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My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer. I have made it my mission to learn as much as I can about the subject and to do all I can to help with the prevention and cure of the disease. This is one of the best websites I've found so far. Thank you! My wife, Aiko, who is 48 years old, was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer 2 weeks ago, & is facing surgery on 29 October. I'm doing some research on the subject. George Polley <polleycos@connectexpress.com> Seattle, WA U.S.A. - Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 00:00:45 (EDT) What a wonderful site. My mother had breast cancer when she was about my age - 37. My sister was still in diapers then. It was pretty scarry. I wish we had a support line like this back then. We have come a long way. I have heard they can not only detect the gene but can also erase it. I am looking into this further. God Bless. Carolyn Korhammer Toronto, on Canada - Saturday, October 10, 1998 at 13:45:12 (EDT) I'm so glad to find you in the web. I'm a survivor for 6 yrs.I'm a doctor and still on active practice altough almost every other year, I have recurrence/mets.I visit Vancouver,B.C. often cause my parents and 2 of my brothers and family are there. I'll be spending Christmas in B.C. this year. I'll keep in touch with you. Congratulations on your great endeavor of providing info for breast ca survivors. God bless! Sylvia T. Velasco <syvel@pacific.net.ph> Quezon City, MMMmMmM Philippines - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 21:38:36 (EDT) need more info. Catteau <www.ckch.catteau@sympatico.com> fergus, on canada - Friday, October 09, 1998 at 20:42:34 (EDT) My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 weeks ago today. I am terrified of losing my best friend. She is only 35 and has three small boys, 4, 3 and 6 months old. She is determined and I try to stay positive - Thanks for your site. I explore every chance I get to learn and become more knowledgable. I never paid much attention to breast cancer issues until now. You just never think it's gonna happen to someone you love, someone so young and who has been your inspiration. This is my little sister. She's my best friend. I'm scared. Sarah Gfroerer <sarah@NVTCDC.org> Arlington, VA USA - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 12:00:51 (EDT) I was recently diagnosed (5 weeks ago) with invasive breast cancer. Fortunately for me, the tumor was completely removed during surgery and had not spread to my lymph nodes. I'm meeting with a medical oncologist next week and I know he is going to discuss medication, specifically tamoxifen. I would like some feedback from those of you who have taken it and whether you side effects from the drug. I also suspect I will start radiation in the new year and wonder if anyone has had nasty side effects from that has well. All I have heard is that while undergoing radiation, there is generally extreme fatigue. Any information you could send my way, might make me less apprehensive than I already am. Thank you and God bless all of you. It's not easy. Lynne M. <lmulherron@cds.ca> Toronto, Ontario Canada - Thursday, October 08, 1998 at 08:07:42 (EDT) Karen Seltrecht <magnum@fyiowa.infi.net> Center Point, IA USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 21:26:27 (EDT) I have been looking for info to give to the girls in my dorm to promote awareness. Thanks for having everything I need right here. Autumn Hicks <abhicks@eos.ncsu.edu> Raleigh, NC USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 13:50:05 (EDT) DeeAnn Adams Iron City, Tn USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 09:42:41 (EDT) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer this past January. She had a radical mastectomy and is currently on Tamoxifen treatment, no radiation. She is having severe side effects from the Tamoxifen and I am trying to find any alternatives she may have. She is having severe hot flashes and insomnia. She handled the surgery well and seemed to be on the road to recovery but is emotionally and physically exhausted. Also if anyone knows if Tamoxifen magnifies the effect of alcohol on a person. I am very concerned......Please email me if you have any information. I lost my sister-in-law at the age of 30. My Mother-in-law was diagnosed but has a clean bill of health after 10 years, now my Mom. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Leslie <lvbeanie@aol.com> Bellingham, WA USA - Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 02:19:27 (EDT) Wow! All I can say is wow. I actually stumbled on this site while trying to do research(statistical)on breast cancer for a commercial company. We are trying to devise a program to educate women on the importance of mammography. What I am reading here has stopped me cold and taken my breathe away. Especially when I read the e-mail from the 24 year old. This legitimizes my quest to push the importance of mammography and education, especially in the Latino and African American communities. I am 36 and I do not have breast cancer, not yet. I am truly happy that the two of you have thought enough about this disease to provide such a wonderful site and a place for women to exchange ideas, information, support and new treatments with and for each other. I hope that other women who read this will take away what I did and if like me you work for a company, don't just look at it is as research or a job but humanize it and encourage the women to keep the faith and fight, fight hard, your life is worth it. Stephanie Phipps <PhippsS@aol.com> Philadelphia, PA USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 12:52:59 (EDT) What a warm and welcoming place to stop, Bravo. I am starting a Breast Cancer "Buddy" program and would love to hear from all: experiences (good & bad), ideas, feelings, sources, encouragement, etc. Hazel <hcrawley@sprint.ca> Toronto, ON Canada - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 11:40:05 (EDT) I'm a survivor of 4 years. I am going to school for Medical Assistant/ Medical Secretary. My life is so precious as are my family. I was diagnosed at age 28 with breast and lymphnode cancer. I will never doubt or take my life for granted. I really love life. I won't have an email address after 10-07-98. So I just want women to know that there is hope and faith for you. God Bless You All. Love and peace. Patricia J. Bubnik <pbubnik@medicalcareer.com> UnionCity, PA USA - Tuesday, October 06, 1998 at 10:25:32 (EDT) Yes. We need a cure. My mother had breast cancer, so did hers. Now my older sister (54) is undergoing chemo for the same. Terry J. Archuleta <terrjetag@stic.net> Universal City, TX USA - Monday, October 05, 1998 at 19:39:25 (EDT) Thank you for the information.It is very helpful dan useful.. especialy for women under 40. When I was 24, I had VAM ( vibrio Abdenum Mamae), and I had mammogram,then had an operation, but thank GOD!!, it was a small operation.I suggest to all women, you shoud check your breast as often. And if you find or feel something not normal , you must quickly go to the doctor, don't waste your time. The sooner is the better isfahrini <rininst@indosat.net.id> jakarta, indonesia - Saturday, October 03, 1998 at 03:47:00 (EDT) THANKYOU & WELL DONE !!! I found your web site very helpfull and informative. I was diagnosed in July/96 at age 36. Debbie <feathers@orc.ca> St. Pauls Stn., Ont. Canada - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 23:51:09 (EDT) Your web page was very informative. I do, however, need some information sent to me if possible. A few student organizations need informational pamphlets. If you have access to any, please send them to this address. P.O. Box 282 University, MS 38677 Sonja Grisle <sygrisle@olemiss.edu> University, MMS United States - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 21:53:20 (EDT) I am 28 yrs old. Breast Cancer runs in my family, I've told my doctor and he says I don't need an exam until I'm 35. Should I find another doctor? I have several aunts who have died with breast cancer, and am very worried that I may develope it. I want to get it before its too late. Thank You, Tammy Tammy <Tammy@esiwmi2.com> Alexandria , La USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 21:50:54 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer 13 months ago at age 24. I had a modified radical mastectomy, chemo, radiation, and reconstructive surgery. Some days are emotional roller coasters. This page lets me know that I am not alone... S. Beck <sbeck384@yahoo.com> Wausau, WI USA - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 20:50:42 (EDT) I CANNOT FIND ANY INFO ON THE BEGINNING STAGES OF BREAST CANCER. THE MAMMOGRAM CAME BACK WITH A QUESTIONABLE SPOT OR DENSITY. I HAVE A FOLLOW-UP WITH ANOTHER MAMMOGRAM AND ULTASOUND. BREAST CANCER RUNS IN MY FAMILY AND I'M WORRIED. ANY ADVICE?? I'M ONLY 35 YRS. KAREN <delislek@bostik.com> ROWLEY, MA 01969 - Friday, October 02, 1998 at 12:39:22 (EDT) My mom was just diagnosed with Infiltrative Interductal Carcinoma. I have been searching for specific information about this and have not found much. My mom has had a biospy and needs to begin her fight, immediately. However, we want to make the best decision, so we need information. If anyone can help, please let me know. Thank you. Holly DJ <hdjong@jps.net> Hollister, CA USA - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 23:40:08 (EDT) God bless you and your families, you are not alone. Your courage and strength is amazing. Simone Duvette <srduvett@acs.ucalgary.ca> Calgary, Ab Canada - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 21:07:43 (EDT) October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Please show your support to those with the disease and to the research of Breast Cancer. I'm 20 yrs old and my mother has had Breast Cancer for 4yrs. Recently it has metastasized and she is being prepped for a Stem Cell Transplant formally known as Bone Marrow Transplant. Shes gone through a lot of different treatments and the doctors are saying that this will be a sort of last chance for her to get better. I personally don't think that its over until its over and I will not give up, there are a lot of different alternatives out there. Some days it seems like we've tried them all, but I won't stop looking until a cure is found. Susan - Thursday, October 01, 1998 at 14:13:52 (EDT) Been reading these notes on the net. Guess I'm luckier than most out there because in my case no chemo was necessary. Had a modified radical last November and afraid to go to any kind of support group because there's a resentment for women who didn't need chemo. At 71 I feel appearance deficient even in the presence of a physican. Have any of you found this to be true? Nice to talk to you! kwajmom@worlnet.att.net Betty Jordan <kwajmom@worldnet.att.net> San Diego, CA USA - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 23:12:23 (EDT) ROXANNE M. GREENE - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 19:41:42 (EDT) I am 35 years old, and while on vacation in my home country a month ago, I got a breast infection produced by a cyst. Once I came back to the US I went to the doctor here and she said that I got very lumpy breasts and I should get a mammogram and make an appointment with a surgeon. Which confuses me is the fact that the appointment with the surgeon is going to be a month before I have the mammogram. Could anybody give me some hints on this? Shouldn't it be the way around: first the mammogram and then the surgeon? Thanks so much. Raquel Medina <rmedina@spanport.umass.edu> Northampton, MA - Wednesday, September 30, 1998 at 11:58:24 (EDT) I would like to find information on asymetrical breast tissue. THank you. Margaret Weintraub <marlwein@worldnet.att.net> NY - Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 14:38:28 (EDT) when i was 11, my grand mother died of breast cancer. i remember visiting her at the hospital and she was so drugged that she was delerious at times. it broke my heart to see her suffer, but it taught me that life is so precious and to take care of myself. i applaud all of those who have fought the disease and who have come through on top. and to all of you who have lost a loved one, my heart and prayers go out to you because i too understand that ache that settles deep in your soul. i loved my grandmother dearly and will always fight for a cure for breast cancer in her memory... take care of yourselves, and don't give up... there is always hope if nothing else --sunshine thank you for this wonderful website to help educate people and to remember those loved ones we have each lost! stephanie peterson <slpetrsn@uiuc.edu> champaign, il usa - Tuesday, September 29, 1998 at 13:45:23 (EDT) Would anyone have suggestions for a topic to write about BRCA1, the inherited breast cancer gene? Judy Hippenhammer <jhippenh@psesd.org> Seattle, WA USA - Monday, September 28, 1998 at 21:03:57 (EDT) I am a 20 year old girl who watched my grandmother suffer and pass away from breast cancer. This website is a very good idea and it shares the thoughts, hopes, dreams, and all aspeacts of emotions. I am also doing a school project for my clinical clerkship in Nursing. It would be very helpful if you could send me any information possible. Katherine Butler <katherine.butler@webmail.une.edu> - Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 19:03:51 (EDT) MY MOTHER DIED OF BREAST CANCER ALMOST 2 YEARS AGO, SHE BATTLE WITH IT FOR ALONG TIME, SHE WAS A FIGHTER. I JUST (WELL OVER 3 MONTHS AGO) I DISCOVERED A LUMP IN MY LEFT BREAST, LYING UNDER THE NIPPLE. TILL THIS DAY I DON'T KNOW WHY I CHECKED THERE, IT WAS LIKE SOMEONE TOLD ME TO, FOR I HAVE ALWAYS CHECKED MY BREAST BUT NEVER IN THE LOCATION WHERE I FOUND IT. I NOTICED IN READING THAT ALOT OF PEOPLE MENTION THE "LEFT BREAST" MORE THAN THE RIGHT BREAST. IS THERE ANYTHING TO THAT? I WENT TO THE DOCTORS, I DON'T KNOW IF THIS IS GOOD OR BAD. WE GO TO THE HOSPITAL OCT 6 FOR A NEEDLE, TO CHECK THE LUMP. I NEVER HAD ANY OTHER TEST, NO MAMM., NOT X-RAYS, NO UTRA SOUND. NOTHING. DOES THIS MEAN ANYTHING. WHAT DOES IT MEAN, ACTIVE TUMOR? LIKE I SAID I WILL NEVER KNOW WHY I CHECK THAT DAY AND THE LOCATION. BUT SOMETHING OR SOMEONE TOLD ME TO DO SO. I DON'T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT THAT IS GOOD OR BAD. THE LEFT BREAST HAS ACHE TO IT, SOMETIMES A SHOOT PAIN FROM THE NIPPLE AND IT GOES DOWN THE LEFT ARM, IT IS ROUNDER AND IT SEEMS HEAVY. IT IS LIKE I AM CARRY EXTRA WEIGHT AROUND ON THE LEFT BREAST. IF ANYONE CAN FILL ME IN ANY INFORMATION, I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM YOU. MY MOM STARED HER BATTLE BEFORE THE AGE OF 50, SHE DIED AT 74. LIKE I SAID SHE WAS A STRONG WOMEN, SHE HAD A WILL. PLUS SHE HAD REASONS TO FIGHT, HER FAMILY MEANT ALOT TO HER. YOU CAN E-MAIL ME AT danea.williamson@sympatico.co THANK-YOU. DANEA WILLIAMSON <danea.williamson@sympatico.co> st.catharines, ont canada - Sunday, September 27, 1998 at 09:31:46 (EDT) WE MUST BE BETTER IMFORNED ON BREAST CANCER, AS MY WIFE HAS JUST BEEN OPERATED ON BOTH BREAST AND IS NOW UNDER RADIOTHERAPY. REGINALD B. CHELLEW <rchellew@entelchile.net> copiapo, CHILE S.A. - Saturday, September 26, 1998 at 19:28:00 (EDT) I am a Case Manager for The Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program in Texas. I am employed by The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston. Ms. Patricia Valadez <pavaldad@utmb.edu> Conroe, TX USA - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 12:34:07 (EDT) Nice and informative site. Marjorie Parker <mparker@hfma.org> Washington, DC USa - Friday, September 25, 1998 at 12:23:41 (EDT) I am 29 years old and the physician's assistant I saw at my last yearly exam found a lump in my left breast. She prescribed Vitamin E for me to take for a month since she was sure it was just a cyst. She said the Vitamin E would cause the cyst to shrink. I just went in for my follow up and the lump did not shrink. She is still sure it is just a cyst and told me I should not worry. I told her I was still concerned so she has ordered an ultrasound to ease my mind. I am somewhat confused with the information she is giving me. I thought you could not tell just by feeling if a lump is just a cyst or something more serious. I feel a little like she is putting me off because I am under 35. I would like to hear from anyone who may have had a similar experience. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the women dealing with this disease. Thanks for any info anyone can give me. Angie Angie <eajb@yahoo.com> VA - Thursday, September 24, 1998 at 20:03:20 (EDT) my sister has 'non-invasive' breast cancer found in 4 ducts. Doctor does not make it clear..since no tumor..is it or isnt it breast cancer? where can I find info on this type problem? j dobbins <jodobbins@aol.com> atlanta, ga us - Thursday, September 24, 1998 at 16:44:17 (EDT) Since Thursday Sept. 17, a server error has prevented anyone from making entries to our guestbook. This has now been corrected. We apologize for any inconvenience and look forward to your visits to our site. Stan and Carol stancar <stancar@intranet.ca> Ottawa, ON Canada - Thursday, September 24, 1998 at 15:13:32 (EDT) Thanks for such an interesting web site. I'm a 5 year survivor. Best wishes and hugs to all the survivors who have posted onto this site. Sherry <Sherry403@aol.com> CT USA - Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 19:19:31 (EDT) I have had breast cancer for almost 9 years. I first got breast cancer when I was 35 years old. I had a lumpectomy and radiation treatment. The doctors told me that since the cancer hadn't spread to my lymph nodes I had a 99% chance of it not returning. Everything went well for me for 4 years. Then I started feeling very sick and was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer stage IV. I have since then had a bone marrow stem plant, more radiation and every type of chemo therapy possible. I was again free and clear of breast cancer until 6 months ago. My right breast started bothering me. In short I had breast cancer and 4 months ago had a mastectomy. I am going next week for my 3 month check up to see if the cancer has spread. I am not on any chemo, because the doctors are afraid to give it to me at the present time. I have been dissabled because of the cancer for the past 4 years. I developed osteoperosis from the chemo and an allergic reaction to sulphur. I have broken almost every bone ine my body. To make a long story short for all the people out their with cancer. I was given 6 months to live 4 years ago. I am still alive today. The doctors don't know why, but I do. You see I am a single parent with 3 children ages 10, 12 and 18. My husband left me when he found out I had cancer after 20 years of marraige. I had to leave California and move to NY to be with my family. I came home to die. But I did not. I am alive because I have 3 children to take care of. There father has abandoned me and the 2 boys completely. There is no contact with him at all. My daughter lives with her father in California and is going to Cal. State Long Beach. Incidentaly she just had a fibroid adenoma removed from her breast. This upset me that I might have passed on bad genes to my daughter who already has problems at the age of 18. If you have the drive to live you will. I do have several problems. I am very lonely. I came to N.Y. to be with my family, and they have all abandoned me. I do not speak to any of them. They cannot deal with my diesease. This upsets me very much. My sister who lives 5 miles away was jealous when I came back to N.Y. I interfered with the family unit. My parents can't handle my illness, because my sister is mentally ill and they have reached the limit. So I am out here alone. My other problem is that ever since the cancer returned I have been a little depressed about it. I hope my tests show that it has not returned to any other parts of my body, but I will deal with it. If anybody has any questions on any kinds of treatments, symptoms, feelings, problems, I would be glad to talk to you about it. I have been threw hell and back again. I know everything their is to know about breast cancer. Michelle Block <mblock3017@aol.com> wantagh, ny usa - Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 12:58:40 (EDT) I am the best friend of a breast cancer survivor. She is 8.5 years since diagnosis, left mastectomy and chemo and four years since tram flap reconstruction. This is a great site. Keep up the inspiration and information. Cindy Rechtman <Smiley2362@aol.com> Lauderhill, FL USA - Wednesday, September 16, 1998 at 08:13:57 (EDT) Angie Stamberger <god108@hotmail.com> IL USA - Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 10:40:24 (EDT) THANK YOU. sue <alicia_sue@hotmail.com> malaysia - Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 07:45:27 (EDT) My friend had Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma and had a mecetomy 8-24-98. I'm trying to find information about breast cancer. I want to give her as much support as I can. Donna Corbett <donna01@iamerica.net> Winnfield, LA USA - Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 07:24:17 (EDT) G. P. RECENTLY diagnosed a long time patient with duct ca.;want to update my knowledge; can't find the material sent to me by CMA 6 months ago. Dr J. DAWSON - Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 06:22:04 (EDT) DMG - Tuesday, September 15, 1998 at 01:49:07 (EDT) |