LA USA - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 11:04:45 (EDT) My name is Trudi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1995 I was 34 year old. I had six months of chemo followed by a lumpectomy, then 8 weeks of radiotherapy. I was placed on Tamoxifen straight away after diagnosis. Two years later I noticed that the lump appeared again, and yes the cancer had returned. I then faced another operation. I opted for the mastectomy to the left breast, with reconstruction surgery at the same time. I also had my lymph nodes from left arm removed. They were clear. Thank goodness. The operation was fantastic the surgery made me feel a million dollars with my new boob. Unfortunately again, a year and a half later I suffered terrible back pain. After visiting Doctors again, x-rays showed severe cancer of my spine. I was placed on Bonefos tablets and a further dose of chemo, followed by radiotherapy. I do now have breakouts of pain, and this is helped with radiotherapy to the area, also morphine based drugs help. I was taken off of Tamoxifen as tests done showed that it did not help my type of cancer. I will have a further bone scan next week to compare to last years. I have pain break outs all the time but can manage the pain with drugs and radiotherapy. Do not give up hope, keep going, listen to all of the advice you are given. I did not think I would see Christmas 95 and here I am in the year 2000 still going strong and living life to the full. Trudi <trudiplumb@aol.com> Essex, England - Monday, July 03, 2000 at 05:46:07 (EDT) Dawn Winslow <sabledove@hotmail.com> keene, nh usa - Saturday, July 01, 2000 at 14:40:05 (EDT) I've been reading comments and complaints about breast cancer and it feels good to know the different concerns about the said disease. Can you please give me some medicolegal issues about breast cancer? vlademir a. dematera <vlady14_ph> legazpi, philippines - Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 20:38:25 (EDT) this is a really great site! Jill <quaedd@netbomb.com> New York, kk USA - Wednesday, June 28, 2000 at 07:07:50 (EDT) I am a 30 year old mother of one and on June 19th I found out I have breast cancer. Thankfully it is in the very early stages "ductal carcinoma in situ" but the full biopsy report is not back yet. I was told however that the margins of the mass they removed were not clear and that I would have to have another operation. If there is anyone out there that has any information on this stage of cancer I would really like to hear from you. VIOLA DEAZLEY <DEAZLEYS18@HOTMAIL.COM> BRAMPTON, ON CANADA - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 21:11:07 (EDT) My Mother was diagnosed with breast cancer following her first mammogram just under 5 years ago.She was 54 years old, she had a mastectomy and has been on Tamoxifen since then. She now wants to stop the Tamoxifen as some research suggests.She returned to work 8 weeks after surgery and has never looked back.She is fit and well and is moving with my father to Majorca in the Balearic Islands in September Bernadette Bishop England - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 15:59:57 (EDT) It all sounds so familiar. Initial concerns about lumps were dismissed as fibroids. I was on fertility drugs-heavy duty- at the time and should have insisted on biopsy but they have the degree. I went for a second exam years later and yes it was breast cancer. First aspiration then lumpectomy then radical with 13 nodes attached. The latter surgery was at Yale and went well except that as part of the pre-op yo had to see a reconstructive surgeon. After all the glossies, we went for a procedure that removed abdominal muscle and fashioned a new (breast). As a note and caution do not do any reconstruction until you're sure the cancer is gone. There is enough pain and discomfort from the mastectomy without having to underwrite a glorified cosmeticians summer home or new Mercedes. Its the cancer stupid. Its the cancer stupid and only the cancer stupid!!!!. Now there are more scars there and I have lymphedema big time. Without the muscle and extra scarring there the lymph might have moore channels. Please ignore any plastic surgeons suggestions until at least 2 years post mastectomy. They can do good work but their presence in any meeting with a surgical oncologist should be seen as buzzards gathering around a road kill. WAIT WAIT WAIT!!!! Gail O'Connor <efoconnor@snet.net> Suffield, CT - Tuesday, June 27, 2000 at 11:21:30 (EDT) very informative site keep up the good work mimi mimi <binnyvirk@yahoo.com> karnal, haryana india - Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 02:37:44 (EDT) Help us learn are mom is going through this brest canser how can we help? Paul Stevens <pgklstevens@uswest.net> Salem, Or USA - Saturday, June 24, 2000 at 00:43:05 (EDT) I had a routine mammagram for my annual checkup. It is stage 1, grade 3 infiltrating adenocarcinoma. Nodes are negative. I've had two deep margin excessions am awaiting results. I've been a nurse for 18 years, but It only helps so much. Do not hesitate to ask your doctor questions. My computer has helped with the needed info. I am presently looking for a good support group. Have faith. You may e_mail me aat the above address. A cyber group would be great. Rose M. Rea <tearose_24472@yahoo.com> Raphine, Va. USA - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 23:00:02 (EDT) I was just told I have to have a masectomy. I know nothing about what I am facing recovery wise or anything else. Can anyone help or refer me to a web site I can optain information God be with all of You PAM <pam@v-edge.com> lascassas, tn usa - Wednesday, June 21, 2000 at 20:57:20 (EDT) rose shortt <shortt_rose@yahoo.ca> Toronto, ont Canada - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 22:17:22 (EDT) My sister is a survivor of breast cancer and my greatest HERO. Because of her I have made a personal goal to contribute 5% of my gross commissions (I am a REALTOR) to the Susan G. Komen Foundation. My goal for this year (6/00 - 12/00) is $15,000. I hope to double that in 2001. I thank the Lord that I still have my sister, and I celebrate her recovery every day. My heart goes out to all of you. Melissa Garza <kwgarza@texas.net> Austin, TX USA - Tuesday, June 20, 2000 at 17:40:13 (EDT) At 71 I had breast cancer stade 2 nodes negatives and I had radiotherapy for 5 weeks. The hospital was late in giving me treatments because they lost my file. I still wonder about receiving treatments too late?. It is now a year and all is well except my operated breast that is twice the size of the other one. I look as if I had a breast enlargment instead of a lumpectomy. I never had so much fun in my life, I think everybody thinks I am crazy, but I am only thankful that I had cancer at 71 instead of younger. I was never depressed or scare and I am going my way. My husband gave me my computer so that I could learn more about cancer and people that have the same problem. I learned alone at 72 to use a computer and I never had seen one before. If I can do that at my age I think that I will beat this cancer. I treat my cancer as a mean beast that I am taming. I would like to hear from you. I'm not very good on the computer as it is only six weeks that I have it but I will do my best to make you laugh. achepain@sympatico.ca Jackie Rondeau Crennell <achepain@sympatico.ca> Notre Dame des B, Canada - Friday, June 16, 2000 at 11:53:35 (EDT) Great site! My mother was diagnosed with brest cancer, degree 5, on monday and operated today (thursday). If anyone could help me and tell me what this degree 5 means when dealing with brest cancer. I am aware that it is the worst kind, but what does it mean in terms of recovery rates and so on? I am still in a shock and right now any info would be usefull. mari antikainen <maja.dasa@pp.inet.fi> Valkeala, Finland - Thursday, June 15, 2000 at 14:35:28 (EDT) My sister had breast cancer at the early age of 39 and underwent a radical mastectomy. Her insurance didn't cover the reconstruction so her scar still remains. Now I am supposed to undergo a needle biopsy to determine what is going on with a suspicious lump that was found via mammography in my left breast. The biopsy will take place sometime this month (still awaiting the appointment)and I must admit I am apprehensive. Quite frankly, petrified! Pray for me, please! Pat Petro <PPetro7556@AOL.com> Montgomery, AL USA - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 15:57:04 (EDT) My sister was diagnoised with breast cancer last week. She underwent the surgery.She is now facing radiation. Our family has been plegged with cancer. Our niece, my brother1s daughter,had nuro blastoma at 8 months old. Thank you GOD she is 8 years old and the only side effect was her speech. My son was diagnoised with synovial scarcoma of the throat area 4 years ago. They gave us little hope that he would make it. Thank GOD again!They gave us no hope of him ever talking again. Here`s the miracle... He is walking, talking, eating, and is as normal a 15 year old as he can be. He was a very healthy kid... he lost down to 70 pounds. He now weighs 103 pounds and can`t wait to get his drivers liscense. SO, prayer and believing , are the first place to start. God want give you more than we can handle. I`ve been there and taking care of a cancer patient is a full time job. I feel that having this sight you allow people like me to have a place to say that we have never been promised more than today. Live life to the fullest because who knows what tomarrow brings.Who would want to know? Live it and cherish everyday... even in the bad times, someone out there is always worse off than us. GOD BLESS US ALL!!! thank you,Barbara Davis barbara davis <dbrd549@cs.com> kings mountain, nc usa - Wednesday, June 14, 2000 at 00:31:52 (EDT) I am a 1 yr survivor of Breast Cancer. I had a lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation. (no node involvement) I currently take tamoxifen. I am so fearful of a recurrence as I have 3 small children. I'd love to correspond with someone who's "been there". claire jackson <Georgia0000@aol.com> atlanta, ga usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 17:36:58 (EDT) Daleen Brown <BrownDaleen@aol.com> San Mateo, CA usa - Tuesday, June 13, 2000 at 16:28:59 (EDT) i am 12 years old and am trying to raise money for breast cancer research by holding a disco and other events in my area . so to everybody out there who has breast cancer i hope the money we raise will help you and your families. simone turner manchester, england - Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 11:58:25 (EDT) Last month, my aunt felt a lump in one of her breasts. Her physician quickly had the mass removed and tests were then done. It turns out that the tumor was cancerous. She under went surgery today. According to her physician the surgery went well. She will soon be starting her Chemo Theropy. After reading the personal stories on this web page. It gives me so much hope for the recovery of my aunt. Thank you all who have shared your stories. My heart goes out to all of you who are dealing with this illness. My prayers are with you all. I will keep you all update with my aunts condition. Diane Lepe <diverdi88@aol.com> Costa Mesa, CA USA - Sunday, June 11, 2000 at 00:04:20 (EDT) Funny how you can be just going along with your treatments week to week, then suddenly it all overwhelms you and you blubber and weep for a day or two. Jackie Orsi <TheIndFam@aol.com> Morrow, OH USA - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 19:48:53 (EDT) LORETTA THOMPSON <LORE55@BELLATLANTIC.NET> TEMPLE HILLS, MD UNITED STATES - Saturday, June 10, 2000 at 11:29:00 (EDT) I had breast cancer twice with traqns flap. e-mail me and i will send my story Irene Marcellus <marcellus1@prodigy.net> Corona, Ca usa - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 20:04:09 (EDT) Hobo Jones <Putts4cash@aol.com> Syracuse, NY usa - Friday, June 09, 2000 at 17:32:46 (EDT) I WAS RECENTLY DIAGNOSED WITH DUCTAL CARCENOMAIN SITU, I'M TOLD THAT IF YOU ARE GOING TO HAVE BREAST CANCER, IT'S THE BEST KIND TO HAVE BECAUSE IT'S SLOW GROWING AND USUALLY STAYS IN ONE AREA. I HAD MY LUMPECTOMY LAST WEEK AND START 6 WEEKS OF RADIATIONS NEXT WEEK. THEY WANT TO PUT ME ON TAMOXIFAN BUT I'M NOT SURE IF I WANT TO GO THAT ROUTE OR NOT, SOUNDS LIKE THERE'S LOTS OF SIDE EFFECTS. I'M 37 YEARS OLD. ANY INFORMATION ON RADIATION OR TAMOXIFAN WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! judy briscoe <buttwacky_2000@yahoo.com> ft. irwin, , vcca usa - Wednesday, June 07, 2000 at 21:32:47 (EDT) My mom (age 62) has been diagnosed with infiltrating lobular carcinoma. Although contained in one breast, there are two distinct masses, the larger about 11cm across. We don't yet know lymph node status, and she is not a candidate for sentinal node testing/therapy. However, the cancer is estrogen-receptive, and HER2/neu negative, which the doctor thinks is good, as it means the cancer is "wimpy". Her mastectomy has been scheduled for June 12. She had planned on having reconstruction at the same time, but is now hesitant, worrying that at her age it will take too long to bounce back. She wants to be as strong as possible for chemo, radiation, etc. so is thinking of having reconstruction later, if at all. She is also worried about the risk of lymphedema, post-mastectomy. Has anyone out there had a similar diagnosis? Have you already gone through treatment? We'd love to hear from you!! Please write. Thanks. Cary Goodell <caryliz@earthlink.net> Brooklyn, NY USA - Sunday, June 04, 2000 at 19:26:42 (EDT) |