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Hello!I just found your site!I am 55 years old.My left beast was taken 7 years ago.Then I took tamoxifen 3 year.Then I stopped.After 5 years I had the surgery I had nuks in to my bones in chest.I got cheomotherapy and radiotheraphy.After one year I had in my lungs and liver.I took taxol.In my lungs it is dissapeared,but ,in my liver it is still there.So doctors decided to give cheomotherapy novalbine.I am also + for herceptin.I f novalbine dosen't work I will take herceptin.I am very happy to write here.Pls share your opinions and feelings with me!Love from Turkey! I am a 43 year old mother of four, I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer February 1999, I have undergone a Lumpectomy, Radiation and Chemotherapy. I have found this site one of the most informative as yet. Cristina Levy <cristina.levy@talk21.com> Leicester, UK - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 13:04:41 (EDT) Janine Legault-Surprenant <supernaw@sympatico.ca> Roxboro, Qc. Canada - Saturday, June 03, 2000 at 10:12:06 (EDT) This site is great. It is wonderful that people can communicate easily to offer support to folks they've never met. I would like to find out a lot more about alternative therapies for breast cancer and the associated mestatic bone disease. If the condition can't be cured then quality of life becomes even more important. Any suggestions? Comments? Beth Craddy Canberra, ACT Australia - Thursday, June 01, 2000 at 06:05:48 (EDT) I'm a "missed diagnosis." Radiologist noticed the inverted nipple but didn't think it important enough to investigate beyond the "normal" mammogram. Six months later a concerned Physician's Assistant referred me for another mammogram which quickly led to an ultrasound and biopsy. The tumor was 1.5 cm and had moved into three lymphs by the time the mastectomy was performed on December 30. I had reconstruction at the time of the surgery (a tram flap). I have completed 4 A/C chemos and 2 Taxol, with 2 more to go. I am very grateful for all the support I have gotten and, in turn, want everyone to know that I'm here for you. No matter how bleak it looks, there is hope and light at the end of the tunnel. If there is any way I can help anyone, please let me know. We WILL survive!! Kathleen O. Daly <kdalylaw@aol.com> San Clemente, CA USA - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 19:20:36 (EDT) I decided to do Breast Cancer as a cancer essay for my school, I looked at your site, and I was so sad, I know people who have had cancer, even Breast Cancer, and I would like to thank-u for all the info I found on your site! Andrea Kjelshus <snuggly55@hotmail.com> - Wednesday, May 31, 2000 at 00:42:13 (EDT) Just finished reading all the entries on the web page. I am almost 2years cancer free (stage 1) and my sister is going on 4years.(stage 3). Both of us found our lumps. I went to the doctors within a few days,my sister waited 9 months. I feel she has been very lucky and has been alot more careful regarding her health. I have started a Breast support group,with another woman. I feel something postive did come out of this after all. Liz Seibel <rseibel.golden.net.com> fergus, on cananda - Tuesday, May 30, 2000 at 12:46:43 (EDT) I am facing a recurrence of breast cancer 4 years post treatment. A routine chest x-ray identified a mass in my right lung and a needle biopsy confirmed that it was cancer. I have quit taking Tamoxifen as a first step. Evidentlty, it is possible for Tamoxifen to start stimulating cancer cell growth after a period of time (The doctor never mentioned this possibility when I started taking it in June 1996.) My husband and I are going to the Univeristy of Iowa Cancer Center to discuss peripherial blood stem cell replacement as an option and my oncologist is recommending Taxol for standard care chemotherapy. Cs Carol <strattonc@dellnet.com> Bettendorf, IA USA - Monday, May 29, 2000 at 16:32:28 (EDT) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in May 1996. She was told it was in stage one. Now, four years later, she is still battling this disease. She has under gone numerous chemotherapy treatments and radiation treatments with heat. I am really scared for her. I pray for her and all the other breast cancer patients daily. I hope a cure is found and soon. I just needed to tell what I am going through. Amy Martin <Amartin@caa.k12.nc.us> Hickory, NC USA - Monday, May 29, 2000 at 14:36:50 (EDT) I was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma following a lumpectomy in early January. The sentinel node biopsy had one positive (of two) nodes, so I have been on chemo since early February . . . starting with Adriamycin/Cytoxan. I began taxol in early May, but the side effects were severe, so switched to taxotere for my second round (last week). I've used diet, biofeedback, acupuncture, herbal and homeopathic remedies to keep my energy and immune system in good shape. I will begin radiation after chemo (in July) and would like information about how to protect my skin from breaking down during the treatments. Then, tamoxifen . . . Sue Joy-Sobota <suejs@earthlink.net> Madison, WI - Sunday, May 28, 2000 at 00:00:14 (EDT) I'm a high school junior in Plainview, New York, and am coordinating a study in conjunction with the Department of Preventive Medicine at the University Hospital at Stony Brook. We are studying the Psychosociology of Breast Cancer. Breast cancer is a disease that affects not only tissues and bones, but also people and their families, and we would like to know about your experiences with breast cancer. If you could take a few minutes of your time to complete our anonymous and confidential questionnaire, it would be greatly appreciated. Please visit our website to complete our survey, entitled "Coping With Breast Cancer." Our website is: http://www.uhmc.sunysb.edu/prevmed/bcsurvey/ Thanks in advance for your time and interest. Sincerely, Shari Morris breastcancersurvey <breastcancersurvey@home.com> NY USA - Saturday, May 27, 2000 at 16:06:36 (EDT) This week I celebrate 10 years of being cancer free. I had a lumpectomy for lobular carcinoma, with 4 very strong chemo treatments and 25 radiation. I am so thankful to God for these extra years and I look forward to many, many more Sue Walters <swalters@st-albert.net> St. Albert, AB Canada - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 19:04:05 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996. Carcinoma In situ on the right breast. Being in the stage 2, I had chemotherapy for 6 months. I still follow up every 3 months with my doctor. Having cancer give me strength to talk to others about cancer and I've written two poetry books since, and on the verge of writting a biography. Being sick doesn't mean we should stop living. We should enjoy what it left. margarette Peck <mrp28@columbia.edu> brooklyn, n.y. kings - Friday, May 26, 2000 at 09:33:33 (EDT) I have been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma. I am doing some very exciting alternative treatments, and have seen reduction in tumor size after only 4 weeks! If anyone wants info, or just wants to share, please write to me. Carla <CCGrace@aol.com> Oklahoma City, OK USA - Thursday, May 25, 2000 at 12:39:57 (EDT) I recently discovered a 'lump' on self-exam,have undergone tests, had lumpectomy and removal of lymph nodes. I am awaiting a date with chemo & radiotherapy later. In the meantime am doing research on these treatments in order to be better prepared in helping to manage my own care. Thanx! lynne Thorogood <lthorogood@hotmail.com> winnipeg, mb canada - Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 11:46:01 (EDT) My mother was told she had breast cancer in April 97'. She had surgery to remove the lump but the cancer was too advanced. It has spread all over her body. My mother was the type of person who anyone could love, she loved kids and animals . It doesn't seem fair that her life was taken when so many, commit crimes and hurt others. I had my mother for 16 years of my life, but i wanted her to be here for the rest of it. The last time i seen my mother well was at my wedding. Her last day was Mother's Day. She held on for as long as she could but this terrible diease took her from me, my sister, and my father. The only piece of advise I can offer is KNOW YOUR BODY AND IF YOU FIND A LUMP, PLEASE, PLEASE GET CHECKED OUT carrie reed <cheetah320@hotmail.com> Newark, OH USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 22:46:21 (EDT) I was told one week ago that I have breast cancer and need to have a bilateral mastectomy. Surgery is not scheduled for another month--is it usual to have this kind of a delay? Deborah Milligan <rmdmtm221@juno.com> Lebanon, Oh USA - Tuesday, May 23, 2000 at 09:32:35 (EDT) My Mother had breast cancer in 1948. She had a radical masectomy and radiation treatments. She lived a healthy,happly life for another forty years. She never spoke of fear, disfigurement or difficulties with her arm. She just went on with life always adjusting her air filled prosthesis many times a day. In 1996, I was diagnosed with Stage 1 multi-faceted (three small tumors - same breast). After a wide excision and radiation treatments I continue to be cancer free four years later. I read everything I could, asked anyone for information and prepared myself for life as a breat cancer survivor. I used extreme caution with my arm, always wearing long sleeves, rubber gloves, leather gloves, specialty thimbles for quilting, always carrying a disinfectant in my purse...and still I have developed chronic lymphedema. Again no control! I now wear an elastic sleeve and I wear a massaging pump each night while I sleep. I know I should be thankful that we are in a position to afford these sleeves and the pump for home use, but I resent having to use them at all. I guess I have not recovered from breast cancer as well as I thought I had. Until recently I thought I had my Mother's genes...I guess I only got a few! I would like to talk with someone else experiencing lymphedema, perhaps we can share tricks. God Bless. Linda Waldron <Linda_Sue_ca@Yahoo.com> Mississauga, Ontario Canada - Monday, May 22, 2000 at 23:02:36 (EDT) My mom found a lump in Oct. '99 when she had a negative mammogram 10 months earlier. Turns out there were two positive lumps, one was 4cm. She had immediate chemo and a radical double masectomy and 14 out of 15 positive limph nodes. At the time of discovering the BC she underwent all of the required full body exams which were negative. Now 6-7 months later she was complaining of back pain and they discovered bone metastasis in her spine. This was a shock because of the negative results to her tests not long before and because of the high dose chemo administered immediately. She is stage 4 now and it's obvious that her cancer is fast growing and she will die, right? I need to talk to someone with a similar bio. Please e-mail me at linnad@mail.megalink.com My heart goes out to all of you and your families involved with this disease! carol linn <linnad@mail.megalink.com> La Paz, Bolivia - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 12:30:02 (EDT) I would like to know what Maunders Disease and if you find out would you e-mail me at my address please because my friends was told that is what she had and she was puzzled. Ronnie Walsh <rwalsh_jr@hotmail.com> St. John's, NF Canada - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 11:08:02 (EDT) I had cancer about a year ago, am now taking tamoxifin for 5 years. My right breast was removed and underwent reconstructive surgery with an implant. The doctors are sure that they got all the cancer, I did not go through any treatments. The only problem I am having now is an extreme amount of hot flashes. I also had a total hysterectomy 5 years ago, with no cancer at that time. Does anyone out there have any suggestions on how to deal with all these hot flashes??? Sharon <alshare@ictc.com> Hope, ND usa - Friday, May 19, 2000 at 00:04:21 (EDT) I reported my scheduled radical mastectomy on May 9th, it's now the 18 and I'm on my way to a complete recovery. Got the pathologist report and they say I'm clean, and no further treatment is required. Maybe Tamoxifen. Don't know anything about it but it sounds better than that other stuff. I offer my prayers for all of you, and thanks for the prayers you said for me. Doris Corcoran <genecork@gulftel.com> Gulf Shores, AL Baldwin - Thursday, May 18, 2000 at 17:25:46 (EDT) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was pregnant with me. She died when I was 3 years old.I am now 31 and had my scares to many times. I have been having mammograms since the age of 21 and so far I have been blessed. I feel for all the woman who have breast cancer. I think that it affects me a great deal because of my mother dieing at such a young age(42). Thank you for all the things that you do to support breast cancer surviours and their familys. Pam Link <pammi4@aol.com> Rolesville, NC USA - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 15:56:00 (EDT) cool Jessica Williamson <airhead89@hotmail.com> niagara falls, ont canada - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 13:42:10 (EDT) cool Jessica Williamson <airhead89@hotmail.com> niagara falls, ont canada - Wednesday, May 17, 2000 at 13:42:00 (EDT) I am 46 yrs. old and have recently found a lump in my right breast next to my nipple. Our hospital facilities has a mammogram machine that was donated a couple of years ago but hasn't been in operation because unfortunately no one here knows how to use it! It is sad because I know 3 women here in Samoa that have recently died of breast cancer and the rate is pretty high for our small island. I pray that mine is just a cyst but I worry about the many other women on island that do have breast cancer. Our Public Health Dept. is doing all they can to help those women. God help us all! Malie <samoanshark@yahoo.com> Pago Pago, American Samoa - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 16:50:30 (EDT) I just found your web site I think it's great. My Aunt had Breast cancer had one removed but is doing good. I have reciently found a lump have had it for a couple of months, keep saying I am going to the doctor but am kinda scared to go. I will try to go soon though. Thanks for listening, and good luck and God Bless everyone. Bambi Bambi J./but it is under Jeff <apamg@alltel.net> Ga. - Tuesday, May 16, 2000 at 00:44:49 (EDT) I was diagnosed in April of 99 with stage I grade 3 breast cancer. I underwent a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation therapy. I finished treatment in January of this year. I am interested in learning as much as I can about this diease.I haven't searched your site completely yet. Suzanne C. Fink <suestewf@yahoo.com> Cooperstown, NY Otsego - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 16:15:03 (EDT) Cheri Brinkman <Cheri.Brinkman@igate.fhwa.dot.gov> Lincoln, ne usa - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 13:51:31 (EDT) I also have recently been diagnosed with breast cancer I've had my right breast removed and am waiting for my results on the limp nodes. I am very scared and find comfort in knowing about this web site. Marilyn <marilynmcewan.hotmail.com> Abbotsford, B.C Canada - Monday, May 15, 2000 at 00:40:52 (EDT) Andrew Fitzgerald <cburwood@chilli.net.au> - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 21:43:34 (EDT) HELP! ONE OFF AND ONE TO GO. NOT SO SURE ABOUT THE CHEMO. RADIATION REALLY BURNS ME UP, NO MORE DD CUP. PLEASE E-MAIL ANY FEELINGS YOU MIGHT WANT TO SHARE. STAY STRONG, GOD BLESS YOU AND MAY YOU ALL SURVIVE. PAT RADENBAUGH <RAD@mciworld.com> woodland hills , CA USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 16:35:43 (EDT) I am a DES daughter, wanting to find other DES daughers with breast problems, drainage, dilated ducts, fibrocystic changes. I'm 48 and concerned about taking hormones with menopause approaching. Have received a great deal of information from DES Action but looking for another DES daugher with the same problems. Amber <abrooks029@aol.com> Fayetteville, GA USA - Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 10:31:59 (EDT) My Grandmother, at the age of 47, died of cancer three years age and my life has never been the same since. I have studied and researched this disease and become more and more angry with it. I hate it for takeing my beloved Grandmother away. Erin C. <fruitcakin@yahoo.com> MN U.S.A. - Friday, May 12, 2000 at 11:28:18 (EDT) I just found this website, and I think it's great. I wish I could have had somewhere to go like this when I was diagnosed with breat cancer 4 and a half years ago. I am doing well. I thank God every day that I persisted in getting help with the lump that I found in my breast. To me, it was a night mare. I am so grateful that my cancer was very treatable. Shelagh R. Mercer <shelaghclarence.mercer@nf.sympatico.ca> Whitbourne, Nf. Canada - Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 22:45:12 (EDT) A friend has just been diagnosed with infiltrating adeno carcinoma of the breast and I want to find out what it means rob garfinkel <robg@sba.uconn.edu> - Thursday, May 11, 2000 at 09:36:14 (EDT) I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor, currently working at Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization. I'm a hotline counselor mentoring to other women diagnose with this disease. Any information you can give so that I could pass on to the other counselors, that would be great. Our address here is Y-Me National Breast Cancer Organization 212 W. Van Buren, Chicago, IL. 60607 Attn: Martha Haley Thank You Martha Haley Martha Haley <mhaley@y-me.org> Chicago, Il USA - Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 16:12:34 (EDT) m morris <mm433@email.com> canada, on canada - Wednesday, May 10, 2000 at 15:30:33 (EDT) richelle kinsey <richelle_kinsey@hotmail.com> Tippecanoe , oh united states - Tuesday, May 09, 2000 at 12:08:45 (EDT) My sister has recently been diagnosed with Lubular carcinoma insitu in the right breast and Ductile carcinoma insitu in the left. Just trying to arm both of us with knowledge to help make educated decisions. Thank you for this site, it has helped enlighten me so that I may help and support her in the manner to which she is entitled. Regina Chester-McHenry <mchenry_regina@colstate.edu> Columbus, GA US - Tuesday, May 09, 2000 at 11:36:32 (EDT) ann b gray <agray@charter.net> - Tuesday, May 09, 2000 at 01:51:21 (EDT) I am a 1 yr survivor of breast cancer. I have had a lumpectomy and undergone radiation. I am on tamoxifen. I am interested in hearing from someone who has taken it for 5 years or so. Any information at all. ANITA SPEAKMAN <rds39@bright.net> Troy, Oh USA - Monday, May 08, 2000 at 22:34:44 (EDT) I wish I had found this web site sooner. I am a bi-lateral breast cancer survivor, from October and November 1999. I found my lumps myself. The mammogram nor ultrasound detected it. Thank God it was early..no chemo nor radiation..I feel so blessed, yet I worry if it will come back..am I examining myself correctly..my doctor said to feel for a small lump as I examine myself. However, the surgery sites are so ugly and lumpy..how will I ever feel secure. I saw in our newspaper today an article on Bio-Protraits Custom Breast Prosthesis offered at Prosthetic Orthotic and Pedorthis Associates (POPA)..has anyone had any history with this type of Prosthetic. I am so blessed to be doing so well, but would be glad to discuss conditions with anyone. Do you ever feel not afraid? I don't sit around worrying all the time, but have concern there might have been a node they missed. Human nature to worry, I guess. Peg Kellum <jckpak@emailmsn.com> Memphis, TN USA - Monday, May 08, 2000 at 00:27:25 (EDT) This is a wonderful service to all people, male and female. Thank you so much for caring about us. Sandi Knight <Sandinite@aol.com> Naples,, FL USA - Friday, May 05, 2000 at 12:58:33 (EDT) I'm scheduled for a radical mastectomy on May 9th. Will report results and finding later. I personally discovered my "Lump" on April 17, had a April 26th date for the mastectomy but came down with a cold. Now the 9th on May. May God be with me. Doris & Gene Corcoran <genecork@gulftel.com> Gulf Shores, AL Baldwin - Friday, May 05, 2000 at 09:21:10 (EDT) My grandma, my mother, now my sister have had symtoms or have been diagonised with breast cancer. My grandmother has lost a breats but thank God it didn't spread any where else. I just urge everyone women to do self examinations on themselves. Katie Ursem <tudor@USC.edu> Long Beach, CA USA. - Thursday, May 04, 2000 at 21:23:11 (EDT) Your web site is very good, very informational (is that a word?). I think I learned something in just the 5 minutes I browsed through it. Keep those letters coming!! pat burgy <bburgy@mindspring.com> - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 20:08:05 (EDT) I found out 3 days ago I have cancer in right breast. My husband and I are devastated. I have to make up my mind to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy by Monday May 8,2000. Also want to know if anyone tried mega doses of all natural vitamins. I have a relative that is very involved in this product that is not sold in stores. She said it's to help prepare me for the surgery and also help my immune system. Please give me some feedback. Thx Carole Upper <michael.upper@sympatico.ca> Cornwall, ON CANADA - Wednesday, May 03, 2000 at 14:39:26 (EDT) It's really great to have a site like this. When I was diagnosed almost 5 1/2 years ago with breast cancer, I didn't have many places to contact for information or support nor did we own a computer. And I wanted to learn so much about breast cancer at that time. I just got off Tamoxifen after 5 years and am doing real well. I was 40 when I was diagnosed and even though I was on Tamoxifen I was still menstruating, but very little. My doctor has no idea, of course, whether or not this will change. Has anyone else taken Tamoxifen while pre-menopause? I was wondering what may happen now that I'm off the Tamoxifen. Kathy Pregmon <kjjb0203@mbusa.net> Old Forge, PA USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 22:05:23 (EDT) My mom has breast cancer and this link has helped me to deal a little better with it. Thank You!!!! Sharon Wheeler <SKWJAW@AOL.COM> St. Louis, MO USA - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 20:38:48 (EDT) Your site is helpful. I am doing a research paper in my English class on breast cancer. If anyone can give me information please email me. Nikki Lewis <Bluiangel15@aol.com> Bakersfiel, Ca - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 19:42:46 (EDT) I have close friends with this disease and I am doing research on it. Althea Lewis Trinidad - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 17:22:38 (EDT) Just discovered this site and found it very helpful, especially the guestbook. I am 35 y old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer in april 99, had a lumpectomy (4 surgeries) and 20 nodes removed, 2 positive, I went through chemo (AC) and radiation treatment and I am doing okay so far. The only problem: ever since the day treatment has ended, Ihave been very depressed and having anxiety/panic-attacks. Has anybody else been through this. I ve been fine all he way through dx and treatment and then just fell in to this black hole. I am a single mother of two little girls antje hogan <antjehogan@aol.com> Germany - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 13:05:29 (EDT) I just like to say, I love this website. Please e-mail me with more information about breast cancer and its risks. Caree McCauley <KitKat@.yahoo.com> Rankin, Pa United States - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 11:30:24 (EDT) I'm a 33 year old who was told a year ago that I had stage 4 (5-6cm) inflammtory breast cancer. I've undergone a total of 8 chemo treatments, surgery, and 6 weeks of radation. I'm getting ready to undergo surgery for reconstuction. I'm now taking a pill called tamoxifen for the next five years. I have 3 boys ranging from 16 years old to 6 years old. I would like to hear from anyone that would like to talk... Sheri Combs <sherix5@netscape.net> - Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 07:15:21 (EDT) My 14 year old is doing a report in school regarding breast cancer. Alberta Mclaughlin <birdieeny@aol> Bklyn , NY - Monday, May 01, 2000 at 16:07:01 (EDT) I am doing a research project on the inhibiting affects of arimidex and herceptin-two chemotherapy agents used in the fight against breast cancer. shontel stewart <sshontel@hotmail.com> baton rouge, LA usa - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 21:05:08 (EDT) I'm a 20 year old college student doing a paper on breast cancer. My 65 year old aunt had her left breast removed and my 34 year old cousin. KATRICE CLARK <WWW.KCLARK4667@aol.com> Ft.Worth , TX - Sunday, April 30, 2000 at 17:49:01 (EDT) My grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of 1999. She is now going in to see if she has uterine cancer. And yesterday I found something that looks like a bruise on my breast, not really a lump but really scares me. I am going to call the doctor tomorrow. Hope its nothing serious. D. Shaw <dls23@micron.net> Idaho USA - Saturday, April 29, 2000 at 21:31:08 (EDT) |