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am interested in learning more about radial scar surgery Five years after the first stereotactic procedure, I am having a second one. Both breasts this time. As the first one yielded no carcinoma, and as follow-up mamograms were fine, I did not worry too much, trusting that luck would be on my side again. It is somewhat as the preliminary analysis says no cancer, but atypical hyperplasia. I may be in for more biopsy. Open biopsy this time. My breasts are still very sore from Thursday's hour and a half squeezing I went through for the samples. I would like to know what is one to do when results are not conclusive. Should I subject myself to more testing so that I can stop wondering, or just to get another opinion...What is an atypical hyperplasia? Can drugs stave off further development of abnormal cells? I am confused, there are several doctors involved, so except for my husband (Family Physician), I don't know who to talk to, where to get the best information on this. When I see someone talk about cafeine-related "thing", I am concerned that information is not screened very well. I'd like answers. Marie Tracy Marie Tracy <tracys@televar.com> Omak, WA USA - Friday, June 18, 1999 at 01:36:58 (EDT) had lumpectomy in 1993 infiltrating intraductal carcinoma with microsoptic in one limp node. now diagonised with intraductal/intracystic carcinoma. I am awaiting treatment after all scans Carolyn <grantom@vonl.com> Kingwood, TX usa - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 20:12:27 (EDT) This will be the last time I am going to visit this site for a while. I find it to be a very good site but sometimes it depresses me. I was diagnoised on October 23, 1998. I had a double radical mascectomy (no recontruction) with 6 months of chemo and Tamoxifen. There were no lymph nodes involved out of the 25 taken. My last chemo treatment was April 29, 1999. I feel great and consider myself cancer free as does my doctor. I don't use the word survivor. I do not take Tomxifin now and I won't have scans until November 99. If anything shows up I will cross that bridge then as I did when I was diagnoised. I have changed a few things, like diet and exercise. I just want to say to everyone, thanks for your input and comments, they really helped alot, but I am moving on to the next chapter in my life. Remember, being diagnoised is not a immediate death sentence. Keep a positive attitude and learn as much as you can. Find a doctor you trust and can easily talk to. Do not be intimidated by this disease. Fight as hard as you can. GOD BLESS YOU. Rae Gene Greenough <RGreenough@sas.Samsung.com> Austin, TX USA - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 15:41:55 (EDT) My mom has breast cancer and I am getting a suspicious pea-sized lump looked at in a week.(The doctor thinks it's a caffeine related problem.) I am looking for success stories to inspire her. She is beginning the fight. If anyone has comments about being a good supporter, or living through fears of getting it as a daughter of a mother who has breast cancer, please email me. This is scary stuff. I'm only 28 and she's 50. Thanks so much. Cindy Dalton Cindy Dalton <CDalton@amcity.com> Columbus, OH USA - Thursday, June 17, 1999 at 14:29:24 (EDT) I was diagnosed at age 43 with breast cancer on Christmas Eve of '97. Thank God my cancer was in the early stages. It was found on a routine mammogram. I had a mascectomy, with negative nodes. I took Tamoxifen for six months but had to discontinue because my liver panels were elevated. The Tamoxifen had caused me to start early menopause with hot flashes, etc. After I stopped taking the Tamoxifen, I started heavy bleeding due to fibroid uterus and had to have a hysterectomy the following year. My last bone scan and mammogram showed no cancer but you always have an anxious feeling until the results come back. The mascectomy was devastating to me at first but now I just feel lucky to be alive. I now live in the moment and no longer worry about tomorrow! If there's something you've always wanted to do, by golly, do it!!! Bless you all. Cynthia Pinckard Johnson <djohn@n2.net> Spring Valley, CA USA - Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 21:11:31 (EDT) I had my first mammogram (age 42) that showed calcification, a second that showed "abnormal density". I am scheduled for a biopsy to remove the calcified area. Any suggestions on what to ask the surgeon, treatment options, where to find info on this? Great web page! Krista <Krista.Worthing@gems1.gov.bc.ca> BC Canada - Wednesday, June 16, 1999 at 11:35:14 (EDT) Three weeks ago, my first mammogram (never done it before, I'm 48)was showing two micro-calcifications. Doctor said he had to remove the suspect one and have it analyzed. Then I realized what women with breast cancer go through...Before, I never thought this could affect me...Why me?...It was for others ! Now I do understand, even if the biopsy came negative (no cancerous cells) what it could be....and I decide to design a Web Site on Breast Cancer. Next time there is a breast cancer campaign, yes, I will give... To those of you who are living with it, I say, please do not give up...never do...Where there is hope, there is LIFE. I am with you ALL... Carole C. Leblanc <karoweb@dsuper.net> Montreal, QC Canada - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 21:39:18 (EDT) Hi, I just had a benign phyllodes tumor removed from my breast. Since this is so rare, I am looking for others to 'talk' to. linda Linda Schmid <llschmid@magicnet.net> Orlando, FL - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 21:34:34 (EDT) On Nov.4th of 1998 I had my first mammogram and something showed up on it. An ultrasound was done and confirmed that there was something there that needed to be checked out. I had a biopsy which was positive and a lumpectomy was done about two weeks later. It was an infiltrating ductal cancer about 1cm in size and all lymph nodes were negative (31 were removed). I did 5 weeks radiation and 1 week boost at the end and have been taking Tomoxifen since mid Jan.'99. I feel great and have a very positive outlook for the future. If you face breast cancer, one of the best things you can do for yourself is to stay positive and not dwell on the 'what if it comes back'. Stay informed,educated,take care of yourself(be and live healthy) and enjoy life. Breast cancer does not have to be a death sentence, so don't live like you are dying. I had my surgery 6 months ago and I tell everyone that I HAD breast cancer, it was removed and as far as I am concerned it is history. Be happy each and every day and live life to it's fullest. Love and prayers to all. mary hi - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 21:23:13 (EDT) I just wanted to say hi and that I hope everyone is doing good and feeling great! To any in treatment "Hang in there" it does get better. I would love to hear from anyone that would like to correspond with me. Have a great day everyone!! Take care *HUG* Love Cindy Cindy <cloudb@cit-tele.com> - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 14:57:07 (EDT) robert j hurley <hurleyrj@westinghouse.com> pgh, pa usa - Tuesday, June 15, 1999 at 12:32:21 (EDT) Would welcome any discussion regarding invasive ductal carcinoma, conventional & unconventional treatment etc. Also, can anyone tell me about the London Cancer treatment centre, whether there's a long wait, what the people are like there, and so on. Thanks. Brenda Cantar <bcantar@watarts.uwaterloo.ca> Kitchener, ON Canada - Monday, June 14, 1999 at 19:45:29 (EDT) Shirley Henderson <Phil_tk427@hotmail> St. Lazare, mb Canada - Monday, June 14, 1999 at 15:36:07 (EDT) pam Blakely <timpam @tusco.net.com> new phila, oh usa - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 19:21:34 (EDT) hello to everyone here. My mother was diagnosed with inflammatory breast cancer in January 1998. She underwent chemo, radiation, and surgery but she passed away on May 24th 1999. I would be so appreciative of anyone that wants to correspond regarding treatments and support. I realize there are some people who may not have a support system and I would really like to help if I can. There are a lot of things I have learned and wished that I knew back when mother was diagnosed. Please feel free to write me anytime. deborah <cookiesnn@aol.com> Houston, TX USA - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 18:33:23 (EDT) was first diagnosed with breast cancer march 31st have had masectomy followed with chemo and radiation plus tamoxafin for five years. must admit is a very scary ordeal. have had five nodes envolved. hope to hear from anyone who has had breast cancer LAURA YARBER <yarberbugsie@yahoo.com> calhoun, mo usa - Sunday, June 13, 1999 at 00:53:31 (EDT) I am 37 years old and was diagnosed last October with Breast Cancer which had also spread to the liver and bones. My Doctor assured me I had Fibroids and not to worry I was too young to have breast cancer and I didnt have a family history. I have since had Chemotherapy which managed to heal the bone and irradicate the cancer tumors on my liver and a stem cell transplant which worked really well to shrink the cancer in the breast. The tumor measured 6cm. This week I go into hospital for a lumpectomy and lymph node removal. Please please make sure you do BSE and if your doctor tries to give you hog wash about any lumps you find, persue and make sure they test everything. Joanne Joanne Freeman <joanne.freeman@home.com> Calgary, AB Canada - Friday, June 11, 1999 at 22:44:50 (EDT) I had a mastectomy Nov.30,1998.I am 66 yr.old and in otherwise good health.I am on Tamoxifen and so far have had no side effects except extreme dry mouth.I feel so grateful that no cancer cells were found in lymph glands.I am glad to be feeling better at last.Are there more than one kind of breast cancer? Thanks for your answer.Glad to chat with anyone on the subject. I love to quilt. Betty Sevison Betty Sevison <jsevison@brigham.net> Brigham City, UT USA - Thursday, June 10, 1999 at 00:15:13 (EDT) I am sorry I haven't had a chance to stop back in. I hope everyone is doing good and feeling great! There is a great support group in yahoo chat. A few nights a week some of us get together and chat. If anyone would like to chat please come and join the club. To anyone in treatment "Hang in there" it does get better. I will try to stop back more often. Take care *HUG* Love Cindy Cindy <cloudb@cit-tele.com> NY - Wednesday, June 09, 1999 at 23:05:55 (EDT) My mother passed away 7 years ago at the age of 59 from breast cancer. She never did a self exam or had a mammagram. When she found it it was in a very late stage and had been there for quite some time. In Nov. of 98 I had an abnormal mammagram and was asked to have another one. I am 44 years old, I had my first mammagram at the age of 40. Everything was o.k. At the age of 43 I had my second one which was abnormal. I was asked to have a second one done which I did 4 days later. From there I was sent for an ultra sound. The radiologiost quessed the mass that was there to be a cyst and scheduled me for another mammagram in 6 months. I am scheduled for this in 9 days. I have been very scared the past 6 months, wondering if he could be wrong. Reading your questbook has helped me tremendously. Although I have not been diagnosed with breast cancer the fear is there and my heart goes out to all that have. Kathy Cote <e&k;@ExploreMaine.com> Minot, Me - Wednesday, June 09, 1999 at 11:21:23 (EDT) has anyone ever heard of papillary carsinoma in the breast?my mom has it and has surgery next week thanks tasha <gcapello@portup.com> - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 15:07:10 (EDT) I'm especially interested in talking to anyone with inflammatory breast cancer. Beverly Tulli <jrtbdtat@aol.com> North Branford, CT USA - Tuesday, June 08, 1999 at 14:11:05 (EDT) Thanks so much for this great easy to use site. I'm a nursing student and tomorrow I have a patient with breast caner. Today she had a modified radical mastectomy. I've gotten some great information to pass along. Alyson Baldree <alysonb@bbnp.com> Wilson, NC 27893 - Monday, June 07, 1999 at 20:23:35 (EDT) I am 39 yo and just diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma nd need to begin 8 rounds of CMF, radiation and then 5 trs of tomoxofin. Antone around my age who has been throuh it any suggestions? Karen <Kgs056@aol.com> New York, NY USA - Monday, June 07, 1999 at 19:54:39 (EDT) I had ER receptive breast CA year before last. It did not spread to my lymph nodes. I underwent 7 mths of CMF chemo and 6 weeks of radiation. I have been on tomoxifan for 1 year. I have been experiencing pain in my bones (mostly joints) Do you know of other women who are experiencing this from either the CMF or tomoxfan? Fran DeSear <FDESEAR@prodigy.net> Brandon, fl usa - Sunday, June 06, 1999 at 12:54:10 (EDT) I have been to your web site preivously and have responded to many. I would like to hear from anyone who is or have been on Taxotere. I had my first treatment yesterday and although I did not sleep a bit last night, I have been full of energy all day. I would like to know any experiences others have had with water retention, skin irritations etc. I had a violent response to Taxol at the time of infusion but yesterday the Taxotere went smooth. Anyone that has some knowledge regarding Taxotere I would love to hear from. Thank you for a wonderful site! Joyce Joyce L. Carpenter <auroramarina@eyeworld.com> Aurora , IN USA - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 23:25:17 (EDT) My mum has just detected a lump in her breast, haven't been to any doctors yet but was hoping that I can find helpful information from the net. I found yours! I pray that her's not cancerous. Clare Lim <cejb@cyberway.com.sg> Singapore - Friday, June 04, 1999 at 12:08:55 (EDT) Great Site!!! Keep up the good work. I have 2 breast cancer sites up and runnung. It was a real challenge but well worth it. My other site is Hope Is Forever. http://beta.homestead.com/hopeisforever/hopeisforever.html Hope you will stop by and sign my guest books. Marianne <moochie@essex1.com> Mt Morris, IL USA - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 22:58:26 (EDT) I underwent a matectomy just over two years ago. I thought I had decided against breast reconstruction but find myself reconsidering. I would appreciate any information from anyone who has undergone either a transplant or a tram flap. Basically, my question is "Is it worth it?" Thanks. Marg <kdbeswit@neilnet.com> RR4 Powassan, Ont Canada - Thursday, June 03, 1999 at 22:28:29 (EDT) I have an auntie who has breast cancer, through this I educated myself. As a health care worker I found that I knew nothing. I love my aunt who is my friend also. Someone has said on how hard it is to talk to their family, it took her one year to talk to me about how she feels, Now she does not have to cry alone. My love goes out to the sick ones and the family who does not understand. Louise Ashawasegai <henvey.inlet@sympatico.ca> Pickerel, on Canada - Tuesday, June 01, 1999 at 12:11:28 (EDT) I found my tumor August 1998 (yes, it's hard to believe but it did appear "over night"). When I had surgery to remove the 4.5 cm tumor they removed two more. After that I had 4 rounds of Adriamycin & Cytoxan then 4 more of Taxol. I had very little side effects from the chemo, loosing my hair was the worst. Follow up test found 4 new tumors in the same breast and I was scheduled for a mascatomy. More test found 2 tumors in my liver. So surgery was forgone and I am now part of a Phase II study of the drug Targretin. As my cancer continued to grow and spread while I was on chemo I wanted to try something different and hope Targretin will at least stim it's spread. I know I am not in the best of situations but am hopefull and try to not let this get me down. In all my research I have not come across a situation like mine, where the cancer spread WHILE they were on chemo. If any one has any information on this I would be greatfull to hear about it. My heart goes out to everyone who is fighting this disease and to their families and friends. Theresa Kelly <Kilcurry@aol.com> Plainville, MA - Tuesday, June 01, 1999 at 00:21:03 (EDT) I am a two-year SURVIVOR! Had a mastestomy and chemo. Currently on Tamoxifen. My faith in God saved my life, FOR BY HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED!!! ISAIAH 53:5 Lissie Ellis <a ellis@mail.wt.net> Splendora, TX USA - Monday, May 31, 1999 at 23:58:17 (EDT) After reading some of the comments in the guestbook, I feel a little guilty, but extemely relieved about the wonderful news I received today. I had an appointment with my radiation oncologist today - he said I was doing great and that I did not have to go back to see him for two years. I am currently seeing my family doctor every six months for breast exams and ovarian exams (my risk factor for ovarian cancer has been elevated). My oncologist thought I would probably be seeing my breast surgeon once a year. Believe me, I know how incredibly lucky I am. Susan Robertson <arobertson@ns.sympatico.ca> Dartmouth, NS Canada - Monday, May 31, 1999 at 18:10:11 (EDT) I have had breast cancer for ten years now it has come back 7 times now in my bones. I am taking chemo again to try to slow it down in my skull and other bones. I love to quilt! I'd love to talk to anyone that is fighting this battle. I promise I will write to anyone that writes to me. I'm also looking for a template of the hexagon for the Grand Moter's Flower Garden in a 2" hexagon but I need one that has the center cut out of it. So I won't mess up the 1/4 seam alowence. God Bless All Of You and don't ever give up the fight no matter how hard it gets! Your friend, Ramona from Ky Ramona Carpenter <rrcarpenter@sun-spot.com> Livingston, Ky U.S.A. - Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 11:08:52 (EDT) sharleen <dhorchuk@telusplanet.net> wabamun, ab canada - Sunday, May 30, 1999 at 00:45:23 (EDT) I just found this site while doing a search for something else. It is great. I had a modified radical mastectomy Dec. 97 followed by 6 months of chemo and also did reconstruction. For the past few months I have been part of a great support group here online, I know what it meant to have the support of others who have gone through the same as you have. If I can ever be of help to someone please let me know. I know I will be back here often. Take care *HUG* Cindy <cloudb@cit-tele.com> NY - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 22:57:07 (EDT) The only time I missed my mammogram for two years, I developed breast cancer, had a lumpoctomy and they remove some nodes, I just finish radiation therapy and taking tamoxifen, just building my strength. Please be sure to get your mammogram every year. God Bless all of you. Margarita Beaty <mbeaty@dasauto.com> San Pedro, CA - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 17:53:41 (EDT) My mother was diagnosed with Breast Cancer recently and I would appreciate any scientific, researched information on the medication TOMAXIFIN. She is considering taking it and I would like to know the side effects. Mike Gallegly <psu15981@odin.cc.pdx.edu> Portland, OR USA - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 14:06:10 (EDT) veronica washington <vwashing@psc.state.fl.us> tallahassee, fl - Friday, May 28, 1999 at 11:23:14 (EDT) Just discovered your site when looking for information on recurrent breast cancer. I had a mastectomy in 2/92 with chemo and tamoxifen. Currently my tumor markers are elevated and they are looking for a recurrence. What I find so difficult about having cancer is that there is much difficulty in talking with your family about it. You don't want to scare them, husbands are some times in denial and you don't want your children to worry. It is great to visit your site and communicate about this lonely feeling. I also feel that the Lord is with me throughout this struggle. B.Derrenbacher <pderreb12optonline.net> North Babylon, ny USA - Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 19:31:24 (EDT) i am a five year survivor of breast cancer. i had a radical mastomecty followed by aggressive chemo aling with continuous taxomin. last month i was diagnosed with mestasised breast cancer which showed up in my liver and multiple bone sites. I also had a lymph node removed which tested positive for breast cancer as dod numerous blood tests. now my doctor is suggesting additional agressive chemo with a therr month liver-bone scan to determine if hte chemo is working.... does anyone who knows of similar conditions have any suggestions? my doctor seems vague and evasive and closed to any newer proceduers.. THANK YOU inez <heavy@erols.com> ny, ny usa - Thursday, May 27, 1999 at 11:04:46 (EDT) Today I was diagnosed with left breast cancer. A chest xray has revealed that it has already spread to my lungs. To what extent, I am not sure. I was just given the results after having an open biopsy on May 20, 99. So now, I have no idea what to expect. Not the problem I thought I would have at 33. Jaye Langley <jaye.langley@sympatico.ca> ON Canada - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 20:32:50 (EDT) Hello. I am a survivor who was diagnosed with breast cancer in November of 1997 at the age of 32. Since I had masses in both breasts and an extensive family history of breast cancer, I chose an aggressive treatment, i.e., bilateral modified radical mastectomies with immediate reconstructive surgery (bilateral pedicale tram flaps). The surgery was followed by 8 treatments of CMF chemotherapy. Most recently, I have been experiencing considerable pain in the area right below my breasts extending down to the point of incision in my abdomin. I am wondering if anyone else out there experiences the same type of pain, has any idea what causes it, and if there are any remedies to relieve the pain. I have informed my doctor but he attributed it to "phantom pains" and offered no remedies other than aspirin. It seems to occur after I participate in additional physical activities. Please write if you have experienced similar symptoms. Thank you. Marcia Fuller <scaldwe@earthlink.net> Fayetteville, AR USA - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 11:39:05 (EDT) The love of my life was just diagnosed with breast cancer, we find out today to what extent,i an looking for husbands who have or are presently experiencing the same things i am and any one who feels they can answer the basic questions and wants to chat. Joe joseph peters <j.r.peters@worldnet.att> red bank, nj usa - Wednesday, May 26, 1999 at 09:20:57 (EDT) I am wondering if anyone has had bad reactions to Taxol and what the reactions were. I am speaking of at the time of infusion. I also would like to hear from anyone who is taking Taxotere. I have just finished my second treatment of Taxol and because of my bad reaction the Oncologist is saying that we probably will have to change. My problem was neck, face were very red, my head was hurting and then the back started hurting. The treatment was stopped and I was given more benadryl and decadon and slowed the treatment down and I seemed to do ok. My 2nd treatment yesterday was the same result only the back hurt for much longer. The understanding I have is that the back hurting if a definite signal of reaction. I would like to stay on Taxol due to the fact that I really have done well as far as after treatment. Blushed in color and that is about it. If anyone knows of any tips I would appreciate hearing from them. I also would appreciate hearing from anyone on Taxotere. I would also like to hear from anyone who has another source on the web for me. Thanks so much and God Bless everyone going through this. Joyce Joyce L. Carpenter <auroramarina@eyeworld.net> Aurora , IN USA - Tuesday, May 25, 1999 at 16:09:36 (EDT) I just had my last doctor's appt. on Wednesday. I found out I do not have to take Tomoxifin. I am finished with my chem and I don't have to do scans for 6 months. I am Cancer Free at this time and feel like I will stay this way. Rae Gene Greenough <RGreenough@SAS.samsung.com> Austin, TX USA - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 15:13:12 (EDT) I am doing a project in health, I'm 17 and was just dionosed with breast cancer last year. And I'm glad to see that there are more people like me Carla Johnson wyoming, oh USA - Friday, May 21, 1999 at 14:16:06 (EDT) I am urrently a senior in college and would like some additional information on breast cancer--such as treatments and amount of new cases reported pretena <sybil1152@aol.com> bronx, ny usa - Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 19:07:26 (EDT) I am 59 and diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in March 1999. It was 4.5 centimeters. Had a modified radiacal mastectomy. I have had 2 chemos, Adrimycin and Cytoxin with 2 more to go and then radiation for 6 weeks due to size, risk factors and closeness to chest wall. Our daugter was diagnosed 2 years ago with breast cancer. I will then be on Tomaxafin for 5 years. Anyone with similar diagnosis welcome to reply. Sharon Schultz <schultz@internetcds.com> Wolf Creek, OR USA - Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 18:42:39 (EDT) Hi! I'm doing a project for heath and i'm doing breast cancer because my dance teacher died of it and i didn't know a lot about it but with this page it helped me alot! THANK-YOU! k.Serewicz <sserewicz@ameritech.net> Chicoge, Il united states - Thursday, May 20, 1999 at 17:41:46 (EDT) I have inflamatory breast cancer - getting ready to undergo more radical chemotherapy and bone marrow transplant. Any information on this kind of procedure would be appreciated. Marcia <gtohler@frontiernet.net> Bloomington, IL usa - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 23:54:33 (EDT) Hello to all you SURVIVORS I am a 4 year breast cancer survivor and through my ouwn experience and soul searching I have created gifts to inspire all survivors. Please visit me at www.midco.net/~hsurvivor I look forward to seeing you there Patti "Where there is life, there is HOPE" Patti Selzler <hsurvivor@midco.net> Sioux Falls, SD USA - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 22:51:57 (EDT) I am a nursing student and I was assigned a speech to give to my class about breast cancer. I have to make some sorta project (visual aids) if anyone out there has any ideas PLEASE PLEASE email me....Thanks Jenni Foster <jennia18@hotmail.com> Mo United States - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 16:27:32 (EDT) Hey folks, I am 14 years old and I am from Brazil, I have a science fair at school ( i am in 8 grade) and a choose do about breast cancer because my mom had this disease last year, and this page was very usefull for me. Thanks Renata <Natabm@aol.com> RJ Brazil - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 15:55:45 (EDT) My 30-year old daughter has breast cancer and I am trying to read everything I can on the subject. Thanks for providing all this information. Martha Fisher <martha@uab.edu> Birmingham, AL USA - Wednesday, May 19, 1999 at 15:36:55 (EDT) |