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I just found out yesterday that my mom has breast cancer....my 4 siblings and I are kind of freaking out.
She is having her lumpectomy January 5, followed by radiation treatments. I still don't know what stage of cancer or anything like that. I have been looking at all sorts of sites and came upon this one, I guess I just wanted to share my thoughts and concern with some of you folks who have been there. If anyone cares to give me any suggestions for ways to help/support my mom through this I would appreciate them.
Thanks so much!
Lori Greathouse Keep it up, i am very lucky to get some info. on this subject called carcinoma Ravi Chakravarthy Ramaswamy <chakravarthyravi@hotmail.com> Bangalore, India - Friday, December 24, 1999 at 05:22:28 (EST) I am a one year breast cancer survivor. I am 49 years old. I had a modified right mastectomy last Dec. and a modified left mastectomy in June of this year. I"m currently taking tamixofin, and will be taking it for 5 years. I would appreciate e-mail from you. NANCY <dexsimon@webtv.net> St. Augustine, fl - Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 23:44:22 (EST) I'm a 9yr sirvver of breast cancer with nodes involment.I had chemo&radiation.; The only thing you need to do, be very careful where you get radiation,checkout the clinic & repatation, Because I servived cancer but, they burned me so bad that after 9yrs.I still have open burns on my chest.That they say now will never heal,I fight infections all the time, had to have nerveblocks done to relive the pain.I have radiation blindness in my right eye,they burned my right lung that Im disabled Ican't walk or enjoy life iam on oxgen because Ican't breathe sats go real low,and I've gained to much wt. so if your in this area I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMEND YOU GO ELSEWHERE FOR CHEMO& RADIATION.I HAVE HIGH MEDICAL BILLS AND IT KEEPS GOING ON& ON MAY GOD BLESS & WATCH OVER YOU donna <donnaf@salemnet.com> salem,, mo usa - Thursday, December 23, 1999 at 16:39:18 (EST) I am a 4 1/2 year breast cancer survisor. Janet Felicioni <jfelicioni@millstar.com> Langhorne, PA USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 17:28:17 (EST) Gail Sanders <Gail.Sanders@Tenethealth.com> St. Louis, mo USA - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 16:57:29 (EST) I am so relieved that there are so many with the same fears and worries. What a wonderful support group. I have many questions, also. I was diagonsed with intaductal invasive carcinomao and had a lumpectomy on 11/15/99. I appreciate the support and especially the spirit and prayers.I am a scicne teacher teacher and I really wonder what we are doing on this earth to create the rampage of a disease> Nina Williams <n.k.williams> - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 12:43:43 (EST) My sister has had reoccurence of breast cancer in the bones (with liver involvement) and has been taken off of tamoxafin and put on a drug called arimidex or anatrazole...seems to be alot of side effect; bone pain, back pain, naseau...anyone taking this drug...do the side effects subside at all...any info re how well the drug works...praying for you all....Jodie jodie reiser-hickey <jreiser-hickey@uniongas.com or mhickey@mnsi.net> windsor, ont canada - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 12:39:47 (EST) Nina Williams <n.k.williams> - Wednesday, December 22, 1999 at 12:38:12 (EST) I was diagnosed with breast cancer 1/18/92 and had a lumpectomy followed by a mastectomy two weeks later. I then had 9 treatments of CMF and then was on Tamoxifen for 4 years. In May of 1996 I had a recurrence to the bone and started a clinical trial which I was on for 20 months and then that stopped working and it spread to my bone marrow. I then had 10 treatments of adriamiacin (sp) and cytoxin. I have had about 11 treatments of CMF and now it seems that might not be working so I will do a CT scan on January 5 and find out what the doctor will put me on next. I told him I really don't want to lose my hair again so he might try Xeloda (sp). Has anyone been on Xeloda before? No one in my support group has been on this drug. I've been very fortunate. I've never had any pain associated with the cancer and except for the months before the diagnois of it spreading to the bone marrow and starting treatment, I have had no side effects. If I didn't know what the blood results were, I would say that I have no problem. I continue to work 8-10 hours a day but I must say that I am tired at the end of the day. Has anyone had any experience similar to mine. Also, has anyone tried alternative therapies in addition to traditional treatment. I'm really interested in this because I think there is some value to it. Kay Flock <autohr1@earthlink.net> Celina, TX USA - Tuesday, December 21, 1999 at 16:42:45 (EST) I was first diagnosed with a stage 2 tumour in my left breast in 1991when I was 47 years old. I had a lumpectomy followed by three weeks of radiation then Tamoxifen for five years. In 1998 I detected two new lumps in my left breast and following mammography x-rays and fine needle biopsies I was assured the results were negative and that the changes in my breast were possibly due to the effects of my radiation adjuvant therapy. Whilst on holiday in Florida in July this year my niece, who is a radiologist in a Jacksonville Hospital, had an Oncologist colleague examine me. This Dr advised me to have incisional biopsies immediately upon my return to England. Back home the biopsies confirmed both lumps were cancer tumours. My surgeon strongly urged mastectomy, but hoping to save my breast I elected for lumpectomies. However the Histopathology Report following my lumpectomies stated, inter alia, ‘high nuclear grade’ ‘multifocal infiltrating carcinoma’ ‘perinural invasion’ ‘lymphatic space invasion’ ‘tumour cells are at the margins’ ‘rather poorly differentiated’ ‘CONCLUSION: Recurrent Carcinoma of the breast, excision incomplete’. Obviously I had to concede to a full mastectomy; during which three axillary lymph nodes were removed and of which the Path Report stated ‘all three lymph nodes contain metastatic carcinoma’. I am now having intensive chemo and have lost all my hair and I have some bad days however with the help of my Husband my family and friends I am able to cope. I would be extremely grateful if any lady with a similar BC progression would e-mail me to share knowledge and experience. My very best wishes and good luck to all ladies with BC and please God makes the year 00 a better year for all of us. Dot Carroll <dot@lineone.net> manchester, England - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 14:47:27 (EST) My name is Joyce Carpenter. I have signesds the guest book before but now have a question. I was first diagnosed in 1986 so I have been blessed. I am going through chemo (taxotere) now and have just finished my 50 some treatment. I have been diagnosed with "vascular neurosis" which is damage to blood vessels and nerves in my shoulders and arms due to the steroids I have been taking. Has anyone ever been diagnosed with this and if so would you please email me so I can ask some questions. Thank you all and Have a Blessed Christmas. Joyce L. Carpenter Joyce L. Carpenter <auroramarina@eyeworld.net> AuroraIn, In USA - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 12:30:18 (EST) I had a breast biopsy done about 2 weeks ago. The results was not clear so I had a lumpectomy done on Dec. 6th. It was malignant so the next step was to remove the lymph nodes. There were 12 removed and 2 had cancer cells. Now I will have to heal then start treatments. I'm worried about the road ahead. I know it will not be easy but I am concerned about working. I have many questions. Cathy Ault <alt4578@yahoo.com> McAllen, TX USA - Saturday, December 18, 1999 at 04:05:44 (EST) I have just begun a new job with the South Carolina Best Chance Network through the American Cancer Society. I am excited about the possibility of being on the "other end" of the breast cancer fight. I have sat by the bed of too many women as their pastor, have held the hands of too many family members. To all of the patients and survivors, you are in my prayers. Rev Kathy Bostrom <KathyBostrom@netscape.net> Rock Hill, SC USA - Friday, December 17, 1999 at 15:12:37 (EST) Hi. My mom has been diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer. She has to take tamoxifin and radiation for the bone cancer that has also developed. What does mestatic mean? I am very scared, but she is a fighter and I know she has God on her side. What's next? JudyH <majuroco@sk.sympatico.ca> Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Friday, December 17, 1999 at 08:12:20 (EST) I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer, in May 1998. I have had a lumpectomy and 16 lymph nodes taken off of my left breast. I went through chemotherapy and radiation. Right now, I am still trying to adjust, to all the changes that went on in my life. I am now taking the Tamixofen. When you go through any form of sickness, first hand, you realize, and appreciate, life a little more. Everyday is still a fight, for me. But, Thank God, I have the support, from my family & friends. Denise M.Campbell <dcamp8299> Paterson, nj United States - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 17:17:45 (EST) Last Wednesday, I had a lumpectomy and 10 lymph nodes removed. Today, I met with my surgeon and he told me I had several ductal carcinoma in situs (DCIS)and there was nothing to worrry about as they were not a problem. After reading several messages on this web site of women who had to have mastectomys because they had DCIS's, I became shocked. Is my surgeon correct or is he just not wanting me to know that they are a major problem for reoccuring cancer so I would not worry? Please reply if you have any knowledge in this area. I am very worried! BarbHitz@aol.com Barb Hitz <BarbHitz@aol.com> Memphis, TN - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 16:52:22 (EST) My aunt has brest cancer and I know what it is like to go through all of the insecurity that comes with the disease this make the second time that she has had brest cancer and it hit her twice as hard this time. The only thing you can do for the person is try to help them through their time of need, that is if they want your help. And if they don't want your help then just let them deal with it on their own. Chandra Lynn Barr <chandra_barr@hotmail.com> Waynesburg, PA USA - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 12:20:55 (EST) Due to circumstances beyond our control, entries dated from about December 13 to December 16 were lost. We apologize for this....if possible, please re-enter your comments. Stan and Carol <stancar@infobreastcancer.cyberus.ca> Ottawa, ON Canada - Thursday, December 16, 1999 at 12:03:34 (EST) I saw this beautiful poster last week of a woman who had had a masectomy (spelling?)and she had tattooed the scar with a tree branch. There was a poem on the poster about how this empowered her instead of dehabilitated her...if anyone has any idea of where to obtain this poster I would be grateful, and if you haven't seen it yet, keep your eyes open!!! -RQR- :):) Rachel Rawlinson <rquentinar@hotmail.com> Dover, NH USA - Wednesday, December 15, 1999 at 23:19:27 (EST) I am a bc survivor of 1 year, 2 months. It did my heart good to read some of the comments from others about their will to survive. I sure plan to be around a long time. God bless you all. Brenda Philpot <k9alex161@aol.com> Middletown, oh usa - Tuesday, December 14, 1999 at 23:31:28 (EST) Interesting stories. My wife was diagnosed with breast cancer two weeks ago and we have been getting as much information as possible. Some times I think we are getting too much. We are happy with the warmth and understanding of our surgeon and the team of doctors we have chosen to do reconstruction and chemo. Our insurance company is very insensitive to us but they can go to h--l! We feel icredibly informed at this stage two weeks into the diagnosis and are ready to move forward as quickly as possible. Will keep in touch Brian Woodcock <brian_woodcock@wdfa.com> Arnold, MD USA - Monday, December 13, 1999 at 08:33:12 (EST) Rebekah Knutson <RebekahKnutson@aol.com> roseville, ca usa - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 23:21:28 (EST) Thanks u so much! this site helped me wit my report for school i had to do! It had alot of info that i needed! Rosemarie <Baby_Doll_6266> Bridgeport, CT United States - Sunday, December 12, 1999 at 19:35:15 (EST) My mother had a masectomy in January and recently we discovered that the cancer had come back and spread to the lungs, chest and back. She has started chemo and we are praying that she will finally be healed as she has been through a lot this past year. It is wonderful to have a site like this to share thoughts and feelings. Thank you. Simonne Dupré <simonne_dupre@telus.net> Coquitlam, BC Canada - Saturday, December 11, 1999 at 11:18:48 (EST) I am a 25 year old women who has watch 2 Aunts loss the fight to this monster that we can not find a cure for. I vowed on my aunts graves that i would do all i could to help find a cure so if I have the monster I can fight a good fight as they did. With this web site I have learned how to do my self exam at home! I want to win the fight so my Aunts can look down on me and say she is fighting the good fight! And to all who are sick in pain and fighting I pray for you all everyday! May you fight the good fight. May god bless us all and there are angels amoung us! Tina Vaith <poohpeck@yahoo.com> Fargo, ND USA - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 22:56:54 (EST) i'm in 8th grade and I'm doing a report on this cancer with my friend Jennie. Her mother recently died of this could you email me with some info on this subject for our report and to comfort my friend she thinks the deayj's her fault thank you meaghan stone Meaghan Stone <stonhelion@aol.com> Valparaiso, in usa - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 19:22:41 (EST) I was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ one year ago. I have since had a right and a left mastectomy. I,m currently taking tamixofin for treatment. I,m 48 yrs, old, and would like to hear from other survivoirs. NANCY <dexsimon@webtv.net> fl 32086 - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 18:30:05 (EST) ![]() Terri <DeucesRWild> Va USA - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 16:01:13 (EST) I would just like to say Thank You for everybody that has e-mailed me and told me about themselves. I also had breast cancer at one time and I would just like to say Thank You. Tj Ramey <www.sexy Tj.com> cottage grove, mn united states - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 14:15:07 (EST) I am 78 years of age and had no had a mammogram for three years. The upshot of that is tthat asmall ductalrough tumor was found. I elected not to have surgery, but did have a full course of radiation. It has been four since the last treatment and the breast is still swelled to some degree and red color. It is uncomfortable at times, particularly if I try to wear a bra. Will this ever go back somewhere near "normal"? I am scheduled to have the first check-up mammogram in January and trying to keep feeling positive about it. I have wante to call radiology to ask these things but felt foolish about it. They really are the greatest support group but i really think I'm being foolish. Thank you. Hope Hope M. Murphy <emilie> Waterville, Me. U.S.A. - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 11:54:29 (EST) Keep Fighting! We will win! Laura Toronto, On Canada - Friday, December 10, 1999 at 11:30:22 (EST) my sister has breast cancer. i'm very concerned about her. she does not tell me anything that is going on with her. i'm afraid she is sicker than what she claims. Mauri sadler <mauri> dallas, tx usa - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 16:34:42 (EST) Hello: Great webpage. In February this year I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer (1.5 cm)(invasive). Went through lumpectomy and had 10 lymph nodes removed (all clear), then 33 weeks of radiation. My question, should I have a bone scan or CT scan done, just as a precaution? What have other's done in this situation? NWNative <tjyazzie@bendnet.com> Warm Springs, OR USA - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 14:19:13 (EST) Carol Frye <Catuscarol@ aol.com> Reno, nv usa - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 12:49:33 (EST) Liza Faderanga - Thursday, December 09, 1999 at 06:48:14 (EST) Dx. with lobular bc 15th.Nov. 1999/mammogram--followed with ultrasound & repeat mammogram lumpectomy Nov. 15th followed by disscetion lymph nodes # 18-had one positive.Now tamofaxin 20 mg. qd/start radiation today Will be on medication for indefinite period of time-- I really think I will be ok, but I am still scared and being a retired Nurse does not make it any better---I have heard" they got it all" so many times and Pt. has reoccurence -----so what do I do besides Pray a lot?: Gertrude M. darby <darb1@i-55.com> Ponchatoula, La. USA - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 11:28:47 (EST) YOU HAVE GREET INFORMATION jessica spector <baby_grrl16@hotmail.com> TORONTO, ONTERIO CANADA - Wednesday, December 08, 1999 at 11:22:33 (EST) My mother at age 70 just had a needle biopsy and next week will have her left breast removed and nodes. She has ductal carcinoma. I am concerned because she is insulin diabetic, chf, and copd. How much pain will she have after surgery and how long of a recovery period? I have had a lumpectomy at age 50 but it was only a fibroid. We are watching 2 other areas on the ultrasound to see if I may need another biopsy or removal. Family history seems very important. Diane <dtconv@yahoo.com> Painesville, OH USA - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 21:51:00 (EST) I found your site to be very informative and helped me to realize what steps could be taken in preventing this cancer. I have family members and friends that have breast cancer and it makes me think "only if they had this information available to them before being diagnoised". They probably would not be in the same situation. Thank you so much for such informing details. sarah dey <sunnydey99@yahoo.com> wappingers falls, ny usa - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 18:28:30 (EST) Kerry Peddle <kerry_peddle@hotmail.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - Monday, December 06, 1999 at 11:59:40 (EST) I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer-- infiltrating ductal and am searching for imfo. I never thought that this would happen to me!!! I plan to have a mastectomy at Duke in the next few weeks and pray that my cancer has not spread. I have twin 17 year old sons and a 21 year old daughter and along with my husband, they are frightened. It is comforting to me to read the messages on your website and to know that I am not alone in my battle to survive this terrible disease. Good luck to all of you. beth williamson <wmrick@carolina.net> lumberton, nc usa - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 15:55:38 (EST) What a great way to share info. as a breast cancer survivor im interested in speaking with young women about weight gain after treatments of Chemo& radiation . We still have a long way to go but things like this help. We also need to teach Drs to be more caring and to deliver info in a more timly manner. meredith green <mgreen@real.on.ca> london, on canada - Sunday, December 05, 1999 at 15:46:58 (EST) I came to your website looking for information for a school project. I found a great deal of useful information that will help me recieve an A, but alos help sufferers recieve courage and support! This is an excellent and positive site. CARRIE TROWNSON CARRIE TROWNSON <CARRIEbear@hotmail.com> WOODSTOCK, ONT CANaDa - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 22:22:52 (EST) Thankyou for the information, Maybe you can email my wife at rivnicole@aol.com and just talk to her, her beloved mother is now going thru this ordeal. I am currently fighting to save my marriage and supporting her thru this time. David Rivera <Davriv@aol.com> Brooklyn Ctr, Mn US - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 20:34:37 (EST) you have a really good site.it gives lots of info. bethaniey williamstown, oh usa - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 11:36:38 (EST) There seems to be an increasing number of people contracting breast cancer. Could it be our food? our enviornment? Just think of all the goodies that are put into cattle - cows today? What about all these wonderous sprays used to control insects etc...........Does anyone ever check out these things and their effects on the human body before adding them to our food sources? mari zimmerman <mariZsold@aol.com> Saginaw, MI USA - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 04:31:24 (EST) I am deeply saddened by the tragic letters of loss that I have read here, and am practically in tears as I write this. However, I am more encouraged by the spirit and by the power of survivors of breast cancer, and by the love and concern that is also evident. My mother told us, when we were little kids, that she had found a lump in her breast. We wondered why mommy was crying when she said this. Eighteen years later, I, a long-time smoker, have discovered an abnormal lump on the upper left quadrant of my right breast. I am terrified. Thank you for your site, and for the tastefulness of its presentation. misha <s_mara@hotmail.com> Thunder Bay, ON Canada - Friday, December 03, 1999 at 02:31:22 (EST) I am inspired by the strength and love I felt reading this web site. I have lost two aunts to breast cancer. I am doing a research paper for nursing school, and I have a strong interest in women' health. God bless everyone and keep us strong in the fight against BC. Peace. Colleen Colleen <fleminco@ohsu.edu> Portland , OR USA - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 14:07:42 (EST) Hi everyone, I had a needle-core biopsy (stereotactic)done last Tuesday, for a cluster of microcalcifications. The report came back the following Monday showing atypical hyperplasia with microcalcifications, and borderline duct carcinoma in situ. I have surgery scheduled for the 15th of December to have surrounding tissue removed for testing. Anyone else going through this, or have been through this? I am trying to find out all that I can, just can't get my hands on enough material. I would appreciate any information one has to send. I am 42, no history of breast cancer in family. I've had 3 biopsies in 4 years, all good until now. Please write, and keep the faith. Debra Debra Nestlen <DebWitch41@aol.com> Portland, Or USA - Thursday, December 02, 1999 at 03:13:43 (EST) |