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I am doing some research for a friend who has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. I am finding this site very helpful. Thanks. I think your web site is great. Nicely put together and easy to navigate with *TONS* of helpful information. I will refer my students to your page! E. Kimmel <ekimmel@mars.execulink.com> London, On Canada - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 14:50:24 (EST) loreta burden <billou@cybertrails.com> yuma, az usa - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 13:40:43 (EST) diagnosed dec-93--5positive nodes-2.50cm chemo & radiation & tamoxifen--last checkup - clean. i would like to hear from other node positive women. loreta buden <billou3@juno.com> yuma, az usa - Sunday, December 14, 1997 at 01:02:16 (EST) I was informed this week that I had a lump in my L breast. My doctor recommended that I have an ultra-sound inorder to determine if it is solid or not. I have never been so scared in my life. I'm trying not to think the worse -- but I must say this is pretty scary. The mere fact that I'm here means that I may have to face something pretty awful. As I write this I can't stop the tears. I'm afraid this will really scare the ones that I love. I'm not sure what is worse. I want and I will keep an open mind. This could after all be just a fluid filled lump? Right? I would love to hear from anyone who has any information or shared experience to share. Thanks in advance and keep the faith. Susan Terzakis <wxman@apci.net> Swansea , IL USA - Saturday, December 13, 1997 at 23:00:48 (EST) I am in the process of setting up ambulatory services for cancer in this area. Looking for information concerning support groups for cancer patients who want to live. Out of bound style. Women who want to experience life, support positively one another. Especially for women with breast cancer. Can anyone help!!! Elaine Serafini <eserafini@ibm.net> Cowansville, PQ Canada - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 22:30:02 (EST) I found this site while doing a research paper on breast cancer for school. Though I don't have breast cancer it has touched very close to home. I just want everyone who visits or has visited this web site that I am behind all of you 100% of the way. Kellie Dawson <kdawson@runet.edu> Radford, VA USA - Wednesday, December 10, 1997 at 17:42:24 (EST) This is a great information site. This is my first time on the net, and I have found out many answers to questions I had and lots of things that I hadn't yet thought of. I have a lump, going for a mammography, and then have an appointment with a surgeon in early Jan 98. I feel calmer now that I've got so many answers, even though the big question of do I have breast cancer, hasn't been answered yet. Kate <George/Kate Pearse@bc.sympatico.ca> Victoria, BC - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 23:51:20 (EST) Hi a very nice site , but please extend it and write a bit more on the actual cancer. I need information for a school project. john <foroutani@hotmail.com> toronto, on canada - Tuesday, December 09, 1997 at 09:58:44 (EST) I'm doing a term paper about breast cancer. I think your web site is very helpful. Marie Perea <monching@direct.ca> Vancouver, BC Canada - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 23:22:41 (EST) I have (had) DCIS with comedo features. I am very confused. I say had because my breat surgeon says that I am cancer free, as the cancer cells were removed and a follow-up of radiation therapy is all that is needed. He treated this very lightly and I thought all was well. The radiation oncologist informed that the tumor was 1.5 cm with comedo features and stage 2. Stage 2? I thought I had 0 cancer. Then, my family doctor called me when he received all the facts (don't you just love HMO's...no knows what the other one is doing!) He was greatly concerned over the comedo factor, said this was a "bad" cancer...I thought all of them were bad, and highly suggested that I consider a mastectomy as this cancer has a high return rate of the invasive nature. Well, this blew me out of the water because I'm thinking all is well and all I need is radiation treatment. I am now scheduled to meet with a medical oncologist and make a decision as far as treatment. Radiation vurses mastectomy. Help! Your input would be greatly appreciated. Lynne <lynne@epix.net> - Sunday, December 07, 1997 at 14:13:39 (EST) scott nottage <scottanottage@webty.net> - Saturday, December 06, 1997 at 15:52:18 (EST) I was just browsing for some info on breast cancer. You have a really nice page. I commend you for the hard work! Anesha Thomas <nese_33@Hotmail.com> FL - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 11:24:29 (EST) I am doing ny term paper on breast cancer. I want to commend all the women with breast cancer for their brave fight against this terrifying disease. My family has a history of cancer, but but I pray to GOD that it excludes me. Showna Nicole Price Monroe , LA USA - Friday, December 05, 1997 at 10:42:01 (EST) Mary Kauffman <kauffmmm@slu.edu> St. Louis, MO USA - Thursday, December 04, 1997 at 12:34:11 (EST) I'm 14 and doing research so I can know more about breast cancer Ruthea Ortner Colo Spr, Co USA - Wednesday, December 03, 1997 at 13:18:46 (EST) New to net and guestbook. Was diagnosed with bc June of 97. Had modified radical mastectomy of right breast in July. No positive nodes! Had no lumps, just microcalcifications. Had positive margin on the mastectomy, so am undergoing radiation in addition to chemo and tamoxifen. It was a stage one, invasive ductal carcenoma (sp?. Tumor sizes (two tumors)were 2.2 and 1.5 cm. Am of course concerned with recurrance rates. Am told that with all the above factors at play, my chance of not having any recurrance in ten years is 81%. Guess that's pretty good, but still sacred. Anyone out there with the same--or any infor for me? Thanks for responding. babs <bogusbab@ix.netcom.com> queensbury, ny usa - Tuesday, December 02, 1997 at 11:51:43 (EST) JoEllen Rose <C24g@aol.com> Whitehouse, OH USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 21:07:17 (EST) Just got the news this morning that I have Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoa. The mass that was removed a week ago showed no vessel invasion but there are at least 2 more masses that will be taken care of with a R modified radical mastectomy and true-cut biopsies of the L breast on Friday. I'm seeing an oncologist tomorrow. I would hope to hear from anyone with similar experience. Thanks for the website. It's kind of scary when you think you're alone. Carol Goshorn <goshornc@gte.net> Cornelius, OR USA - Monday, December 01, 1997 at 19:45:02 (EST) I have a dear freind who is battling metastatic bc..various areas of mets..any info appreciated melanie wieringa <opentop@msn.com> odenton, md usa - Friday, November 28, 1997 at 21:49:53 (EST) I was first diagnosed in 1988 at the age of 26. The breast cancer spread in 1992. Since then I have experenced a BMT and several chemo and radiation treatments - Fiinished Law school - and have continued to work nearly full time as an environmental engineer. I am looking for other positive thinking woman who fight advanced breast cancer daily but don't let it rule their lives. Currently I am on Taxiteer (sp?) after having good results with Taxol (on it for over 2 years!). I recommend acupuncture to help with the side effects of chemo. Diane Birk <dibirk@bellatlantic.net> Baltimore, MD - Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 19:38:45 (EST) Thank you for this wed site. So much information all in one place, what a blessing. I am 42 years old. Diagnosed BC-19 positive nodes. Treatment: High dose Chimo 4 rounds, stem cell transplant, 7 weeks radiation, and finally hormone therapy. I will have my second round of chimo friday 11/28/97. I would like to here from cancer survivors diagnosed with +10 positive nodes who went through stem cell transplant. Thank you. Beth Gossard <dgossard@micron.net> Boise, ID USA - Wednesday, November 26, 1997 at 15:30:36 (EST) Today I had the opportunity to tell someone else about your website. There are many people who need and deserve the support which your guest book and info pages give. Keep up the good work. Mary Ellen Moulton <maryemou@kos.net> Lyndhurst, Ont. Can. - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 20:58:05 (EST) Mary Ellen Moulton - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 20:55:25 (EST) I'm 14 and I'm researching so I can do a health project on breast cancerso that I can imform others about breast cancer. Cheryl McConachie Edmonton, AB Canada - Tuesday, November 25, 1997 at 14:22:32 (EST) Joanna Dilts Waterloo, ON Canada - Sunday, November 23, 1997 at 15:18:00 (EST) I FOUND YOU AT LAST!!!!!! ELIZABETH LEVESQUE <elizabeth@nanaimo.ark.com> QUALICUM BEACH, BC CANADA - Sunday, November 23, 1997 at 10:13:12 (EST) CAROLYN A. FRASER <www.fraser.com> FALLON, NV - Saturday, November 22, 1997 at 04:28:53 (EST) Nicole O'Bryant <nicoleobryant@sheridanc.on.ca> Oakville, OON Canada - Thursday, November 20, 1997 at 13:54:43 (EST) Sarah Williams <BubbleBaby16@murlin.com> Green Ridge, MO United States - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 22:10:24 (EST) HoLLy kObUs <knewkid> ca usa - Tuesday, November 18, 1997 at 20:13:32 (EST) My thoughts and good wishes go out to all who have found solace at this site. I have a friend who is in need of some advice. She had a mammogram and her doctor suggested the biopsy. This is not new to her, as she lost her left breast about 13 years ago. I think what she most wants to know is what new treatments are available in Canada if her biopsy should prove positive. Can anyone help???....I don't even know where to begin. Thanks. Kim <prodger@magma.ca> Ottawa, ON Canada - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 13:43:09 (EST) Hello, my mother (she will be a very vibrant 60 yrs old soon) just had a lumpectomy 2 days ago, they also removed some lymph nodes. We see the doctor again on Tuesday for removal of the drainage. They have advised it will be about 3 weeks before we have the full test results and can discuss further treatment. This all happened so fast I need to know the questions to ask - we are virtually walking into this blind - what should we ask???? If you have any advice - especially what support I can give - any would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. adele roccati, email: andrea@learned.com Adele Roccati <andrea@learned.com> Toronto, ON Canada - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 11:52:51 (EST) Anyone out there with a diagnosis of Paget's Disease of the breast? All info greatly appreciated! Liz <bonniedoon@sk.sympatico.ca> Saskatoon, Sk Canada - Sunday, November 16, 1997 at 00:16:31 (EST) 21 year old college student researching the patent on the BRCA1 and 2 genes. Great page -- My thoughts and prayers are with you all. Leigh-Emma Burnley <lburnley@vt.edu> Blacksburg, VA USA - Saturday, November 15, 1997 at 15:33:11 (EST) 41 year old single mom had dcis diagnosis in June 97, had a modified radical masectomy and tram flap reconstruction in Aug. Everything went well, but just found out my biopsy showed edges were still not clear. They want me to have radiation - Anyone out there have radiation after a masectomy? I also developed lymphedemia in my arm and hand very frustrating. denise <pine@worldnet.att.net> jacksonville, fl usa - Friday, November 14, 1997 at 12:12:12 (EST) Thsnks for all the Info. I have not been diagonsed with breast cancer but I had a Mammagram and there is a "clump" that the Doctor is concerned about. I'll be going for an ultrasound and if I would like I can go for a Biopsy, but it not a regular biopsy as there is not a lump. The Doctor told me they would insert a wire into my breast where this "clump" is and then from there they can see where this mass is and do the biopsy. Has anyone out there had this done and if so can you explain to me the procedure. I'm fairly certain I will go ahead with this. Thank you, Carolyn Carolyn Hay <millen@cyberspc.mb.ca> Winnipeg, Mb. Canada - Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 21:15:04 (EST) This has been an answer to prayer. I had a mastectomy on Feb 7, 1997. I had Grade 1, .3 cm tumor. Actually it was not a lump. I was node positive. I had Chemo AC type for 12 weeks. Put on Tamoxefin July. By August my arms, shoulders and upper back had ceased up. Quit Tamoxefin Sept 23. Am going to physio, but quality of life is not good. It is impossible to do most things. Getting dressed is a challenge. Was doing exceptionally well prior. Have read a lot on net re Tamoxefin, so not going to take it. I am a Christian and am going to try alternative methods that I just found out from a Dr. Day in California. Her Website is www.drday.com. I have also a severe imbalance since Chemo. I was told that it could be residual from Chemo and will go away, but my question is when. It is like having an inner ear infection without the pain. I am looking for answers!!!!! I am so glad to find this website. I have logged many hours going all the way to the John Hopkins website etc. Gwen Compton <compton@oanet.com> Edmonton, AB Canada - Thursday, November 13, 1997 at 15:18:14 (EST) I am 45 yrs old. Had a mastectomy on Oct. 20, 1997 and was node negative. I must decide if I want to undergo chemotherapy or not. My doctor did not recommend it, but said it was borderline. He does recommend tamoxifen. I am afraid of chemo and don't want it. But am afraid not to. Hard decision! The tumor was 1.4 with a moderate growth rate. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Beckie Clarkson <ms2bozo@aol.com> Layton, UUT USA - Tuesday, November 11, 1997 at 15:37:16 (EST) Great Page. Looking for information for a dear friend just diagnosed with breast cancer. God Bless and prayers to all of you with this disease. Lauralee Bell <lkbell@bigsky.net> Stevensville, Mt. USA - Monday, November 10, 1997 at 23:59:08 (EST) Thanks for this wonderful site. I was recently diagnosed with breast cancer and went through a mastectomy and now waiting to start chemo and there are still a lot of questions.l Rose <RHernan490@aol.com> Baldwin, NY USA - Saturday, November 08, 1997 at 21:13:31 (EST) Hello, I'm Barb and I have had 6 years of good health after a lumpectomy and radiation in 1991. Both Vic, my husband and I plan to investigate your site more fully after the sign in and will add another note when complete. We have just arrived at our weekend place here in the Alberta foothills and the start of a 4 day weekend for us. We welcome others to send us a note and even visit us here at The Sheppard Creek Ranche! Cheers! and good healt!!! Barb and Vic Cheers Barbara Bond <vicbond@telusplanet.net> Okotoks, Ab Canada - Saturday, November 08, 1997 at 19:42:52 (EST) A friend of mine has stage 4 BC. She is A/B neg and needs a bone marrow transfusion. We need help finding a donor pronto. HELP!!! Where do we start? Robin S. Wagner, DVM, PhD <Drswagner@aol.com> IN USA - Saturday, November 08, 1997 at 16:52:42 (EST) Shelley Dodd <sdodd@rogers.wave.ca> Ottawa, ON Canada - Saturday, November 08, 1997 at 11:20:28 (EST) I am looking for anyone who experienced high-dose chemo (adriamycin/taxol/cytoxin - Clif Hudis' ATC protocol, out of Mem. Sloan Kettering). I have had complications with cell counts which have not rebounded to normal levels, despite having completed my chemo a year ago. Any advice or similar experiences? Please e-mail me. sue <ssimms@wcvt.com> - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 21:35:59 (EST) Good Page. I'm 36 and had a radical mastectomy in july 1996. I had 6 months chemotherapy. adriamycin cytoxan an 5fu. anyone with info about reconstruction please send it to me thanks. Ronda Lane <rays5@gte.net> Seffner, FL USA - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 21:06:51 (EST) Thak you so much for this Stan and Carol. I want to thank everyone who sent me words of kindness and support after I wrote about someone close to me's diagnosis and treatment. I am glad to say that we discovered after the lumpectomy and partial lymph node dissection that there was no cancer in the lymph. Her treatment now consists of hormone therapy. Radiation will bein soon and chemo after the radiation. It has been hard as I live away from her (I go to university in Kingston) and I miss her. Michelle Hapuarachchi <4mth1@qlink.queensu.ca> Kingston, ON Canada - Friday, November 07, 1997 at 09:38:49 (EST) Good work on informing people of the risks of Breast cancer Joey Melicher Grand Forks, ND USA - Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 16:16:21 (EST) Seven years ago last May, I was diagnosed with infiltrating lobular carcnoma.(1 cm) with 1 positive lymph node. I went on a clinical test program with 4 treatment of chemo (cyclophosamate and adriomycin) and 5 weeks of radiation after having a lumpectomy. I lost all of my hair after my first treatment. I also took Taheebo tea (Lapachol/Pau d'Arco) and have been fine ever since. I was 45 years old and my tumor was estogen positive. I have read a lot about Tamoxafin and made the decision not to take. There is a book called "Second Opinion" about the tea that I found very interesting. Sue Walters <swalters@st-albert.net> St. Albert, AB Canada T8N 1A9 - Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 15:16:47 (EST) Seven years ago last May, I was diagnosed with infiltrating lobular carcnoma.(1 cm) with 1 positive lymph node. I went on a clinical test program with 4 treatment of chemo (cyclophosamate and adriomycin) and 5 weeks of radiation after having a lumpectomy. I lost all of my hair after my first treatment. I also took Taheebo tea (Lapachol/Pau d'Arco) and have been fine ever since. I was 45 years old and my tumor was estogen positive. I have read a lot about Tamoxafin and made the decision not to take. There is a book called "Second Opinion" about the tea that I found very interesting. Sue Walters <swalters@st-albert.net> St. Albert, AB Canada T8N 1A9 - Thursday, November 06, 1997 at 15:16:24 (EST) I discovered this page in March '97 and have appreciated the support. I too was diagnosed with breast cancer in Feb '97, a 1.9 cm lumpectomy, 1 lymph node involvement out of 48, 6 chemo treatments (5FU, Cytoxin, Adriamycin), 7 weeks radiation therapy, and high emotions like you. I was scared to death, planned my funeral, grieved, said "Why me?" and dealt with a lot of things. I am a Christian and knew that God would have to be my strength. I prayed a lot, read my Bible (some great scriptures), and continued my church duties; youth leader and church secretary. There were many churches and people praying for me. The support was awesome. I have drawn closer to God. I wouldn't trade the experience. God helped me get through this easier than expected. He was and is my peace and comfort. I have found it easier to talk and encourage others experiencing disease. Haven't you noticed how close you feel to someone who has been through the same thing? HOPE is a big word in our vocabulary, and I feel I can share that HOPE, the Lord Jesus! Talk to him like you would a friend. He loves and cares for us and wants to be our peace no matter what we are experiencing. That is HOPE. Please feel free to contact me. I would like to encourage you through this. Gloria Rose <lifts@uit.net> Camden, MO USA - Wednesday, November 05, 1997 at 13:00:20 (EST) My daughter is doing a group project thru Syracuse U. in a nursing class on breast ca support groups. She is an RN and going for her BSN/MS. Project is focused on a patient case study. If anyone can provide information for her project she will appreciate it. I am her father and trying to help her as she does not have internet access. Info about diagnosis, treatment, and support received would be helpful. Thank you very much in advance. All names will be kept confidential. Joseph Brown <jomabro@aol.com> Endicott, ny usa - Tuesday, November 04, 1997 at 15:49:01 (EST) Agata Szentag <malutki_1@hotmail.com> Winnipeg, MB Canada - Monday, November 03, 1997 at 20:07:44 (EST) DLBoyd <jboyd@sk.sympatico,ca> Regina, Sk Canada - Sunday, November 02, 1997 at 22:15:57 (EST) This was my first time on your guestbook. Great site! I had infiltrating ductal carcinoma 12 years ago. Lumpectomy & radiation followed. Malignant tumor, no node involvement. I have just had a mastectomy of the same breast. Doctors say it is a new cancer although of the same type - not a recurrence. Again there is no node involvement. Tumor board at the hospital has recommended no follow-up treatment, chemo or tamoxifin. This makes me very nervous. Although I do not relish the thought of chemo, I want to do everything possible to make sure this doesn't come back again. Also I have had problems since the mastectomy 4 weeks ago. I've had drainage problems. I am now on my third drain. I have had stitches pop open and got an infection which is now being treated with antibiotics. If anyone has any advice on the drainage problem, or the follow-up treatment I would like to hear from you. Thanks! Candace Conacher <conacher@fidalgo.net> Anacortes, WA USA - Sunday, November 02, 1997 at 17:31:36 (EST) Hi, I was diagosed in April/97. Tumour was 2.1 cm.,was estrogen positive. Had axillary clearance, removed 14 nodes, 1 was positive. I have finished six months CMF, and will start radiation shortly. Would love to correspond with someone else. I will answer all mail. Sharon Hillman <ehillman@kent.net> Chatham, Ont. Canada - Saturday, November 01, 1997 at 16:57:14 (EST) |