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This site looks like the place for information from the ones who truly know. I have a dear friend who has recently been diagnoses with inflamatory ductal carcanoma. She has right breast masectomy. The tumor was 13 cm. Lymph node involvement was 19 of 24. The diagnosis was made 1 month after having a baby. Scans shows no matastisis. (this is a miracle) She has had 4 tx of Adromycin and will have 2 more chemo tx of CMF, before undergoing Stem Cell tx. Any information from anyone with a simular story is appreciated. In the next couple of weeks she will be scheduled for another series of scans. We are all aprehensive. I was diagnosed with DCIS in Nov. 97; removal of swollen lymph nodes in June 98 revealed infiltrating cancer; modified radical mastectomy and TRAM reconstruction July 98; had first adriamycin treatment Aug. 20 98; second one Sept. 14 98; the side effects really suck; after four adria rounds, I'll have 8 months of CMF; hoping for the best - support and prayers appreciated. Katherine Murphy <k-murp@tc.umn.edu> Minneapolis, MN USA - Sunday, September 13, 1998 at 19:22:14 (EDT) just looking, thank you very much. peg wilson <ahhnatop@aol> leicester, ma usa - Sunday, September 13, 1998 at 16:36:07 (EDT) Just read all the stories from breast cancer survivors and it is really interesting to see how many people go through this disease. I am 37 years old and I was diagnosed with Stage 1 breast cancer in October of 1997. I went through a lumpectomy and a mastectomy followed by 4 cycles of chemotherapy. I am doing fine and just had a yearly mammogram and everything is going fine. I follow up with my oncologist every 4 months. Just wanted to share my story. Brenda Kueter <bnltaz@insnet.net> Guttenberg, Ia USA - Friday, September 11, 1998 at 01:55:27 (EDT) Vicki Fischer <fischer@netvista.net> Danville, CA 94526 - Wednesday, September 09, 1998 at 21:35:43 (EDT) Maria <Anne7474@AOL> Norwood, MA USA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 20:51:25 (EDT) I am a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with ductual invasive carcinoma. I have completed all treatments and am going fine. Two questions: Has anyone had reconstructive surgery who would like to share what I would be going through? Should I do it at all? Secondly, too those who have had mastectomies, I still have sharp pains and aches sometimes - do you? Thank you for this website. May God Bless each of us going through breast cancer survival and our families. Debra Hill <debra_hill@xn.xerox.com> Atlanta, GA USA - Tuesday, September 08, 1998 at 09:18:12 (EDT) I was dx at age 40, in July '96. Bilateral mastectomies, 6 months of chemo, 5 weeks of radiation, stem cell transplant. I know that this is a tough time, and would love to talk with anyone who cares to get in touch. e mail me at coffycrisp@yahoo.com or ICQ #10294025 Barb <coffycrisp@yahoo.com> On Canada - Monday, September 07, 1998 at 23:45:52 (EDT) - Monday, September 07, 1998 at 19:33:42 (EDT) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is going through chemotherepy now and is very sick i am attending college away from home and cant help her i wish i could be there for her. I wanted some more information on Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy if anyone can help please write. Laura Dolson <lauradolson@hotmail.com> Timmins , ON Canada - Monday, September 07, 1998 at 11:49:16 (EDT) JUST FOUND YOUR WEB SITE AND HAVE HAD TWO SURGERIES IN THE LAST TWO YEARS FOR REMOVAL OF LUMPS. HAVE FOUND ANOTHER AND NEED ALL THE INFORMATION I CAN GET. DR. SAYS THEY ARE FIBROADINOMAS BUT I AM STILL CONCERNED..BEST OF LUCK TO ALL WHO KNOW WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT..HANG IN THERE!!! beverly reliford <beverlyr@scrtc.net> greensburg, ky u.s. - Sunday, September 06, 1998 at 13:35:48 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer Feb., 1998. I have had a partial mastectomy & have just finished my last session of chemotherapy. I just started radiation & will treat for 7 weeks, 5 days a week. I have just been accepted into a trial medication program for 5 years which includes Tamoxifen and/or Arimidex. I will be in 3 possible categories - Tamoxifen with a placebo; Aridimex with a placedo or a combination of Tamoxifen & Arimidex. Only the drug company will know which combination I will be receiving. I am anxious to find any information regarding these drugs and anyone who might also be in the test program. Mary Menth <mary.menth@MCI2000,com> North Ft. Myers, FL USA - Saturday, September 05, 1998 at 19:03:49 (EDT) I was dx. early this year with invasive ductal carcinoma...medullary type. This is how it read on my path report. I had one grossly positive node out of 15. The lump was ER PR- under 2 cm. I would like to hear from anyone else out there that has had this type of tumor and if they know anything about it. Carolann <Bruno@westol.com> Pa - Saturday, September 05, 1998 at 03:28:20 (EDT) My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in June/98. She had a small lump removed from her left breast and five lymph nodes removed including the centenal node. No cancer was found in the lymph nodes or in the tissue around the lump. Her doctors have recommended chemo and radiation. This seemed like overkill to me but they say the stats show it helps and I realize that my panic over these treatments does not help my Mom. Now the doctors are saying she may have some calcification in her scars and perhaps more surgery is needed. My Mom and Dad are very confused and the doctors don't seem to be clearing up their confusion. I live far from them and have many questions. Can anybody clear any of this up for me? Pam van Straubenzee <jeremymercer@msn.com> Redmond , WA USA - Saturday, September 05, 1998 at 00:13:59 (EDT) I'm 40 and was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in March 98. I've undergone surgery, 3 months of chemo, seven weeks of radiation, and beginning 3 more months of chemo. I'm having a hard time dealing with this emotionally and would like to hear from others who have gone or are going through this. Eva Middleton <emiddleton@mccc.cc.ar.us> Blytheville, AR USA - Friday, September 04, 1998 at 15:17:43 (EDT) I almost don't know what to say... My Mom just finished her radiation treatment and is doing well. We are all so thankful we don't know what to do with ourselves. Our prayers go out to everyone who is working with cancer today and in the future. Thanks for your website. Support is a blessing. Amy Kay Pavlovich <amykayp@ksu.edu> Manhattan, KS USA - Thursday, September 03, 1998 at 18:42:25 (EDT) i was diagnosed 1 week ago with breast cancer roberta carpenter <rmcarpenter@netscape.net> - Wednesday, September 02, 1998 at 22:42:46 (EDT) Just having a casual look. seems like a good information sight. my thoughts go out to all the women who are fighting this disease. ruby i o'donnell <rubkev@dataline.net.au> caloundra, Qld Australia - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 22:20:01 (EDT) I had invasive breast cancer at age 26. I am 4 1/2 years out and still seeing my oncologist every 3 months. I have had a metastases to the left kidney and liver, but a positive attitude has kept me alive and well. If you need some incouragement, email me at cgmeeks@Mo-net.com Connie Meeks <cgmeeks@Mo-net.com> Monett, MO USA - Tuesday, September 01, 1998 at 21:54:55 (EDT) My sister and I have just recently lost our mother to breast cancer. She was only 48 and we are 21, 25. If anybody has been through the same situation we would like to here from you. heather and Gretchen McEnany <heathapet @world net. alt.net> londonderry, nh u.s. - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 19:57:32 (EDT) I am a breast cancer survivor. I have had 6 treatments of FAC, surgery , radiation and a bone marrow transplant. I would love to talk to others in the same situation as myself. I live in Arkansas but went to MD Anderson in Houston for all of my treatments. I have returned to my teaching job and am feeling very well. Keeping my fingers crossed for many more good days. suzanne callahan <suzannec@brookland.crsc.k12.ar.us> brookland, ar usa - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 16:08:38 (EDT) Jonathan Davies <producer@producer.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 14:54:18 (EDT) I found out I had Breast Cancer in May 98'. I had bilateral mastectomies with reconstructive surgery. The type of reconstructive surgery I had was called a Tram Flap. Tissue may be taken fron the abdomen and tunneled to the breast or surgicallyu transplaned to form a new breast mound. This type of surgery is really nice as I now have a smaller tummy. I've had problems with the healing of the abdomen area as the belly button they tried to give me did not take.. I now have to pack my abdomen with salt watered gauze and will have to let the wound heal fom the inside out. I would like to know if anyone who has had this type of surgery has had the same problems and what to expect as for as recovery time. Thanks for all the great information on this web site. Its really helped me understand what others are/have gone through. Robin Hunter <rhunter@logicon.com> King George, VA USA - Monday, August 31, 1998 at 13:40:03 (EDT) I have had breast cancer since Aug of 96.Had a modified radical mastectomy done with chemo. After the last chemo treatment the cancer returned in Feb 97. This time it was in the skin. I had surgery again and chemo again and then radition. Then in Mar of 98 i had the breast caner reoccur on the other side in the lymph nodes in the armpit and one in the neck. I just finished chemo again. Now waiting for radation to start Has anyone been through this? Please E-Mail Thanks Dorothy DOROTHY J. BENNETT <warner1@airmail.net> CARROLLTON, TX - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 22:57:44 (EDT) I'm a Breastcancer surviver Irene White <iWhite4949@aol.com> Detroit, MI USA - Sunday, August 30, 1998 at 03:05:11 (EDT) I 'M GLAD I FOUND YOUR WEBSITE, BUT I WOULD LIKE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT PAGET'S DISEASE OF THE BREAST/NIPPLE ESTELLE M GRANITE <EMG309@AOL.COM> BKLYN, NY USA - Wednesday, August 26, 1998 at 00:09:43 (EDT) My sister had breast cancer surgery 3 wks ago and monday had the lymph nods remove. She will be undergoing kemo-therapy and radiation as it reside in her right breast. I am very sad for this as she and I are very close. Is there anyone that can tell me about this? Pam Ferguson <mcfergy@earthlink.net> Port Orchard, WA USA - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 21:01:31 (EDT) In Feb 98 I was diagnosed with bilateral breast cancer. On April 9 I had bilateral mastectomies with reconstructive surgery. In May I was informed I had no cancer in the left breast and that I would require chemo and radiation treatment on the right. Two days later I wasd told no further treatment would be needed.In July I had an assessment and consultation at the Cancer Clinic after which I was told I would need Tamoxifen treatment for 6 months. Living in a remote area, the drug was mailed to me (free of charge) with instructions to take one a day for 6months. Our local doctors are not up-to-date with regard to Cancer and long distance telephone doesn't produce much info for me. I would like to hear from anyone who has had Tamoxifen treatment, in particular the side affects you experienced, the length of your treatment (is 6 months long enough) was treatment sucessfull to date and any other info you may feel will help me decide if I will take this treatment or not. I am 57 years old, my tumor was 2.8 cm and was located .5 mm from the chestwall, nine lymph node were removed and found to have negative invasion as was all vascular testing. Look forward to talking to anyone who may be able to offer knowledge or experience. Tahnks Carol <greg@belco.bc.ca> Hagensborg, BC Canada - Monday, August 24, 1998 at 19:33:49 (EDT) Patti L. Taylor <pltrmt@miguelito.sbceo.k12.ca.us > Lompoc, Ca - Sunday, August 23, 1998 at 20:10:55 (EDT) I have just found out that my friend has breast cancer and want to understand as much as I can to help her through this. Thanks for your informative site! Johneen Morris <johneen@clear.net.nz> Auckland, New Zealand - Friday, August 21, 1998 at 02:27:49 (EDT) My 38 year old sister has breast cancer. She is scheduled for a lumpectomy this Friday. My mother died of breast cancer at age 47, my maternal grandmother at age 45. I am looking to exchange knowledge and information to help my sister get through this difficult time, as well as gain preventative steps for myself. I welcome anyone who has information or would like to share ideas, support, etc. Debbie Andresen <da@tk-co.com> San Francisco, CA USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 19:44:10 (EDT) This page is great! I lost my cousin last summer to cancer. She made it to her 30th birthday. Her cancer started in her breasts, but when she died it had spread throughout her body. I wish that I had found this site prior to her death. It is wonderful to read all the stories of those who have beaten this awful disease. Thank you for your stories of courage!!! Sara Potoshnik <sp53613@kvalley.com> Ellensburg, WA USA - Tuesday, August 18, 1998 at 01:06:31 (EDT) I am 32 and was diagnosed March 2, 98. The surgeon I first saw told me that it was nothing and we would monitor the golf ball sized lump for a couple months. After 2 weeks of waiting, I wasnt comfortable with waiting anymore. Had a biopsy and found that it was indeed cancer. My second opinion was at the University of Chicago. Wonderful hospital! Wonderful people! Had a masectomy of my left breast and lymph dissecton. They removed 22 lymph nodes and found that 21 had cancer. I am part of a randomizaton trial. I just complete 4 months of CAF Chemo and am now going to have a bone marrow tranplant. 6 weeks after that, I will have 6 weeks of radiation. The Works! If anyone would like to offer their experiences with bone marrow transplants, I would love to hear from you. I have a 5 and 6 year old and a wonderful husband. I am very blessed to have such caring and loving people around me. That has helped me the most. Lisa Kuipers <lmkuipers@webtv.net> Mokena, IL - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 16:36:36 (EDT) I am 30. My mother was diagnosed in the past few months with Stage IIa breast cancer, with minor unattached, ipsilateral node involvement. She has undergone 2 lumpechtomies. Her oncologist recommends no chemo with radiation and tamoxifin, or if she absolutely wants it, CA and/or CMF. I am looking for any information I can find to help her with her decision process. Breast cancer is now multigenerational in my family and I need a mammography. Does anyone have any information on genetic testing - I understand there's some controversy. Heather Hagen <hh0217@aol.com> PA US - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 13:32:29 (EDT) Michelle Wester <MWester @FSBnet.com> Salt Lake, UT USA - Monday, August 17, 1998 at 12:27:32 (EDT) I'm 26 and just diagnosed with breast cancer in my left breast. I'm not to sure about anything right now. I'm scheduled for a mascetomy nad reconstruction next week. Treatment not known yet, they want ot do the surgery first. w dooley <rjdooley@acs.ucalgary.ca> calgary, ab canada - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 18:16:59 (EDT) JoAnn McClellan <jomcclella@aol.con=m> Zionsville, IN USA - Sunday, August 16, 1998 at 15:27:43 (EDT) Great site! I have just recently,(last month), been diagnosed with Stage I invasive Breast cancer right breast. I'm now post-biposy and lymphectomy. My Dr.s are convering as to the need for chemo. While my lymph glands were negative my chemistry markers are not favorable for no reoccurrance w/o chemo.Of course I will be having radiation too. Any one out there been here? Would like to hear from you. The one thing I figured out in this short journey of mine is that this is not just my disease. It also belongs to those who love and care for me. I think, so far that has been the hardest thing to realize........how hard it is on others!! Jonda L Dement <dement@ibm.net> Winter Haven, Fl USA - Saturday, August 15, 1998 at 11:15:58 (EDT) I'm 44 yrears old and a 3-1/2 year survivor of breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy & radiation with no problems since. I have taken tamoxifen ever since the completion of radiation. Your website is a wonderful idea. Women need a place like this to exchange ideas and just talk to each other. Great! Barb Reaves <breaves@siu.edu> Elkville, IL USA - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 11:35:25 (EDT) thank you. jay <nobody@webtv.net> va - Friday, August 14, 1998 at 04:18:28 (EDT) My mom has just been diagnoised with breast cancer. Any suggestions, comments or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Pamela Partis <ppartis@mailexcite.com> Laguna Niguel, CA USA - Thursday, August 13, 1998 at 01:03:52 (EDT) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in February of 1997. She has finished her treatments and seems to be doing great. I believe it was her optimism and the amount of information that is available that helped her, and myself, get through this scary ordeal. Hang in there, and be positive! Kelli A. Brown <kelliab@mail.utexas.edu> Austin, TX USA - Wednesday, August 12, 1998 at 13:53:51 (EDT) I am looking for answers to help my mother with her lymphedemia. She has beaten estrogen receptor cancer twice and now is suffering from this frustrating condition. Has anyone else found a good place for information and how to find treatment that works? Sally Brecht <Brecht5@airmail.net> Dallas, TX USA - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 19:00:19 (EDT) I am a stage iv cancer patient. I had my left breast removed in Jan 98, started chemo in March because it had spread to my liver & bones. Seven out of nine nodes were positive. The chemo only slowed down the tumour growth so my chemo was stopped. Chemo was very easy for me---I had no side effects except my hair loss---which doesn't bother me at all.Then last week I had my portacath removed because it was about to fall out. Now this Tuesday I start a clinical trial of two new promising chemo drugs. I was given nine months to two years. I'm only 52 with a grandchild on the way in March. I keep stress out of my life and stay positive. I 'm not finished living yet, and I'll never give up!!!!!! Sue <sminer@sprint.ca> London, ON Canada - Sunday, August 09, 1998 at 17:43:23 (EDT) I was 26 with no family history when I had my 1st mammogram. The doctors said it was fibrocystic disease and I had a benign lump removed from my right breast. I was followed closely for the next 2 years by wonderful military doctors. A routine check up revealed a lump in my right breast and a biopsy confirmed the worst. I didn't think that 28 year old women were like myself got breast cancer. I had a modified radical mastectomy in Aug 1988 and 22 nodes removed with no involvement. My cancer was in stage 1 and I had 6 cycles of CMF chemo. I wanted reconstruction but didn't like the ideal of silicone implants. At the time, there was all the news about the implants leaking and I wanted everything to me all me, nothing artificial . I had a tram flap reconstruction surgery done Sept. 1992 using my stomach muscle and tissue and they used some of my left nipple to make my right one 3 months later. Besides the new breast, I also got a tummy tuck out of it. In 10 days, it will be my 10th anniversay as a breast cancer survivor. I try to tell my story to as many women as possible to encourage them to do a BSE every month. My daughter is now 19 and she knows that she is at risk and does her BSE every month. I never felt sorry for myself when I first was diagnosed and I read everything I could get my hands on. I have a wonderful husband of almost 20 years, he kept me going through all the chemo. For you women who just found out you have breast cancer, know that there is hope and support out there for you. Ask if there is a Reach to Recovery program in your area, they are a wonderful group of women. Jackie Goad <calgoad@lemoorenet.com> Lemoore, CA - Saturday, August 08, 1998 at 00:13:23 (EDT) I had a dual masctetomy in May 1998 at age 56. Have undergone three of four treatments of AC Chemo. I was looking forward to my last Chemo in August when my doctor advised me that I should undergo 4 treatments of Taxol. This treatement (Taxol) in addition to a lifetime use of Tamoxifen. With only 2 of 15 nodes affected, I feel that I'm being overtreated....on the other hand, maybe I just afraid of Taxol. Your comments will be appreciatred. Peggy E. Wright <103512.2700@compuserve.com> Fort Washington, MD USA - Friday, August 07, 1998 at 01:54:10 (EDT) |