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I was diagnosed a year ago at age 38 with stage 2B breast cancer. Two lymph nodes were involved, so my offical diagnosis was T2,N1,m0; er and pr neg. I had a partial mastectomy, 4 cycles of AC, 4 cycles of Taxol, then 6 1/2 weeks radiation. I would like to hear from anyone who is going through similar experiences, or is a survivor with a similar diagnosis. Thanks. I'd be more than happy to correspond with others. I was diagnosed in 1995 with Stage 1 B.C. I had chemo., radiation(following a lumpectomy). I am now taking Tamoxafin. I'm 47yrs.old. Nancy James <cleoabby@msn.com> - Saturday, January 09, 1999 at 20:29:44 (EST) I'll turn 53 on 1/27/99. I had a left breast lumpectomy on 12/16/98 as well as an lymph node dissection. The tumor was 1.5cm and one of the 13 lymph nodes was cancerous. I will begin chemotherapy on 1/15/99. It will consist of 4 treatments of AC over a 12 week period followed by 4 treatments of Taxol over a 12 week period. Radiation will follow the 24 weeks of chemo. I am concerned about the possibility of having to have a port-a-cath if my veins don't do well with the IVs. I'm also concerned about the possibility of extravasation (leakage of the infusion liquid into the surrounding tissue and/or skin) with the Adrimyacin and Taxol. Do any of you have any information about these things? Jane Humilier <jane_humilier@mcdmail.uchicago.edu> Chicago, IL USA - Friday, January 08, 1999 at 15:13:22 (EST) I am 18 years old and my Aunt has just found out that she has breast cancer and I am very scared. I have so many questions and no one to ask them to. My biggest fear is about myself, does this raise my chance of getting cancer? However I have found some answers in web sites much like this. Thank you for the help!! Tanya Collins <turtles2@hotmail.com> Richmond Hill, Ont Canada - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 19:31:18 (EST) Greetings, So, we had this idea....Wouldn't it be great if you could go to a site, put in your treatment or doctor, and get a listing of 100's of other people's descriptions of their experience with the treatment or the doctor? well, we are trying to do this at http://www.SharedExperience.com it's just going up and is an attempt to collect first hand accounts by cancer patients and their caregivers of their treatment experiences, and keep them in a searchable database for others to view. Please stop by and leave footprints. Best of luck in all your endeavors! Terry Halsey <terry@sharedexperience.com> NYC, NY USA - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 18:36:52 (EST) I am 32 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer injune this year. I have undergone surgery chemotherapyand radiotherapy and thank god coe out the other side. The best advice I can give is talk to someone who has gone through the same as yourself and come through. It will show you there is hope for the ffuture and it isnt always the monster were led to believe marna smyth <marna.smyth@virgin.net> aylesbury, england - Thursday, January 07, 1999 at 11:52:15 (EST) I WENT THROUGH YOUR WEB SIGHT AND I PERSSONALLY KNOW HOW IT FEELS TO GO THROUGH WITH ANY TYPE OF CANCER. IKNOW THIS BECUASE I'M 16 AND MY MOTHER WHO IS 37 AND IN THE LAST STAGE AND DYING I TAKE IT HARDER THAN ANYONE ELSE IN MY ENTIRE FAMILY. THE BEST THING THAT IS I'M THE ONLY PERSON TO LIGHTED UP HER DAY. AND PERSSONALY I MAKE HER LUAGH WHEN SHE'S DOWN. VICKY OLSON <NONE> MONTREAL, QUE CANADA - Wednesday, January 06, 1999 at 14:18:02 (EST) My mother was diagnosed Dec. 9, 98. She had a lumpectomy Friday, the 18th. All 13 nodes removed were clear. The initial advice was to have only radiation, 5 weeks. Now they say 12 weeks of chemo, then radiation. Her lump was 2 sonometers. She also has Crohn's disease. Has anyone heard of or experinced Crohn's and chemo? theresa womack <theresa_womack@yahoo.com> Athens, TX - Wednesday, January 06, 1999 at 13:41:43 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with Stage IIA breast cancer with 1.2 cm tumor with 2 nodes involved. She has also tested positive for the Her2/neu oncogene and has a high S-Phase fraction. Does anyone have information on effective treatment options or personal experiences with this type of diagnosis. I thought this website would be the most informative and personal place to gather advice. stefanie callan <scallan@esprit.com> San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 20:50:54 (EST) Gail Schafer Brownlee, sk Canada - Tuesday, January 05, 1999 at 17:43:03 (EST) I JUST TURNED 40, A COUPLE OF MONTHS AGO I NOTICED A LUMP IN MY RIGHT BREAST... I TRIED TO WISH IT AWAY.. RECENTLY MY RIGHT ARM HURTS WHENEVER I MOVE IT ANY WHICH WAY. I WENT TO URGENT CARE, THEY REFERRED ME TO THE CANCER INSTITUTE IN SAN DIEGO. I'M INDIGENT ..I NEED HELP IS THERE A WAY? SUSEN ANDERSON <MARLENE@4DCOMM.COM> SAN DIEGO, CA USA - Monday, January 04, 1999 at 21:36:55 (EST) Diagnosed with breast cancer 12/24/98. Just learning about it. Will have surgery 1/14/99. Linda Easterday <east@atlascomm.net> Springfield, MO USA - Monday, January 04, 1999 at 21:17:25 (EST) I'm 52 years old women,who has operated breast cancer 1995 Ulla Levin <ulla.levin@telia.com> Ludvika, Sweden - Saturday, January 02, 1999 at 18:36:00 (EST) My mother, (62) had a lumpectomy in October 98 for early stage infiltrating ductal, no lymph nodes involved. Her doctor said she did not need radiation. A second opinion says she should have radiation. She is afraid, because she is unaware of the possible side effects. She also takes thyroid medication. Could this be a problem? What are the temporary and permanent side effects? She goes back to the doctor Jan 4, she needs to decide soon. Thank you for any help. Kathy Raker <mttlr115@netscape.net> Sunbury, PA USA - Thursday, December 31, 1998 at 07:51:52 (EST) I had a bilateral mastectomy done on 12-21-98. results were that there was no cancer in the left breast, no residual cancer in the right breast ( I had 3 lumps in my right breast removed on 11-17-98) However,...I have cancer in 13 of the 24 lymph nodes that they removed.I'm a "stage 2". The lymph nodes with the cancer were small & localized...which they say is good news. They'll want to do 6 months of chemo & some type of radiation treatments too... anyone out there who has experienced chemo & radiation ...Please write me I would like to hear from a patient perspective as to what I can expect.Will any of it hurt?...is my biggest concern.I still have 3 drains in from surgery( 12-21-98)...if anyone knows if it hurts when they pull them out ...I would love to know that too.Also I had tissue expanders put in...any pain involved with the filling of those? I wish you all the best.You are all in my prayers! If I can help anyone or answer anyone elses questions please write me..I'm glad to help! God Bless! & thank you. Carrie Carvalho <carrie.carvalho@snet.net> CT USA - Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 22:22:37 (EST) What a wonderful and informative sight. I was diagnosed with breast cancer Dec. 8 this year and since have had a partial mastectomy and lymph node removal. The unknown is so scary. I will received radiation in the new year and thank you for all the info you have on this treatment. All the stories have touched my heart and help me to know that I am not alone in this battle. There is so much hope and support for this dreaded disease I know that I will count among the survivors. Again, thank you so much! Donna Gaudet <scottg@worldchat.com> Brantford, On Canada - Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 17:28:01 (EST) In association with Olivia Newton-John we have published a community charity book called "Living Simply with Cancer" ALL proceeds goes to cancer support here in Australia. If anyone would like a copy and even if you can't afford it just email me and I'll send you a copy anyway as our sole purpose is to assist cancer patients and their families. Ross Taylor <ross@lifeforce.iinet.net.au> Perth, WWA Australia - Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 08:38:27 (EST) Kathi <ronald.manasian@gte.net> Farmington, MI USA - Saturday, December 26, 1998 at 11:19:58 (EST) I AM A BREAST CANCER SURVIVOR, FIRST TIME 10 YEARS AND SECOND TIME 5 YEARS. I LOVE YOUR SITE AND IT IS VERY HELPFUL. I HOPE TO GET INTO YOUR CHATROOM SOON. THANKYOU CELESTE <KISEKIS@HOTMAIL.COM> SPRINGFIELD, MO USA - Friday, December 25, 1998 at 13:39:36 (EST) Melissa Heidelberg <melheid@aol.com> Bel Air, MD USA - Wednesday, December 23, 1998 at 14:19:55 (EST) Ronald S. Simon <ron@olsusa.com> Fort Myers, FL USA - Tuesday, December 22, 1998 at 14:42:16 (EST) informative, well designed, congratulations keep up the good work ken kavanat <ken.tax@sympatico.ca> - Saturday, December 19, 1998 at 14:30:54 (EST) I was recently diagnosed with phylloid tumor on my right breast and went ahead and had an open biopsy done.Now apparently the first doctor did some thing wrong because I have severe swelling on my breast with some occasional shooting pains and the breast area is red and warm to the touch.This has been going on for two months now and the swelling has not subsided.I went for a second opinion because the first doc wanted a partial mastectomy done and I did not agree with that.I think a lumpectomy will be all that is needed because the pathologist report said that the tumor is noncancerous and not life threatening.Anyone that has been dx with the same type of tumor please e-mail me to see how you are handling it.It is called phylloid or phylondra tumor.Any extra info on this type of tumor?Thanks jessica rodrig <jrodrig1@flash.net> houston, tx usa - Thursday, December 17, 1998 at 10:13:15 (EST) I am 27 diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ and I am scheduled for a left breast mastectomy and reconstruction on January 8th. I have signed the guestbook before but I am trying to find someone who has had reconstruction with the abdominal flap procedure. I would like to learn more about the recovery period and what to expect after I am healed (like how weak my stomach will be, etc.) They say I'll need a 4-6 week leave from work. I am also wanting to get preganant after all this is through and wonder if that is ok. Thanks. God bless everyone! Gwen <eipmgmt@iquest.net> - Thursday, December 17, 1998 at 08:31:13 (EST) My mother was diagnosed last September thanks to a mammogram she didn't want done in the first place. Thank God the biopsy removed the cancer and she has just celebrated a year of normal mammograms. I pray for all of you that are diagnosed. Cesca <faungst@cub.kcnet.org> Lock Haven, PA USA - Wednesday, December 16, 1998 at 22:18:08 (EST) I was dx in June 96,,,had bi-lateral mastectomies. Have just been told I have mets to bone, several areas. Have been taken off Tamoxifan, and put on Femara. Would love to hear from anyone else with similiar situation. God Bless everyone fighting this terrible disease. coffy <coffycrisp@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, December 15, 1998 at 23:01:37 (EST) Thanks for the info and the quilt. Cindy Omaha, NE - Tuesday, December 15, 1998 at 03:13:08 (EST) I have yet to look around your site but I appreciate the guestbook portion greatly. My wife found a lump(3.5 cm)in her right breast on Mon. of last week. This is after a Lumpectomy, Chemo (FAC) and Radiation for her right breast three years ago. We are scheduled for the beginning of a double Mastectomy on Wed.. Our current Surgeons argument for DM is that my wife being so young and having Breast Cancer twice indicates she is especially susceptible to it. Our Surgeon for the first go around recommended Lumpectomy siting recent studies indicating that Mastectomy and Lumpectomy had the same survival rates. With hind site I wish she would have recommended DM. I would very much appreciate any comments. Especially info regarding reoccurrence after DM and what to expect with reconstruction (Tummy Flap?). Chris Holmes <ctholmes@earthlink.net> Dallas, TX US - Monday, December 14, 1998 at 03:15:14 (EST) On October 23, 1998 I had surgery to remove a lump from my left breast. On November 6, I had a modified radical mesectomy on my left breast and a simple mesectomy on my right breast. On November 16, 1998 I had my first of 6 six rounds of chemo. Everything moved so fast I just now feel like I am coming out of a fog and the realization of what is happening has hit me. There is so much information available to anyone looking for help. I personally went to MD Anderson Hospital's Learning Center before my surgery. They were very helpful there. I think I went into information overload. It is only now that I really know what questions to ask and can comprehend the answers. This is a great site. It has helped me to take the information I already had and put it in a format that I can really understand. Also, the guestbook has been a great spirit lifter. THANKS. Rae Gene Greenough Austin, TX USa - Saturday, December 12, 1998 at 08:43:58 (EST) Rae Gene Greenough - Saturday, December 12, 1998 at 08:30:06 (EST) July 1995 I went for my first mammogram. My eldest sister had just had surgery lumpectomy with radiation and chemo. So I thought I better start a base line mamogram. I was told to see a surgeon. Sept.1995 I had a mesectomy and reconstrution had the tram a new type of reconstruction. I thought I was out of the wood 3 years go by then Oct. 1998 I go for my yearly mamogram and ther it was a tumor. Total different type of cancer this time. Before it was lobular this was ductal and fast growing. I had a lumpectomy and going through radiation now. Both times I was diagnosed early, was able to save my life. I am so much for early detection, it does save lives. It has saved mine twice. sandy hayes <chayes@gte.net> brandon, fl u.s.a - Friday, December 11, 1998 at 23:18:02 (EST) Hi, Thank you! Thank you! There can never be enough information out concerning breast cancer. Millions of women do not know how to give themselves a monthly breast exam and many more have learned once but simply don't give themselves the test. Not knowing something won't keep it from happening to you or ravaging your body. To everyone who reads this guestbook, please learn how to properly examine yourself each month and then do so - each and every month. There are breast cancer centers at many hospitals. Call one and ask them if you can come in and learn how to give yourself a monthly breast exam or contact the American Cancer Society. I'm sure they can hook you up with an organization in your area that can teach you. Take care of yourself! You're loved and wanted! Denise Stories and More! http://www.chistell.com Denise <RCampb3422@aol.com> Bensalem, PA USA - Friday, December 11, 1998 at 19:03:01 (EST) i THINK WOMEN WHO GET BEAST CANCER SHOULD NOT BE TROUBLED WITH IT I MEAN WHY IS THERE BREAST CANCER ANY WAYS? I WONT EVEN TRIP BECAUSE I FEEL SORRY FOR THE EOPLR WHO GET IT . i MIGHT EVEN GET IT TOO. DANICKA LANAESHA BROWN <NONE> CHICAGO, iL CHICAGO - Friday, December 11, 1998 at 13:05:00 (EST) Will Hodel <wthodel@bellatlantic.net> Portsmouth, va usa - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 20:16:05 (EST) diagnosed with 3cm tumor,lobular cancer in april, 1996. Had a single mastectomy,3 lymph nodes involved, chemo & radiation. my best advice to anyone facing this is to educate yourself. Dr. Susan Love's breast book is a great beginning. there is truly a wealth of info. i am new on the internet so this is my first visit to any site about breast cancer. i am on tamoxifen for two years and the only side effect is hot flashes. at times it seemed like my life would never be back in my control, but it is and has been. attitude is everything. don't waste time or energy asking why me? focus on yourself and your well being, think positive thoughts, learn all you can about your treatments and options. Karen Blatt <kblatt@mercury.net> - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 17:40:41 (EST) A slight change was noticed on my mammogram; the radiologist who read it wanted to discuss it with his partner, but felt I needn't be concerned. The next day it was suggested that I see a surgeon who opted for a biopsy but also felt my chances were very good that it wouldn't be anything. At our post-op visit, the news wasn't good, it's definately breast cancer. I was given the options of a mastectomy or a wider biopsy and radiation therapy. I'm 46, a non-smoker, and upset as anyone could imagine. I go back on 12/30 for more surgery including removal of lymph node tissue Ruth Smith <drsmit@Juno.com> Mahwah, NJ USA - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 11:03:38 (EST) My sister-in-law was just diagnosed with breast cancer this last week. I found out last night and was looking for any information I could give her. What a wonderful site! It makes my heart go out to all those who are struggling with this disease and it was so touching to read personal experiences. I hope and pray for a cure or that everyone gets the comfort and help they need to endure this deadly disease. Thanks so much for creating this site. Lynn Harris <harriscl@gte.net> Kirkland, wa USA - Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 02:36:34 (EST) I am a member of the Zeta Tau Alpha faternity and our philanthropy is Breast Cancer so i thought i would sign the wed site on you behalf. Tiffany Ann Steiner <stein993@washburn.edu> Topeka, , Ks United States - Wednesday, December 09, 1998 at 17:01:46 (EST) I was 26 when I was diagnosed, had a lumpectomy and radiation. That was 12 years ago and I honestly thought that it was behind us. The day that my husband and I were supposed to go to a fertility doctor, I found out that my annual chest x-ray showed a spot on my lung. The following catscan showed 3 more nodules, I had a needle directed biopsy on 12/01 and they informed me that it was back. The shock and the terror are at times overwhelming, however we have tremendos support from our families and friends. We went to an oncologist yesterday, and was placed on tamoxifen. We're as positive as we can be right now and since I was node neg at my original diagnosis and er/pr+ my doctors are very optomistic that this may buy us some time until the miracle that we all wish for is found. My tumors are very slow growing - it took 12 years to reappear. Not only are we dealing with the shock of the reoccurence we also are dealing with the fact we'll never have our own child. I guess my reason for commenting is 3 fold, 1. this is very therapeutic I need to get it out. 2. This is a very nasty disease that can reappear many many years later. One of my doctors said I didn't need a chest x-ray anymore because it's been so long since my diagnosis. Thank God I didn't listen to her because my chest x-ray picked it up, I'm completey asymptomtic, I look very healthy, I'm on a stairmaster for 30 min at a time, my weights good, my hair and nails grow like a weed, no cough, no shortness of breath, no nothing. 3. Since I'm new to tamoxifen I'd like to hear from anyone thats on it or been on it regarding anything about it and also any one who has metastic breast cancer to give us some coping tips. This site seems like it's wonderful from the little bit I've read. At least I'm not wondering the "why" anymore like I did the first time. The thing that I don't understand is you can live well, eat right, be a good person, do everything you're supposed to do and get a diagnosis of this, then you see all the "bad " people and the scumbags who seem to live to be 154 years old and reproduce like rabbits. Where's the justice? I know there isn't any but that's half the battle in learning to live with this. Thanks for bearing with me and leting me get some of this off my chest. Carolyn Spears Carolyn Spears <tinklepaw@aol.com> Phoenix, ny 13135 - Wednesday, December 09, 1998 at 13:02:57 (EST) Wonderful site. Came looking for information on diagnosis procedures. I (and my dr.) have found a nickel sized lump at the top of my left breast. This dr. then sent me to another dr. for a second opinion. The 2nd dr. found no lump in left breast, he wouldn't even re-examine the area once I found the lump & tried to point it out to him! He stated he felt lumps in the right. I felt them as well on this visit, but had not felt them when I had appointment with 1st dr. Had ultrasound on right breast only last Fri., was told by ultrasound tech. that there was nothing there. Now I am really worried, if 2 dr.'s & myself can feel something, shouldn't something show up on the ultrasound? Shouldn't the dr.'s recommend a mamogram (sp?)? I am 27 and a smoker, with no direct family links to this disease. Also note that we are a military family & am receiving medical care thru the military. I feel like I am getting the "shaft" from these dr.'s. Could anyone please offer any advice? The 2nd dr. won't see me until our scheduled appointment in Jan, won't even tell me over the phone what he saw on the ultasound, if he's even bothered to look at them. I feel that these lumps may not be life threatening, but there is always a chance that they are. I don't appreciate dr.'s carelessness and was wondering if anyone who visits may have some advice? Thank you for giving me this opportunity to share my story. Rhonda <joyboy_fwb@yahoo.com> Fayetteville, NC USA - Tuesday, December 08, 1998 at 17:03:14 (EST) excellent.I found this very helpful to my project. mandi holley vancouver, bc canada - Tuesday, December 08, 1998 at 16:43:58 (EST) Can anyone give me some information on the side effects of taxotere, a new drug which is being tried on breast cancer patients in this country? moira adams <sbcc@ibm.net> Scotland - Tuesday, December 08, 1998 at 16:34:36 (EST) Sharon Stone - Tuesday, December 08, 1998 at 14:09:16 (EST) |