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Am now faced with making decision on whether to undergo radiation after mastectomy and chemo. Even though I was node-negative, the doctor feels that it is better to "err on the side of treatment". Anyone have information that might be useful? Cheryl Zimmermann <zimmer@worldpath.net> Tamworth, NH USA - Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 16:32:39 (EDT) Looking for resources to compare CMF vs CAT--need to decide by Fri, Apr 24th--can anyone help? vicki <Mvkobliner@aol.com> Stamford, CT USA - Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 10:33:16 (EDT) I began my search for an adv public speaking class, not realizing how involved I would become in this project. I have been "surfing" the web for almost 5 hours straight. My prayers and thoughts goes out to each and every person who copes, survives, and shares their experiences in order to help educate the general public about breast cancer. Thank You and God bless. Mary Anne McGlaun <magua@cafes.net> Mulberry, TN USA - Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 00:40:40 (EDT) I began my search for an adv public speaking class, not realizing how involved I would become in this project. I have been "surfing" the web for almost 5 hours straight. My prayers and thoughts goes out to each and every person who copes, survives, and shares their experiences in order to help educate the general public about breast cancer. Thank You and God bless. Mary Anne McGlaun <magua@cafes.net> Mulberry, TN USA - Wednesday, April 22, 1998 at 00:35:25 (EDT) Martha Rose: I just wanted to say Thank You for your message below. It gives hope to others. I had the aggressive treatment, and I am always happy to hear a good positive story...Thanks again. Barb Barb <coffycrisp@yahoo.com> - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 at 22:58:38 (EDT) I don't know anyone with breast cancer. But, I do feel sympathy to those who do and those who have family members with it. At first I was just doing a report on it. But, this has given me a whole new view. Carol <x_filesluva@hotmail.com> zephyrhills, fl usa - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 at 22:14:04 (EDT) I need to do a report on breast canser I am in 7 grade can some one give me info on it the project is do tommoro. gus <spiro@.bellalantic.com> philadelphia, PA uNITED STATES OF AMERICA - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 at 20:41:55 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1993 at age 45 and had no breat cancer in my family. I weighted 120 lbs, exercised and ate a healthy diet. I was an unlikely candidate. The cancer was in my lower right breast and I also had 18 of 21 nodes positive! I didn't know anything about breast cancer so I read everything. I chose to have a partial mastocomy in September. (My doctor went on vacation and I waited for him to get back) The wait was probably not a wise move. I had a partial mastecomy and trans flap resonstruction. I was on a trial of very high dosses of cytoxin and adryamicin. I took three treatments around 28 days apart. I had 26 blood platelet transfusions and four whole blood transfusions. I also had 31 sessions of radiation. It was hard but I survived, and survived and survived. This July will be my 5th year as a surviver. Don't be afraid to try aggressive treatment. It may be the right choice. Martha Rose <martie Rose> Elizabethtown, KY USA - Tuesday, April 21, 1998 at 12:21:47 (EDT) Shelley Dodd <sdodd@rogers.wave.ca> Ottawa, Ont Canada - Monday, April 20, 1998 at 19:59:54 (EDT) jess - Sunday, April 19, 1998 at 19:06:55 (EDT) Just new on the net.Very interested in yoursite. Joan Cobb <jcobb@sprint.ca> Ottawa, Ont Canada - Friday, April 17, 1998 at 21:24:22 (EDT) Two weeks ago I had a double masectomy (right side had a 2.5cm tumor - lobular carcinoma) and I had 12 positive lymph nodes. I'm a 'fluke', the oncologist says. No history. I don't fit ANY of the risk factors. I'm facing recommendations of very aggressive chemo & radiation & tamoxifen. I'm 45 (considered young, I guess) and a single mom with two active teenagers. Some of the research protocols are very aggressive. Any recommendations? Julie Smeby <smeby005@tc.umn.edu> Minneapolis, MN USA - Tuesday, April 14, 1998 at 12:02:51 (EDT) Mary Walden <mary-erin@worldnet.att.net> Sandy, UT USA - Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 20:43:19 (EDT) B. Gillis <gillis@purplemtn.com> - Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 15:32:26 (EDT) Amy Fisher - Sunday, April 12, 1998 at 15:04:07 (EDT) Jeri Boomgaarden <jeri.b@mci2000.com> oakland, ca usa - Wednesday, April 08, 1998 at 15:36:50 (EDT) I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer of 1996 (one-inch tumor with one lymph node involved). What followed was a bi-lateral mastectomy with a TRAM reconstruction (my choice) and standard chemotherapy. Almost one year to the date of finishing chemo, I had a small recurrence on the same side (under the arm on a rib) as the original cancer. I have just finished a round of radiation on that side and now have to decide what to do next. The doctor has recommended high dose chemo followed by a vaccine. I am considering going straight to the vaccine and not doing the high dose. Too much risk, not enough guarantee of success. Berdell Ward <Homeward2@aol.com> NoLittle Rock, AR USA - Friday, April 03, 1998 at 11:32:30 (EST) My mom had her masectomy last Friday and she is doing great. Someone told her a story that really hit home. Two years after having a masectomy a woman was on a topless beach in France. She was not ashamed of her body. Instead she was proud. She went topless and on her scar she had a sticker reading "PROUD TO BE ALIVE" Good for her and good for all of you SURVIVORS!! I Love you mom! Laura Toronto, - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 19:04:41 (EST) I had intraductal multifocal cancer in situ in 1996 and had bilateral mastectomies as my mother, sister, and aunt had breast cancer. I am in the process of having genetic testing to determine my risk of ovarian cancer. I was adopted, but was very diligent in trying to detect cancer when I found out my medical history. I detected it very early and I am worried about my daughters. If anyone has undergone genetic testing or bilsteral mastectomies I would be interested in hearing from you. I was 49 when I developed cancer as was my mother and sister. . and so was my sister and my mother.Keep doing your mamograms and self exams. I keep naging my girls to do the same. patricia keller <cvhw49a@prodigy.com> coral springs, Fl USA - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 17:19:48 (EST) patricia keller - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 17:08:16 (EST) Thank you for this wonderful site. I had a mastectomy on Sept. 15, l997, and I am now on chemo then have radiation. Haven't had nausea and still have my hair! The day after surgery, my doctor asked me what "day" is this. Then he said "This is the day the Lord hath made--I finished the quote--we will rejoice and be glad in it." I am in a cancer support group and have met many lovely ladies. I have a new appreciation of life and the importance of living with the eternal in mind. I am 58 years old, grandmother of five and one on the way. I used to teach English and then was a school librarian. I write a weekly column for the EDGEFIELD ADVERTISER, go on TV every Thursday with Adopt a Pet and lead the Tuesday Ladies' Bible Study at my church, The North Augusta Bible Chapel. I try to exercise regularly, take vitamins, eat right and have a positive attitude. I have a wonderful husband,and son and daughter--both married. I couldn't be any happier for I am trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I don't know what the future holds, but I know who holds the future. I would love to share with any others who would like to e-mail me. Anne Blount Sawyer of North Augusta, SC. essawyer@msn.com Anne Blount Sawyer <essawyer@msn.com> N. Augusta, SCUSA - Wednesday, April 01, 1998 at 04:06:28 (EST) YOUR WEBSITE IS GREAT. MY MOM WAS DIAGNOSED WITH INFLAMATORY BC IN 1996. SHE WENT THROUGH CHEMO TO SHRINK THE TUMOR, THEN SHE HAD A MASTECOTOMY, THEN RADIATION. SHE HAS NOW LEARNED THAT IT HAS SPREAD TO THE BONE. HOWEVER, WE ARE TRYING NATURAL HERBS... IF YOU KNOW THE POWER OF PRAYER I ASK YOU TO PRAY FOR NOT ONLY MY MOM BUT ALL WOMEN WHO ARE UNDERGOING THIS HORRIBLE DISEASE. PLEASE E-MAIL ME SHOULD YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ABOUT NATURAL TREATMENTS. Robin Carter <Robin.Carter@MCI2000.COM> WASHINGTON, DC - Sunday, March 29, 1998 at 23:40:59 (EST) Ann Bingaman - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 20:19:48 (EST) My mother was just diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. She had no lump, just a tiny bright spot on her mammogram that looked "different". The doctors checked a sample and confirmed that it is indeed this horrible disease. Please help me to find out all I can, I need to know if it is more dangerous to have a lump or if it is more dangerous to just have cancer cells in the breast. She will have her surgery next Thursday. I appreciate any info! Thank you. Sherri Powell <bruins@nidlink.com> Coeurd'Alene, ID USA - Thursday, March 26, 1998 at 01:15:25 (EST) MY GRANDMOTHER WAS DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER A FEW MONTHS AGO AND HAS SUCCESSFULLY UNDERGONE RADIATION THERAPY. SHE IS NOW STARTING A NEW ORAL CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC DRUG AND YOUR WEB SITE HAS HELPED ME LEARN MUCH MORE THAN I THOUGHT POSSIBLE! SUSAN SEAY <bseay@main.com> SPRING, TX USA - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 21:22:44 (EST) My Grandmother Greenway died of Breast Cancer and ever since then I have wanted to know more and my main wish is that we one day find a cure that is a gaurantee to life 100% gaurantee. Thanks so much for the information I have received from your site. Jordona Druitt <jordona@hotmail.com> Kelowna, BC Canada - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 20:55:56 (EST) Tomorrow my Mom will have a masectomy. I know she is afraid but she is the stongest person I know. I also know that she will beat cancer and pull through with flying colours. I love you mom. Together nothing can stand in our way!!!! LOVE LAURA Laura Toronto, - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 20:04:24 (EST) I am so glad I found this site. I was diagnosed and had a mastectomy with tram flap reconstruction in July of 1996. Have been working as a Reach to Recovery volunteer since November of 1997. I find it's very rewarding to work with other breast cancer patients, and survivors. Sometimes the posibility of a recurrence terrifies me. Contact your local chapter of the Cancer Society to contact the Reach to Recovery organization. Cindy Hyde <hyde_cs@wilcor.com> Houston, TX - Wednesday, March 25, 1998 at 10:42:44 (EST) I am coming up on the 9th anniversary of my breast cancer diagnosis. I was 33 years old and the mother of 10 & 8 year sons at the time. I feel truly blessed to be 9 years out cancer free! Thank you for this site! Joan Thomas <thomasj@uwstout.edu> Menomonie, WI USA - Friday, March 20, 1998 at 00:50:23 (EST) I don't want to discourage anyone with my story,for it is, I hope not the norm, but I lost my mother to breast cancer in 1992 after a 5 year battle. She was only in her early 40's and they caught the disease early. I am now 24 years old and scared to death that I must accept the fact that I will become another cancer victim. My great grandmother also had breast cancer (thankfully she survived) and my great grandfather died of cancer. I suppose I'm looking for some reassurance that it doesn't have to happen to me, or that I will survive it. I just don't like the idea of two ticking time bombs on my chest. Thank you for doing all you have done,and for letting me say my peice. MELANIE BROWN <rdb@kingston.net> kingston, ont canada - Thursday, March 19, 1998 at 16:19:09 (EST) My mom was just diagnosed with breast cancer about 4 weeks ago, and this was very helpful in learning more about it. Thanks. Katherine Evans <kevans1@students.uiuc.edu> Urbana, Il USA - Wednesday, March 18, 1998 at 16:19:00 (EST) Suggestions for pain management desired. Mother, age 68, had breast cancer, now has 38 tumors on bones (spine, ribs, etc.) Four treatments Taxol did nothing. Does this mean her cancer is chemo-resistant? Radiation working on key tumors. Injected Strontium 89 ten days ago. Taking Arimidex. Thank you for this website. Gayle <EBCalPoly@aol.com> Visalia, CA USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 22:25:22 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with cancer today. Where do we do from here? Jim & Beth Italianer <HEARA1> Tustin, CA USA - Tuesday, March 17, 1998 at 04:25:41 (EST) I think that your site is very informative, especially the breast cancer section, women can now look at a site on the web and get a great majority of infomation. This is necessary because a lot of women find it hard to speak about breast cancer with other people and therefore decreases their chances of getting the proper advice and help. Velda Dhanoolal <Network@wow.net> Port of Spain, 9 Fitzblackman drive Trinidad - Monday, March 16, 1998 at 11:11:00 (EST) My prayers are with each of you. Cancer has been a factor in my life. I volunteer with the Canadian Cancer Society and I am a retired Reg. Nurse. If I can help in anyway please contact me. E-Mail is on its way Hazel Guzak Oakville, ont Canada - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 22:06:06 (EST) I am 49 years old and I was just told on March, Friday 13th., 1998 that I have a malignant lump in my right breast. All the tests up to the the needle aspiration biopsy were negative or inconclusive, so it pays to keep after your doctor to continue testing. My doctor told me that the plan now is for surgery - lumpectomy or a partial (depending on what they find) and then radiation, but I don't have a surgical date yet. Any encouragement and information would be greatly appreciated - right now I'm in a state of shock and fear. Linda Ryan <lryan@uniserve.com> Abbotsford, BC Canada - Saturday, March 14, 1998 at 19:11:06 (EST) Hello! My mom is a 4 year survivor of Breast Cancer and she is still fighting. She just had another lumpectomy yesterday. It scares me. I'm afraid of losing her. She's my best friend. Thanks to all those who have told their stories of survival. They give me hope. God Bless you all! Laura Toronto, On Canada - Friday, March 13, 1998 at 18:47:44 (EST) I was diagnozed 11/94. I have had a lumpectomy, chemo and radiation. I was positive in 2 lymph nodes out of 20. I have a 10 year old daughter and it scares me to death to think I may not be able to see her grow up. It's not always easy to be able to let people know how you really feel. I plan on beating this and maybe one day becoming a grandmother. Inside your heart is breaking but you know you must never give up and pray that one day there will be a cure for this cancer and all the other types. No family should have to go through what my family did for me. My family is my best support group and never lets me down. Thanks for this site. God Bless. Susan Graham <rgraham@edumaster.net> Miami, OK - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 21:19:30 (EST) I am a three and one/half year survivor of Breast Cancer. I have a mastectomy with TRAM Flap Reconstruction...6 months (12 treatments) of Chemo. I am WELL. I have a friend who was just diagnosed and I was searching the web for information to share with her. This looks like the place. I hope you have input with continued surviving, such as exercise, nutrition and positive thinking. Thanks for the opportunity to met other survivors. Dorothy Bade <dbade@net-ex.com> New Baltimore, MI USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 20:14:02 (EST) Thanks for having this site. Carol Eilender <v1147@aol.com> Louisville, KY USA - Saturday, March 07, 1998 at 13:46:25 (EST) Back in October I was looking for help and suggestions to convince my doctors to allow me to have both chemo and rad after a mastectomy. THe New England Journal of Medicine was recommending both for early stage cancer.(48yrs,1Mast,ER+,AC,25RAD) Well I was successful in getting both after my doctors in NS talked to drs in BC and Ont. I really appreciated the correspondence I received from the readers of this guest book that told me of their successes and the changes of protocal that were happening in Alta. I have finished my treatments and have had great news of nothing in my bones or blood. I am taking tamoxifin and I'm feeling great. This site helped me tremendously. I have hope for a long and healthy life. My ability to cope with all this was enhanced because through this site I could do the research to help me be part of the important decisions for my treatment. Thanks! GAIL MUIR <gmuir@uccb.ns.ca> Sydney, ns Canada - Friday, March 06, 1998 at 18:11:10 (EST) MY MOTHER HAD BREAST CANCER AND I AM INTERESTED IN ANY INFORMATION ON THE SUBJECT. BETH GREENE <BJ@DOWCO.COM> BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 23:35:59 (EST) I am a first time user of your site. It looks like there are several interesting areas. I am very specific in my search of material and have had a very hard time on the Web. Perhaps that is because I am a fairly new user. I am a three year survivor of Breast Cancer. Masectomy. Still having some problems with my arm and swelling, and new swelling in my hand. Also some local pain that has never gone away and as I am told never will. I am also on Tomaxifin and am always looking for updates in that area. Still great to be a survivor!! Have learned and read a lot over the time frame. Believe that your will to survive is your best friend!!! Good luck to all!! Jan Janet A. Burke <Burke@Elknet.net> Elkhorn, WI USA - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 20:16:43 (EST) I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and will be having a masectomy 11March. I have found information on your page most informative. donna rilling <rmercr@sk.sympatico.ca> Regina, Sk Canada - Wednesday, March 04, 1998 at 18:53:34 (EST) I am 48 years old and my identical twin sister was diagnosed with breast cancer 3 months ago. I want to learn as much as possible about her disease and treat- ment. Thank you for your information. Mary Cornejo <mcornejo01@sprynet.com> Wichita, KS United States - Monday, March 02, 1998 at 19:59:47 (EST) Wow! What an incredible site - after hours of frustration I finally got a good lead on some info! thanks to all who shared their stories here. I am writing a play on women and breast cancer - if any one can send me anything - case histories, stories, poems, photos, soft art - anything that descibes your situation, medical or personal, your life, before, during and after breast cancer - it would be so helpful to have a wide range of experiences to draw on! Thanks! Keep the faith! glenda stirling <garringer@connect.ab.ca> edmonton, ab canada - Friday, February 27, 1998 at 23:15:00 (EST) I'm happy to know that both you and your spouse both took part in this disease. I believe that the only way to survive is to faith and the support of your spouse. I lost my mother in April of 1996 after a battle of breast cancer since 1977. She was a strong women but after reoccuring for the third time, she just could not tolerate it any more.If I went on it would be the longest story you have ever heard. My prayers are with you. Bertha A. Gutierrez <LUNAR67@AOL.COM> EAST CHICAGO, IN USA - Thursday, February 26, 1998 at 21:19:07 (EST) This is a great site, I really enjoyed being able to add to the quilt for my mother! Randee Paul <Poohbear415@hotmail.com> Fort Morgan, CCO United States - Thursday, February 26, 1998 at 15:46:55 (EST) Thank you for providing breast cancer information that is so current. I am a student and I have been working on a research paper on the early detection of breast cancer The information I retrieved has been most helpful. Thank You and God Bless! Debbie <NSHOL1540@ALPHA.NSULA.EDU> U.S.A. - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 11:40:01 (EST) Deborah Hollands - Wednesday, February 25, 1998 at 11:33:38 (EST) I am researching for a friend, survivor of breast cancer, that now has lymphedemia. Michele Bundy <fmbundy@aol.com> - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 21:41:30 (EST) KENNITHA JORGENSEN <KLSJ04 @AOL.C0M> - Tuesday, February 24, 1998 at 02:59:47 (EST) I have just been diagnosed with BC metastic disease to bones after only 6 months CA, CMF and radiation. Am hoping to undergo a Stem Cell Rescue if my markers can be reduced. Would like to hear from anyone who has undergone the rescue. I am 58 years old and originally had 2.4 cm tumor with 5/11 nodes positive. Thank you. Patricia Drake <pdrake@citrus.infi.net> Floral City, Fl usa - Monday, February 23, 1998 at 22:08:20 (EST) |