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My sister was diagnosed with bc in January of this year at 27 years of age. She had a mastectomy of the right breast in Febuary and had 30 lymphnodes removed. The surgeon removed a lump that measured 7cm and all of the lymphnodes were infected with cancer. She starts chemo in 2 weeks and is in very good spirits despite everything. She has 2 children, a boy that just turned 7 and a girl that just turned a year old. I just wanted everyone to know that you are not alone in this world. Cancer has a way of bringing a family closer together and closer to god. Keep my family in your prayers and you are all in mine. God Bless you all. Rebecca Ayers <rayers@schrader-bridgeport.net> muskogee, ok muskogee - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 18:37:38 (EST) Thankyou so much for this site. It is just what i have been looking for. It helps to talk to other people who have been through the same experiences. Are there any actual chat rooms you can go into regarding this subject. I too have had breast cancer and i think we are all very strong brave people. Good luck to everyone and good health to those that are having to live with this desease. christine <chrrisy@camb84.freeserve.co.uk> Cambridge, England - Wednesday, February 17, 1999 at 18:23:58 (EST) My experience with breastcancer is not so long ago. My mother died of it last May. Just today I found out about this web-site, I wish I had known about it back then. I think it's great you created this web-site, and I hope a lot of people can benefit from it. I would like to hear from other people my age who have experienced the same (I'm 18 years old) KEEP ON DOING THIS GREAT WORK! Esther Cramers <esthercramers@hotmail.com> Netherlands - 10 months & counting. Diagnosed with Breast Cancer in April 98, had a lumpectomy and Axillary dissection (ouch)...followed by 8 weeks of radiation. Currently on tamoxifin, wanted to know if anyone else having difficulties.. I am 41 and in Hot Flash HELL!! Also, even though my body is healing, when does your spirit. I want to stop thinking about it as a ticking bomb, and that every ache and pain I have, I fear the cancer has returned. Does that part get easier.??? Going to my support group tonite, can't wait to tell them about this site!! Thanks Lauri Horner <thedarlins@aol.com> Cooper City, FL USA - I found this site provided an excellent sourse of information. Thanks :) Susan Harnum <sharnum2roadrunner.nf.net> NF - Good. Needs more info about the cancer its self. Justin Westbrook <JSW222@hotmail.com > NC USA - A very helpful site! Thank you! Carolyn L. Charkey <ccharkey@frii.com> Fort Collins, CO 80521 - Recently diagnoised with Breast Cancer, seeking information Claudia A. Collins <Claud0369@aol.com> Lansdale, PA USA - I am a freshmen at Central Michigan University and i am currently working on a paper about Breast Cancer. As strangely as it sounds, I have yet to come across anything that tells me what it is. Any ifo any one could give me would be helpful. In addition to my paper, i have started a fundraiser in respect to breast cancer. My aunt was told about a month ago that she has breast cancer, and i plan to help her through it. Carmen <oc_jrmiss98@hotmail.com> Mt. Pleasant, MI America - My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer a year ago. She had a masectomy and 25 lymph nodes removed , 23 were cancerous. She has been through chemo and radiation. She is now taking tomoxifin which is causing some side affects. Would like any information from anyone with the same kind of situation. How do you feel, tired? in pain? She seems to be fine, as far as going shopping etc. I want to take her to Vegas. Is she strong enough? She wants to go, she's never been. Thanks for any help. Kathy <rpalmer848@aol.com> Omaha, NE - Summer Bryde <SummerBryde@looksmart.com> Columbus, MS USA - I am a student at Dondero High School and am currently working on a paper about breast cancer, I have no idea where to start. If anyone can help me get started and/or give me advice, comments or information, that would be great! Thanx! Anne Fourth <SickTwistedPuppy@hotmail.com> Oaktown, USofA - My mother (76 years young) was diagnosed with breast cancer 1 1/2 years ago. After 2 lumpectomy surgeries to obtain clear margins as well as axillary dissection for node invasion (they were clear) she was placed on tamoxifin. The hot flashes that she is experiencing are far worse than the "natural" hot flashes that she had the first time around. Any suggestions for herbal remedies to try to help lessen the hot flashes will be greatly appreciated. Peace to you all. Jan Brintnall <janb@jhc.com> Lansing, MI USA - I WAS DIANOSED WITH BREAST CANCER IN MARCH 1998. THE LUMP WAS ON THE SAME SIDE AS 5 YEARS PREVIOUSLY. AT THAT TIME I WAS LIVING IN SCOTLAND. I HAD THE LUMP REMOVED BUT NO FOLLOW UP TREATMENT EXCEPT 3 MONTHLY EXAMS. I CAME OVER HERE TO THE UAE IN 1996. WHERE THE SECOND LUMP WAS DISCOVERED IN MARCH 1998. I WAS IMMEDIATELY OPERATED ON AT THE AMERICAN HOSPITAL, BY DR PERSHA (GOD BLESS HIM!)AND THE LUMP AND LYMPH GLANDS WERE REMOVED, PUT ON TAMAXIFEN AND HAD 5 WEEKS RADIOTHERAPY AT TWAM HOSPITAL, AL AIN (THE BEST THERE IS!) I AM NOW EXPERIENCING CONTINUAL PAIN AT THE OPERATION SITE. IT HURTS TO TAKE DEEP BREATHS, ESPECIALLY IF I HAVE A COLD. IN FACT I HAVE HAD TWO BOUTS OF BRONCHITIS WITH PLEURSY SINCE LAST YEAR. CAN ANYONE ADVISE ME. YOUR WEB SITE IS GREAT. liz enderby <denderby@emirates.net.ae> dubai, uae - I am a senior at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN and I am studying diseases and disorders. I am currently working a paper that deals with breast cancer. I love to see all the interest in the cancer on the web. (Both of my grandmothers and two of my aunts have been diagnosed with breast cancer. My maternal grandmother is the only one that has lost her life do to the cancer.) Kelli Waibel <krwaibel@expert.cc.purdue.edu> Lafayette, IN - I was diagnosed in Dec,97 with inflammatory breast cancer, a term I had never even HEARD before. I am now 14 months from that and my scans show no evidence of disease. I hope I am one of the lucky ones who can stay a step ahead of this very aggressive cancer. Debbie Engermann <debiee@massed.net> Raynham, MA USA - Hi, I was diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma in Nov. '98 and had a total Mastectomy. I'm now on Evista, as a cancer prevention treatment, instead of Tamoxifen. Anyone have any info re: ongoing trials with Evista? Kathy Tucker <budkathyt@aol.com> Pacific Grove, Ca USA - I am 40 years old and have had several girlfriends who have been diagnosed with breast cancer, they have all been through the treatments and are survivers. However 3 years ago, my best friend was inflicted with the disease. She has been through every type of treatment and is not getting better. It is now in her bones and I am afraid she is giving up mentally. She is in great pain from the cancer and extremely sick from the treatment. I am trying to be brave and support her wishes to stop all treatment, I think I would be selfish to ask her to continue on. She has been fighting hard for along time and she is tired. I want people to know that she found her lump a year before going to the doctor. Had she gone right away, she would have had a much greater chance of survival. It was something I learned from and I hope others do to. I am scared of losing her, but I am more afraid of watching her suffer. I would like some information on what happens after it spreads to the bones, or advise on how I can be more supportive for her. God bless her and all others that fight this disease. Debra Sinks <dlsinks@dlri.com> Beloit, WI Rock - Marie Black <n/a> Palmer, Tx. U.S.A. - jiangGuoQing <jgqfl@public1.sz.js.cn> suozho, jjs china - This is dedicated to all strong women like my mom and Michelle Meadows who are fighting this disease. Always keep fighting and don't let this take over your body. Keep thinking in your mind "die cancer die". God Bless you! You are in my prayers. Laura Laura - my grandma died of breast cancer Kelly Elizabeth Triece <jtriece@mci1.com> marshall, mi US - I was two weeks from turning 40, in 1992, when I learned I had breast cancer. My left breast was removed and I was lucky in that all nodes were negative. My surgeon said I didn't need chemo. However, my research showed that node negative women still benefitted from chemo. I got two other opinions, both of whom agreed with my research. I went through six months of chemo(CM5-FU. Six years have passed and so far everything is doing well. I have now just developed lymphedema in my left hand. Has anyone else developed this after such a long period? Of course, you never get over worrying about--is it back and that is why my hand is swelling? Would love to talk to anyone who has undergone massage therapy for lymphedema. Patricia Book <lbook@semovm.semo.edu> Cape Girardeau, mo USA - On Monday January 25th, 1999. I found out my mother has Breast Cancer. She was diagnosed with infiltrating ductal carcinoma and mucinos carcinoma. There were three lumps that were removed and two of them were positive for cancer. The third was benign. She is set up to have a masectomy. The surgeon left it up to her if she wanted a left breast masectomy or if she wanted the bileteral masectomy. and if she wanted plastic surgery or not. We still have not decided and we are all scared. My mother is 44 years old. Iam afraid of what the chemotherapy and radiation will do to her. Another of my concerns, is how she will do during the surgery and how long it is? We meet with our second plastic surgeon tommorrow, the first one that we saw, was a real jerk and had no compassion so this makes our experience a little more terrifying. I would love to here more from anyone that can tell me what kind of road my mother has in store for her I would appreciate it. Marti Hall <cfarley@pdqnet.com> Sacramento, ca USA - Marti Hall <cfarley@pdqnet.com> Sacramento, ca USA - I'm a 36 year old female diagnosed in 1997 with stage 2 metastic breast cancer. I had a left modified radical mastectomy, followed by 6 rounds of CAF. I had 10 of 15 positive lymph nodes positive. I underwent a stem cell transplant at the U of M and followed that by 7 weeks (35) treatments of radiation. Last Jan. I also had breast reconstruction using the TRAM flap procedure. I love my results. In December I had been having some pain in my neck for a couple of months and was diagnosed with bone cancer of the spine with liver involvement. I again went through 5 radiation treatments. We are waiting to see what my Ca27-29 does each month. If it begins to elevate then we start chemo again. I went through a MRI tonight for more pain in the rib area. Please pray for me. I have a positive attitude, belong to a wonderful support group and have a very strong family support. I'm also a registered nurse so I've been both the patient and the nurse. If I can help anyone going through rough waters please feel free to write. I survived this once and plan to beat it again. In Christian faith..... Micky Michelle meadows-Emery <micky@michweb.com> Manton, Mi United States - In 1995 I was diagnosed with Stage1 breast Ca.I was 44 yrs. old and had a 4yr. old child. I had a lumpectomy, chemo. and radiation. I starting taking tamoxafin in 1996. All my follow-up exams have been fine. It seems like I'm always seeing one doctor or another which can be stressful, but it's necessary. I know I must continue to do everything possible to remain healthy. My son is now 8 and it's so wonderful to watch him grow. In addition to good health care, I also believe in spiritual support as well. My appreciation for my family and my life is boundless. I have had to remind myself that being diagnosed with breast ca is not an automatic death sentence. There is hope and life after it. Nancy James <nbc150@juno.com> Poughkeepsie, N.Y. U.S.A. - I think that all women who have went though this tragic experince are heros ! breast canser (snd s few other thypes run in my family) and i know that im at HIGH risk... so im donig a report on Breast canser to learn more bout the subject... thanx 4 being here and your info will be used... to all the other girlz and women... please keep fighting !! Codi Yoders <cover_girl8@hotmail.com > Carmichaels , Pa Usa - donna harris <donna.a.harris@chirondiag.com> MA USA - Melissa Wayne Patchogue, ny usa - I found this page verry informative and would put it up for a web page award Tara NfLd Canada - I am 19 years old and in two weeks I will be going through with a bilateral breast biopsy. In December of 1997, when I was only 18 years old, I had my first breast biopsy when a large lump, measuring 5 cm in diameter, was found in my right breast. Successfully removed two days after it was found, I was told it was benign. Just today, Feb. 2nd 1999, my doctor found two more lumps, one of which he believes is bigger than the first. One is in the exact same region tht my first one was, and the second is on the left breast. I am praying for the best. Thank you so much for your site. Through it I have read of many other women's accounts and found people with whom I can talk about my fears. Thank you! Megan Nichols <megannichols_98@yahoo.com> Vincent, OH USA - Hello! Im visiting your site to get information on breast cancer for a project I have at school. I just want to say thank you, your site has provided me with alot of good information. Jae Mallorca San Diego, Ca U.S.A. - I was dianosed with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma in Sept 98. The tumor was measured at 10 cms.I was placed on chemo frist. Four treatments every 3 weeks. After the frist treatment the tumor reduced half it's size. Then I had surgery. The tumor was now at the wonderful size of just a batch of cells.The tumor was reduced to the cellular stage. Now I am on a second set of chemo. Taxol made my legs go numb and become very painful. I do not know what was worse the sickness all the time on the frist set or the pain on this one. After this batch I will be starting Radiation. Looking forward to the 5 year mark. feel free to write would love to hear from others going though this. THERESA O'GORMAN <TEOIXTAC@HOTMAIL.COM> HUNTSVILLE , AL USA - HI. I'm thirty years old and I have a very rare type of breast cancer. Metaplastic Carcinoma. If anyone one has information on this type of cancer, I would love to hear about it. It seems to be running rampant through my fathers side of the family. My cousin who is thirty-one has the same type of cancer and her mother (my dad's sister) also has breast cancer. I will be having surgery next week to remove the breast and then I start chemo. My chemo is Adriamycin so if anyone has info on that too, that would be great. Thanks! Heidi Modell <hrlm@aol.com> - My mom was diagnosed 5 years ago and last March had a masectomy. She is the strongest woman I know and I know that she will beat this. Always have a positive attitude and think the way my Mom thinks"I only have cancer. I'm not sick" God Bless Mom and all others Laura Toronto, On Canada - please send some information on tamoxifin . at p.o.box 1213 san marcos texas 78667 gloria r. hernandez san marcos , tx u.s. - Hi! we are doing a assignment on Breast Cancer and we would just like to thank you and your site for giving us so much information. You have been a terrific source of educational information. THANKYOU SO MUCH YOUR NEW FREINDS SARAH,KAVISHA&MONIKA; Sarah, Kavisha, Monika Melbourne, Vic Australia - Fran Silvester <silvester@enterprise.net> - I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October 98, since then I have had the tumor removed, had chemo, and now am having radiation. I am expriencing problems with my arms and legs, going numb and painful, if anyone has had any of these symptons, would you please let me know. I am in my 3rd week of radiation. Will be glad when all of this is behind me I really felt great before it all started. Thanks Linda Dawson <linda.sportmom@erols.com> Rockville, MD USA - Just 4 days ago I underwent my second biopsy. It was negative but needless to say a very scary thing to go through. I had had the same proceedure performed last year at this time. Same breast, same spot. They don't know it they missed the lump the first time or what happened because I hadn't gone for the follow up mamo. I would like to express the need for the follow up work. I was sore and didn't want to go through it but if I had we would know now if it were the same spot. Or a new one. Now I have two scars to remind of how lucky I am. Please don't give up and always follow through with your exams. Mine was undectectable without the mamo. I had two lumps on the opposite side I went for and while there they discovered the old one still there. The two new ones are suppose to disappear on their own. We are just waiting. Thank you for this web page, I hope I was some help to some one out there. brenda <thefitzs@northnet.org> portleyden, ny usa - Browsing for information on symptoms that no one can explain, during ovulation my left breast only, swells up to twice its size and is very painfull for about 4-5 days then goes back to normal untill the next cycle. This has been going on for only three months with no relief in sight, as I have been to four doctors and have my appointment on Monday with the fifth, no one has an answer but they keep saying that cancer does not behave this way. I hope that there right. Any one exsperiencing the same? Please E- mail me i would appriciate any one who can relate. Thanks for this venue, Rose Rose Fasciocco <fosh1@erol.com> clifton, pa usa - I just found out my sister as breast cancer. There has been alot of cancer in my family(liver, lung, uternan,skin) what are the odds of me developing one of these. I am 40 years old and my doctor feels that I am young for mamogram. Peggy Indoe <robpeg@bmts.com> Owen Sound, ON Canada - I'm a 38 yr old female, 3 months ago I was had discovered a lump in my left breast, it turned out to be breast cancer. I am currently undergoing chemo, and doing well. I had a mastectomy with a TRAM. Do you now of any good chat rooms that I go to a talk with other women that have gone the the same operations. Terry dobrzykowski <Dano2@erols.com> Glen Burnie, md usa - Robin Norris <RNORRIS@STRATOS.NET> Cleveland, OH - My name is Tracy and my mother may have Breast Cancer...the signs and symptoms are all there...we are just confirming with tests. I am trying to get any and all information I can because I want to be there for her in this...she has always been there for me. If anyone reads this and can share any information or insight please email me at tkortman@yahoo.com. Thank-you. Tracy Kortman <tkortman@yahoo.com> St. Petersburg, FL United States - Michelle Long midland , mi usa - Dear Stan and Carol, I have had the great pleasure of looking at every page on your website. The information is fantastic and is of the highest quality. The ease of getting back to your homepage from anywhere on your site is a very nice touch. No getting lost here :-). Please keep up the wonderful work you are doing here at Info Breast Cancer. With your permission, I would very much like to link to your site and refer my visitors to you for your information. Kindest Regards, Bill Baker Cancer Information and Support International. Cancer Information and Support International <support@cancer-info.com> Toronto, On Canada - Three years ago I found a lump in my breast and had a biopsy done. I was lucky. The doctors said it was fibercystic tissue. I was told to get mammograms every 3 months. The doctor said that just because it was not a tumor, doesn't mean it won't be next time. I am concerned because the lumps are now getting bigger and are in both breasts. I have been in to see my doctor again, but him thinks it is the same thing. I can't seem to locate information on fibercystic breasts. If anyone has information on this could you please e-mail me. Dawn Hageman <Hageman@gateway.net> Wichita, ks United States - 5 years ago-was on very interesting to read-I"m an artist-had mastectomy was 0n tamoxifen 5 years-had a stroke &diabetes-hysterectomy-endometrial; CA-quit tamoxifen-had radiation-feel fine-seems I spend too muchtime going for checkups-glad I"m alive-Love y"all Elizabeth Reiss <+-don omaha, ne douglas - My mom had a lumpetomy 8 years ago and now her breast cancer is back. Now she is considering a masectomy and breast re-contruction. Any info regardung the different recontructive methods. TRAM vs DIEP methods. Any info posted would be much appreciated. Charlene Lefave <Kjaques@home.com> - I was glad to find this web site because my sister found a small cluster in her breast, and with all that she has been through for the past 10 years with food alergies, and her symtums, and knowing that I have the same food problem,I am a little bit fearful, even though I have GOD in my life and she doesn't. Ellen Petrie <madmax@qwestinternet.net> Madera, Ca USA - My mother has had both breast removed due to cancer and has had a large brain tumor removed in Aug. She was told last week she has bone cancer. If anyone has anyinformation on this please send it to me. Donna L Jakob <jjakob@bellsouth.net> Knoxville, Tn USA - Newly diagosed with lobular breast cancer. Will be undergoing surgery this coming Friday. Any advise from anyone greatly appreciated!! Chris M <cmelger@bytehead.com> Sheboygan Falls, Wi USA - This website was great for helping to research a college paper. Thanks! Corina Cummings K.C., MO USA - Thank you so much for the information on breast cancer. It really helped me with a Biology project for school. R. Matney <njjmatney@hotmail.com> Rural Retreat, VA USA - Thank you so very much. This is just what I needed. I was doing a speech on breast cancer because a very dear friend to me was diagnosed to breast cancer and passed away in 96'. Once again thank you for all of your help!!! Ashley Shaw <dfrazier@semo.net> Van Buren, MO USA - I'm not sure if the doctors made a mistake saying the lump I found is nothing to worry about, also the black discharge from my nipple is any concern. Charlett Hanson <cehanson@mail.unnet.com> East Jordan, MI United States - very informative section well done Marlene Kenny <savar@dove.net.au> whyalla , sa Australia - My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer and I am trying to find things out to help her. She has lobular cancer. Your site was a big help. THanks. Natalie Gouveia <ngouveia_@firstclass.net> Sarnia, ONT Canada - Great information! If u could send any information thru mail would appreciate it. Treatments for breast cancer. Thank You. Pat Pattie Rae Conaway <ksh41@hotmail.com> Glen Dale, WV USA - This helped me alot with my report on osteoporosis! Kelly <N/A> Victoria, BC Canada - Tuesday, January 12, 1999 at 21:24:32 (EST) I'm doing research on breast cancer and I have found it to be very interesting and i have read many storys including my family's (my aunt died of breast cancer a while ago) so to all of you out their hang on I know you can get through all this crap and come out loking as beautiful as ever Britany Ward <Ward@MTAonline.net> wasilla, ak U.S.A. - Tuesday, January 12, 1999 at 19:47:16 (EST) Wow, what I site. We all have our own story, and yet we can help each other, globally, and I am filled with wonder at that. I was diagnosed at 47 in July 1994, had lumpectomy followed by masectomy and a TRAM flap reconstruction at the same time. 6 months of CMF chemo followed, (I went back to work full time about 4 months), and thus worked through some of the chemo, in fact would have a treatment in the morning and be in the office by 11am. (The strength we get when we need to). I am now on and have been for 4 years, Tamoxifen, and would liike to hear from those who have gone off tamo after the 5 years and what has happened to them. I was certainly premenapausal before, and periods stopped during chemo. Have been through the hot flushes, itchy legs (especially in our hot summers), lymphodema, and still keep going. My one inspiring thing. I am involved in a sailing ship (a 3 masted barquentine, STS Leeuwin (look up their site), used for sail training of young people (and not so young), and the main mast is 33m off the deck, and I actually climbed to the top of it to read a little tiny plaque, while still on chemo. Also did a 12 day ecological voyage with scientists on board off the very southern western coast of Australia. So, gals, we can still be adventurous as well. I wish all of you who read this site the best, and especially the newly diagnosed; its frightening at first and like going through a vacuum, but it sure is good being this far down the line. Cheers for now, Ann. Ann Sedunary <annsed@odyssey.apana.org.au> Perth, WA Australia - Tuesday, January 12, 1999 at 07:06:50 (EST) Diana Watson <rwat@alltel.net> Springboro, PA USA - Monday, January 11, 1999 at 06:54:36 (EST) |