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My grandmother died of breast cancer about a year or two ago and they said that I may get it also. I'm glad I found this website so that I can learn more about it. I just had breast cancer surgery and have found out that the margin on one side is not sufficient. what is my next step, surgery or radiation? corinne cleveland <ccmama@get.net> lancaster, ca los angeles - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 14:36:56 (EST) About 6 months ago, I found a lump in my right breast. After a mammogram and ultrasound, my doctor recommended a lumpectomy. Thankfully the lump turned out to be non-cancerous and I consider myself very lucky. I feel for those who have gone through so much due to breast cancer. A cure has to be found!!! D. James NF Canada - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 08:24:13 (EST) Dx 11/23/99 Janet LaCoss <Janetl4557@yahoo.com> Kent, WA USA - Wednesday, December 01, 1999 at 03:53:15 (EST) My mother is still fighting this terrible disease. She just got great results from her latest tests and I thank God for protecting her. May he watch over all breast cancer survivors. Laura Toronto, On Canada - Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 22:51:04 (EST) I am doing reasearch on breast cancer and mammograms. I found your site both interesting as well as helpful. Thank you! Robyn Odum Statesboro, GA USA - Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 21:08:14 (EST) Lisa Ricehouse <smr@gte.net> Carrollton, tx usa - Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 20:12:59 (EST) I am devastated. After being cleared last Thursday by her oncolgist, my mother had some spots removed from her head her G.P. believed to be inflamed hair folicles. Thank goodness he decided to send them to a patholigist knowing her history. She was diagnoised with breast cancer in Feb of 95 but after a masectomy and chemo, she made a full recovery or so we thought. She got the call yesterday to tell her that the patholigist report came back and said that the spots on her head were malignant and that they had mestatised (not quite sure of the spelling) from somewhere else in her body. She goes back to her oncoligist Friday to get the full report. I am terrified. She is only 48. I am scared to find out what kind of cancer this time it actually is. As for me I'm trying to find with so much confusing information out there what the heradity link is with this. All of her aunts and uncles died from cancer. I have been having a yearly mammagram since '95 when I was 21 per doctors orders but you would be suprised how hard it is to find a clinic that will do a mammagram for someone under the age of 40. Any information you would like to send my way is greatly greatly appreciated. Thanks! Heather Peck <heatherpeck1@yahoo.com> Longview, TX USA - Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 19:07:34 (EST) liz nunez <Luvithug> - Tuesday, November 30, 1999 at 18:11:18 (EST) My grandmother and two of my aunts had it, as well as my mom. 3 of them didn't survive. My mother, Joanne Ritchie, died from complications from breast cancer at age 51 Sept. 8, 1999. She was first diagnosed with breast cancer in Nov. of 1996. She went through a bilateral mastectomy, chemo and radiation, and was cleared. Later, in 1997, she was diagnosed again. She went through more chemo and radiation, and had her lymph nodes removed. She was again cleared, but started taking tamoxifan as a preventative measure. Then in April she was rediagnosed. She got edema in her left arm, started taking Fragmin injections, etc., etc., but the cancer metastasized to her bones. I want to say something: my mother had breast cancer, but breast cancer never had her. She was a smart, hilarious woman, who was beautiful and loved by so many people there weren't enough seats at her funeral. She was a great teacher and health advocate. She was my best friend, too, and the best mother my sister or I could have ever had. I am praying for everyone out there who is fighting this - please email me. Does anyone know any information on survivors' of breast cancer deaths support groups?? Bronwyn Petry <supergrrl69@hotmail.com> Ottawa, Ont Canada - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 20:35:44 (EST) Finally someone we can talk to that knows first hand information on how someone feels who has had this. A friend of mine has had a tumor removed from her breast she has had chemo treatment. Her doctor said to her he does not like the pattering of her breast she is scared and does not know what this means. Can someone explain to us what that means? She is to follow up with radiation treatment. Thank you Sue Murphy <www.rmurphy8@home.com> PortColborne, On Canada - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 17:29:26 (EST) Both my mother and maternal grandmother died from breast cancer. I am 50 years old and I have discovered a lump in my breast. I have a doctor's appointment but I'm pretty scared. I thought I would be more prepared with all the information available, I'm not. It is like I've been waiting for this shoe to drop my entire adult life. Pray for me. Thank you Joanne Footman <dahrin@earthlink.net> Corona Hills, CA USA - Monday, November 29, 1999 at 17:08:52 (EST) AUG OF 1998 WAS WAS THIRD STAGE BREAST CANCER ONE MASS. I WENT FOR A STEROTACTIC BREAST BIOPSY AND THEY FOUND TWO. WILL TO MAKE A STORY SHORT, THERE WAS NO BREAK THRU, THEY REMOVED ALL THE MASSES, ON MY LAST MAMMOGRAM I WAS STILL FREE. I HAVE BEATEN CANCER FOUR TIMES. I STARTED TAMOXEFIN THIS SUMMER WITH SOME SIDE EFFECT BUT THE END RESULT WILL BE WORTH IT IN THE 5 YEAR TO TAKE. I THANK GOD FOR ALL MY BLESSINGS I NEED A CALCULATOR TO COUNT THEM ALL. I AM 56 AND STILL HAVE ALOT OF LIVING TO DO. GOD BLESS EVERYONE IN THE NEW MILLEMIUM. CLAUDIA ANN COON <CACOON1942@EMAILMSN.COM> CHEYENNE, WY UNITED STATES - Sunday, November 28, 1999 at 17:37:56 (EST) Good to know you are "out there".....I am an eleven year survivor, now taking my 9th "brand" of chemo....zeloda. Have really read and lived the methods recommended by Dr. Bernie Siegle re. mind, body connection....thinks this has helped. Sue Bergren <sbergren@infoblvd.net> Alfred , NY usa - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 19:12:09 (EST) Dale Wilden <dalewilden@home.com> Woodbury, NJ USA - Saturday, November 27, 1999 at 03:25:55 (EST) Hi, this is my second time writing. I had a biopsy one week ago for microcalcifications. I'm happy to say my results were benign. I have to go for a follow up Mamogram in 6 months. I prey for the day when there will be a cure for breast cancer. My Mother -inlaw has breast cancer. I also prey for better testing for breast cancer in the future. For any woman that has gone for biopsys for abnormal mamograms, knows the there is always a chance there could be cancer, and Mamograms are still the best procedure we have right now for early detection. God bless to you all. Mary Jane Ryan <A15luv847@aol.com> Haverhill, Ma USA - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 06:31:46 (EST) (I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Jan 1999. It has mestasized into the bones and lungs and I had a cat scan yestarday to check head aches. Had breast removed in July and just doing the radiation and chemo right now. My doctor only says chemo, I ask him about vitamins and minerals and herbs, he don't know nothing. Linda Altom <LAltom1378@aol.com> Clarksville, Tn jusa - Wednesday, November 24, 1999 at 02:09:33 (EST) This is a very helpful site for any woman with or without breast cancer. Thanks Carol Dunmore <cdun@gte.net> Durham, nc usa - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 23:50:34 (EST) mount royal college student. Iwish there were sites like this for calgary you are doing a great service!! terence j blanchard calgary, ab ca - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 15:55:12 (EST) Great site! October was Breast Cancer Awareness month, and, boy, did I become aware! On Oct. 4 I was diagnosed with breast cancer and then had a lumpectomy. Tommorrow I start chemo, which will be followed by radiation. Over the last 7 weeks, I have learned a lot! I thought I was too young, had no history. Anyone wishing to correspond, please e-mail. Cheryl T <ctilleman@sprint.ca> Calgary, AB Canada - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 15:24:32 (EST) I have had breast ca twice, first in '93, then again in '98, at which time I elected to have bilateral mastectomies. My ca was in my right breast and all nodes were negative, and my tumor was er pos., so I'm on tamoxifin. I have a very strong family history of this, and after going for genetic counceling, I have had the genetic testing done. Still waiting results. Meanwhile, enjoying life to the fullest, its given me the impetus to do things I've always wanted to do such as buy my own home, and go to Haiti and work at a mission. God bless us all, we're quite a wonderful group, Sam sam maltby <sharonm@mileshealthcare.org> damariscotta, me usa - Tuesday, November 23, 1999 at 13:09:46 (EST) Thank you for your wonderful information you have provided me in my research project. I am a nursing student and although your all of your suffering has been dreadful i hope someday as a professional i can make a differance good luck and God bless! Colleen <biglukie@Aol.com> - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 20:36:00 (EST) Colleen - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 20:32:44 (EST) I'm glad to find several good sites that give me both emotional and technical support. Thanks for your web site. I am undergoing chemotherapy but feel that with God's support I will be a survivor. Sallie Mabon <Scatterson@aol.com.> Greenville, Ga. USA - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 18:43:37 (EST) I SUPORT EVERY WOMAN THAT HAS BREAST CANCER. cynthia cavazos <starannai@aol.com> San Antonio, TX u.s.a - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 11:43:14 (EST) Hi, my name is catherine. When i raed this guestbook i wanted to cry. e Even though im only 13 years old and iv never suffered from anything worse than a cold i just want to say WELL DONE. Keep saying to your self "i will be ok" and with Gods help you will be. catherine UAE - Monday, November 22, 1999 at 00:35:26 (EST) Hi, i'm catherine. When i read this guestbook i wanted to cry. Even though i'm only 13 years old and i've never sufered from anything worse than a cold, i wanted to say WELL DONE! Keep saying "i will be fine" and with Gods help you will be! CATHERINE JAMES UAE, - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 12:46:24 (EST) christie busbee murchison, tx - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 11:19:42 (EST) I felt discomfort in my chest when I took a deep breath or backed up the car. I had a check-up the second week of Sept. at the breast center so I wasn't too concerned. However, my mom, my sister, and my aunt all died of breast cancer so I was nervous of any pain in the chest. The first week in Oct. I found a lump in one of my breasts. I went to the breast center and had a mammogram and an ultrasound- both were negative. I insisted that the lump be removed. On Oct. 18, I had a lumpectomy. It was positive for cancer. On Nov. 15, I had a mod. radical mastectomy on the side of the cancer and a total mastectomy on the other side. This was considered very aggressive but with my history, I don't think I could have lived with anything less. My lab results came in yesterday. They found additional cancer in the breast that had the cancer and found atypical cells in the other breast. The doctor said that the cells were the type that would take years to show up on a mammogram! She said that the bottom line was that I had made the right decision. Now I must meet with the oncologists to decide what type of further treatment that I will need. Has anyone had a similar situation? Should I insist on chemo and what about tomoxofin? My tumor was estrogen receptive. After my experience, I feel that it is so important for the patient to do her research and strongly express their feelings as to how agressive she wants to attack her disease. Ellen Joyal <EJOYAL6267> Marshfield, MA USA - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 04:07:12 (EST) I was diagnosed with BC of left breast in July 1996 had a modified radical mastecomy on August 13, 1996 with same day TRAM reconstruction. 91/2 hrs of surgery from start to finish, 1 wk in hospital, had port put in for chemo treatments in Sept. 1996, had mucka scan and bone scan both fine. Tumor was just under 2 with 3 out of 17 lymphs nodes affected.Was just under the guide lines for radiation so they told me they wanted to radiate as a procaution. Fine with me because I wanted to be here in 20 years. I had a 13 and 19 yr old daughter. I was 48 at the time. I started with my chemo in Sept. and finished the week before Thanksgiving Day 1996. Did not get sick from the chemo but was very tired. Lost my hair, but it came back nicely. Had the nipple reconstruction in Jan 1997, started Tamoxifen in Feb. 1997 and radiation too. Finished radiation in March and had the port removed in April. Two weeks after that surgery I left with my husband to fly to Dallas, Texas for our friends wedding. My husband was best man. I have been doing great and even got a part time job in Oct. 1997, after being a stay at home Mom. My only complaint and I have had it checked out with my plastic surgeon 1 month ago are the muscles in the middle of my chest hurts when doing any kind of stretching or pulling was informed that this was due to the muscles tightening from the radiation. I also checked this out with my neighbors daughter as she works for my radiation doctor and she was the one who tattooed me. She agreed with my plastic surgeon. But I am still worried, (a little) so I will be calling radiation doctor on Monday. I am a 3 yr and 3 month survivor and I WILL GO ON. I wish you all well. Keep a positive attitude and keep smiling through it all, it really helps. If anyone would like to talk please e-mail me. Lynda Pugnet <Lynnelou50@aol.com> Beachwood , NJ USA - Sunday, November 21, 1999 at 00:38:06 (EST) PAT THOMASON <PTHOMA6071@AOL.COM> TECUMSEH, OK US - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 19:54:03 (EST) I am doing a report on breast cancer Emilia Fuentes <Fuentes626> Federal Way, WA U.S. - Friday, November 19, 1999 at 17:43:15 (EST) The guest book is a very valuable resource. I have been looking for information on breast pain, deep within the breast, and I've often wondered if this pain is a response to stress. So far, I am still searching. I am also impressed by the faith of the women with BC and the wonderful support that is being shown by their spouses and friends. God bless you all. d.i.hoppe canada - Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 19:47:59 (EST) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer three years ago. I watched her go through the chemo, radiation, newely tested stem cell therapy, catheters, bone marrow tests, experimenting with the not yet FDA approved tamoxifen, and the pain of waiting. At the time I was only 16 and didn't realize the severity of this cancer that was eating away at my mother. I'm happy to see such an overwhelming urge to cure breast cancer. Kat CA USA - Thursday, November 18, 1999 at 11:18:11 (EST) Debra Nestlen <DebWitch41@aol.com> Portland, Or USA - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 02:44:33 (EST) REBECCA GORKE <BRICK5525@AOL.COM> HALF MOON BAY, CA USA - Wednesday, November 17, 1999 at 00:55:42 (EST) maureen <djmo@ pikeonline.net> milford, pa usa - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 23:54:21 (EST) This is a great web site! I am 42 years old with the following family history of breast cancer; sister (at 44, now terminal with cancer), mother, mother's mother, and grandmother's mother. (I feel it safe to say that it is probably genetic). However, I'm starting the process to have genetic testing done to be certain. I have 2 sisters and three nieces, I am willing to do anything I can to help improve their chances for a healthy life. I have already had three biopsies done over the last 6 years. The waiting game is not fun. I am looking for people and/or information about preventative masectomys. If I can get it approved by my insurance co. that's what I plan on doing for myself in the new year. I'd love to hear from anyone that has undergone this procedure. To those of you questioning tamoxifen, I am currently on the 5 year therapy. I was also a participant of the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial that tested tamoxifen. I am aware of the possible side effects, the worse in my opinion being cervical cancer and blod clots, and am willing to chance it anyway. So far I haven't had any problems with the tamoxifen. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to express myself. Ladies, and gentlemen, if you find a lump or "something" shows on a mammogram, don't put it off, have it taken care of right away. If you don't like what your doctor says or suggests, find another doctor, or still another doctor, that makes you feel that the right thing is being done. Don't give up!! Alison Martinez <aamarti@gateway.net> Barstow, CA USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 21:27:43 (EST) I have just found out that I have a lump in my left breat. My doctor has not yet done a mammography so I am not sure if it is cancerous yet. I am praying however, for not only me, but for everyone who has either had the disease or will have some form of breast problem in the future. Tenille Christophe <T_Christophe@hotmail.com> New Orleans, LA USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 20:20:39 (EST) Kayla Yates <trackstarlover@hotmail.com> Los Alamos , NM USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 17:28:29 (EST) Glad to know people care. Thank You Sherry Daugherty <goldgirl@virtualhosts.net> Little Rock, AR Pulaski - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 15:49:00 (EST) I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 1/2 years ago. I had two areas that were infected and a segmental masectomy was done on my left breast. My nodes were clear and I underwent 33 treatments of radiation. Chemo and Tamoxafin were not an option. I have had recurrent episodes of swelling and severe pain in my left breast, back and arm My doctor has just put me on Tamoxafin. Has any one else had these problems? I love this site! Kathy Eghoian <keghoian@carson.k12.nv.us> Carson City, NV USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 15:29:18 (EST) I am a one-year (October) survivor. Sharon England <sengland@steelville.k12.mo.us> Steelville, MO USA - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 13:10:21 (EST) Please send me more infomation onm breast cancer Kamille Mcmeo <0cmcmeo@mcauleybrooklyn.org> brooklyn, ny - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 10:58:46 (EST) Women should be more aware of this disease because it is a very serious problem.Most of us don't realize how important it is to be aware of this disease. Treva Britt <treva45@hotmail.com> J.C, TN Tennessee - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 10:55:28 (EST) I am a school nurse in the UK and found your information on the internet. I have been able to use some of it on a study day in school with our 16-18 year old girls with regard to raising awareness on the issues of self examination and breast cancer. Many thanks. carole mundy <carole.mundy@kingdown.wilts.sch.uk> england - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 06:45:23 (EST) I am 18 and this past July we found out that my mom had breast cancer. It was quite the shock and since then she had a full mastectomy and had 12 of her lymph nodes taken out also. she is now 10 weeks into her relatively strong chemo treatment. In february she goes for radiation therapy for 3 weeks. My mom is only 44 years old, this means that I have a higher than likely chance of getting breast cancer when I'm young. My mom is doing well, but it is such an adjustment. My mom is one of those people you rarely see sick. I am so glad that there are places like this where people can tell their stories and read other people's just to know that there are lots of others going throught the same sort of thing. Thanks for this site. Rae Haddow <rhaddow@ualberta.ca> Dawson Creek, BC Canada - Monday, November 15, 1999 at 01:23:24 (EST) Kimberly <NVLworks@aol.com> - Sunday, November 14, 1999 at 17:58:45 (EST) On Oct.19 1999..Breast Awareness day..I was told I had breast cancer. 10 days later I had the lumpectomy with the auxillary resection...today is my second day out of bed...Hooray! the doc says my nodes are "clear" but I will be starting tamoxifin Monday..and chemo immediately thereafter...I have a 6 year old daughter and a full time job...I would love some insight as to what I am in store for...am I being totally clueless to try to maintain my sense of "normallcy"...Praise the Lord he has brought me this far..any comment would be appreciated... DEBRA SIXTA <sixstar@ctaz.com> Kingman , Az USA - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 11:03:15 (EST) DEBRA SIXTA <sixstar@ctaz.com> Kingman , - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 10:50:22 (EST) I would like to talk with others who have been diagnosed with tubular carsinoma. Thank You. Ruth <sewcrazy@tir.com> Flint, MI USA - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 09:18:52 (EST) Phyllis Wong <Phyllis.Wong@Bankamerica.com> San Francisco, CA USA - Saturday, November 13, 1999 at 04:40:43 (EST) Diagnosed with BC in 1996,with 3 lymph nodes infected. Did chemo and radiation, and tamoxifen. I had a reoccurence in June 1999. My oncologist took me off the tamoxifen and I am now taking monthly zoladex shots. I am having hot flashes and depression, is there anyone else with the same problem and on zoladex, I would love to hear from you. With hope to all people living with BC. Bev <bevbarber@home.com> Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 21:45:19 (EST) my mom was told that she would die from brest cancer about eight years ago. she took chemo and now she is fine. i was six at the time all of this went on. now i am fourteen. savannah <kval@dixie-net.com> tupelo, ms usa - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 13:25:27 (EST) Hey! I was looking up stuff anda came upon your site. All that I need to know is the definition of breast cancer. I kinda know what it is because my mother died of breast cancer when I was eight. I can't find the definition anywhere!! Cassady Carter <sweetie708@hotmail.com> Ruthven, IA USA - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 11:37:18 (EST) I am browsing looking for information on reconstruction after after a partial mastectomy (1/4 of my breast) and radiation. I've seen one plastic surgeon who said she could use a muscle from my back but it would be a big deal and make my back ugly. I have a feeling someone out there can help me but I can hardly find any info in the books I have been reading. I was diagnosed with bc in 1997 and am doing well. Mary Defoe <mary_defoe@hotmail.xom> Ft. Thomas, KY USA - Thursday, November 11, 1999 at 11:02:31 (EST) jennifer lynn aurora, Il U. S. of A. - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 12:43:17 (EST) THANK YOU FOR THIS WEB SIGHT,LAST FEB MY 57 YEAR OLD MOTHER DIED FROM BREST CANCER JUST 18 MONTHS AFTER SHE WAS TOLD SHE HAD CANCER.HER DOCTOR HIGHLY SUGESTED MY SISTERS AND I GET OUR MAMOS DONE.MY SISTERS HAD THEIRS DONE,ONE SIS HAD A BIOPSY AND IT WAS NEGITIVE THANK GOD,MINE WAS DONE OCT 25TH, AFTER MORE PICTURES AND A ULTRASOUND THE DOCTOR SAID I HAD A SPOT HE REFERED TO AS " ATYPICAL"AND I WOULD NEED TO HAVE A MAMOGRAM EVERY 6 MONTHS FOR 2 YEARS.IM HAVING A HARD TIME WITH THIS BECAUSE 6 MONTHS WAS 1/3 OF MY MOMS LIFE AT THE TIME OF HER DIGNOICES {SPELLING????}HAS ANYONE ELSE BEEN TOLD SOMETHING OF THE SORT ?ALSO THE DOCTOR KNEW MY INSURANCE WAS ENDING AT THE END OF THE MONTH,COULD THIS HAVE ANY AFFECT ON WHAT THE DOCTER SAID ,I DONT TRUST THEM MUCH ANYWAY WITH ALL THIS HMO STUFF PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU KNOW .THANK YOU SO MUCH AND MAY GOD BE WITH EACH OF YOU. SHERRY LANTZ <SLANTZ@BENDCABLE.COM> BEND, OR USA - Wednesday, November 10, 1999 at 02:38:36 (EST) I had a mammogram on 11/4/99.This was my third one. I had my first one when I was 35. I am now 40. Just a routine one for my annual phsical. The tech. took 4 pictures and then came back and said she had to take a couple more on my right breast for magnification. I waited in another room. She came back to say the radioligist wanted to talk to me. Immediately I felt a terrible feeling inside me. They both brought me into another room and the radioligist told me I should have a biopsi done for I have Microcalcifications in my right breast. He said he would tell my primary care Dr. My primary Dr. called me the next night and told me he would make an appointment for me to see a surgeon to see if a biopsi was necessary. My appt. is on Nov. 11th. I am very anxious and confused right now because the radioligist says biopsi and my Primary Dr. is not saying that. If any one has any information on calcifications, please write back. Mary Jane Ryan <a15uv847@aol.com> Haverhill, Ma USA - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 20:48:58 (EST) My friend has just had a mastectomy and has to have follow up chemotherapy at the famous Christie Hospital in Manchester. This site has been great as I have been able to pass on all the advice and information to her. Prayer is a very powerful force and my friend has found tremendous courage and strength to cope at this time. She has three girls aged 10-15. God bless you all. Gill Smith <simon.gill@cwcom.net> Manchester, ENGLAND - Tuesday, November 09, 1999 at 17:05:59 (EST) |