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Thank you Stan and Carol for a great website! I am 38, 1st diagnosed December 1992, had left mastectomy, 6 months CMF and 4 weeks radiation. Two years later had tram flap reconstruction. In October 1996, had reocurrance in left side and spots on lung. Tried tamoxifen, didn't help, have done 10 rounds of FAC chemo. Have been off for 3 months, lungs and tumor markers are stable for now. I don't feel comfortable with stem cell transplant, and am looking into genetic clinical trials and/or vaccine trials. The doctors say there is no cure, but I won't give up! I would appreciate any information on these trials. I take one day at a time and thank the Lord for each day he has given me! barb lesyk winnipeg, mb canada - Sunday, January 25, 1998 at 15:32:28 (EST) I have not read anything of your page yet. I decided first to sign your gurst book and immediately read what you have. I want you to know that the expreience with breas cnacer (my wife) and the battle for life and the continuing suffering and pain has been overwhelming. People like you bring calm and comfort to people like us. We thank you for what you are doing. I am sure we will contact your further. I better say goodbye for now so I can read what you have. God bless you with the real blessing Suad & Ibrahim Sumrain <isumrain@sprint.ca> Edmonton, AB Canada - Saturday, January 24, 1998 at 22:44:37 (EST) I was diagnosed with a 2.5 cm, ER+ tumor of Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma and Lobular Carcinoma In Situ. I found the lump myself and had to persist to receive proper treatment. I have since gotten a new primary care physician and new oncologist. There was no need to change surgeon as I will no longer be using him again. I had my right hip replaced 7/23/96 with an osteotomy (20 degree rotation of the femur to straigten my leg). While I had been doing SBE's I was not doing them with any regularity. Since I could not do much while my bone marrow was growing in to hold in the prothesis, I did SBE's very regularly. I found the lump. And, I "watched" for it and was able to find it each time. March 97, I had my annual check up and reported the lump to my Primary. He discounted it but because I was concerned (have had two lumps in the past which went away)referred me to surgeon. Husband went with me to surgeon who also discounted the lump because it was barely palpable. For my husband (not me) surgeon did mammogram and the journey started on 3/28/97. Surgical biopsy 4/10/97; lumpectomy 4/22/97; 35x radiation finishing 7/10/97; refused chemotherapy; tamoxifen since 7/11/97. I have become quite vocal regarding the care of women. I am confident that we must be our own advocates and QUESTION, QUESTION, QUESTION our physicians. They are "employed" by us. We are to ensure that they are providing the best service possible -- this is what we "pay" them for. Thank you for this opportunity to join your family here. God bless. Linda A. Gingles <linda_gingles@agsea.com> Seattle, WA USA - Friday, January 23, 1998 at 13:33:41 (EST) Im 36 and have just finished my course of chemo(5fu, cytotoxin,epirubithin) after 10 months. Had lots of problems keeping WBC within a reasonable range and actually had 3 bllodtransfusions in the nine days following my last treatment. Was originally diagnosised in Feb.1997 after finding a lump and having mammogram that didn't find it but going on to ultrasound that did! Had a lumpectomy with axillary node resection and 9/15 positive nodes. Diagnosises stage 3 infultrating ductal ca. In may found a second lump which was also removed. It was 2.8cm with same dx. Because of this am now stage 4. In Dec. found another lump but it was partly removed but was found to be scar tissue.I have lost 42lbs but am now gaining again as I wait for my radiation. I feel very much at a loss-- what now? Will the cancer come back with a vengence now that I don't have the chemo to protect me. What can I do now and have other people in my situation felt this way. What have you done? Ihad to quit work and have been told not to consider going back till after radiation is over. They are saying they will radiate both sites but not the axilla and in the end will put in a radioactive rode for 1 week of intensive radiation. Anyone else had this? This is a great website and I am hoping there is someone outthere with similiar experience who can answer my questions. Thanks Shari Lowe <Roger.lowe2@sympatico.ca> Moffat, On CANADA - Thursday, January 22, 1998 at 11:07:50 (EST) 39 year old diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer on 2/25/97. 4 rounds CAF, MRM, 9/10 + lymph nodes, 10cm tumor, 4 rounds Taxol together with 8 weeks radiation, Tamoxifen for 5 years. Marie Lindsay <rosslindsa@aol.com> Pawleys Island, SC USA - Wednesday, January 21, 1998 at 01:23:13 (EST) Rita Lee <rllee@telusplanet.net> Grande Prairie, Ab. Canada - Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 18:40:03 (EST) Thank You for a wonderful site. I lost my mother to BC in '94, one month before Christmas. I still miss her, dearly. She was the greatest person I have ever known. Always smiling and putting her best foot forward, even when I knew that she was in tremendous pain. She lived with the pain, the treatments, the hot flashs ,the loss of hair and weight, and the "inconvenience" of it all for ten years. Please, ladies, go for regular check ups and ask your doctor for a mammogram. If you are in a high risk group be persisitant. If your doctor is reluctant, find a new doctor. It's your body and your future! I wear a pink ribbon in rememberance of all the women in my family I have lost to this indiscriminate killer and in support of all the others I have met, and those I will never meet. God Bless. Jennifer V. Brown Calgary, AB Canada - Tuesday, January 20, 1998 at 14:38:04 (EST) Very nice site. I found my lump on 04/25/97 after a 'clear' mammogram on 06/26/96! Turns out mammograms catch only 40% of BC. Anyway, MRM/expander on 05/26/97, ACx4 followed by TAXOLx4. Due for completed reconstruction on 03/03/98. Visit my BC page at http://www.jps.net/peggyl/BC.html Thanks for the access and great site for BC patients, family & friends. Peggy Landt Peggy Landt <peggyl@jps.net> Fair Oaks, CA USA - Monday, January 19, 1998 at 23:25:33 (EST) Your web page is an excellant source of information. Keep up the good work!! Anita Spooner <spooner@ismi.net> Fowlerville, MI US - Sunday, January 18, 1998 at 08:33:59 (EST) My Mom was just diagnosised with cancer. She is planning on a trip to Cuba in February, and she wants to take this trip with my Dad, even if it means she will die sooner, because she won't be getting treatments until after she comes back. I don't know what to say. I want her to live. Jennifer Parker <G_J_Parker@msn.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - Friday, January 16, 1998 at 17:49:42 (EST) carla Parrill <jparrill@clandjop.com> joplin, mo usa - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 17:51:38 (EST) Here is a poem that I know will have a lot of meaning for you and your families. I am a cancer survivor. (I signed that guest book last fall.) What Cancer Cannot Do Cancer is so limited - It cannot cripple love, It cannot shatter hope, It cannot corrode faith, It cannot destroy peace, It cannot kill friendship, It cannot suppress memories, It cannot silence courage, It cannot invade the soul, It cannot steal eternal life, It cannot conquer the Spirit. Sue Walters <swalters@st-albert.net> St. Albert, AB CAN - Thursday, January 15, 1998 at 14:07:41 (EST) Great web site ! I am an 8 yr. breast cancer survivor.My mother is a 12 yr.survivor. I am adding your link to my homepage. Gwen B. <dbbglb@icanect.net> Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - Wednesday, January 14, 1998 at 16:09:00 (EST) What a wonderful page! I'm 17 and doing a speech to inform on breast cancer, but I'm also interested because I'm in a high-risk group -- my great-grandmother had it (and lived to be 90!), and so did my grandmother (unfortunately, she died when my mother was 13). Both my mother and I are careful to watch for signs and get check-ups regularly. Thanks again! JoAnna Walsvik <jowalsvi@sendit.sendit.nodak.edu> Hillsboro, ND USA - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 17:03:33 (EST) I'm a gynecologist and I've been asked to meet a group of women who underwent surgery for breast cancer. I think you site is helpful for them and for me too, because I'm usually more involved in different gynecological problems, so I can update, thanks to you, my knowledge of this pathology; especially I can find in your site exactly the same questionsthat my patients ask, in their language. So, thank you, really. Paolo Persiani <ppersia@tin.it> Bergamo, Italy - Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 13:35:43 (EST) I was diagnosed with breast cancer November 21 after a lumpectomy. The margins were not clear, so I had a re-excission and taking of lymph nodes. I had DCIS and an invasive tumor of 1.7 cm. My lymph nodes (13) were negative, so I'm breathing sighs of relief about not needing chemo. I will be undergoing radiation sometime this month, when the two-visit simulation is finished. I will also begin tamoxifen this month. It's been quite an adjustment. I'm 54, in excellent health, no family history of any kind of cancer. I was floored by the diagnosis, but seem to be making a pretty good emotional adjustment I spent 4 visits with a therapist, and decided I didn't really need it, although I am going to join a support group later this month. Sylvia Gartner <sylviagar@juno.com> Palo Alto, CA U.S.A. - Monday, January 12, 1998 at 20:43:21 (EST) I wish I had your web site available when I had breast cancer 9 years ago. Our son was two and a half and my first thought was I'd never see him grow up. I had a mod. rad. mast. and no lymph node involvement. My identical twin sister was wild with worry and fly up from the Caribbean to support me. She left her new son, age 6 months with her hubby to come rescue her "twin soul" me. She has been careful to have mammograms about every six months since then. I had the recommended six month chemo cmf. I didn't realize that sometimes chemo is given by shots (IV push.) I was really scared about starting chemo but it turned out that I really had no adverse effects. I didn't lose any hair, and was able to work full-time and keep up with an active 2+ year old. Now, he is 11 and I am plan on seeing him grow up. My twin sister now lives stateside and only an hour away. We are raising the two boys to be "brothers" and she has a daughter, age 4 (we are 47). Readers - don't give up faith. Get good info. and talk to others. This web site is helpful. Take care. Barbara Luce <hbprescott@snet.net> Portland, CT USA - Monday, January 12, 1998 at 00:31:51 (EST) I find breast cancer is growing even more these days. Lots of women have it to. Amy farwell Rockglen, Sk. Canada - Sunday, January 11, 1998 at 17:23:58 (EST) My Mother had her annual mammogram in September and went to Greece for 2 weeks, when she came back, her doctor had been looking for her. The results of her mammogram were not normal. She didn't want to have a biopsy so she had a needle aspirate. The results again were not normal. It was intraductal carcinoma in situ. She was devastated by the diagnosis and thoughts of dying came to her mind. It was not difficult to convince her that she needed a definitive diagnosis as well as treatment so she had a biopsy. Thank God it was still the same diagnosis with free margins. She now will undergo radiation for one month. Her chances for complete cure are better than 99%. Please, to everybody out there, don't forget to have a mammogram every year starting at 40 years of age. I will schedule mine very soon. Patricia Chang <chan02012maroon.tc.umn.edu> St. Paul, Mn USA - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 21:22:28 (EST) I was diagnosed at 46 (08/97) with Stage 2 BC. Had a lumpectomy, 3 nodes +, and estrogen positive. Currently undergoing CMF but using ISCADORE, focusing on alkaline diet, visits to DCM for herbs and acupuncture, visits to a naturopath for homeopathic remedies based on results of dark field microscopy and state of my inner 'terrain'. Never want to go through this again so view my diagnosis as a chance to make major changes in my diet and lifestyle. Recovery is a fulltime job. Thank you for your web site. Irene Lowry <glglowry@ilap.com> Toronto, On Canada - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 09:45:03 (EST) My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer right before Christmas, and had her masectomy right before Christmas. She just had her post-op consulation today. It has spread to her lymph nodes, and the tumors (there were two, not one) were much larger than suspected. She starts her chemotherapy and radiation on Monday. I'm happy to find a place to connect with others who know what this is all like. I'd like to know what kinds of things I can say or do for her that will make her feel better now, and as she begins to lose her hair and everything. Unfortunately we don't live near each other. Barbara <bplaroch@planet.eon.net> Edmonton, AB Canada - Wednesday, January 07, 1998 at 22:17:28 (EST) Hi.I know someone who just got diagnosed with breast cancer. She is a close friend of my mother and her daughter is an old friend of mine. I felt that I needed more information on this subject to understand what she is going through and how to help. Your site has been very helpful. Thanks! Elyssa Fl USA - Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 18:44:49 (EST) I'm 16 years old I go to a high school were we are not really educated over this. So when I had to do a report I thought this would be a good topic. It is wonderful that there are people out there that care. Thank you for informing us about this diseas. Your site has been very helpfull. Tiffany Jean Foley, MO USA - Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 17:52:17 (EST) I'm 16 years old I go to a high school were we are not really educated over this. So when I had to do a report I thought this would be a good topic. It is wonderful that there are people out there that care. Thank you for informing us about this diseas. Your site has been very helpfull. Tiffany Jean Foley, MMo USA - Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 17:50:27 (EST) Im eighteen, and experincing pain in my right breast, along with pain in my bones beneath my breast. Last year I went to the doctor, and he said I was to young, and that I had fibourous breasts, and that I Should not worry. I am now engagged to a wonderfull man, for whom I want to spend my life. Problem being that all of our money Has to go to our trailer or house and living. Should I be worried about my pain or is it just growing pains. Ps Iam skinny could this affect my condition, (maybe my bra rubs?) Help Kelly moragan <none> bethany, mo usa - Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 14:19:27 (EST) I think your site is the greatest. I was diagnoised with Breast Cancer 3 years ago and it had already spread to my bones. I have been through 2 sessions of chemo and had radiation to 4 different areas. I take one day at a time and enjoy my family and life to the fullest. You just need to keep thinking positive and keep on going. Happy New Year to All. I think this is the best page on the internet. Janice Sanders <meglyn@phc.igs.net> Port hope , ont Canada - Friday, January 02, 1998 at 09:00:14 (EST) Harry Liu <hliu@earthlink.net> Castaic, ca usa - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 23:50:34 (EST) Annie <annie@raysnubber.com> Charlotte, NC US - Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 12:27:00 (EST) My sister has been dignosed with breast cancer--she also has Chronic Fatigue. I am trying to locate anyone who has any information on anyone who has Chronic Fatigue and developed breast cancer. I am concerned about the affect the chronic fatigue will have on her receiving chemo and radiation since her body is stays so weak from the Chronic fatigue. Any info would be appreciated. B.G. Brenda Goodridge <ebgoodridge@erols.com> Alexandria, VA - Saturday, December 27, 1997 at 14:34:58 (EST) i have come to know some info about breast cancer soh chye lin singapore - Tuesday, December 23, 1997 at 02:01:01 (EST) I am glad that you're giving me a chance to give imput....I am happy to be alive...out of this cancer came some wonderful things that I have prayed for. 1. I don't have to worry about getting pregnant. 2. I don't have my menstral anymore.....yeah..yeah.. 3. I won't go through the change of Life....yeah... 4. I don't ever have to damage my hair by giving it a perm because my hair is now curly...yeah...... 5. My breasts will never sag....They will always have a youthful appearance. 6. I have a new look on life....... 7. I have more years with my children. 8. My son is on the right track now that he knows that mom won't be around..He's finally thinking about his future.... 9. I am more alive now that before.. I could go on and on....but I'm glad to be back... Again, thanks for letting me speak out.... It's not as bad as it seems...... Betty Jean Reed <Betty.Reed@Entex.com> Jersey City, NJ USA - Monday, December 22, 1997 at 17:43:07 (EST) I am doing a report on breast cancer at school and thought that this page was helpful. I commend the women of the world that fight against this horrible disease. Stacey Nevin Berwyn, Pa Usa - Saturday, December 20, 1997 at 21:47:31 (EST) we joined the guestbook hoping to find at your sites more information about various methods of brest cancer treatment,especially natural drugs,and last sciece achievements. thank you,anuska & pero domacin anuska & pero domacin <none> dubrovnik, croatia - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 02:05:25 (EST) With the fast approaching Christmas season, I thought I would re-visit your site. Six months ago my mother, 40 years old, died of breast cancer that she had been fighting for six years. Started in her rt breast, went through chemo, radiation, and even had it removed. It came back 3 years latter in her neck. She underwent a bone marrow transplant. Then in Febuary of 97 it cam back in her liver. She was unable to undergo treatment because of illness. She went into a hospic program and stayed at home to enjoy the little time she ad left. She got a little better and in June of 97 my dad and my brother took her to Flordia for a week and she LOVED it. HAd the time of her life. Less then a month latter she had died. I miss her much but realize that she is in a much better place. If anyone needs soemone to talk to, i am always here. I am a 19 year old sophomore in college and ready to listen. MERRY CHRISTMAS MOM:)!!!! Liza Livingstone <esl@icon-stl.net> Fenton, Mo USA - Friday, December 19, 1997 at 00:40:43 (EST) My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in the beginning of 1995 and survived after having a masectomy and chemotherapy. It makes me happy to see all of the support going on all over the world for breast cancer patients and I pray everyday that there will soon be a cure. Miranda L. Harris <harrism8@pilot.msu.edu> East Lansing, MI United States - Thursday, December 18, 1997 at 09:49:39 (EST) This is a great site. Im 15 and Im a lucky one who can say there hasnt been anyone in my family with breast cancer. I hope for strength for all with it and those with loved ones with it. I am doing a report for Biology and this has helped alot! Thanks:) Beth Superior, WI USA - Wednesday, December 17, 1997 at 23:25:14 (EST) |