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Had a double masectomy October 4/95.I'm on tamoxofin. THe cancer was in 3 lymb nodes. I'm wondering what are the test done every 6 months or so. I've asked for a chest x-ray and bone scan. My doctor does not think I need that.What kind of test are you all getting? TKS. I discovered I had breast cancer in June 97. I was 47.A mammogram in Sept 96 said negative, to a suspicious small lump. I wanted to believe it was true and did not go back until May 97. Even in June with the lump 2 cm in size the mammogram did not see it. Self examination is VERY IMPORTANT!. Believe in yourself and always have a lump investigated. I have found an excellent book on the subject of breast cancer is Dr. Susan Loves The Breast Book. I am having chemo and take each day as it comes. Gail Muir <gmuir@uccb.ns.ca> Sydney, NS Canada - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 21:22:46 (EDT) Donnas Stuart - Saturday, September 20, 1997 at 10:43:31 (EDT) It's great to have a place to share information, fears and hopes. Thanks! Mary Ellen Moulton <maryemou@kos.net> Lyndhurst, Ont. Canada - Friday, September 19, 1997 at 23:38:05 (EDT) Hello Everyone! :) This is a great page. My Wife is in the 3rd year of her fight with B/C she had a VERY fast growing cancer (doubles every 8 days) she has mets to 40 places last Oc.t 8 of witch were to the brain she had radiation for the cancer in the brain then taxotare It does have VERY bad side effects But some of her toumers were the size of baseballs. and she had over 50% reduction after the 1st round. It is only used to eliminate the toumors to bye some time for the Bone Marrow transplant. But they found another on in her brain in July and the cut it out and went right in with the High dose/BMT she is recovering from the 1st and will have the 2nd High Dose/BMT in Nov. She has maintained a Great attitude about all of this. One thing I have found that has helped us is we were never ashamed of this It is cancer and there is nothing we can do to undo what has happend or what will happen we acept it and share our experences. This seems to help both of us through this. If you hide from this it will drive you crazy!!! I am here if you have any questions about anything she has done in her fight or just to talk to about anything. Mark DeFrees <mdefrees@mail.seistl.com> West Plains , Mo USA - Thursday, September 18, 1997 at 10:34:57 (EDT) I am seeking info on cancer found in the lymph nodes,but none in breasts.Both breasts removed,and 6 months chemo undertaken by my daughter. No follow up.Just wait and see attitude. Has anyone experienced this? Sheila Doughty <ndoughty@sympatico.ca> Oakville, Ont Canada - Wednesday, September 17, 1997 at 19:21:37 (EDT) MARY SAXE APLIN GAINESVILLE, FL - Tuesday, September 16, 1997 at 18:01:07 (EDT) mary baldwin <maryeb@webtv.net> flemington, nj - Monday, September 15, 1997 at 11:36:47 (EDT) Mary Ellen Forman <MEFORMAN> San Jose, CA Santa Clara - Sunday, September 14, 1997 at 04:38:49 (EDT) swillret Algona, Ia Kossuth - Friday, September 12, 1997 at 16:48:40 (EDT) Abdul Latiff Mohd Ismail <latiffit@tm.net.my> Kuala Lumpur, SEL Malaysia - Wednesday, September 10, 1997 at 02:47:54 (EDT) Deborah Jessee <d8j6@brite.net> De-Graff, oh usa - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 17:57:25 (EDT) Your Web page is great! Refreshing!!!! Tinkie Williams <Twillia@mehling.com> Tyler, Tx. USA - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 17:10:52 (EDT) It's refreshing to read uplifting witnesses.I'm37 and wasdiagnosed with breast cancer two years ago I underwent mastactomy with tram flap reconstruction My outer scars have healed but of as you know the inner scars seem to linger on forever.I stilll cry more than I want to. Just last night I was mentioning to my husband about the rest of my surgery,being the nipple reconstruction. He said do it soon because he wanted to see me bank to normal. I told him I was not ready to go back into the hospitol scene again. But when it does happed it will be for me not him.I'm still not a terms with scars, I often cry when I remember how it was. And will I be around for my 4 children much longer. It's funny hhow people say they understand but there is no way unless you've there can youpossiblly understand, I Finally went back to work full time with an awesome company. I love my job it has enabled me to become part of life again. Istead of sitting home every day getting deeper & deeper in dept. May I ask a question..My husband honestly thinks that just because I look better i feel better but after my bone marrow transplant I'm not as outgoing as I use to be my lings where deeply affected.Do you have the problem of always having to explain yourself to your husband and if so does that ever go away. I hope we can communicate again in the future. It's refreshing to do this with someone who UNDERSTANDS...... Thank for you time....Cyndi James Cyndi James <Cjames@wildfire.com> maynard, ma usa - Tuesday, September 09, 1997 at 16:06:59 (EDT) Live life to the fullest.Make everyday count. Life is a day to day process.Be as happy as you can. God Bless. Cindy M. Milbrath <Sasbee@aol.com> Cedarburg, WI USA - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 21:56:01 (EDT) My aunt is now fighting her fourth relapse of breast cancer. She has had a mascectomy, chemotherapy, radiation, and a stem cell transplant. I am writing a paper about breast cancer and need a lot of information for my research. Anything sent is greatly appreciated. This site is great! Keep up the good work. Amanda Suter <lsuter@fm.sccoast.net> Myrtle Beach, SC 29579 - Tuesday, September 02, 1997 at 14:11:47 (EDT) My mom was diagnosed in the past month.My grandmother (father's mother) died two weeks ago. Mom is having surgery on tuesday. Unfortunatly, I have to go back to college on the 6th. She doesn't want to tell anyone about it, which I think is the wrong way of going about it, Please help. If you have any info or support email me and I can help her too. I am 20 and my sister is only 14. I worry for her too, because we have breast cancer on both sides of the family. It is hard. Michelle H <4mth1@qlink.queensu.ca> Kingston, ON Cananda - Wednesday, August 20, 1997 at 15:26:38 (EDT) Thanks for your web page, I have had a reaccurrance of bc after 24 months symptom free, and this was a very bad day, but tomarrow will be better. Thank you Mary Bergmeier <quitecntry@aol.com> Berne, NY USA - Tuesday, August 19, 1997 at 19:50:38 (EDT) nancy barnes <nbarnes@fishersci.ca> ottawa, ontario canada - Tuesday, August 19, 1997 at 09:33:08 (EDT) Thanks Theresa Stephens <chaser@voyageur.ca> Keewatin, ON Canada - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 22:49:07 (EDT) Thank you for a place to look for comfort and information. I am a 5 year survivor. In 1992 I had a lumpectomy and 19 lymphnodes removed all Neg., followed by 5 weeks of radiation and 6 months of (CAF)Chemo. A positive attitude, a loving family and a great circle of friends helped get me through the rough times. For women who have just received a new diagnosis try to remember that you are going to be fine and although you must be aware and vigilant about your health it won't alway consume your every hours thought you can still laugh and enjoy life. Debbie Goldstein <mbe@netcom.ca> Ottawa, On Canada - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 17:35:49 (EDT) Thank you for a wonderful website- it's reassuring to hear from others who have survived this. Are there any daughters or survivors who can offer advice on how to make it through? Melissa Irving <leirving@aol.com> Austin , Tx USA - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 11:00:08 (EDT) Thank you for having this site. I'm 23, my mom has cancer and the doctors in Estonia are really no help. This is part of the reason I'm planning on going to medical school to specialize in oncology. Kati Hammer <katihamm@hotmail.com> Tallinn, Estonia - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 08:13:27 (EDT) I signed up earlier and forgot to give some info about myself. I had lobular carcinoma in situ I think it was called in 1988, bilat. mastectomy, chemo, etc. Then 4 yrs later recurrance in small nodule on scar of rt breast. Had radiation and chemo. Then 4 yrs later in 1996 bone mets were discovered. I tried to enter the stem cell transplant but after 7 mos of problems it was found that I have heart probs that will prevent me from the stem cell transplant. Now we have just tried the drug taxotere and though I have horrid side effects some permanent it did not do much in the way of killing the cancer as my tumor marker test is still quite high at 49. Next week I'm to start on different drugs and pray they will do the job. I've been fighting this since 1988 and I"ll continue to fight. Does anyone know this? If you lose your original estrogen test is there anyway now at this stage yrs later I can find out if I'm estrogen negative or positive? Please answer my question if you can. I need to know if Tamoxifen would be appropriate for me. thanks and God Bless. Nancy Nancy <Roy@atlantic.net> FL - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 01:28:20 (EDT) I just discovered your site and I am thrilled with what I read and see here. I plan to correspond with some whom I may be able to give info and help to. This is a great site. Thank you for the effort in getting this site up and going and helping so many people. God Bless! Nancy <Roy@atlantic.net> FL - Friday, August 15, 1997 at 01:00:03 (EDT) My mother is newly diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in her right breast--we are thankful it is small and we caught it early (please, please, please do self exams and mammograms-they will save your life!!), but I'm still scared to death!! Looking for other daughters and the brave women who have survived this ordeal, who may be able to give us advice! Melissa Irving <aol.com> Austin , Tx - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 19:17:46 (EDT) Wonderful site. My wife is fighting with an Inflamatory breast Cancer since April 97. She is a really fantastic woman and me and our four sons are with her in this battle. Carlos Anríquez <canrique@minsal.cl> Santiago, Chile - Monday, August 11, 1997 at 18:21:29 (EDT) I have been fighting breast cancer now for 9 years. I commented to one person that I'm made of chemicals, not flesh--but I'm still alive! I'dlike to know if anyone has heard of clinical trials of chemos that only attack the cancer and have very few side effects. I'm also interesed in anyones experiences with Dr. Burzynski of Houston, especially relating to insurance coverage. THANKS! vivian <vtmiller@gci-net.com> tucson, AZ USA - Sunday, August 03, 1997 at 23:25:29 (EDT) My cousin was just diagnosed with spindle cell carcinoma and sarcoma cell type of the breast.Does anyone have any info on this type of cancer?thanks!Love your web site! Sharon Gosnell Sharon Gosnell <shayshay@citcom.net> brevard, NC USA - Sunday, August 03, 1997 at 22:25:03 (EDT) I never thought that I would have to worry about breast cancer till I was in and around my 40's. I am 24 right now. For the past year or so, once a month, I have been doing self exams at home. Never thinking that I would see or feel any change. A couple of weeks ago I noticed some discoloration on my right breast. I thought nothing of it. Then last night I did my monthly self exam and discovered a small lump. As well as the lump there is also a change in texture. I am terrified. I dont know where to turn first. Do I go to my family doctor? Do I have to go right away? Should I find a specialist? I dont want to tell anyone about this until I know for sure what is going on. No sense in worrying the family. But I dont know what I have to do. Reading all the stories in the guestbook makes me realize that even if this turns out to be cancer, I'll be o.k. Knowing that I am not alone. Trudy Ellis <taelove@hotmail.com> Cookstown, Ont Canada - Saturday, August 02, 1997 at 21:34:30 (EDT) I was just diagnosed today, July 30 and I turn 30 in 4 days. My doctor says "if I have to have cancer, this is the best kind to have" I don't even know what it is called yet but I know I am in for another lumpectomy and radiation. I am scared but I have faith in God and pray that he will allow me to handle this with strength and grace. I am just now beginning my search on information and thank you for a place to start. Any words of encouragement are appreciated. Shele Daun <Shele@arn.net> Amarillo, TX USA - Thursday, July 31, 1997 at 06:12:20 (EDT) My breast cancer was found 6 years ago. Six years ago my breast cancer was found by a mammogram. After surgery and radiation, I am doing fine. My faith helped me thru the rough times of treatment. Linda Clark Spring Valley, OH usa - Monday, July 28, 1997 at 23:29:29 (EDT) I stumbled upon your website quite accidentally, but I am so glad I did. Three years ago my mother was diagnosed with agressive infiltrating adino carcinoma in the 4th and 5th stages. She went through the most traumatice experience I have ever seen any one person go through, and still she kept her spirits and hope high. It is so important to have that kind of determination and hope and I pray every night for those people and family members experiencing this fight. MAY GOD BLESS YOU ALL! Cherie <Omega888@aol.com> - Monday, July 28, 1997 at 12:25:04 (EDT) Thank you for this site. My baby sister was just told that her breast cancer has spread and I need someway to help her. Cos <cosorio@mb.sympatico.ca> Winnipeg, mman Canada - Sunday, July 27, 1997 at 03:02:47 (EDT) I have been fighting inflammatory breast cancer for a year now. I would love to hear about any adjunctive non-traditional therapies.....herbs, AKG's-you name it! laura e. hill <cearly@erols.com> falls church, va usa - Saturday, July 26, 1997 at 17:01:18 (EDT) I,m looking for information for a friend whose daughter has breast cancer. her cancer has been diagnosed as being inflamatory?I know this is very grave but I want more information if possible. Normand Savoie <nbs@nb.sympatico.ca> Moncton, NB Canada - Friday, July 25, 1997 at 08:30:04 (EDT) Keri Logan DMD <kal9194@aol.com> selden, ny usa - Thursday, July 24, 1997 at 20:42:31 (EDT) my wife has just been told that she has breast cancer, with little more details than that at this point. So we're going to become very knowledgeable about this disease VERY fast. Any info on alternative or complimentary therapies (nutrition, herbal, homeopathic, accupressure/accupuncture, etc.) would be welcome. Ron Litton <arielgp@ix.netcom.com> Lilburn, GA USA - Monday, July 21, 1997 at 18:17:22 (EDT) just found your page - my mammo showed I need to see breast specialist for "suspicious lumps" am panicked and looking for info veronica e. murray <vmurray@monmouth.com> - Friday, July 18, 1997 at 17:19:10 (EDT) Thanks for the information on breast cancer. Keep it up. Sabrina Tan <sabrinat@mbox2.singnet.com.sg> Singapore, Singapore - Friday, July 18, 1997 at 09:53:42 (EDT) I am VERY fortunate that I found my breast cancer early. While the lump was cancerous, the area around it and 13 of the lymph nodes were not cancerous. I have undergone a lumpectomy, radiation and am taking Tamoxifen. I was diagnosed in January of this year - it has been a long six months. For those needing information on cancer the American Cancer Society and the Cancer Institute are great resources. The best book I have found regarding cancer is "Choices" by Marion Morra and Eve Potts. Each day does get better! Jan Brezinski <JBrezinski@IKONATL.com> Marietta, GA USA - Thursday, July 17, 1997 at 20:35:12 (EDT) This is the greatest amount of information compiled on one subject that I have seen since I've been reading Netscape. I am looking forward to using what I printed today. Thanks for your brilliance! Mary R. Jeffers <Mary.Jeffers@lmco.com> Ft. Worth, TX Unites States - Wednesday, July 16, 1997 at 12:25:10 (EDT) Nice Site Keep it going Karen Malott <k&m;@digitaldune.net> Yuma, AZ USA - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 21:17:21 (EDT) I have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. I do not know the staging yet, as my mastectomy is not scheduled for a week or two. I am EXTREMELY interested in any feedback you or anyone else has with regard to macrobiotics. I am very interested in this approach as a supplement to conventional therapy. Thank you for having a site to turn to; the internet is TRULY more valuable than gold!! M Killoran daveandmo@sprynet.com M. Killoran <daveandmo@sprynet.com> San Jose, CCA USA - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 18:49:20 (EDT) My Mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago Thanksgiving. Hers did not show up on mammography. Her doctor thought there was a change in the feel of part of her right breast. On biopsy she had cancer. Had her right breast removed and 11 of 19 nodes tested positive. She underwent chemo and takes Tamoxifen. So far has not had a recurrence and has no mastestasis. She is now 76. No family history of breast cancer. She still complains a lot especially at night of stiffness in arm and chest and burning. Any suggestions for relief? Also has anyone heard that shouldn't take any vitamin supplements containing iron after breast cancer diagnosis? Thanks for sharing. Jill Henke <jahenke@marauder.millersv.edu> Millersville, PA USA - Monday, July 14, 1997 at 08:41:47 (EDT) I have just discovered that my sweet mother has breast cancer. I'm not sure what stage she is in but I know it is quite advanced. The doctors are running some tests. I want to advise everyone that early detection is the best defense gainast cancer. If only Mum had spoken up sooner rather than hiding her lumps for all these years. You page has been very helpful and informative. Thanks. Susan Dunn <drfarm@highlander.cbnet.ns.ca> Sydney, NS Canada - Saturday, July 12, 1997 at 08:00:32 (EDT) I am a Family Nurse Practitioner emphasizing womens health issues. Keep up the great resource...and sensitivity and caring! Laurene Hardy <LRMHardy@aol.com> PA USA - Friday, July 11, 1997 at 21:16:33 (EDT) Going thru chemo, feeling alone and really need some friendly words of encouragement! I would appreciate and respond to all email. Thanks for a great website! Karen Malott <k&m;@digitaldune.net> Yuma, AZ USA - Wednesday, July 09, 1997 at 20:11:28 (EDT) I have actually signed the guestbook before when my mother was first diagnosed with breast cancer in March, '97. She is currently undergoing Chemotherapy. Because of my research and the information I was able to provide her, by visiting great sites like this, she has now become a passenger on the Information Superhighway (in other words, she finally got with it and got Internet access). Anyway... she's really depressed and having a hard go of the Chemo and I would really appreciate it if you could send your words of encouragement to her, when you have a moment. Her address is k&m;@digitaldune.net. Thanks Stan & Carol and everyone for all of your support! Toni Cairo <tonic@micrografx.com> The Colony, TX USA - Wednesday, July 09, 1997 at 20:06:33 (EDT) Great page. Since the only e-mail address I have is at my office, I'm looking for on-line breast cancer chat groups where I can post a message and go back to check for a response. I don't have much experience on the "net" and could use some help in finding such a group. Thanks Lynda Pagliarulo <l.pagliarulo@lynx.neu.edu> Revere, MA - Monday, July 07, 1997 at 16:46:19 (EDT) |